Daily reminder that Christianity is a kike religion and by following it you are betraying the white race. Praise Odin.
Daily reminder that Christianity is a kike religion and by following it you are betraying the white race. Praise Odin
Why do you think ancient Isrealites were the same exact people as those who call themselves "jews" today?
Daily Reminder that you are wasting your time, fedora.
Get a life
Deut 6:4
ive only ever heard people talk about marcion as if he was the most disgusting heretic that ever lived
This isn't a reason, user.
Idk much about Him, even if so, there's plenty of Saints (can't find picture, hopefully someone else can fill in). I was just copying from this guy.
10 When the Lord your God brings you into the land he swore to your fathers, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to give you—a land with large, flourishing cities you did not build, 11 houses filled with all kinds of good things you did not provide, wells you did not dig, and vineyards and olive groves you did not plant—then when you eat and are satisfied, 12 be careful that you do not forget the Lord, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.
oh boy, you just copied an argument, how surprising. since you dont know who he was i recommend you read about him. he wanted to remove and purge the more jewish elements of christianity and emphasize the new testament elements of it. he was declared a heretic by your church fathers and his "cult" was hunted to extinction. because christianity was always jewish.
But I'm not white, OP.
The difference began with Christ, those good Hebrews/Israelite left became Christians, while those that didn't became the "Jews" we know today.
Some verses to prove:
Revelations 2:9, 3:9, John 8:40-46, and 1 Thessalonians 2:15.
So what you're saying is… is that modern day kikes would conquer a land of degenerates and then enforce morals in said newly conquered land?
Hmmm… doesn't really add up.
Are you implying any tribe which has conquered another tribe is therefore a kike tribe?
Just took a glance that him and already see your bs.
Because someone includes the Old Testament, does not make him a judaizer. He was indeed a heretic, but that doesn't make Christianity a kike religion (ironic people use the word kike of all things, if only they knew where it came from…).
You should read this
those verses dont prove anything just like your retarded picture proves nothing. jews think god is both masculine and feminine, so bagans baddd? i dont even know how to argue this lack of logic, you probably srsly think baphomet is a real thing worshiped by real people and not just some bullshit made up by the french king to exterminate the templars, the most based of all crusaders. blessed by the force with you goy? is this picture some sort of joke? ive never seen anything more winnie the pooh retarded.
as for the quotes, all that proves is that there was a schismatic split between christianity and judaism. there was also a schismatic split between judaism and islam. does this make islam based? theyre all just jewish cults as far as im concerned, with varying degrees of stolen aryan wisdom and knowledge, with islam this is largely a result of them trying to compromise with the newly converted iranians, with christianity its a result of european influence. them hating each other is useful, but does not prove any one of them is antijewish. christianity still is steeped in jewish thinking and ideology, if it wasnt, why is the old testament still emphasized? why were the sects of christianity that tried to purge the old testament themselves purged? manichaeism, marcionism, catharism, to name a few. these are the questions you christians always avoid so you can just fling insults like larper and fedora, ignoring the inherent flaws in your religion. i dont think atheism or paganism are really any better, but you christians are just as embarrassing honestly.
Implying God gave anything to medieval talmudic rabbis/ravs? You really are on their side huh?
that quote is about how jews will kill their enemies and then take all their things. they will dwell in houses not built by them, and eat from vineyards not planted by them. yeah thats not the kikiest shit ive ever heard in my life, and this quote from the bible is part of a daily prayer recited by jews twice every day. (((i wonder why???))) its almost like this is their plan for the entire world or something.
its not that the jews conquered the canaanites, who deserved to be conquered. its the wording of that passage that disturbs me and shows that kikes have always been kikes. i dont know why you lack reading comprehension.
what BS do you see? stop quoting other people and telling me to read things i have already read. i have read the new testament from matthew to revelation and ive read a good half of the old testament. yes i know jesus called kikes sons of the devil. this doesnt convince me that modern christian churches arent kiked to shit and that there arent inherent flaws in the christian religion that led to this mess.
have you actually read any of the old testament?
Oh, so you're just a low T faggot?
You realize that's what happens when one tribe conquers another tribe, right? What, when one pagan Celtic tribe conquered another and genocided them, did they just bulldoze all their farms because using them would be stealing?
lol dont winnie the pooh kid yourself, youre on an imageboard, you wont be conquering any other tribes and raping their women any time soon faggot. why do you think the kikes emphasize that they will dwell in houses that arent their own, and take things that dont belong to them? they seem to be really obsessed with that idea, considering, as I said, they repeat this line of the bible in a prayer twice a day. i guess you glossed over that part because you dont like being reminded that your holy book is 80 percent the same as the jewish holy book.
So, what you're saying is, is that Jews DONT believe the Talmud (a whopping 33 volumes) supercedes the Bible?
Because they do believe that.
