What is the best form of Protestantism?
What is the best form of Protestantism?
Smoldering ashes after being burned for heresy.
That's a hard one. I guess the Roman Catholics are the least heretical but at least the confessional Lutherans and Anglo-Catholics aren't Papists. They're all in protest against the holy Orthodox Catholic Church though so ignore their heresies and join the Church Jesus founded.
Absolutely based.
The truth shall shine upon all men, and they shall know that must Begome Ordodox.
the one that doesn't come out of its sinking hole
my one
The Waldensians
The answer is whatever holds consistently to the teachings of Scripture.
So the Reformed Christians.
I doubt any papists will as they believe their roman government has extra-tradition along side the bible for their authority.
It's okay, friend. The Orthodox Church welcomes it's arms to all.
idk about 'best' but Presbyterianism is my favourite, but also like Anglo-Catholicism since its most like cathodoxy and Lutheranism since its like a middle ground between the two.
The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia.
I don't know if this is common in all Presbyterian churches, but the one in my area has a bar where the men get together and drink and tell dirty jokes after church on Sunday.
United Methodists are sodomites?
Anything arminian.
If the boot fits
Now THAT'S what I call EDGY
Sadly yes
This chart is shit in so many ways.
GTFO Pastor Jim Bob.
no u
televangelists dont call crusades on people who dont agree with them on minute philosophical details that have zero basis in the bible, so I can get that
Well uhm maybe when you guys actually go and evangelize. If your church is the only way to God (according to you) you make a very little effort to convert people to be saved. IRL. There are enough meme posters online.
No thanks, we're good.
televangelists usually still affirm sola fide
You forgot the FSSPX in "God Tier", but I'll forgive you.
>being a life hating cathar is something we should allow serious discussion with
If we allowed these heretics to grow there would be untold suffering in this world. We put them down and saved countless babies. Yet we tolerated Prots and look at the world! Late term abortion for kids well in their nine months Molochian infanticide, Sodomites encouraging kids to chop of their weiners, femenists turning men into soyboi Jezebellolatry. Tolerating the Prots was a mistake that the world and innocent children have to pay for on a daily basis. The Jesuits have failed us and need to be replaced.
Good theory, let's look at the facts:
Progressivism is secular protestantism. That Catholics have been infected by a toxic strain of puritanism is not evidence in favor of Protestantism.
These numbers are insane across the board.
The implication here was that catholicism would have spared us from the political situation regarding abortion, but I've shown that the evidence disproves that. If anything, protestantism provides greater resistance to the pro-abortion movement than catholicism.
No. Progressivism is a direct contradiction with protestantism. See the "protestant ethic" as observed from the outside by Weber >100 years ago. Progressivism is a pro-state regulation movement. Protestantism is opposed to this authoritarianism by definition.
Secular protestantism is just a contradiction.
Catholics and protestants are both facing the outside enemy of progressive liberalism.
Agreed, it's depressing.
Orthodoxy would save us. The martyrs in the East suffered unimaginably at the hands of Bolsheviks or Peter the Great.
Not from the abortion crisis
Well, those are the Greeks lol.
Not saying abortion is funny just that not all Orthodox groups are equally pious.
Are they not in good fellowship with you? Isn't that the premise of your doctrine of ecumenism?
These aren't just a couple of nominal eastern orthodoxers, these are the leaders of the greeks.
See here how all categories of "orthodox christian" report being majority pro-abortion. Worse than catholics, much worse than every evangelical denomination but PCA.
The one that doesn’t indoctrinate me into worshipping edomites in sandopolis.
Aren't Anglicans also in some sort of communion with the Orthodox?
That is not true, I have seen no evidence Orthodox believers are more pro-abortion overall.
Cite some evidence for this please…
Instead of pulling a meme headline about a heretic claiming to be Orthodox.
Shall we discuss Vatican II clown masses and all the heretics claiming to be Catholic?
Ecumenism is false. World Council of Churches is a Rockerfeller front.
That picture is of Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople
Bishops aren't dictators. They can be wrong. They can be deposed. Grace doesn't come from the bishop. He says "we" because he is a mere representative of the community.
Lots of people freak out over which jurisdiction and which bishop they are under but God is not going to send us to hell for having the wrong bishop. This is madness. This is like the Catholics who believe Papa Francis has the power to send them to hell for questioning his communism.
Look at all the bishops appointed under Peter 'the Great' or the Soviets. Many of them were freemasons or heretics. And you call me the heretic.
