Have you read some of his books?
What is your opinion on the guy?
I plan to read Libido Dominandi and perhaps Barren Metal.if I am able to get it.
Have you read some of his books?
What is your opinion on the guy?
I plan to read Libido Dominandi and perhaps Barren Metal.if I am able to get it.
Other urls found in this thread:
shameless bump
He owns the Jews in a rational way, unlike Zig Forums fags and their stupid e-celebs and he is a faithful Catholic.
Great on the jews, unfortunately a catholic.
Great on the jews, and fortunately a Catholic.
While I don’t agree on his Catholic views but he is definitely based af regarding the Jews, history, and philosophy. I think every church and anti-pornography groups should use his interviews regarding that subject
Based in every regard, especially on the jews and his catholic theology.
The number one counter-semitic thinker in the world right now. I've listened to a lot of his talks on jewtube but I really need to jump into his books now, gonna start with Libido Domini.
He is a force of nature, truly doing the Lord's work.
The only thing I disagree with him is on his stance regarding race and ethnicity. He denies that biology is part of ethnicity, and that Black African and European Catholics in America are the same ethnic group after three generations (even if they do not interbreed). It doesn't make any sense.
Not trying to start a huge argument about race, it's just the only thing I disagree with EMJ on, so had to be honest. I've actually personally dialogued with him on that topic and we were not able to come to a satisfying resolution, from my point of view.
Do you sort of see a similarity?
(I've read Libido Dominandi, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and it's Impact on World History, Barren Metal, Degenerate Moderns, and Monsters from the Id)
He's interesting, you do have to realize that with his writing theres a very heavy pro-catholic bias, much of what he writes being true, but he has a bad habit of making caricatures of other people whom he doesn't want to touch. For example in Barren Metal he ends up dismissing Nietzsche because he ended up in a madhouse, and he supposedly had syphilis. No in depth discussion of why Nietzsche's ideas are bad, he just dismisses them due to syphilis. This was one of the things that turned me off his writing, but he has a lot of good material. Libido Dominandi, and vid related is the reason I stopped watching porn.
Other similar authors that have provided me insight to topics who you may want to read (in addition to EMJ) are:
Michael Hoffman II
Dr. Matthew Raphael Johnson (no wiki, will summarize below)
-Orthodox Priest, Doctorate in Philosophy, Political Science and History
-Much of his material is free online at rusjournal.org
Is there anywhere I can watch that video? It's blocked in my area.
I listen to his podcast every week on radioaryan.com
Interesting, hadn't heard of him before. Thanks user.
??? anglos acting muh aryan is sounds incredible stupid. its okay to be nationalistic, but you need to stick to your anglo roots, not "aryan" whatever it means
Anglo roots come from Germanic migration into the Isles hence why they were called Anglo-Saxons before the Norman invasion
Heck, even the Norman invasion in 1066 gave The Anglo-Saxons even more germanic roots Normans were literally Norsemen that were given land in Northern France. France it'self is has germanic roots that are just as old as the Germans and created the language we know today as English.
With all this info in mind, techinally Anglos are Aryans, and there is nothing wrong with that. Love your Race, no matter who you are.
Here's a theory of ethnicity you might find more palatable.
They second poster is technically right, but England has has it's own culture and ethnicity separate from the mainland, although you can say they are "Germanic", but the Anglo-Saxon is a beast of its own.
During his interview with Daily Stormer he did a pretty good job distilling traditionalism down for them. Though he sure went out of his way to claim how Muslims worship the same God as Christians do which makes me not trust him or Catholic Universalism
He’s too cucked. Simply hating the jews isn’t enough. That’s where he and Anderson both fail, the race department.
Love your enemies, user.
Jesus was a semite and do were the Apostles and most early saints.
Saint Moses the Black was even a full tigger.
Who do you think made races? Why do you want to destroy them?
There's nothing about destroying. If two Christians want to marry each other and they so happen to be of a different race then so be it. There is nothing wrong in that and if you try to end it then you're the one sinning.
Tobit 4:12-13 wants to have a word with you.
Who would knew that the Jews married only inside their race. Because their priesthood wasn't based on the race or their tribes right?
