I tried being Christian again I had two months where I listened to Steven Anderson and defended Christianity…mostly because I was scared since I am going to die. But even though I am still going to die i can't accept Christianity. I still accept Jesus but it's all bullshit.
Try listening to a Christian next time and not a cult leader
Brody Moore
Well I found your problem.
Don't listen to Protestant Heretics. They know nothing of the faith. Especially ones like Steven Anderson, who has let hatred consume him. You should also probably stop browsing Zig Forums. I am telling you this has a former Zig Forumsack, all that hatred you feel out of fear for your people will consume you and lead to to (((the occult))) or (((LARPaganry))).
If you want someone to listen to listen to embed related. He is literally a Chad Exorcist.
Nathan Fisher
I'm not listening to Catholic heresy.
Better than the loving faggots where everything is love. Nothing wrong with a little bit of hatred. You should hate things
Lincoln Kelly
I understand your hatred, friend, but I'm telling you it's not healthy.
The Catholic church was established by Jesus himself. If you truly want to hate something hate Martin Luther. If he hadn't chimped out liberalism as we know it would never be. If liberalism and communism never set foot on the Earth then men under the influence of liberalism & communism would not be infecting Jesus's Church.
All I'm saying is if you come here to this board looking for answers, a literal Exorcist that understands the spiritual will help you out far more than a greedy Prot, especially one like Anderson.
At this point you have literally nothing else to lose, you just hear him out.
eventually you're gonna have to realize that loving your people doesn't mean you have to hate your perceived enemies, and that it's possible to take a healthier dispassionate approach. until then you're just going to react in a juvenile and rash manner to the aspects of christianity you find "cucky" or whatever, like praying for your enemies.
christian love means willing the absolute good of the other as other, not groveling and sucking them off. and listening to people like anderson is gonna get you nowhere.
Steven Anderson may be entertaining, but he shouldn't be the only Christian you listen to, and I wouldn't even consider him a good source of information, user. He's just another edgy e-celeb that you inevitably grow bored of. As a former Baptist, I can see why you'd feel that way… I can't help but see Baptists as useful idiots for our (((persecutors))) at this point. Spend two months learning Catholic beliefs from the horse's mouth (i.e. Catholics themselves), and perhaps you'll be convinced.
These two statements are completely contradictory. You can't accept Jesus while also rejecting Him. If you accept Jesus then you accept His teachings on His own divinity, on the afterlife, on the Father, and a myriad of other supernatural topics. Quit being ridiculous.
Adrian Myers
Ah, that reminds me, Father Damick has this to say on Dispensationalism: > For many of these believers, Judaism is still a legitimate religion and grants salvation to Jews. This theology has strongly influenced American Evangelicalism and has had an influence on American foreign policy. Some of these Christians regard the formation of the modern secular state of Israel in 1948 as a fulfillment of biblical prophecy, and thus believe that America should do everything it can to support the state of Israel against its enemies and in its domestic policies – a position which effectively often pits American Christians against Middle Eastern Christians.
Daniel Anderson
Music because it's what happened to be on, and I'd like to share the mood. Continued: > Further, Judaism as it is now practiced is essentially synagogue Pharisaism, the one sect that survived the destruction of the Jerusalem Temple in AD 70. It is not a direct successor to ancient Judaism, since the priesthood with its sacrifices did not survive. Orthodoxy has always taught that all of God's promises to Israel now belong to the Church, which is the New Israel. >Interestingly, though, some Messianic Jews have become Orthodox Christians, such as Fr. James Bernstein, author of Surprised by Christ (Ancient Faith Publishing, 2008), who was once a prominent member of Jews for Jesus. These converts find in Orthodoxy the answer to their longing for historical roots.
Interesting, no?
Jack Nelson
To be fair, think of it this way; either a 2000 year old Jewish Guy is going to come riding out of the sky on a horse, or the universe and everything in it randomly came out of an explosion. It’s just with the Jewish Guy, people have been healed by Him, have seen Him in visions, have direct accounts of Him (e.i. the Gospels), etc. I’ll pray for you user and for your eventual death to be postponed as much as possible, but try listening to other personal testimonies from people who have been in your situation. Godspeed man
Michael Nguyen
Music is on point, thanks for the mood music Sage because my post doesn't contribute to the conversation
Dominic Taylor
Stop referring to Christ in that disrespectful way.
Leo Morgan
Sorry, my bad. You’re right
Elijah Cruz
>and lead to to (((the occult))) or (((LARPaganry))). Both are disproportionately trannies and mutts though. How will a board that dislikes those two groups lead to that unless he’s brainlet enough to fall for the obvious jewish shilling on there?
Indeed an interesting read. Thanks for sharing friend.
I take it you haven't spent much time on Zig Forums? Many of the posters there are self-loathing non-whites/homosexuals themselves. Most Zig Forumsacks don't take their pagan/occult nonsense outside of their bedroom, and in very rare instances, a handful of them will meet up somewhere in public. They have no real-world exposure to the majority of leftist nutcases that make up such groups. You give them too much credit. Threads about Christianity are consistently met with "kike on a stick" and "cuck Pope" remarks & cherry-picked Bible verses, while I've seen threads promoting witchcraft, communism, Hinduism, Islam, and even Judaism receive little backlash - they've already been subverted. Before I left that board for good, I couldn't help but notice an influx of "post your hand to prove you're white" and "post your guns" threads as well… it's one big honeypot for federal agencies.
Interesting. That explains why everyone except the Germanic/Nordic flags are averse to White Israelism which is prominent in most real White supremacist groups like the KKK. Fascinating. I thought leftist propaganda was so powerful it would ensnare any ignorant person unless they were exposed to the fruits of leftism. Interesting how Zig Forums can be so far right without any real life example of an sjw to rebel against. I figured as much. At this point I assume everything online is run by feds, including the big tech """companies"""
Xavier Nguyen
On the contrary, dubsman, Zig Forums is often left. You think National Socialism and "Mussolini: I never betrayed Socialism" Fascism are right-wing ideologies? Nope, just another brand of the curse Marx and Weber wrought, but with a slightly better understanding of human nature.
P.S.: Nietzsche was a hack who copied other, better philosophers, he just phrased things better. Also, old Adolf couldn't use anything but said soundbite-tier phrases.
Jonathan Wood
>I am telling you this has a former Zig Forumsack, all that hatred you feel out of fear for your people will consume you and lead to to (((the occult))) or (((LARPaganry))). I'm interested on how the occult and paganry is jewish?
All the occult has it's roots in the Kabbalah, ie Jewish mysticism. In the occult, they believe the lie that they themselves can become God, or their own God. Literally the same thing (((satan))) believes
As for LARPaganry, it mixes occult practices and "ancestor" worship. They elevate certain men to gods and worship them. Yes it is not technically jewish, but it serves their purposes and (((satan's agenda))). For if a kike can get someone to stray away from God, then they have already turned that person to worship their father, (((satan))).
In the beginning it wasn't just man that rebelled from God, but also the spirits. These spirits trick man into worshiping them by taking on the guise of idols. Embed related from the Bible Project explains it better than I could in regards to the spiritual rebellion.
Nicholas Butler
And let’s not forget many modern forms of occultism/paganism/satanism were spawned by some Jewish figures; just look at LaVeyan Satanism…