sad…but it is for the better
Tfw transgender
Other urls found in this thread:
Who's the bastard who put a ring in that cat's nose?
also Male I guess you didn’t get rid of your boys did ya
Congratulations, this will be hard but you can do it. You have already displayed immense courage and the Spirit of the Lord for stepping back from this catastrophic decision. We are all here praying for you!
Since you said dedransition, I’m assuming you didn’t have any surgical alterations. Good on you. I failed to save my friends from the transgender cognitohazard
That's great user. Thank God.
If you don't mind me asking you are a dude right? Your transgender "gf" (?) was a real girl or a real men?
Someone who is going to burn in hell.
Congratulations, I see this as another point in a wave against the degeneracy that has plagued our society for the past decades.
May I ask, why did you turn away, what was your reasoning?
Glory to Jesus Christ
It's good to see you saw the error of your ways…albeit too late to save your penis and balls or maybe it isn't, im not your doctor but better late than never, amirite?
Welcome home!
You did the right thing and you're not alone
Congratulations user!
I'm proud of you user. You can do it.
It's a great first step. Taking those hormones does a lot of damage physically and mentally not to mention spiritually in the long run.
I Want My Sex Back: Transgender people who regretted changing sex (RT Documentary)
Congrats OP! Glory to Christ!
Graphic Images Warning
Why that image bro? Whoever the winnie the pooh did that shit to that cats face; as soon as they turn their back the cat is going to rip that shit out.
I seriously doubt it's really pierced. It's probably just one of those fake nose ring things.
You'll carry the wound until death, then remade in God's image, again, perfected, without such maladies afflicting you.
Until then, stay the course, run the race, fight, fight, fight … until the dying of the light
What else do you think Jesus meant by "take up your cross"?
Nothing wrong with that, God gave us dominion over all creatures
Dominion doesn't mean we have the right to be abusive.
If there were justice in the world, it would be a crime to encourage people to transgender, and dysphoria folks would be given free and, if need-be, life-long psychological services paid for by their kiddy-abuser or, if not the reason, the state.
Thank God for Himself who rescues the downtrodden and abused.
That video is a really hard watch, but I am reeeaaally glad RT did it cuz we can be sure (((they))) wouldn't allow it to be made in the west
"Transitioning" is like abortion. If people actually knew what the surgery was and the constant upkeep needed to cope with the aftermath a lot less people would be in favor of it. It's like if someone has suicidal tendencies and then social media goes "It's who you are!".
I hate this world.
godspeed… godspeed
the battle was ready won before you, all you have to do is choose to remain with the victors
I have no shame in using this thread to say something that’s been on my mind for the past few days:
If the human body is an Icon of God, transgenderism is like drawing a mustache on a picture of Mary or putting mascara on Jesus. It’s not a bold statement, it’s just damaging a window to understanding God and his plan.
Also be nice to kitties plz.
I'm happy for you.
A question: how does one "detransition"? IF you cut your male organs they're just gone. I know that when you ostop taking hormones the state regulates itself again.
If you did not rech the point of no return then good for you. Congrats for your good decision to return to CHrist
At least you're improving this time.
(not OP) That's right, once you have gone full tranny you cannot really "de-transition", the best you can do is take the correct hormones again (if the testicles were removed the body can no longer produce its proper hormones) and get breast reduction. The genitals either stay the way they are, or you can smooth out the crotch area, or you can attach a leg-sausage like they do with F2M trannies. But you will never be healthy again, what was destroyed is gone. Perhaps a penis-transplant can be done, like they do with people who lost theirs in an accident, but then you have the usual problems associated with organ donation.
Any way you spin it, there is no happy ending. The only way to win is not to play the tranny game in the first place.
uhhhhhhhh winnie the pooh gross. Disgusting shit. I once saw a photo among "redpill" material and seriously I regret clicking that "spoiled image". In all earnestness I hate internet for seeing things as that
All right I suppose OP did not went full retard and stopped before ruining his body.
Exactly what I thought when I read the post
Either way OP you are on a good way do not stop
What convinced you to return to the way God made you?