Now in the New Testament there's neither Greek or Jew. Every Catholic is now a son of God (by adoption) and they are the new people of God.
I too would be mad for a while if my children married a tigger, but if he/she was Catholic and they loved each other then there would be no problem, at least concerning religion, now as for the health of the kids i don't know since there are many memesters who say that causes long term problems on the kids or whatever.
On royalty racemixing shouldn't happen because those really have too keep the bloodline pure, but again it wouldn't be a sin per se, only an institutional and national disaster.
God didn’t create separate races initially. Races arose naturally by sexual selection and mutation. All Noah’s sons had the same mother and father.
Not scripture but if we take it as one then how do you explain numbers 12:1? Also, there is no Jew or gentile. And I've heard Cathodox explain the verse you posted by stating that foreign wives doesn't necessarily mean from another country but rather those who do not worship the one true God YHWH. Even Timothy was mixed between Greek and Jew.
And Joshua married an Egyptian.
See Deuteronomy 32:8, Acts 17:26, Deuteronomy 4:5-7 and the book of Genesis.
God created and separated the nations. And Israel, a nation reckoned hereditarily by lineage, serves as an example to follow by all.
This is one of the reasons why, to a Christian, a nation is considered a great group of people with common descent, religion, language, history, and culture, inhabiting a specific territory.
It's not hard to understand how this passage considers everyone equally capable of finding salvation through Christ instead of doing away with the concepts of ethnicity/nations and sex.
Otherwise you'd be stating that scripture contradicts itself, genders are a social construct, transvestites are normal, and nations don't exist.
pr*testants need not reply
You first have to prove she was a negroid and that God took issue with their reaction to that instead of them defying Moses authority.
Until then, there's nothing to explain.
Again, that passage doesn't mean what you think it means. See above.
The verses are clear, especially N°13.
- Tobit 4:12-13 NABRE
And I don't think I need to explain how the modern world distorts the meanings of love (all five or seven?) and fetishizes everything.
Does that invalidate the biblical concept of nationhood? And how is racemixing suddenly not a threat to the nations identities and sense of belonging?
Going a step back: can those cases be considered mixing?
Aren't european/mediterranean caucasoids, eastern african caucasoids, indian caucasoids, negroids, mongoloids, etc. considered the basic racial groups?
tigga Tobit says that to his son because the Jews had to marry one of their kind, because their religion was in part about their race.
This doesn't apply to Christians at all. And besides those are the wishes of a father and not of God tbh. Besides no Jewish famy would like their kids to marry people from other Jewish tribes even because the money wouldn't stay and the family that way.
Nationhood is fine, being proud of our race is fine, but stop trying to justify your points with scripture because you would be lying and using the word of the Lord for your purposes. It's in no way different from what evangelicals do to "prove" some of their different points.
He's very pro Vatican and calls the Sspx in schism. One of my big problems with him.
*Vatican 2
There's no point talking to him. He is willful.
You're strawmanning.
I'm not saying our race is important to our religion, but that our religion gives importance to every race (and culture, and language, etc) in the form of nationhood. And we see that in the fact that at least 2/3 of the book of Genesis is dedicated to trace Israel's ancestry, how you couldn't be part of that nation if you didn't share the same lineage, and how this particular nation is a great example to be emulated: Deuteronomy 4:5-7.
Jews (biblical ones), like any other nation, are perfectly justified to preach against racemixing to avoid losing/killing their heritage. In this particular case, the "choseoneness" that Tobit explains (an exceptional case).
This doesn't mean, like you imply, racial supremacy or any special treatment like God gave to the Jews at that time. But it does mean that two Christians racemixing aren't Christians to begin with. Especially in our fetishized and self-hating times.
Again, don't underestimate what Tobit mentions in verse 13 and towards the end of 12.
This is getting ridiculous:
- 2 Timothy 3:16-17 NABRE
The book of Tobit is part of scripture.
but user, the SSPX are schismatic
Tell me again, I forget, Why did God forsake the Jews? It wasn't because they turned their back on him and his statutes was it?
I guess God doesn't love us as a father loves his children. It's not like all those who follow Christ are to be called the sons of God or anything. 0b4df5 is correct
Interracial Marriage and Church Doctrine
an in-depth dismissal of Nietzsche would take another book, but it's pretty obvious that a Christian would disregard the idea of Will to Power completely
I see it in a very similar way
Check out his episode on Pornography, it was splendid.