Orthodoxy or Death. No to ecumenism.
One of the reformed Christian sects such as Presbyterianism, reformed Baptism or even evangelical Christianity. But stay away from Pentecostalism.
No you didn't, you just failed to suppress them
you make protestants sound like scrappy rebels, but in reality the protestants had the support of their respective States who were very well interested in seizing land and political power from the Church
there's a reason why most of the successful protestant communities did very well, they had support of the secular princes, whom had no fear of damnation nor concern of salvation
They're all bad user
It's in the image from pew
Here's a more direct comparison
The problem is partly that Orthodoxy in Western countries has forgotten some lessons from the Ottoman and communist oppressions. The only lesson many seem to remember is the incorrect one of not being overly evangelistic. There is much work to be done, but it is best done in the Orthodox context as there really is no room for being pro-abortion; the Didache explicitly bans it by name and it dates back to the 1st Century.
No such thing. If we don't preach the gospel, our neighbors go to hell.
Doesn't Russia have the highest abortion rate in Europe?
Banging on doors while people are trying to relax at home, approaching people who clearly don't want to be approached, and being annoying in general isn't going to help anybody.
Tell people that you are a christian with the way you live your life, not with your words. When you go out of your way to tell people about your religion you come off as condescending and arrogant. The best way to save souls is to live as a good and strong Christian and lead by example. Those who want to be saved will see the affects of God's doctrine on you and follow after you while those who don't want to be saved will never be saved.
Romans 10:13-14 KJV — For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher?
they are other valid forms of preaching, like, you know, going into the market place or a city square and start preaching
as most christians have done for over 2,000 years.
heretics cannot call something heresy
You're a heretic. If you don't share the gospel, your faith evidences no works and so it is dead. There is no single thing more important in your life than the sharing of the gospel.
I just said there were other methods of preaching, some the Apostles themselves did.
you a muslim or something?
In what way does that contradict anything I said?
Oh yeah, being annoying and making everyone think Christians are self-righteous jerks is certainly going to win millions of converts.
You know those atheist fags who constantly winge on and on about being atheists and everybody including other atheists looks down on them? That's what avid evangelists look like to everyone else. It's not helping anybody.
No, I'm a Christian. The word preach exclusively refers to a proclamation of words. Other charitable acts are also instructions, but they do not bring belief unto salvation.
You alleged that preaching the message isn't necessary, "deeds not words". Romans 10 contradicts that.
Don't argue with me, argue with the Bible. It directly instructs YOU to evangelise.
Which is why I said that preaching in public is also an acceptable form preaching, you seem to be up in arms defending door-knocking, but both forms are entirely acceptable.
You interjected in defense of the claim that "the way you live your life" qualifies as preaching
I agree that public evangelism is appropriate
No it doesn't. I didn't mean that you shouldn't tell people about Christ if they ask, I did mean that you shouldn't go intruding on people and telling them they they're going to hell unless they stop what their doing and listen to you right now.
Yes. It does NOT, however, instruct me to be a nuisance and drive people away from the church.
Matthew 3:1-2 KJV — In those days came John the Baptist, preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.
You are not allowed to wait around for people to ask you about it. I agree that there are bad and rude methods. I never promoted any, you're criticizing a strawman.
Does sound like anything more than what said.
Also you said here that there is no such thing as being overly evangelistic, and I'm saying that there is because if you're evangelistic to the point that it's annoying you're just going to drive people away.
I'm gathering that "overly evangelistic" to you means being aggressive or provocative. That's not what I think the phrase implies, which is your level of focus on evangelism.
I also just noticed the first guy was affirming that evangelism is deficient in eastern orthodoxy but he just used a double negative, so really I'm not challenging him in the first place
I guess it was just a miscommunication then. Apologies.
LMFAO the absolute state of Prots
We need to get a thread up about the impending vote in the UMC to cut anti-gay clause and become fully friendly toward sodomy.
An outdated (IIRC the survey we see posted so often is nearly a decade old) meme, abortion rates are plummeting in Russia with every passing year (there was a good article I remember seeing for exactly this subject but I'm having trouble finding it). The Duma is, however, rather stubborn, and often rejects pushes by the hierarchs to speed up the process. It's slow going, but they're getting there.
Fun Fact: The number of abortions under the Sovok in the 60's to the 80's alone were double the amount of war deaths in the Second World War.
Slight clarification: double the amount of war deaths for the Russians, not every single nation.
There was a thread on it recently but it must have been pruned. I can't find it now. Pray for the Methodists, they will need it.
