Was Mit Brennender Sorge a condemnation of National Socialism? Or was it just a critique of pagan elements in the Reich political structure?
Was Mit Brennender Sorge a condemnation of National Socialism...
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But this topic actively involves the Catholic Church.
both Nazism and Communism are anathema; Fascism, Falangism, Iron Guard, Salazar’s views, etc…are ok but still in need of submitting to God as first and foremost act.
It does condemn the Heidentum of the 3rd Reich and the eugenics program, against which the Catholic Church successfully fought.
Apart from that, it was mostly an admonishment to the remaining faithful not to be deceived by the governments lies.
It was a condemnation, yes. National Socialism as a system cannot coexist with a robust religiosity for the former sees the well being of the folk as the highest attainable good whereas the latter sees holiness as such. Racial issues should be subordinate to obedience to God—it is with this National Socialism, like all utopian ideologies, disagrees.
Pick one.
maybe u should read it
Based Salazar though. God bless him.
Not remotely. The only economic/political system fully approved by the church is distributism.
Communists and burgers btfo.
Prove it
I could say the same about my college football team, but in reality they're non-competing
false dichotomy
This line right here basically sums it up. Unfortunately, any new movement will always attract adherents of older movements who seek to ride the waves of change in an effort to push their cancerous, failed ideas. National Socialism was no different; neopagans, atheists, pantheists, occultists, and literal state-worshippers all tried to subvert the National Socialist movement, and they unfortunately gained enough popularity to make the Church justifiably worried. It's entirely possible to support a non-democratic government that preserves your nationality and prohibits usury without being anti-Christian, but as with any political ideology it's very important to remember that God and His Law come before all worldly matters.
That's where Salazar comes in. The Church was even in charge of education.
In every school book for children one of the chapters was explain kids things about the Trinity, Jesus and the common prayers.
Salazar himself was a devout Catholic, expelled the freemasons and the commies and while the less than 0.5% of the non Catholic population had freedom of religion they could only worship their demons in private. Mosques, protestant churches and all that crap was forbidden to be built.
Of course distributism can't be applied to an entire nation, and I didn't say it could. But it's the only ideology that truly aligns with the church, and it's applied in smaller christian communities.
I'm fine with living under any kind of government, as long there's religious freedom. Catholicism isn't a political religion at all. Our only responsibility is to render to the Caesar what is his.
Non-democracy and driving out the unbelievers seem to contradict what Jesus taught.
That's the premise
Do you mean people should just be charitable?
Jesus is a king and was executed because of Democracy. Jesus is God and God drove out unbelievers from Israel and the Temple.
All of what (you) said make no sense. I hope you repent from your modernism.
Uh, I don't know about that. I'm pretty sure the Sanhedrin wasn't elected.
No, but the jewish mob voted to have a literal criminal (Barabas) set free so Jesus could be executed
That wasn't a Democratic vote. It was an applause vote.
Except it was a democratic vote. Applause vote or written vote, it doesn't matter because the jewish people decided to vote on the death of their king.
In no way, shape or form is God a democrat. Never was and never will.
Yeah, ok … but do you believe this means that someone going to the polls in an American election can be compared to that? Do you honestly believe that Americans should not vote? What happened to giving unto Caeser?
lmao yeah right power to the people amirite
Personally I don't think the current Democratic regime that is running America into the ground deserves power. A collapse of the current established powers in America and an installation of a Christian Monarch is my dream. Until that happens, yes Christians are commanded to participate in this democracy. I would be calling God a liar if I told you he wanted open and violent revolution. Heck, back in the times of Jerimiah God called the Israelites to participate and assimilate in Babylon but not compromise their faith. This is acted upon in the book of Daniel. It is what every Christian should strive for.
So yes, give to Mammon what is Mammon's but that doesn't mean I or anyone has to like it. The problem with democracy is everyone is in charge. When everyone is in charge no one takes responsibility for when shit hits the fan. Why should they?
The problem with democracy is that when shit policy ruins a nation you distribute the blame across the representatives, but in a monarchy if shit turns sour you know who to blame. Thus giving thr monarch incentive to keep taxes low and not make shit policy.