They pick and choose what they like from the Bible. And for some reason you apply their behavior to me, a pro-white Christian.
i know the talmud is popular as a meme on this board (considering there was a thread trying to defend it not too long ago) but im pretty sure its only ever seen as a commentary aid to the tanakh and not seen as actually superseding it. quote sources that the talmud is seen as more important than the tanakh (the true name of your old testament bible, i like to remind you that you are a jewish cult)
and lol, no, i do not apply their behavior to you, you do that yourself. you try and justify thievery and genocide just because its in your bible, and deny any suggestion that this is kikey as shit. canaanites may have been pretty evil bastards and probably did deserve to get genocided, but youre saying that you endorse child murder? because jehovah commands the Jews to not only murder children, but also "ravage women". you endorse that? I thought christ said that those who harm a single hair on a child should have a millstone around their neck and thrown into the sea? is your religion jewish, or is the old testament heresy? because your entire theological perspective derives from your pedophile priests and retard pastors, you dont have an answer for me, im sure.
also, why do you mention celtic tribes? you assume im pagan i guess? celtic tribes arent really a good example. yeah, complete savage barbarian headhunters probably did exterminate another tribe when they conquered them. all you are saying is that your lovely chosen race chosen by your god were literally just the same as savage pagans lol. you arent saying anything with that statement except admitting your religion has roots in barbaric bronze age bullshit.
You cannot start from a premise that their claims are correct, otherwise you will never arrive at the truth. Also pic very much related to your "argument" that proves they are the same people, and not just taking things out of context.
what claims? the claims made in the bible? so you admit your bible was written by kikes and doesnt contain the inspired word of god?
You're a Jew, only a Jew could lie like that.
The Talmud declares how each and every verse in the Old Testament is to be interpreted. The Rabbis are declared to have divine authority. Therefore the Talmud supercedes the Bible, faggot. Also, it was written a thousand or more years after the Bible, and AFTER Christ.
No, now I know you're a Jew.
And you're able to denigrate my ancestors to such a degree because they aren't your ancestors, Jew.
Wrong again. You have been thoroughly programmed probably from a young age like many people to believe things that they want you to believe.
The yids' claims. But it looks like maybe they've done too good a job of brainwashing you.
how exactly does this prove that they consider the Talmud to supercede tha Tanakh? Oh boy, a book that is almost nothing but interpreting another book. obviously that book supercedes the other book. the fact its entirely about interpreting another book implies that other book is the more important one. i dont know how you dont understand that. oh wait, you just call anyone that disagrees with you a jew, so i guess you like to construct little fantasies and conspiracies in your head to cope with your retardation.
so? again this proves nothing except that it probably is less important to kikes. you really really dont want to admit that your holy book is shared by kikes huh?
That they're the same people.
If you start by assuming they are correct in their claims then you've already been duped. They have no relation to any of the things in the Bible except they are the synagogue of Satan that was predicted to come.
Not worshiping my ancestors, kike, just following God's law.
You just can't help yourself, can you, kike?
You really do keep repeating everything a Jewish apologist would say.
and why are they not the same people? i dont believe they are the same people as the kikes in the bible because those are their claims, i believe that because the kikes in the bible act just like kikes today, so i dont see any reason why they arent the same people. you do realize that when Jesus is saying "you are of your father, the devil", he isnt talking to fake khazarian kikes that would come hundreds of years after christ, he is talking to the same kikes that conquered canaan and murdered and raped women and children right? the synagogue of satan thing wasnt a prediction, he was speaking directly to kikes of his time. so youre saying even by then, those werent real jews? who were the real jews then? where did these fake jews come from? the romans? you are just as ridiculous as those tiggers that claim they are the real jews and that fake white jews came from the romans.
You misquoted me. I said they are the synagogue of Satan. So that's their only relation to scripture, and they barely even get a mention. Only to briefly note that they will worship at the feet of the elect. That's how unimportant they really are.
so who are the true jews? why does this distinction between jews and fake jews matter?
You know what, you've truly convinced me,
every single person living in ancient Gaul, Bohemia, Iberia, Helvetica, and Britannia all were headhunting savages.
You could pull up a picture of a local Catholic church and say I must be a Catholic with that same logic.
I know you're a Jew because of the extreme lapses in logic you employ with such boldness.
The extremely bad faith in which you argue.
No white LARPagan could pull this off.
You can't use your kaballah magic on me, kike.
Only because if you believe yids on one thing then you will start to believe all kinds of lies and misconceptions of the devil based on that first assumption that they must know what they're talking about.
