Reading Roger Scruton made me aware of Simone Weil's existence, what does Zig Forums think of her? Has anyone read any of her work?
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Her brother was based.
Her personal life and life choices make me highly skeptical of her work. Definitely not a Christian nor a "good" person.
Nobody's good
which book by scruton?
The Soul of the World, he mentions her in Chapter 1 which is entitled "Believing in God"
She a jew (who refused to have baptism).
Also, she is a woman.
It can't be worst.
I meant what do you think of her thoughts, not her ethnicity, sex or anabaptist tendencies.
The premises of her thoughts is wicked since she didn't want to be christian. She was not anabaptist since she didn't want to be baptized, she was just not christian.
The fact that she is a jew is interesting for judging her value since jews that don't recognize Christ are cursed (as ALL the christian tradition say). And if you refuse baptism you don't recognize Christ.
Now the fact she is a women is also a reason she can't be trusted. ALL the fathers of the Church said women should not teach. And they say we should be dubious of women words since Eve.
>Saint John Chrysostom "The woman taught once, and ruined all. On this account therefore he saith, let her not teach. But what is it to other women, that she suffered this? It certainly concerns them; for the sex is weak and fickle, and he is speaking of the sex collectively." (1 Timothy, Homily 9).
I have more but in other languages. I just give you examples.
For one other women jew "converting" see "Saint" Edith Stein. Canonized as martyr because she was killed as a jew by nazi (see the problem ? You normally are martyr only if you are killed because of Christ), she was at the origin of the feminism (egalitarian thought) in Catholicism.
Now believe me or not, but from a christian traditional perspective this jew can't be trusted, her thought is inherently perverse.
Awful book
Point taken, although I think you might be going a bit far with that. Plenty of saints have been female and have contributed to the faith by writing books and martyrdom. Not saying Weil is on the level of St Theresa of Avila, but I think the problem Origen is speaking to is men and women fraternizing under a specious pretext of sharing spiritual knowledge. Suggesting that women lack spiritual knowledge or the ability to attain it is heresy.
The one thing that does give me pause however, is why she did not get baptized. It seems like a failure of obedience, and hardly saintly. Nevertheless she's long dead so I just have a couple pdfs and a bad tree cannot produce good fruit.
I notice a few things in her writing which are suspect though; one is neo-Marcionite stuff which pops up occasionally, the other is that she uses obediential language of duties in her political thought, which seems very trad, but she doesn't define duties in a politically or legally sensible way. This makes it potential fodder for political extremes when combined with her anti-absolutist approach, since only absolute kingship can make duties work without civil strife as to what those duties should be. So far very curable ills, just assert the divine right of kings, ditch the heresy, and educate people about the necessity of duties without trying to give them tyrannical effect through legalism.
I wish if you were to respond to my thread, that you'd have something interesting to state. As if you have injured my self-esteem by disliking my book choice.
You couldn't have said more succinctly that you come from Reddit.
In general you must be suspicious of women. And women should not teach as saint paul said (1 Thimothy 2:12). Furthermore the fact we had female saints who wrote books is not really traditional, (remember we say fathers of the Church or Desert fathers), still it can be an exception, women can sometime say interesting things in a non-institutional way. Also the fact the catholic church made them doctor of the Church is really new (It goes with the catholic progressiveness).
Origen do not speak of this fraternizing since I have other church fathers confirming what is said. Speaking about him in his opinion the external human (the soul or psyche) is female and the spirit is male. Which mean the superior is man.
No one said so, there is just a hierarchy in abilities. Some are better than others. Men symbolize the spiritual superiority or attainment (Knowledge, priests…), the women the progress to it (Love). For Origen and all antiquity (and so fathers of the Church) holy women were called masculine.
I have found it's because she didn't believed in the Church or because she didn't want to betray her jewish roots. Anyway it's completely against sanctity.
You know, I have been reading up on this topic and I've come to a startling conclusion. The one supremely Jewish fear stems from their self-appointed role as the story-tellers to the world. They themselves are always skeptical of their stories, and the deepest terror is therefore that their ancestors might actually have spoken the truth. When Christ showed up and cursed them, they all devoted their energy to refuting their own monotheism, it's all their grand mistake, to paraphrase the late Christopher Hitchens.
Somehow they are certain that the Bible's great eloquence the massive can o' worms of revelation can be put back into a new sealed container. They see it as their Golem gone wild, something which ought not to have truth in it, or move people at all.
She seems like a flat-out anti-Semite, I assume you use betray here as in she felt ashamed of her Jewishness. I'm 1/8th Jewish and I have a family that shares the Jewish mindset even though they are all technically not Jewish. Really, as I said above, it's fear that the ancestors were truthful about God. It's no surprise that the founders of critical theory were Jews, Derrida and Foucault. They are a people skeptical of themselves, and in their warped little minds they think that this "God" is only they themselves, a little play pretend.
Weil is an all too familiar trope in this sense, like Christ, another Jew, and like myself, a mischling, it is easy to be incensed at the hypocrisy. Nevertheless, Christ found time in spite of his hatred for hypocrites to love the Jews who came to him in humility.
Really it's funny how the world enjoys Christians only when they are somehow warped out of shape. Christianity by faithful Christians is less interesting in the papers and in book reviews.
It comes from them, it's not of them. They were just assigned to be apostles to another nations that won't be less christian than them. Moreover we must do a distinction between Hebrews and modern Jews.
I don't understand you. English is not my native language.
It's the contrary actually. She was a jew that didn't want to stop from being a jew (or more precisely to realize it's vocation through Christ).
I know, but I'm saying they get this wrong
Let me simplify it; Jews think they own the Bible, and can declare it a mistake at will.
Not from what I've heard, she was a neo-Marcionite, and she repudiated the Old Testament.
Lad, you need to get those cultural marxism videos out of your head.
Derrida campaigned against age of consent laws with Foucalt. Sorry, you don't get to be a cultural subversive and still be a hero.
I see. Indeed she was still a jew, like atheist jews are still jews (and I think they are even more cursed).
What an infidel, jewess and heretic…
Idk about her works, but god gave her two signs and she still refused to to recieve initiation into the church out of some kind of pseudo solidarity and martyrdom, goes to show how stiff necked Jews really are.
A commie Jew who fought against Franco in the Spanish Civil War.
Dont forget about all the LARPing she did and the fact she committed suicide through starvation out of "solidarity" with France - the one thing her wealthy parents could bail her out of this time.
Reminder that the age of consent in the Vatican pre-Vatican 2 was 12.
Ok, I get the picture now. A useless brat
This thread needs cuck porn.
mods ban this heretic >:(