But yeah, God isn't a Democrat. God is a Monarch through and through. Just imagine if God was a Democrat.
Jesus was executed because He wanted to be sacrificed for the sins of humanity. Also, in a "christian" regime, I don't doubt you would marginalize or even execute unbelievers and heretics, which are the same reason Christ was executed, He considered himself God.
Mob rule isn't democracy. My idea of democracy is giving the chance for everyone to speak out their opinions and let them be heard if what they talk about makes sense. It's not just letting them do or say whatever they want that will hurt others. The political term for mob rule is Ochlocracy.
Sermon of the Mount, for one.
Rome was worse than anything America could ever wish to be.
I don't think He can be equated to political idelogies, but if I have to, God is a democrat and a liberal, He gives people full unrestrained freedom on earth, but His kingdom can only be entered by people who accept His love and love others as He have loved them.
In my country unbelievers were never driven out. What part of religious freedom did you miss? Only the public cult wasn't allowed.
The Church throughout the ages supported lots of undemocratic regimes including Salazar's.
Besides being a freemason spin off of the Greek democracy, it was democracy who got Jesus killed.
Infinite All Knowing and All Just God needs the council of finite beings that He Himself created.
*destroys Sodom and Gomorrha*
Nothing personal
If shit gets to a point that endangers the souls of other people then the state has the right full obligation of punishing them.
Except He didn't consider Himself God, He IS God and proved it several times.
The same sermon where he compared heavens as a kingdom (there was no democratic monarchies back then) and said whomever didn't love Him above anything else wasn't worthy of him.
Along with punishments, like having to make sacrifices to God, thing they never needed to before, 40 years in the desert etc etc.
He doesn't though. God has repeatedly intervened against people who are displeasing to him, notable examples include Soddom and King Herod.
Mosques weren't allowed.
No, Vatican disagreed with some of his policies, but they signed a deal just like what Vatican did now with China. In the 60s catholics opposed him even more.
It wasn't democracy, it was mob rule. Pilate washed his hands.
But he never directly destroyed Rome or any of our wicked modern states. He destroyed Sodom and and Israel's enemies to send His message to the Jews. Now that the Word has become flesh, He wouldn't need to do it anymore. Also stop comparing the kingdom of heaven to the world, He created this world and intended it to be as is, but His kingdom is not of this world. He will punish the wicked, but not before their death.
Democracy is mob rule, lol. A literal mob of jews representing all of the jews voted to kill Jesus. Just like how a mob a New Yorkers voted on behalf of all New Yorkers to legalize infanticide.
Source? Pope Pius XII even blesses Salazar and congratulated him on his success for lifting up Portugal from the mess we were in.
Thanks to the colonial war the USA and the USSR forced us to fight.
Daily reminder that God outright said that his people shall have no King for he is the only King, but they will have Judges.
They intimidated pilate to kill jesus. This isn't democracy, this is mob intimidation.
That's a democracy without logic. A democracy that justifies mob rule through votes. In an ideal democracy, the voice of the 1% should be taken into consideration as long as it's logical. They think it's fine to murder in the presence of those who consider it as murder. Let the babies' blood be on the hands of the murderers and those who voted for abortion legalization. Our responsibility as catholics is to vote against abortion.
I've never said that democracy can bring people to heaven. Hell, I even don't think any political system is able to do that. The only thing that can bring us closer to heaven are the love, faith, and hope within ourselves that we share with others. Therefore, democracy for me is the best political system there is. Democracy lets us freely speak out our opinions, practice our faith, and reach out for others.
Literally everywhere, including wikipedia. Salazar's ideology was repeatedly attacked by catholics for being against the social teachings of the church, causing poverty and suppression of human rights.
Lord Christ is now our shepherd. The Word has become flesh. He doesn't need to appoint kings to rule over the Jews anymore because Christ is the one and only king.
No, dude, Jesus isnt a liberal, nor a democrat, that's so painfully hard to hear and stupid.
So you're a relativist then, crying for muh muslims if they dont get their precious mosques.
the main problem with democracy is the notion that: All power comes from the people, which is heretical. And that whatever the "people" want is morally right, and what they don't want, is morally wrong. There are no absolutes, only the arbritrary whims of the "people", if they want abortion, let abortion be legalized! ( as happened in ireland ), and so on.