Thanks for recommendations, will look into Michael Hoffman. I am familiar with M.R.J. I listen to him every week
And here we have race derail
tl.dr the guy that stands against race mixing is right.
I think he is based and epic
Isn’t the concept of race covered by natural law? God created Hawks and Penguins, who aren’t the same and have different behaviors, though they are both birds. Neither is “better”, though there are things each is better at, aren’t races the same? Am I confusing my concepts or misunderstanding?
Not really the best example. In taxonomy, both penguins and hawks come from the same class: Aves, which includes every other single bird. Humans are from the Mammalia class, which as the name might tell you, include every other single mammal in existence.
Hawks and penguins aren't even in the same order. All humans came from Noah's family, and later delineated into all the varieties we have now. For comparison, look at dogs. All dogs (Canis lupus familiar is) were domesticated from Canis lupus, the wolf. And yet many breeds look nothing alike, and if some paleontologist were to find a Boxer's and a Great Danes' skull, would likely conclude (without genetic analysis) that they were different species. And yet all breeds of domestic dog and wild dog can interbreed, and share a very recent history of delineation.
In short, it wouldn't be difficult for all varieties of mankind to have arisen shortly after the despisersion from Babel, with linguistic confusion creating barriers between tribes and castes and driving peoples away from each other.
How the heck are you going to afford it?
Yeah, I should have said “Hawks and Doves”, but you get my point, no?
Dove: Order Columbiformes. Hawk: Order Acciptriformes. :^)
The point is God created mankind originally as one type, whatever that was (hint: the First Adam was created in the image of the Second Adam), and mankind later delineated as a natural biological consequence of forcible separation, which is no longer required to preserve the bloodline of the Messiah.
Not him, but as he's shown, your example is just as stupid.
Seriously, if i hear one more "race realist" give layman' anecdotes about donkeys and horses or dog breeds, instead of an actual, scientific argument using proper terminology, and their closest defence being "there are differences" im gonna stab somone.
The closest biological terms you could group humans in would be ecotypes and clines, kinda, if you actually wanna use something approaching biology.
Human diversity would be roughly equivalent to general mean variaton among those groupings.
Go read on taxonomy before parroting dumb memes.
Please don't do that, someone might get hurt.
Edgy redditor detected
It's showing up as only $30 here
And here's the pdf.
I hve to admit most redpill books in my library are pdfs. First I do not have that much money, sadly, i knod I should support the writers Second I do not want people to know what I read.
I will never forget the confused/scared look of the woman when I purchased Mein Kampf. Like it's a big deal that you buy a book. Well apparently it is betternot to purchase all books in your name.
winnie the pooh 30 dollars damn it.
I don't know if its moral to download it since Jones had to work hard for it and he is still alive to collect the profits.
Thanks brother, that's one hell of a big book +800 pages. Its not my concern I'll keep to read it eventually, but can you give me the rundown here?
Well, I think as a proper christian, the most important thing is to share knowledge and do charity for those who need. He should understand if people are willing to read his book but unable to pay, just their interest in understanding it should be reward enough. But that god will also reward him in other ways, as recognition and income from lectures and whatnot.
Yeah I guess so.
get a load of this guy. you mean voluntarily t taking mail order/ war bride? how the hell is this "asked"? they volunteered
what are hungarians, and finnish?
japan just opened the floodgate of immigration, ans korea has done that for a while. singapore is a country of immigrants, etc. he just need to admit that USA always has been a country if idea, and it is clearly evident that it has failed, and there is no turning back. usa will become mexico 2.0. its time to swallow the blackpill that the joyride is over, instead of bitching like boomers
That is a strawman. Very few people disagree with this line of thought here. The problem with your racialism is that from the sounds of it you think the evil of rabinnical Judaism is biological in origin. It isnt. You cease to be a Jew and of the synagogue of Satan when you convert. You arent determined by ethnicity. To think that is where the real problem lies is misguided. Judaism is a false religion. The path you want to go down is paganism. They are too tied to the belief that their life is essentially set in stone by virtue of their race.