This guys wife is pregnant again.
He's literally on child 11
What the fug?
Is this how to be a true Christian?
This guys wife is pregnant again.
He's literally on child 11
What the fug?
Is this how to be a true Christian?
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Yes. Christians need to be making more babies and stop enabling fags. I wish Anderson would not be a prot and just begome Gadolig but God still uses Anderson for His purpose.
Cathodox can learn a thing or two about hard preaching.
Not a Prot here either, but God bless the guy and his family anyways. I don't know about one true path (God calls us all differently), but a big family is definitely a beautiful thing.
Can I convert and get a nice white wife to make a dozen kids with but not ever go to church or associate with christians?
No. You might as well not even be christian.
Yea thats the point. I just wanna have a dozen kids with one woman tho.
Op here
He says it within the first ten minutes or so during the prayers
The choice is yours, newfriend.
Is he outbreedijg Varg at this point?
I'd like to have 15 or so kids. I'd gladly accept more if that's what God wills.
Varg is only at 7 kids.
where as I and most of Zig Forums is at 0
aren't varg and steve 40+? even if we're late, we can still pump out a pretty strong family at any age, y'know, cuz we don't have eggs or anything
Im just bantering, bud. We're all gonna make it.
I wouldn't be able to financially support even one kid until I'm 30 at this rate.
And I'll probably never attract a mate regardless of how financially secure I became.
Theological differences aside, good on him. I've never met a Catholic priest that decided to have even one kid, let alone eleven.
Well I guess that's what you get for being a strong virile man and still following the christian rule to only have sex with the possibility of procreation.
To be honest, I want a big family as well, but dear god, so many kids.
Good guy. Hope his kids grow up to be good Christians like him
Most of Varg’s kids probably aren’t even his.
I'm not falling for this
Going to hilarious when his kids grow up and see how full of pooh their dad is.
My question is, how do people on average budgets manage to have this many kids? Without sending them off for medical experiments that is.
Laughed, have a (you).
America subsidizes families with lots of kids via tax breaks.
They'll at least be raised with a good bible version.. regardless how they view their old man.
Yea sure i'll repent or whatever Im just not going to church ever. The wife can take the kids, i have better things to do than to hang out in an emotional circlejerk 3 times a week.
Than you aren't actually repenting and you are just acting like a CINO literally no better than Nancy Pelosi and Andrew Homo your imaginary marriage will fail and you will get divorce raped. You are no better than a sodomite pretending to be a Christian. Heck even prots like Sanderson would cast you out of his midst for being a CINO.
Church shouldn't be an emotional circlejerk in the first place. It's for remembering Christ. Not being spastics.
Hell I have 8 kids. Large families have a different type of life. It's not all being a righteous bible slinger 24-7. Just don't be an asshole and you are good.
That's because your household is a mini-church on its own.
Have a lot of kids, but not so many that you could misplace one for a couple days without noticing.
Ok so gtfo this board and do it
You don't need to sit and listen to someone prattle on and on about scripture to remember Christ.
God I wish that were me
If you're talking about protestant masses yeah sure. It's nothing more than hearing some dude talking and have fun with the guys there.
Now on the real Mass there's a Sacrifice to the Father and we go there because the Lord invited us for His Supper and then we worship Him and partake on the Supper where He is truly present.
All of this for the Glory of God like all things should be.
I wish I could find a man like him :(
Just keep praying sister, a man will be worthy of you eventually.
that is unless you are really a fag LARPing as a woman. In that case REPENT
There was that one Swedish priest in the 16th or 17th century that had a bunch illegitimate children. Too bad the Protestants in Sweden killed them all.
Thank you but I've been praying for years and I'm 31. I've lost hope.
Kek. Granted, one of the priests at my home parish, God rest his soul, had 2 children with his wife before he died. He was widowed and became a priest after she passed.
If only you lived in Los Angeles. It's impossible to find a good woman in this hellhole.
There are many ways.
But in general, let's just take what is good here: the guy's a good example of what proper procreation looks like.
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