I was told to come to this board. I'm still on HRT, but I've become completely disillusioned with liberalism/homosexuality. Masturbation over my own body has never brought me happiness, and I jerked off last year.
The thing is, I can't stop wanting to look like a woman. I can wear male clothes, act like a male, present myself as a male - but I hate how I look and want to look like a cute girl.
The Bible says God grants wishes;
If I wear mens' clothing, can I take HRT and be a Christian and ask God for a beautiful female body when I get to Heaven? I also have long hair, is that OK;
I'm sorry you got molested, don't take it out on yourself
First and foremost you should go to your nearest Orthodox Church and speak with a priest about your situation. You will need to learn to accept yourself as God made you, male, but it will be a long road and you cannot do it alone. God does not "grant wishes" and you will not "get" a female body should you make it to heaven. Purge that thought from your mind.
It would be a sin for me to argue with the Bible. But if what you say is true, than I'm a reprobate. I can't be saved, because I'll never give up my desire to be a woman.
Your honesty with me is appreciated. If I can't have Heaven or a female body, I can at least believe the truth. I've had experiences which have proven God to me, and I felt extremely ashamed of my transsexualism in his presence.
Will God give me a body that *looks* female? A very small, beautiful male body?
There is no male or female in heaven. There is no marriage, there is no sex, your sexual fetish will be no more once you die.
It's not just a sexual fetish. I want to look a particular way because I think I'm ugly if I don't look a certain way;
I'm like this, but with my entire body. I want God to give me blue eyes, red hair and a sexy body because I feel inferior without these traits.
I 100% admit that there's a sexual aspect to this, but I also just have Body Dysmorphic Disorder. My brown eyes and black hair disgust me, and I want to be whiter.
I look forward to the end of sexual desire, because it would purify my desire for a new body. Also, I humbly ask if Corinthians and it's talk of the Heavenly Body compared to the Earthly Body is relevant? Aren't we supposed to be changed? Are you saying that the change does not include eye or hair color changes, nor does it include changes in body shape?
A new body is literally all I want.
Listen user. I know what you're going through. I've been there. It's hard. But you have to understand some fundamental principles of Christian theology (i.e. the divine truth) to get over this seemingly insurmountable hurdle.
One. You must accept that you were made in the image of God. Never would God mistakenly swap your mind into a male body. There is a divine purpose in you that is being squandered by the chains of your sins (all of your sins.) God hates what you do to yourself but he is still FOR you and wants you to succeed. Which brings me to
Two, your vocation (call to action in life) is something you will excel in, take pleasure in, and will help others in their own spiritual journey. It is discovered once you've emptied yourself of your old self, once you've off the part of you that clings to sin and worldly matters. You are a vessel and unless there is room to accept God's grace, you can never receive it. GOD WANTS TO GIVE IT TO YOU, YOU JUST HAVE TO LET HIM. So
Three, you have to re-orient your worldview (aka repent) and stop focusing on creation. God does not want anyone to worship the created over the creator. Ask yourself if God is concerned about whether you have blue eyes or red hair, and if He doesn't why should you? You have a working body, you're not paralyzed, you're not schizophrenic, you're not blind. You have to be thankful for what you have. Then you have to ask yourself what you deserve. Do you have more than you deserve? If so, what should you do about that? These are introspective questions that need to be asked. Meditate and pray on it for a while. God reveals a lot if you just listen.
As far as heavenly bodies go, I'm not sure what it's like. But Matthew 6:33 says: But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Maybe once you get there you'll find what you really want isn't what you thought you wanted when you first started this journey.
The devil knows where you're weak. Don't let him lead you off the path to salvation with trivial material things. You can't take it with you, neither to heaven nor hell.
If there are so many different types of people, which one has the image of God? Does God have red, blond or brown hair? It seems like God takes a male form - how is Woman made in the image of God than?
If God is male, than men are made in the image of God, and women are a distorted image of that God. Why was Eve's body made from Adam, but she wasn't made in Adam's image? Why did she and all the women get to be made in a distorted image of God, but I had to be made in the image of Adam?
I had a mystical experience which told me that my vocation was to be a monk. As in, I want to live and breath God. I became a Christian because I felt like honoring my ancestors.