That would be the Biblical definition. Only important thing to note here is that Jesus is the only one left of the entire nation, the one who was found worthy to inherit the things written in this book and the only one still living today waiting to return and of course one of the things he will do is make the synagogue of Satan worship at the elect's feet. As I've mentioned, no one else was found worthy.
the picture in this post claims that the celtic pagan religion comes from jewish deception. i would call that spitting on your own ancestors retard, so again, i do not believe this little fake outrage of yours is genuine to any degree. it is nothing but an excuse to call me a kike, because you know you have no arguments. it is not spitting on your ancestors to speak truth.have you ever read anything about iron age europe? the sorts of things romans did to their enemies? your religious symbol itself has a little something to do with it. is this denigrating italians or their ancestors? of course not, as savage as the romans were, they were equally fascinating and complex. same with the celtic tribes. obviously i have a great interest in the celtic tribes considering that i actually study them unlike you, but that does not make me want to collect skulls like some savage lunatic. your denial of these basic historical truths shows ignorance, more than reverence.
im not telling you what your god wants you to do, I am telling you exactly what he wants you to do based on the bible. sorry, the old testament. torah. tanakh.
Isaiah 13
…15Whoever is caught will be stabbed, and whoever is captured will die by the sword. 16Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes, their houses will be looted, and their wives will be ravished. 17Behold, I will stir up against them the Medes, who have no regard for silver and no desire for gold.…
Psalm 137
Happy shall he be, that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones.
huh, sounds like an endorsement for rape and genocide to me. surely this cant be from the bible can it? oh wait, it is. almost looks like the bible is jewish.
oh, so you mean SPIRITUAL jews and not biological ones. nice little changing of definitions there
No, all the biological ones are gone. Unless you really want to believe the yiddish idea that they are a continuation, the romans destroyed their kingdom in 136 AD with the bar kokhba revolt and none were left alive after that.
Otherwise where is the kingdom of Judah located? Certainly not on earth anywhere. Just admit it, its easy to see there are none left alive on earth. All we have down here is this fake babylonian judaism that I've told you about.
I never once denied these historical truths, liar.
I disagree with the assertion that everyone in a society acts, thinks, and behaves in the exact same way.
Do you think every Roman who ever lived condoned crucifixion?
That's how you sound.
Yes, God sends these things as a punishment to the wicked, just like he sends earthquakes, and plagues, and AIDS to faggots. As a Christian, I am not called to enact violence on anyone. But you won't believe me, because you're a kike.
I literally gave you two verses along the lines of "those who say they are Jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan" and you say that doesn't prove it's antijewish?
The hebrew/Israelite thinking? Or the kikes that rejected Christ?
The picture was implying that paganism has a connection with satanism (the star for example), and that Jews have a connection to satanism, thus paganism is closer to the Jews than Christianity is. Sure the idol itself Baphomet's history is mostly rooted around the Templars and saracens, but the origin is much more ancient.
And how is including the OT Judaism, when Judaism (except for some sects) includes the Talmud?
Idk if you meant it, but here it seems like you just said the kikery in Christianity is only a modern thing?
list them
Pretty sure he didn't imply ancestor worship.
Idk why you mentioned me, I didn't say anything about the celts, are you assuming me and 9787b7 are the same person?
i find that a little hard to believe for the same reasons i find it a little hard to believe the holocaust. EVERY SINGLE ONE? do you know hard to was to genocide races back then? the romans attempted the genocide of the gauls and only half succeeded considering their blood still survives in many french areas like brittany. what are your sources that they killed every single jew during the revolt?
you realize most of the books of the old testament were formalized and codified during the babylonian exile right? you realize that inherent and central concepts in judaism that are found in christianity as well, like the idea of archangels and angels, a war between good and evil and light and dark, and the kingdoms of heaven and hell come from babylon right? that is nothing but an excuse for the rot that is within the abrahamic religions; it goes much deeper than babylon
the celts that didnt engage in headhunting cults were probably seen as effeminate low T faggots and shunned by their countrymen. just the same as romans were didnt condone the genocide of germanic tribes were seen as weak. we are arguing semantics and details at this point, and if you scroll up its pretty obvious you didnt like the sound of headhunting savages. you sound a little triggered by truth.
the quotes i provided are NOT god-sent things, they are specific commands by god on how to treat his enemies. that is not the same as a god-sent punishment like an earthquake you retarded faggot. as a christian you ARE in fact called to enact violence on others, that is if you believe in the old testament. sorry, i should call it by its true name, the torah.
no, it doesnt, it just proves its another sect of judaism hostile to mainstream judaism. notice that revelations 3:9 says "TRUE jews", implying that the jews are still something to be idolized and glorified, just not the "fake ones" whatever that means. people will interpret this however they want.
post sources kike
this retarded bullshit again, im not even going to argue it, you must literally be braindamaged to think jews dont study and revere the old testament just as much as you. i can see why you deny this simple fact tho.