You can't expect a nation to be perfect when it has only been free of Satan for 30 years. At least they are getting better where as America is getting worse.
It would have at least saved the millions of people who are or have been Jehovas Witnesses or Mormons for those not fortunate enough to live in more Christian societies these people are often the only contact with "Christians" they will ever receive. Likewise Evangelisation doesnt have to be all door knocking.
Is that method actually effective though - and is an Ottoman style resistance (-a process greatly affected by ethnic identity) something that should be be seen as a model in a society that is largely apathetic rather than literally hostile ?
As a Russian speaking Orthodox Christian I've visited several churches in my neighborhood of different nationalities. ALL of them WITHOUT exception conduct sermons against abortion. Regularly. My priest, who is Greek, confided to me the cases of great human tragedy he personally experienced that abortion brought about, including women mutilated and becoming unable to bear further children.
Don't trust Pew polls. They were probably taken in Russia, where most population sadly has a totally secularized, pragmatic, self serving mentality due to decades of communism. Only 6% of Russians are true Orthodox believers, but with God's help that number will grow.
The Patriarch of Constatinople is a Phanariot which is a particularly pozzed type of Greek. During the last days Byzantine empire, they were known to betray the Basileus and aid the Turks. The CoC is infiltrated with masons and planted "operatives" who push forward a global agenda of ecumenism and UN sponsored "world church". Ever since then they gave Greeks around the world a bad name.
Quote from Boethius
With God's help yes.
What do you think of the Old Believers?
Pew is very reputable. The religious landscape survey was in America
I do not know much about the modern state of the Old Believers, but I agree Nikon's "reform" was thoroughly retarded (people were killed for making the sign of the cross with two fingers). The doctrinal differences between Old and "New" belief are so negligible to the point that I don't even understand them. From what I can tell Nikon wanted to align ROC's liturgical practices to the Greeks, but it all came down to a machiavellian power grab to try to gain legitimacy for the "Third Rome" idea under a weak Tsar.
I sympathise with the Old Believers, but don't necessarily identify with their cause. The Church is far from perfect, but as far as I know nobody has taken away the grace it was given by God.
My mistake then. Certainly it saddens me to know that so many fellow Orthodox Christians think that murder should be legalized "in some or all cases".
Keep in mind, these pew polls are mostly skewed by the fact that many Orthodox and Catholics polled are baptized but non-practicing, and many of them are immigrants. Trad Caths and observant Orthodox are just as likely to be pro-life as evangelicals, especially if they are white.
That's not a skew
w-we wuz the true church!
Funny thing is that US has the largest base of zionist christians and yes….among prots it is rampant. It is interesting that you forgot to mention that.
Protestant Reformed
It's pretty hardcore Calvinist. People wear muted colors and women cover their heads, sermons are 10/10 and often fire and brimstone, and exclusive psalmody.
You’re ignoring the issue. Why are US Catholics so pro-abortion?
There are quite a few liberal views held by US catholics from what I've seen, though it probably doesn't help that most of my experience is from the catholic ministry on a liberal college campus. That said, the other Christian groups on campus don't seem to be too liberal from my limited experience with them.
In my experience it’s both. I’ve known very conservative and very liberal Catholics on my campus.
The same can be said about a great deal of Southern Baptists, yet they're still mostly against abortion.
Pope Saint John Paul II wouldn't like you saying bad things about your elder brothers in the faith :^)
Russia is a secular country wtih 4% Church attendance and even nominally only 40% are Orthodox Christians.
You think the 40% or even better, the 4% are responsible for abortions?
Just stop looking at countries in general to decide on a denomination, at best a country is Christian on paper and never in practice.
this is more or less what I was raised believing, before begoming. its probably pretty commonly held at least in American Christianity
Move all the heretical Protestant sects to "cult-tier" (except the ones already in Sodomite-tier) or "false gospel", and bring the Catholics to top-tier, then it's accurate.
I'm denominationally a Baptist, but pretty much an old-school Lutheran. Any by old-school I mean I believe close to what Luther said himself and not what his followers morphed it into. I believe all four Marian dogmas to some degree. I still pray rosaries, but otherwise don't practice intercession of the saints (even though I believe they are definitely alive and part of the church). I do believe Baptism is necessary for salvation, and Christ is present in the eucharist (Lutheranism makes sense when it comes to how, but I prefer to think of it simply as a mystery).
I get into arguments with Protestants around me about my Marian beliefs, but scripture seems pretty clear on those.
You aren't baptist