I can't be an atheist, because I honestly believe in a God of some sort. I felt him. But if God won't give me the body I want, than I am not in fact godly - my desire is sinful, so he will not grant me my desire.
To be honest, my hatred of my body causes me to reject the entire world. I don't want to be seen. My only hope is Heaven, and if I can't get a new body there than it would just be a continuation of Earthly pain. Since I reject Heaven because of this, I am a reprobate bound for Hell.
But why did he give other people those traits? Why didn't he give them to me? Which of us is the true image of God, and which of us is the distortion? Does God have red hair and blue eyes, or brown eyes and black hair?
I'm homeless. I never went to grade school. I'm a virgin. If God did this to me on Earth, and I don't even get a cute body in Heaven, than I never got anything but the shitty end of the stick.
I've done drugs and felt some incredible things. I've seen beyond myself. I delighted in other peoples' beautiful, redheaded, blue-eyed bodies. Not with sexual lust, but with childish wonder. To come back to the body of a homeless man with dark hair and eyes makes me feel utterly inferior. Like I'm nothing.
I can accept a life of pain to get to the reward, but if I'm just going to be my old self in Heaven, I don't see an escape. I suffered my whole life so I could eternally do… what exactly? The Bible mentions working in vineyards and building houses, which is the same drudgery I experience on Earth.
I'm 100% convinced that God is real, and I've made the conscious choice to see that God as the Christian God. My path of salvation is blocked by the fact that I am a reprobate.
If I can't take my body to Heaven, do I get a new body? Corinthians says I in fact do, but I'm not going to act like I can interpret the Bible - you tell me that the new Heavenly body will not be customizable. This makes sense, because Corinthians *does* say that God gives each a body as it pleases *him,* not me.
If this is the case, I'll just be a good Christian and ask for God to destroy my soul.
I will not be bitter in the face of the truth, nor will I demand that you agree with me. Thanks so much for responding. I love you and hope you get to Heaven.
Almost everything about this post is infuriating. Good grief. What the actual f*ck is going on with your absolute ignorance of basic theology?
"Image" of God does not refer to physical, biological things you absolute mong. God, properly speaking, is spirit, i.e., metaphysical. Do you seriously believe the entire universe was made by some space bloke?
God is not male in the sense that sexually dimorphic animals are male or female. God is masculine, but not in the creaturely sense of the term. God is spirit; He – technically – does not possess categories of gender in the sense that creatures do.
Then why the f*ck aren't you in a monastery discerning your place? Why have you obviously not sought spiritual direction nor guidance? Why are you squandering a gift of God?
So stop it you stupid bastard.
I want to kick your f*cking head in, kid, f*cking hell. Heaven is metaphysical; beyond time. There is no sensual bullsh*t there, only the unfathomable bliss of God's presence.
You're still perceiving theology with a materialist worldview. Ask what man is, not what man is made of, because the bible already says we're dust, yet God is not dust.
What you want changes all the time when you're a materialist. When you get it you'll want something different. Don't indulge in this behaviour. Seek only righteousness. You'll find you are getting exactly what makes you happy, because God made you that way. We are all happy when we receive grace.
Don't give up on finding answers. I used to have gender dysphoria issues. It has vanished since becoming a Christian and accepting who I am. The best gift we can give God is our full selves, and to do that we must love our full selves first.
So what? Who gives a f*ck what you think?
This is blasphemy, rebellion against the will of God, and of the most petty, childish form. STOP IT.
Why are you looking to the next world when you have so many f*cking problems to sort out before then? PRIORITISE. You can't run before you can walk! You are clearly so f*cking mangled that you need to start from the ground up. STOP WASTING TIME. YOU WILL DIE EVENTUALLY.
meant for
God does grant wishes, but not the way you want Him to. You won't wake up one morning as a cute anime school girl.
You have to come clear with yourself first, and when you reach the point you will have to body you desire. Except it will not be your body that's changed, it will be your mind.
