Catholic does mean Universal, right?
Where were you when the Orthodox Church became the Orthodox Churches?
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don't say mean things about the one, holy, invisible and apostolic church
imagine being this autistic
Someone call Morton, there is going to be some salt in this thread.
It's afraid…
In all seriousness, I don't enjoy laughing at the lost people of the East. I just feel bad for them and I want them to come back. I'm not even angry. Just sad.
Ortho here. All I have to say is at least our deviation over stuff that matters is more true then everything from literal communist faggots and LARPing Athiests to neo-Nazis and pagans (see Haiti and Santa Muerte) being united under the heretical pope of Rome.
There. I gave you salt. No more from me.
According to the Orthodox catechism of Philaret the Church is called "Catholic" "Because she is not limited to any place, nor time, nor people, but contains true believers of all places, times, and peoples". Not sure what this current crisis has to do with catholicity. Perhaps, OP meant to say "one" rather than "Catholic". The same catechism says regarding the meaning of "one" (in the creed): "Because she [the Church] is one spiritual Body, has one Head, Christ, and is animated by one Spirit of God". My own thoughts: the Church is the New Israel. The Old Israel had lots of dissention and strife too, so this is nothing new, yet they were still one people.
I like their sung liturgy.
At least you admit you’re illiterate.
God is invisible too, but since you Catholics don't believe in him I understand why it would confuse you.(USER WAS WARNED FOR BREAKING RULE 2)
I’m Catholic and find this crass and unnecessary.
Is this still true? Funny enough being from around here it doesn't feel like it, most of what I can see day to day are Universal Church, Evangelicals, and all other type of crap, literally hundreds of little small congregations for only god knows what in every corner.
There are people that identify as Catholic there, that's all that the map tracks. Its all it can track really, how the hell do you find out if someone is a actual Catholic or just cultural?
That being said its odd that there are barely Orthodox outside the East.
You do realise "The One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church" is composed of 24 churches in communion with each other right?
This image is wrong in so many levels.
Problems come and go, it's not pleasant but that's how things were since the creation of the Church. By addressing the problems, you are able to deal with them, impying the Church is alive that is.
Imagine for example if we had, lets say, gay and pedophile organisations of priests operating in our churches and nobody was allowed to say a thing or do anything about it. Now that would be a dead church would it?
I cannot understand why people seem to interpret "universal" in such a crude worldly sense. This is Christianity, not Islam.
Discussing the Greco-Russian schism is fine. This thread, however, is contrary to the spirit of charity. It comes across as gloating.
thank you mommy mods for telling us how to interact
Catholic does not only mean "universal" but literally "concerning the whole". Western saints have traditionally interpreted it to mean "universal" on the level of its scope and evangelization, while Eastern saints have traditionally interpreted it to refer to the fact every local church, an eucharistic community centered around the bishop, is in itself the fullness of the Church (a notion that Catholics have revived with Vatican II).
Nonetheless, any dispute or break of eucharistic communion between two churches is obviously dramatic and an offense to the catholicity that Christ prayed we should have. However, if a community is entirely excluded from the canonical Church then it ceases to be part of the Church entirely - no sacraments, no clergy, no saving grace. This isn't the case here - Moscow and Constantinople have a dispute but 1) Moscow may have broken communion with Constantinople but Constantinople hasn't returned the favor yet, and 2) they are both still in communion with the other canonical churches so neither can be called schismatic unless one decides to ignore the judgement of the other churches, which would be a statement of supremacy if anything.
I don't know what "invisible church" ecclesiology you have in mind, and I don't know where you have seen any Orthodox say this was not a big deal.
Surely you know that the "Orthodox" half of this picture conflates Chalcedonians and Monophysites. Surely you also know that the Catholic Church is made of 20+ churches as well.
Western people had access to the Atlantic, made colonies, and brought Catholicism (and Protestantism) with them. Middle-Eastern Orthodoxy got screwed hard by Islam. Really not that surprising at all that the current outcome is this. But times change - at one point, the Church of the East was the biggest communion, at another point, the Eastern Orthodox Church was the biggest communion too.