gnostic/nature denying bullshit that leads to people thinking that its better to mutter prayers all day than to get a girlfriend or be productive in life
obsession with redemption that only totally damned people ever have
obsession with the spiritual and complete denial of any importance of the material. i am not saying to be a hedonist or to forget that we are spiritual beings, but i dont like this "just be a monk bro" faggot shit
irrational hatred of any sort of images or artwork that leads to retarded iconoclastic wars where people go around smashing temples and churches because muh idolatry
irrational fear and hatred of any religion remotely different from them, declaring all other religions to be satanic in nature, leading to attempts to destroy them without any effort to learn from them, like how several coptic popes and roman christian emperors tried to eliminate and destroy all trace of greek philosophy because muh greeks were bagans and bagans baaaaaad!
the small minded and ignorance of christians is self-evident on this board, you retards and the cucks currently in command of mainstream churches are the fruits of the inherent flaws of christianity
all of these can be found in islam and judaism as well, they are inherent aspects of Abrahamic religion
Ehh, depends on where it goes from "heresy" to "literally paganism masquerading as christianity" for you.
You shouldn't assume people are retarded when interpreting their posts.
I meant "there are people out there who have arguably done greater insult than Marcion, but you'd usually consider those literal pagans who are borrowing the name Jesus instead of heretics."
Real Aryan religions still existing with successive initiation: Hinduism & Zoroastrianism, no need to Role play my fren
Are you a streetshitter?
If Christianity is semite then Hinduism is Aryan regardless of who currently practice it
Im brazilian and have ancestors that come from lots of lands. Should i worship the native american gods, with caniballism? or the african gods with voodoo? the portuguese and spanish gods? If i worship one the gods of europeans, africans and indians will be angry and not honoring them, and vice versa. Should i worship all of them, despite all of their mutual contradictions? This is madness.
mixed race people are godless savages anyways who cares
wow. Totally proved to me why baganism is true and coerent
lol even christianity says your fate is to be cut to pieces by furious angels.
Umm im catholic so no? No idea what you're talking about. What "christianity" are you talking about? which denomination?
lololololol if Odin is so strong why did we Irish defeat Vikings… :DDD
Sigh… I’m not even gonna bother…
The problem with Christianity in the modern era is, just like many other facets of life, that it's been subverted from within by kikes and their useful idiots. Some other user explained it quite well, for the case of the Catholic Church and Vatican II, see screencap, but the same sort of story applies for other Christian denominations.
tl;dr It wasn't always like this and we need to steer Christianity back to its roots.
See now you're showing your assumptions again. There were no yids back then, remember. The actual nation of the southern kingdom of Judah wasn't a distinct ethnicity of yids like they are today. This is because today's talmudist originated from the inbreeding taught in the Talmud. Their ethnogenesis occurred over a long period of time due to endogamy which is in turn due to the babylonian talmud, codified in Babylon in the fourth and fifth century AD. There is no physical connection to the Ioudaios of the New Testament there. They simply don't go back that far.
So on a genetic basis there's no distinction between the original kingdom and any nearby levantine group. Since, remember, the Jews in the New Testament didn't follow the talmudic ideas of inbreeding that yids do today. It was not the same kind of "caste" that we all observe today. Only if you stop believing they are the same and viewing everything through their lens will any of this start making sense. Then you'll start to grasp the deep depravity of the lies they've been inculcating into people.
I'm saying this is a faulty premise. There was no yiddish people then, and so there was nothing to wipe out. Those guys came later.
The exile was from 609-539 BC. I'm talking about Babylon in the early middle ages. The Babylonian Talmud was codified around 499 AD.
Do you mean things in the Bible that later cults like judaism and islam copied? So what if they did? You think they wouldn't copy stuff?
Where does it say that? It doesn't, it simply says that there is and will be a synagogue of satan that calls itself jews, but that is lying about it. So yeah their existence is predicted here and you now know how to find them. The only question is will you believe them in their claims? So far you definitely seem to believe them.
Nah, that's just dispensationalism. You don't find that anywhere in Authorized scripture.
Aha so you believe the claims of the yids! See?
You know what's funny? Kikes nowadays love paganism and atheism and promote it to others. Atheists and neopagans are the most degenerate people I know.
Kikes hate Christianity, have always hated Christians and have done the most abominable thing: the neocon branch of kikes have even created their own branch of "Christianity", one for brainwashing people into thinking that current kikes are the same as the old Hebrews and that Pissrael is the old Israel from the Bible. They have corrupted one of the holiest things we have.
And you come here, pretending you don't know the size of this insult, pretending you are not just an annoying LARPagan fedora, pretending Christianity wasn't what made our civilization GREAT and non-degenerated in the past, and a very recent past. Pretending you don't owe everything to the Christian Civilization. Spitting in your past, spitting in your ancestors, while pretending your ancestors had a religion they never had - and, if they did, it was for a very very short period.
You are a shame to your ancestors. You are a liar and no better than a kike.
So, Zig Forums hates the Jews?