Why do you want to be a girl? Did something happen to you that makes you resent your appearance? Have you fallen into the mindset where you think being a girl in real life is like being a girl in an anime? Is it the attention you crave? Do you have a warped view of what masculinity is into something nasty and unpleasant? Is there something about your body itself that would need to be fixed?
Stop looking for loopholes like a Jew. HRT is poison, people should only be taking artificial hormones if their own hormone glands have been destroyed (e.g. by disease). That shit is not candy. If you take it you are destroying your body, which is supposed to be the Temple of the Holy Spirit, in an attempt to make it into a parody of something it is not.
I've struggled with some of the same issues as you (the only significant differences are that I never went on HRT and the sexual component wasn't there). My only practical, concrete advice is to stop HRT. It will not give you what you want, and it's helping you to delude yourself. I'm not going to talk to you about what Heaven is like, because the truth is we do not know (1 Corinthians 2:9). I'm only going to say this: God knows what's right for you better than you do. He created you, He knows you better than you know yourself. There's a reason you're male, and there's also a reason you're struggling with this particular temptation. Trust God. Accept that you will not always understand His plan, but know that He does have a plan.
Jesus Christ is God, and Jesus Christ is also male in precisely the sense that men are. To say otherwise is to deny that He is truly man.
I would caution people against expecting this to happen. It might happen for you. It might not. It might be something you have to struggle with for the rest of your earthly life. God can give you the strength to endure it, though.
You said;
If God doesn't have a human body, and isn't any other biological, physical thing, than why use the metaphor 'image' when we clearly don't look like non-biological, non-physical things?
You seem to be implying that God is Sacred Geometry, or some other inhuman, non-concrete, conceptual object. If my soul is the only thing that is in the image of God, than how will my soul exist in Heaven? Is Heaven just a place of feelings, not time and place?
I'm thankful you have patience with me.
If God doesn't care about bodies, why is a 1000 year reign on Earth promised, and why are we told that our corpses will transform into Heavenly bodies and rise from the grave?
If he's masculine, and incarnated as a human male - Jesus - how is it inaccurate to say that he chose the image of a male human to die on the cross with, and so human males are direct copies of the image of God?
God may have an immaterial form, but he clearly intends for humans to have a human-looking body after death, and for humans to dwell on Earth under Jesus for 1000 years.
I'm here for guidance. I feared that what you said was true, and the truth makes me not want to exist.
I'm sorry for making you angry. Thank you so much for your patience.
So I should just stop bothering people with this? Thank you so much for being honest with me. I can see how pathetic I am, but I have no dignity in matters of religion - I'm a child before God, asking for cosmetic surgery basically. I will not pretend for a moment that I need anything I want, or have a reason for wanting it.
I'm begging Daddy to give me what I want through other Christians;
I just want one wish from God.
I've wanted this my whole life. The changes HRT causes to my body never get old, and I never stop wanting them.
Knowing that God and beautiful women exist makes me happy. I live for the knowledge that people exactly like my ideal self exist. Some of these people are Christians, and I love them;
I keep myself from these Christians, because they are better than me. They don't want me around. Beautiful Christian women should not be bothered by me. God denied me such a body. I will never go among them, because I can't accept myself, not because God and Christians won't accept me.
I've heard that Hell is being outside of God's presence. I've had tastes of this presence, but I won't pay the price for admission.
I can even admit I'm wrong. No other part of Christianity bothers me but this, and I've seen God. He can't be negotiated or bargained with. I don't want anyone to accept me because I whined enough - the slings and arrows of this thread tell me that I'm hearing the truth. The Christians in this thread are right, and I'm wrong.
I love my Daddy, even if he won't give me what I want. It isn't a matter of what I think - I'm just begging my father for one single gift, which you say he will not give me.
I'm a brat, and I'm going to walk away from my Father's kingdom because he won't give me what I want. You are inside, trying to talk sense into me, and I'm having none of it.
I just wanted someone to talk to, and you have given me that. Thank you so much. I love you and our Father.
And I don't hide from your accusations. If God won't give me what I want, than I'll go away silently and without a stir.
Jesus said to give everyting you own to the poor, and live like a homeless bum. We're supposed to not care about this world, and live for the next.
