Methodist Church to schism

Americans to split with United Methodist Church over same sex marriage.

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Won't be the first time. "United Methodist" isn't the only branch of Methodist.

Is it official yet & do you have a link?

Man…if only the methodists had a central authority figure to keep order and everyone unified. If only.

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They have a mechanism for central authority that explicitly rejected the demands of the sexual revolutionaries

I know what you mean. Feels bad man.

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The Pope couldn't even keep the British from breaking away from the RCC and brits are the biggest bootlickers on the planet.

Something something martin luther something something led everyone astray something something muh dick

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remove the log from your own eye

did you seriously just link an actually gay site to this board


It would be nice if they did split off and form their own "church" that is ok with sodomy, but the thing you guys need to understand is that THEY WILL NOT.
Their goal is not to form their own gay-accepting denomination, there have already been attempts at that and they are tiny.
Their goal is to completely subvert and destroy the established churches.

unified behind pederasty and sodomy? Behind the filioque? Behind ecumenism and pandering to every NWO fad (including increasing homosexuality acceptance) under the sun?

Hard winnie the pooh pass, papist.

Can I get a quick rundown on Methodist doctrine? Are they trinitarian?

Yes, they're trinitarian. Methodism arose out of the holiness movement in episcopalianism.
Methodism is Wesleyan in theology, which is generally considered arminian reformed.

Imagine being this much into the hands of the ZOG media machine.

I left my local UMC about 5 years ago because it became too progressive. Back then people were saying a split was inevitable, and 5 years later it still hasn't happened. I don't see it happening. Mostly the progs will keep peeing their pants until 2020 General Conference, then they'll use their dirty tricks to force the progressive plan on the entire church.

I'm just glad I'm not around anymore to deal with this crap.

When I drive past one of these fag churches my blood boils and I want to walk in and rebuke the priest/pastor/bishop/whoever. Then I remember nobody goes to these churches anyways.

That's not true at all. There are 12 million members of the UMC in the US alone.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. I left the UMC in late 2017 because of the liberal grandstanding I saw there, among other things. A split (probably) won't happen because of all the money tied up in the property, neither side wants to either lose that or have to pay for it all.

They can be relatively full.

It’s kind of a “pearls before swine” thing you know. These churches are not places of morality in any way. I would have the same results trying to win souls in a whorehouse, WHICH is not a bad idea by any means. However, it’s just an uphill battle.

Long is the road and narrow the gate that leads to salvation.

Just do it user.

Become Orthodox.

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Freedom of Religion has created a Free Market of Faith. Promise the sheep an easy and popular path to salvation and keep the collection plates full.

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Freedom of religion must die.

It wasn't always this way you know. It wasn't until the past 70 or so years that this whole "muh freedums" became enforceable. If you tried to preach homo acceptance in 1910 you would find yourself running from an angry lynch mob.

An “easy” path to salvation? Are you serious? Most of these people think you get to Heaven by being a good person, which is impossible. Next to none of them actually have faith in Jesus’ atoning sacrifice. And if they say they do, then they believe that they can lose their salvation.

I'll take the filioque over the blasphemous "distinction" between essence and energy any day tbh.

go back to the old ways.

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How is it blasphemous?

As I understand all its saying is that God's energies are different from God's essence. The Orthodox are not saying there are two eternals or pantheism or any of that. God is both energy and essence. Idk maybe I'm misunderstanding their position.

what could be easier than this?

…9that if you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For with your heart you believe and are justified, and with your mouth you confess and are saved. 11It is just as the Scripture says: “Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame.”… Romans 10:10

It contradicts purus actus, and therefore implies that God has potentialities, which implies both that He's imperfect and that He requires a creator. You're basically an atheist if you believe in this false distinction.

That's the hard part. A lot of people proclaim Christ the Lord, but don't believe it in their hearts. Not truly believe.

Matt 7:21

I reconcile that with the belief that while God could have decided to not create the world, this is a choice He would never have taken. He would always choose to create the world. So there aren't potentialities but the world is still contingent on God.

In the Orthodox tradition philosophy is the handmaiden of theology. Also the Catechism of the Catholic Church is pretty clear about us not being able to define/know everything, pretty clear about there being mysteries that befuddle our logic. In RC recently however there seems to be more of the opposite mentality, he who defines God best loves God and we have to obsessively define everything. No offense.

I know that feel

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Don't be silly, friend; if they followed the example of Catholics, they might actually be a united church.

Chads are gluttonous fatasses now.. who throw fits over a mere woman (and then just kill her later anyways)?

Splitters gonna split

What did she mean by this?

Frankly, if God is too much of a coward to step up and take responsibility for his actions and his followers are more than happy to enable his reckless behaviour under the common argument "muh free will exonerates God", why should I, or anyone, even bother following the impotent retard?

I see now why the kikes laugh at Christianity. It's a joke religion predicated entirely behind 'Heaven on a Stick,' don't mess up or you're going to suffer for eternity! This farce is unnecessary.

I spit on god.

Really just think about it. If your son murdered his brother then of course he should be punished. But wouldn't you contemplate your failures as a father?

God isn't infallible, so why would I follow him?


Not me, I swear.

I'm not an edgy atheist.

Your leader shattered the church into thousands of denominations. Even the Pope has kept better order.

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They do have central authority figure, He is the same as yours. However, does not mean that they won't rebel and disagree with one another.

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Last I checked Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom to St. Peter not pastor Jimantha.

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What's going to be the new name? Are all the US Methodists pro LGBT?

There are Free Methodists that don't share the UMC's stance on homosexuality. There's also the Wesleyan Methodist Church and the Association of Independent Methodists. The UMC won't schism, but those who don't like the LGBT crap will simply move on to another Methodist church.

I like to use these types of events to reach out to disaffected members and tell them about Orthodoxy. I agree with your take in general, but there's always the opportunity to poach a few, maybe even a whole congregation may come over, it's happened before with other prots.