What kind of marital arts does Zig Forums study?
What kind of marital arts does Zig Forums study?
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Taekwondo for now, but looking to get into judo once I get experienced enough.
I'm not a priest, so I can't officiate a wedding.
I try every day to love my wife as Christ loved the church. Everything else flows from this.
I'm thinking of getting into Muay Thai for health reasons and passion mostly, been an avid researcher and watcher of the sport for some time.
Have not you heard? Practicing such a thing can land you in hell
Bugger offf kike.
Excuse me but how can someone that is bound and burning and getting eaten by worms move someone to a section of hell?
Also nice website internationalministry.org
I was doing TaeKwonDo for years, even made it to the 1st Dan (fist black belt), but had to stop after a knee injury. Recently I have been toying with the idea of historical fencing or archery. But if you want a martial art that is actually useful you should go with something unarmed, just make sure the school teaches actual sparring and not just choreographed forms. There is nothing wrong with those in their own right, but without any applicable practice it's just as useful as doing ballet.
* first black belt, not fist black belt
I did krav maga, then also eskrima, now only krav once a week because of an injury.
I'll be doing some calisthenics again to supplement it in the near future.
Muay Thai is top tier mate, go for it!
I may fam thanks for the encouragement, I think I'm a bit out of shape tho, definitely should look more into how they train in Thailand and get in shape privately before I attend officially I feel.
As you can see, gentlemen, the JW, much like its ancestral species the Jew, is afraid of everything (see primary mode of defense in the linked video). It's primary defense is screaming; this is most often done during a lunar eclipse.
I just lift weights daily, and stay strong. I'm a big guy, so I can diffuse most confrontations with just physical strength.
I can clean and cook somewhat if that’s what you mean. Should have apply myself more though.
Just go and start training.
You start from zero anyway, you'll get in shape eventually.
Maybe take up jogging or something but don't start training on your own.
I know in Thailand Muay Thai fighters jog for like 5-20KM, training doesn't even start without it, almost every day so I should do definitely do as such.
Muay Thai conditioning training are spartan compared to others martial arts and they get into the ring often so when the real scuffle comes knocking they will be comfortable. Note that most MT training camps in the country itself is not really that sanitary. Arid-hot climate, innarainforest roughly made training camp, and all the sweat from intense training and weather will turn you into Rambo plus all the grimes and stuffs from the jungle. Al .So take extra care of your personal hygiene there.
I know right? I think only good Kyokushin schools have conditioning training even remotely as tough.
But will do fam thanks!
Is the philosophy behind some Asian martial arts compatible with Christianity? If not, is it possible to divorce the metaphysical aspects of said martial art and its effective practice?
Knowing the location of clitoris is a good idea
The art of datamining-fu. Powerful stuff.
They do not really have philosophical aspect though. They have traditions and each MA of each nations has some of the old thoughts of that nation behind it. For example, Chinese Kung Fu have yin-yang, wuxing and stuffs, but you are not really worshipping those. Your master may explain the concepts of those and how it translates into that martial art and what it means. Much like how we used to look at chemistry through the lens of alchemy and how we used the four humours to alleviate illness.
Ki, Chi, Qi. Same thing, different spelling. Not magic nor sorcery, you need not to get duped by the daemons to get them. They are just rote movements and trainings design to increase your sensitivity to your own force and inertia and the subsequent training allows you do control them and others force and inertia too. Takes really long to practice and get your head around it, but when you can use it they are really useful in everyday life too that is why they teach meditative tai chi and stuffs to old folks.
Taekwondo and Judo are both basically competition sports that fall apart as actual practical martial arts in terms of self-defense in real combat situations. There's a reason why you don't see these arts represented in MMA tournaments often, if at all. In fact, pretty much any grappling based art, like Brazilian Jujitsu, is only useful within the context of a one on one tournament regulated environment. If you find yourself in an unavoidable street fight or mugging, the last thing you want to do is take your opponent to the ground with you and get entangled with them for an extended period of time. The longer you're around them, the greater the chances of them pulling a knife or gun on you, or having friends of theirs come out of nowhere and proceed to kick your ribs in with steel toed boots.
Your goal in a no holds-barred self-defense situation, if you cannot run away immediately, is to cause maximum damage to your adversary as quickly and efficiently as possible, and then get out of dodge just as quickly before the situation escalates further. As such you'd be better served with more efficient striking based arts like Western boxing, kickboxing, or Muay Thai, or practical systems like Krav Maga.
Actually, being so big and intimidating, that most people don't want to start stuff with you in the first place is one of the most effective self-defense techniques of all if you can pull it off. Assaulters, muggers, etc. tend to seek out what they perceive as weak and easy targets.
What are your lifts? I'm a DYEL right now. I have a 185 bench, 225 squat, and 335 deadlift.