I work to improve my situation, but I don't really care if I succeed on Earth. I live for Heaven, and if I'm not invited because I'm a spoiled child, than I'll just pout outside.
I love you and God. You're telling me the truth. Thank you.
Well, I thought Earth would be suffered through, *then* I wake up in Heaven as a cute anime school girl.
I'm not asking for anything on Earth. I don't want a mortal, Earthly life - Heaven is superior. I want to be on the side of good, and I will always stand with God. I will never lie about what he said, nor will I delude myself about God, Jesus and Heaven.
I'm a homeless sinful child, whining about his body. Nothing more. Even if God intends to let me damn myself, I will not speak ill of him or blame him.
I think it was because my Dad was very, very distant and cruel in a non-violent, petty way. He'd threaten to hurt me and make me recoil in fear, yank me around by my hair, etc. He never really hurt me until I was an adult.
I never went to school, so I hung out with my Mom all day, every day. Since my Dad punished me for emulating him, I emulated my Mom - and my Mom and Dad never punished me for this.
So I was raised as a boy, but with a girl's social place with only women to emulate.
My parents insulted me for having greasy hair you could 'see through,' or just playing calling my (Short) hair ugly, and when I went through puberty my face became a giant zit and they insulted me over that too.
When your own parents insult you for being ugly, and you have no one else on Earth to get a second opinion from, it burns deep.
My issues are anatomical. Basically, I wish particular body parts were more feminine like an ugly girl with an inferiority complex. When I see my body compared to the bodies of women, I feel non-sexual envy and self-hatred.
I think I gained a female body image from my mother, and my adult mind finds it's internal image based on my Mom incongruous with my masculine body.
No. I used to have social phobia at work, but I'm over that now. But I still like to be alone. I think I fear that anyone at any time could call me ugly, so I just try to stay away from other people.
Only for myself. Masculinity in other men is admirable to me.
I have a curved penis which makes masturbation unrewarding. I don't know how it would work in a vagina, because I'm a virgin.
I'm not - I'm scanning the small print, desperate to find an authentic reason to believe I'll get what I want.
But does HRT make you unworthy of Heaven? If I use HRT, will I still go to Heaven?
One of the things that drove me to Christianity was the realization that I would never get the body I wanted on Earth. No surgery exists to do it. Unless God can give me this body, I will never get it.
If nothing can buy such a body, then I don't want to exist. It isn't God's fault, but I just want annihilation if I don't get a new body.
I am so desperate. I would never kill myself, but if HRT and God can't do this for me, than I just want to fade away. I can't stop HRT.
Yes. What you say is 100% true. Thats why I won't disengage with God.
I love God, and will never curse him or blame him for the problems I'm making for myself. But I beg God to spoil this whining child - to grant me one wish, after a life of abuse and homelessness.
I hope God is just putting me through tests, so when I finally get my desired body, I have a pure soul to go with it. Maybe he demands perfect behavior.
Regardless, I am wrong and God is right. If he won't give me a cute female body, than that is final. I can't bargain with God.
That's not what Heaven is. Heavenly pleasures are not about endless earthly indulgence. Imagine being a baby and your favorite pastime is sucking on a pacifier and hitting a Sesame Street telephone. Your ideal life as a grown-up from a baby's perspective would be to have a new pacifier for every day and a Sesame Street telephone with all the characters on it. Of course as an actual grown up this sounds ridiculous, there are much more fulfilling things to enjoy in life than pacifiers and Sesame Street telephones. In the same way, your desire to be a cute anime school girl will look so laughable in hindsight.
OK, now we are getting somewhere. I am not qualified to talk about this, but it sounds like your perspective of masculinity is warped. Like someone who has eaten junk food all his life and has developed no taste for proper food, you sound like you never had a taste of manliness. No, I don't mean the "hurrr, look at me flex my muscles, down a can of beer and burp in my underwear" parody. I mean things like building a birdhouse, together, maintenance repairs around the home, taking apart and putting together machines, playing sports, that stuff.
Then get a haircut. My mom only needed to tell me once that my hair was a greasy mess for me to get the message. Manning up also means not crumpling together like a mess when someone yells at you.