Yeah, take that monarcucks! power to the people, america winnie the pooh yeah!
The Reich government thoroughly attacked the Church, silenced Christian journalists, made public Christian worship illegal, and—which really exposes the true nature of the Nazi ideology—imprisoned thousands, and murdered hundreds, of Christians in the camps, such as Saint Maximilian Kolbe, Saint Teresa Benedicta and the Polish Martyrs.
That is exactly what democracy leads to by its very nature. Once you ascribe to the principle that "the majority decides," insanity itself, were it commonplace, would be held as a virtue.
And who decides that? The majority which believes that 1% is illogical de facto?
Yet actual medieval monarchies all based their legitimacy on the will of God, citing King Solomon who ruled with the guidance of God as their progenitor. Moreover, if democracy or some sort of Republicanism were truly qualitatively superior to monarchy, then why is the Kingdom of Heaven exactly that—a kingdom? Why would the Lord reign as King instead of President or Prime Minister? Why does the Lord continuously present Himself historically as an absolute monarch if monarchy is somehow an intrinsic evil?
Canonized monarchs
Canonized presidents/prime ministers/party chairmen:
Yes, i know that, i was being ironic, that americans tend to act like their masonic government is axxcuatuly the most christian ones and that tradional, catholic are incorrect and anti-christian lol
Wikipedia I figured.
I mean that's why Portugal didn't build thousands of elementary schools, hospitals, Reformed the universities and gave people a good life away from the poverty of the 30s. only the communists here claim we were a sad people and poor, while ironically they were the wealthiest here.
Also we got the blessing of a pope couldn't care less what some Marxist catholics (and there were a lot in here) say about him.
In what universe? Portugal was laughed by the international community after the crap that the 1st Republic was.
People in my village had no money for shoes, they had to go to the city barefooted, and guess what, after the war everyone was living a good life compared to decades ago.
Salazar himself was poor as winnie the pooh even after leaving the government so yeah, perhaps he made everyone live a little better, while he had a shitty small house falling apart bit by bit. Anyway that was the only thing he left when he died along some small bills in his wallet.
Various internet sources I could find actually. There isn't much info I could find about this man's regime.
He held power way beyond the 30s. China, also a semi-fascist government, built a lot of "stuff", brought it's nation to "prosperity", and managed to keep "positivity" among it's citizens. However these peace and prosperity are just a facade, they're in a quite screwed up situation right now. Crumbling economy, waste of resource, and human rights violations are what they're famous for outside their own heavily controlled Chinese media.
Yeah, the pro-CCP drones say the same thing. I'm not an economist, but all I can say is nation's economy is a delicate thing, sometimes it's not what it seems. You can make your people "feel" rich, like how China manipulated some things like it's currency. Also, you should thank those African colonies your nation exploited.
Define communists. Workers who asked for their rights?
I'm not saying that Salazar was a bad man at all, unlike those Chinese oligarch mafias. He was a controversial figure, and I don't doubt he was really dedicated to his country, he wanted nothing but the best for Portugal. However a person can be wrong on certain things, sometimes it just doesn't work. Also I wouldn't endorse colonialism.
I know in the 60s people here lived a normal life.
Except our economy was in heavens, dropped like shit after the revolution and even plundge even deeper after the Euro.
I appreciate how you simply ignored Herod Agrippa being miraculously struck dead for allowing people to call him a god instead of spinning bull like that nonsense about Soddom's razing being solely for the benefit of Abraham's unborn descendants.
Why not?
Maybe your country was not very rich to begin with, but Salazar was a good economist and he knew how to make it all fine, or look fine.
So am I and if it weren't for colonialism we'd be a nation of pagan cannibal savages.
You're wrong, portuguese colonies in Africa looked like european cities, but the UN said "muh freedom" like all you liberals say and ruined everything. Angola , for example had beautiful cities and good quality of life in the 60's, when they became indepedent, imediatelly it fell into civil war and genocide. Could Angola be indepedent? yes. But the way it was done, they were better off a colony of Portugal.