Hokuto Shinken
Not him, but I'm a 183cm fatass with broad shoulders and lowlives usually just leave me alone. I just have to raise my voice and get in their faces to have them winnie the pooh off if they get ballsy.
Big a big guy for you is indeed one of the best ways to avoid conflict and even when trouble meets you, you can handle it because of strength.
Taekwondo is still useful on the street compared to other competitive sports in the genre because a trained kick can always wreck you.
Still in terms of street fighting your list trumps it, but you could add eskrima to it too (provided they practice dirty boxing).
Is it okay for Christians to study practical martial arts? I suppose it's a question about justified self-defense.
Luke 22:36
The main problem with training for competition is that you start training for points. In a competition it's about striking your opponent in a certain spot to score a point, and then both combatants are separated again. In a real fight this of course doesn't work, your opponent is not going to back up just because you kicked him lightly in the ribs.
But of course you can still practice the sport without those rules if you care more about combat than competition. At my school we used to train all of it: choreographed forms, competition, self defense from various holds, attacks with knifes and sticks, "dirty" sparring and competitive sparring.
I want to get into boxing but I'm too afraid of getting a concussion
Based and Starpilled.
I have never done boxing, but the reason why boxing, Muay Thai, and kickboxers alike are practical to learn are solely because they full spar often and the practitioners are used to scuffles and will not drop the balls when the real fight come. My Kung Fu teacher who used to do MMA and stuffs compounded the lessons with real life spar. Read: spent the rest of the lesson time trying to roflstomp me with all his might save for maiming me and I have to defend myself with all I have learned. That way I know how to defend myself against someone faster, stronger, better in fighting than me and when the real scuffle comes around I will not panick because I am used to it.
I doubt you will get concussion during sparring or practice because the main purpose of those is to train you NOT to get one and smaller punches will get you used to it if it happens.
Did teakwondo when I was younger, but dropped it when my eyesight got so bad it got blurry 30 cm in front of me. Got OK strength now, but I've thought about picking up BJJ, since it isn't so sigh relient as your opponent is right in by you.
That aside, what are you're guys thoughts Christian martial artists like Jon Jones and Kovalev who commit crimes? It's a lot of bad PR for the faith.
Why do those demons look fursonas and sonic OCs characters?
Because fursonas and Sonic OC are both demonic, user.
pls do not ban for posting this pic
What would be a martial art that;
Muay Thai. Sparring shouldn't leave you damaged. It's great at fighting at a distance, and it's great in a clinch where a lot of fights end up. It's not related to any religion that I know of.
just carry a knife or a gun
the biggest things striking arts give you is the opportunity to handle stress and the muscle power/muscle memory to maybe avoid a hit or punch back
next best thing they give you is really good cardio so you can get out of a bad situation
muay thai/boxing are infinitely practical, I hear Sambo (which is mix of striking and judo standing technique) is also good just because it gives you striking experience with grappler physique
I'm not married.
Ah…yes. So practical…
You can still use strikes, elbows, low kicks and middle kicks. Your jeans shouldn't be that tight.
I don't lift. I'm currently doing this calisthenics program right now:
What are your particular criticisms of krav maga?
krav maga against someone with a knife or a gun works with the assumption they will approach you in very particular ways. if they do not actually approach you in a way that it is taught, it is worthless.
anyone with a gun shouldn't have to be close enough for you to try a disarming tactic, anyone with a knife drawn should already have a knife into you.
carrying your own weapon with the knowledge of how to use it would work better, and doesn't need much training (or a krav maga membership). you shouldn't practice with a real knife tho.
So it sounds like it boils down to krav maga not exactly being the bees knees when it comes to handling gun and knife situations. Fair enough, but that critique could easily apply to just about any hand to hand combat art like Boxing, Muay Thai, Sambo, etc.
Does it have any weaknesses as a basic non-knife/gun "survive a garden variety street fight" scenario in comparison to the aforementioned arts?
Nothing atm, considering getting into Muay Thai, Jeet Kune Do, and Kali though.
JKD is not a martial art.
Somewhat debateable, but arguing semantics is pointless, and you already know what I mean.
You got me.
what an inane and frivolous question
best reply
I do sanda
Okinawan Karate
In area where I live there is a real threat from Satanic groups, Islamists, criminals and other malcontents attacking our parish and its goers and stealing its property. In my parish there were about 4-5 break ins by burglars and vandals in the past few years, thankfully so far, no physical harm was caused. Therefore learning a practical martial art to defend our selves and those of our fellows is a real need. I sincerely pray of course that it would never be needed of me to raise my hand against a fellow man in violence.
I would say taking up boxing is a good start, followed by grappling classes. Oriental martial arts are hugely overrated and their instruction is rarely serious. Of course getting fit and staying it is the primary prerogative.