That's not what I meant. I meant your appearance (acne, obesity, hair loss, manboobs). Unless it's an illness it can usually be fixed by getting your life in order. Cut out any processed foods for starters, especially sugar, especially the hidden ones. Even if you have a disease it might be caused by something in your diet. Bad diet can also disrupt your hormonal balance, messing with your brain. Also take up exercising, exercise not only improves your physique, it also stimulates brain growth. Don't fall for the gluten-free meme, the gluten is usually substituted by something worse. If you cannot eat gluten, just avoid anything that should have gluten in it. Also, don't avoid meat, meat is good for you (as long as it's actual meat and not processed frankenfood).
That's exactly what Jews do.
Only God Himself decides who is worthy of Heaven. He also makes it clear that we are expected to take care of our bodies. Taking hormones to pretend you are something you are not is like re-decorating a church to be more like a disco, or something like that. You need to sort out your issues, don't throw a good body under the bus.
I should be clear: I don't think your hope contradicts anything in scripture. I hope for the same thing in the resurrection. What God wants is for you to trust Him. To know that if you don't get this, it's because it was never really what you needed to be whole and that either way your suffering will be over and you will find the greatest joy you have ever known in God's presence.
I will pray for you as I pray for myself and for all others like us.
I'm 30 now, so… when do I stop wanting this?
Yeah, that's *exactly* what he didn't do with me. On top of ignoring me and abusing me in petty ways.
She's told me before I go to work before that it looks nice. Her opinion of me is arbitrary, and she says those things to hurt me, not because they're true.
I grew up eating pork loin, chicken breasts, broccoli, carrots and potatos.
So, God might still accept me?
I look at it like modifying a car. I also bleach my hair, but I don't pretend to be a real redhead - I'm not trying to be something I'm not. I am what I am - a man on female hormones and anti-androgens.
I don't care about being a woman as such - I care about looking like a woman;
God saw fit to make these men like women. They were made in God's image. I only want what God has given to his other sons - this is why I compare my desire for a female body to the desire for blue eyes and red hair.
I hope to be there with you and Jesus. I've imagined appearing in Heaven, and Jesus tells me to look in the mirror, and I see my blue eyes and red hair and embrace him.
I trust him in so far as I know he is my only salvation. No one else can save me. Unless I get into Heaven, I will suffer for all eternity.
I also know I can't demand anything of him, so if I don't want what he's offering I have ro leave.
I've done drugs to the point of scaring myself away from them. Not heroin - psychedellics and weed. I saw God and his followers in Heaven, and it was incredible. A giant mall/parking garage/apartment complex, filled with Saints.
I saw women there. Beautiful women. I want to be there in Heaven, worshipping God with them. They were doing work like on Earth - serving drinks, cleaning floors, keeping books, tending gardens, decorating houses, etc.
Used to ask God for this, but I no longer do. God can see my heart, and he knows what I want. I pray for work, food, Heaven, and I ask God to bless everyone I know.
Thank you. I'll pray that the righteous Christians in this thread receive salvation. You're all good people with patience and concern.
user if I may interrupt
Have you forgiven your father?
Like, you may still recommend that he goes to jail if he ever assaulted you(Because its good for him and not to satisfy some desire for vengeance, mind you) and the such, but you don't resent him or wish him harm, do you?
Poor something I feel bad for them.
No, not really. I've half-heartedly prayed about it, but I haven't seriously forgiven him.
A week or so ago, he clawed my wrists until they bled and punched my arms as I used them to protect myself. I didn't press charges. But I've hit him too, so I'm no better than he is in that regard.
He's ripped my hair out and given me black eyes though (As an adult - he was gentler when I was a child,) but I don't want to do the same to him or put him in jail. I want him to respect me and treat me well, not hurt him.
I haven't forgiven him, but I've made a conscious decision to forget about revenge and do good to him. I've also demanded a bunch of apologies from him - I think he should ask my forgiveness, but he never will.
Congratulations, OP! You are a brave person for choosing life over death.
Jesus loves you and will heal you.
That is a shame. Most people report moving on heals them.
