Good evening Zig Forums
My God given purpose is to become a father, embody the father figure to the best of my human abilities for my own children as well as to others, be the best possible father in acts and deeds, and as such have as many children as possible. This is a fate which was given to me by God himself, and this is the deepest secret and meaning to my life which due to it's nature I never share, likely will not again for a long time after I've posted this. I'm a very young man and I still have a lot of time to arrange for these things, but I realize the dangers as well as the rewards regarding such a clear cut purpose and ideal. Much can still go wrong, naturally, but I am a human with a goal for which I would destroy my own body. I hope all of you may find the same some day.
Now, among you I know are shitposters and memelords but I know also there's a lot of smart goys and goirls who would, as far as literature, psychology, even basic theology know a lot more than myself, and Yes, of course, I've embarked on finding more out myself but I simply want to start on this corner of the internet as well, seeing as this is such a humongous issue in today's world, and probably affects every single one of us to some extent. I would like to find as many possible resources as possible on the issue of parenting and fatherhood in particular, though obviously not exclusively. My question for you is do you have ANY book or article or tale or anecdote or advice AT ALL regarding the subject, ANY book relevant to it which would fit our common Chistian and relatively conservative sense of justice, ANY book at all, whether it be one entirely devoted to parenting or a work of fiction which you just so happen to know carries weight or an interesting perspective. The former would be the jackpot, of course, to add to my list but anything will do. I sincerely apologize for the long post but I believe it may help all of us and isn't given enough attention, even here, to offset the attention this issue deserves in regards to the world around us. Also, I know many of you believe you never will have a wife and family of your own due to your status or your posting on Zig Forums or whatever, but I hope I need not remind you what an insanely useful tool, no matter how dark it may get, this thing of instant global information spreading in which you are educated is. And that no matter what ANYONE tells you, the old "modern" world's system of class is dying, the old way of thinking about people in groups applies less and less, and that many people who are browsing this site are not at all whom you expect to be. Many of them are, yes, but many of them aren't. You must remember that anything denouncing something as simple as this is not part of the current reality, that the legacy system of people who fit entirely in such groups is on the way out, as the world unravels more and more, becomes less and less cohesive, societal judgement becomes less than meaningless, and only you become the one who is trusted with how you spend your time and mental energy. To despair and believe otherwise is simply not Christian.
That, and that whether you are an "incel" or a "chad" you are still a human being with your own life in your own ever responsible hands. Think about it logistically. What are you going to do instead, not the best you can? We all have a job to do, this is mine. Maybe it's yours too, think about it. Sorry for the tangent but I really hope to relieve any damaging preconcieved notions so as not to have any blackpilled stuff create noise in the communication of something like this.
TLDR Christian parenting/fatherhood thread
Happy new year.