B-but you bigots! Abortion is wahman's rights! Whomst've are you to mansplain to this delecate wahman!? If the Muslims want to defile your land, you let them. Stop being such bigots, xtians! It's literally current year!
I’m a distributist myself, but in case of ideology I would take a Salazar, a Codreanu, a Franco or a Mussolini over Hitler and Stalin.
It was fine. We survived on our own without foreign help.
We were truly an independent nation.
Except we didn't massacred people because of ideology/race.
So should I let people spread their errors with their stupid theories just because free speach? winnie the pooh it.
Imagine if the Church believed in free speach. We'd be all Arians by now.
Are you a communist? What are you doing here?
Perhaps France, I don't know, but we left them everything and even the shit to extract oil which sustained the Angolan ecomony for decades.
I thought they wanted independence.
When my country became independent almost 1000 years ago it didn't need the help of castille to be a great nation.
To some people, the bill of rights is like their ten commandments.
I'm not political and neither is God when it comes to His creations on earth. God gave freedom to people, being a saint or a sinner are a choice given to everyone. You can't force people to become saints or believe in the things you find to be right.
Causal fallacy. Mob rules when corruption happens.
Leaders and the court.
Are we God?
Of course Salazar's fascism isn't as bad as the rest. Still it's not the ideal government. In fact the ideal can't exist. Christians are bound to live in an imperfect world and under others' regime. Read the book of Revelation.
Without Africa's help?
No doubt, but the chinese don't massacre people outside china either.
Yes, and it's the intellectual's job to refute them. Speech shouldn't be suppressed, but processed with logic. If your child says stupid things due to their lack of understanding, wouldn't you correct him?
The church has always been. The church is consisted of theologians and philosophers who develop the dogma based on scripture, tradition, and logic from various levels. Everyone may give an input, and when it's sound, it may be taken into consideration.
Are you an imperialist?
I'm not talking about facilities, I'm talking about helping them maintaining peace and order while you're away.
Liberation should've been done gradually, not quickly and abruptly.
Africa is rife with wars and corruption, it's the nature of their people and the influence of the neighboring nations.
How can something political be compared to something religious?
Or as it's more commonly known: a democracy.
It's like how militant atheists have the same zeal when it comes to hating God. It's like how the pagans of old worshiped their leaders as gods. To secular burgers, muh constitution is their Torah. Anything changing or going agianst that is haram.
The republic must ensure that every decision they make is logical, despite the consensus.
I agree that politics should be secular and provide religious freedom.
Yes God gave free will to his creation. Does that equate with God being a liberal? really? americanism ffs.
He didnt mean free speech in the way you described it. He meant in a way that heresies and hurtful ideologies ( such as liberalism and americanism ) can't be allowed to be spread because of the damage it would cause on souls and society in general. You're right that ideolgies should be combated with debate. But the idea of allowing them to spread like wildfire in the public is absurd to me. Look at the west now. Liberalism has triumphed
sounds like marxist wording to me. If it weren't for "imperialism" my country would still be pagan. Thank God for imperialism!
I have already told you that democracy ( at least liberal democracy ) is amoral and heretical. And "the republic" is doing nothing to combat the mob's calls for abortion, for example.
Without America and Europe's help.
What are you trying to imply? Angola and Mozambique were as Portuguese as Lisbon or Oporto back then.
And we only discovered the hidden potential of Angola in the late 50s.
Neither did we, even in the colonies of you don't consider them to be a part of Portugal.
What is propaganda? Communism spreads by propaganda by appealing to the feelings of people and such.
In debates communism has been btfo a billion times. Did that change anything? No. The existence of communist Russia and China and that basically every country in Europe still has a communist party is a proof that cancerous ideologies never go away.
Then become a priest and write a blood supporting Arius and see what happens to you.
Theologians have the liberty to discuss minor technicalities in theology, but once the church takes a stance on it they have to submit even if it is against their will.
That's not free speech by any definition.
I'm the sense of the Marxist insult?
Yes I am. At least I'm not excommunicated by being one.
Then what's the winnie the pooh point of being independent if we still have to inject our money and resources there?
But that was their wish, so rival movements could fight to death to be in charge.
Yeah we can agree tiggers are dumb.