Wait what.
Why not? Time away form him would help. Also he has broken the law.
user, I know you're not exactly a normie, but surely you know that what you just said was Winnie the Poohed up, right? That dude should be in prison. Because you deserve it, because the people around you deserve it, because he deserves it, and because justice demands it. If you must avoid that, at least remove yourself from that situation.
Also, stop all the other crazy stuff you're doing like wtf get help bro.
your answers in this thread show a disarming level of honesty that I am quite sure God is pleased to see in you. I have an exceeding confidence that if you persevere and continue to cling to God, eventually He will grant you the grace to turn your inordinate desires into holy desires. These holy desires, when fulfilled, will give God great pleasure in calling you His son, and will give you a joy even greater than you have been searching for all these years. This I know, because God does not give us desires that He does not wish to fulfill, and the inordinate desires you have right now are exactly that, wrongly directed. There is a true joy that you are looking for in the wrong place. Trust God to guide you to the true form of that joy.
my advice:
1. try to completely forget yourself. Take a day, or an hour, or even 15 mins where you dont think about what you want or what you prefer. Instead, think about what God wants, about what the person who you are buying your food from wants, about what the lady on the sidewalk whos walking in your direction wants. (the answer is always being meek and humble of heart)
2. I think in your current situation (and in any situation) you will benefit greatly from cultivating a devotion to Our Lady. Her motherly love will no doubt guide you safely and lovingly to Our Lord Jesus. She also is excellent at building good men, I can personally attest to this.
3. Keep praying, keep trying, keep being unabashedly honest especially in your weakness (as you have so wonderfully demonstrated in this thread). It was your honesty that made me completely look over your excessive degeneracy and childishness, it was your honesty that made me completely overlook all of it and instantly fall in love you. Truly I can say without any false sweetness that you have made me love you with your honesty. Thank you for showing me and all us anons your heart, God bless you and the peace of Jesus be with you.
I'm stuck with him.
1: I don't want to hurt him back, because on the occasions I've hit him I didn't feel any better and he hurt me for hitting him,
2: I work with/for him, and many of the fights start because I mention Christianity, or because I made a lot of money and he thinks I need to be taken down a peg,
3: I'm homeless because of a combination of neglect (They didn't send me to school or homeschool me) from my parents (Liberals and explicit Communists) and my own laziness, and need his help.
God didn't make my life this nightmare without intending something great when I got to Heaven. My job is to persevere in the face of influences to make me attack other people, masturbate, commit homosexuality (I used to be a homosexual, but I've asked for forgiveness and gotten over it,) etc.
It's not just being the wrong sex and having the wrong hair and eye colors that feels like a ripoff - my entire life has been a disaster. I turned to Christianity after a bout of alcohol and drug abuse lost me my only laptop and a home. I lost my memes, my porn, my art, my stories - everything. My tiny corner of the world was destroyed, and all I had was my psychotic religious mania.
Yes. I've actually had psychotic breaks before, and that's why I don't do drugs anymore. I've seen God speak through the wind in the leaves and the cracks in the walls. How good and evil flow between people during conflicts, like vapors. How punches function to transfer energy which controls.
And what happens then? My father would hate me. He's been violent with others - how much pain would he inflict in prison? He'd be in a context where he would be forced to act worse than he ever had before.
I won't feel better afterwards. I'll feel nauseous because I'm spiteful like him. I want to be the nice, loving person I was born as - not the vicious monster he has tried to turn me into. When I was a kid, one of my cousins broke a truck of mine - I didn't notice or care. Jesus says to be like little children;
If anything proves at least I have a mind to forgive him.
I can't, see
I'm here for Christian fellowship. When I went to get help, I got hormones. But I wanted them, so it's not like they pushed them on me.
I wonder how many people in support of trannydom know what "Dilating" is.
For those who haven't been cursed with this knowledge, it's shoving cylindrical objects into the wound created by your self-inflicted mutilation to prevent it from closing up and healing.
Gender dysphoria wouldn't even exist because we'd have good parents teaching children how to fulfill their natural gender roles.
And beatings
kudos to you, friend, and Godspeed!