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The Nature of Women
Liam Hughes
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Nathan Williams
Do you know why female saints are so highly venerated?
Because it's a miracle to see a woman capable to hold ideals, stay virtuous and resist until the end no matter the difficulties.
I'm thinking about Irene of Lyon, St Joan of Arc, Hildegarde of Bingen.
Women aren't necessarily more evil than men, they're just overall passive, mediocre, in intelligence and spirit… They're herd creatures who go with the flow. It's what Genesis tells us plainly.
Justin Phillips
not worth winnie the pooh with them in the current year. even if she seems different, she probably isn't and could ruin your life at a moments notice if you accidentally piss her off one day. society completely enables them to do this, and we have no checks and balances against them anymore, so its just not worth the risk.
they really are almost all like that. and tbf most men are shit too. if you look at it objectively without thinking with your cock, most people regardless of gender are degenerate scum. people just like to give women a pass because they're cute
Adrian Parker
I'll begin this by recommending some books on the subject.
This isn't exactly regarding women, but in general to teaching how men can grow to be their superior selves, and in such regards it teaches a lot about the essence of the masculine and feminine, and how to deal with them. May not be exactly religious, but has a certain affinity with the spiritual and opening yourself to god through love. Specially useful in today's pozzed society.
This guy wrote a serious of books regarding men's emotional suffering in the subject, the cruel tricks the feminine plays on us and how to deal with them. Unfortunately this was written by a brazillian and is found in portuguese only, so I recommend to those who can read it, and suggest that maybe a translation effort could take place.
The author himself is pseudonym, its said to be a anagram of Nahassen, which is related to Magdalena(?). He showed up in anonym form around 2006 on the internet to share this info with men in pain, after finishing his books, went away to never be seen again. Apparently he was a professional psychologist and studied a lot on the subject, and not to mention, his patients.
James Cox
its a sin to seek spiritual knowledge/wisdom from a non christian source
Ryan Ortiz
Women are great and do things men can't. They are soft and nurturing. They are warm and loving. They create life and love to please. With these gifts comes the responsibility of using them justly. It's not a fair blanket statement to say women are more predisposed to evil than men are, only that the tools they have cause far more damage when evil is done.
Nicholas Sanchez
I guess Aquinas was a sinner then.
Lucas Sullivan
Chase Lee
Isaiah Lee
Are you speaking about saint irenaeus, saint Irénée de Lyon ? Because it's a man.
Women are gracious for this world, they are capable of more worldly love that are the affects of the psyche. Maybe you can see them as angels of this world, so fallen angels. So dangerous for the salvation of all.
The feminine nature is : Passivity, receptivity (hence the need of spiritual/total virginity), reproduction (which is implied by the passive part, and imply conformism), affectivity.
The masculin nature is : stability, detachment, activity.
Hence the masculin nature is more proper to symbolize God. Hence 1 Corinthians 11:7
So there is two modes : Eve or Marie. All of them being passive, but the first for obedience to the snake, the second to obey God and be full of grace.
In order to be pure/virgin and obedient, the feminine nature must be submitted, because she is inferior.
I highly recommend the preachings of saint chrysostom on this. Casti connubii can be good too. All the church fathers are totally based.
I made it made it all short for you.
Cooper Hill
Indeed, Women have gone mad since they are not properly submitted as all the Church father say. It's hard to find a pure women, even in religious circles since the Church has become feminist.
If you can become a monk, become one (Matthew 19:12).
Josiah Price
My mistake. I confused his name with Saint Blandina (we call her "Blandine de Lyon from where I'm from) a female martyr who impressed even the rugged men of the roman empire by her abnegation against the violences of the colliseum
Wyatt Robinson
The only feminine metaphor applying to God in the bible is maternity :
It can be putted in relation to saint Paul :
This softness, nurturing, compassion is the way of the interior. The way of the psyche, affection and passivity. That must be putted in under the control of the masculine pole. Or else you have our society : (((soft, nurturing, warm and loving))).
Women don't create life, they just bear it. Only God create, and men, to the extent they represent Him. The Virgin Mary is the model.
The psyche being inferior, it's more prone to attachment to this world and so, to go mad. So there is equality with men as they can obtain the same sanctification, but inequality in the extent this sanctification necessitate harder means in detachment (physical mean to preserve virginity).
Aquinas used religious sources. There is a significant nuance.
Adam Wright
I heard of this saint when I was a child. Thanks for the remembrance, I'm french too. Are you the orthodox french user ?
Aaron Lee
I didn't know Aristotle was considered "religious"
Sorry for sounding condescending. But truth is truth, even the devil can sometimes mix truth with lies. If we start to banish doctrines on the basis that non-christian sources were used we might as well retro-actively excommuniate a lot of great theologiians.
I am not. I am a simple catholic. C'est sympa de voir qu'il y a des français ici.
Hunter Gomez
Precisely, the feminist liberation in some regards was necessary, to free from the dread of complete abuse, but on the other hand, it teaches them to reach for independence and grow their ever more masculine side.
So they get to be more and more masculine, needing less of men, feeling less the need to submit, and at the same time growing in loneliness, and with them so do men, that without the feminine healing energy of women, tend to be more and more feminine themselves, again, with loneliness.
One good quote of the book I mentioned
But here is the thing, I never stated them as explicitly evil, but that they among the most emotionally brutal, in fact I think they aren't even aware of the damage they cause, they are the weaker sex, but only in physical form, when in their emotional side is capable of leaving men in shambles.
From psychology:
Ryder Allen
Another great quote from the book that I posted in the relationship thread:
This is again, something that work completely in their subconscious, many are completely unaware, specially inexperienced ones.
As I've explained in the other thread as well, they tend to seek men that are unavailable and give in to their wills, this for females that don't quite understand it, don't really know how to submit, and don't give themselves to commitment and god, can lead to an extremely unpleasant intimate life.
Where either seek bad boys, that in reality never really love them, will be abusive and never really care. Or when meeting really proper guys, who could actually be meant for them and commit, they drop him like a sack of shit, because they know how to submit.
Jaxson Scott
Kek, a weird coincidence tbh.
Although I believe it's because we see them as some kind of spiritual mothers.
Like Our Lady, we venerate her because she's our adoptive mother.
Cooper White
why get married if your wife will never love you? for sex? that seems like a very raw deal to me.
Noah Brooks
Aristotle can be considered religious since he was monotheist. Plato too was religious. There is a nuance between using religious writtings of ancient pagans and modern "pseudo-spiritual" ones.
Ahah oui c'est sympa.
Christian White
It sounds like the book was written by someone who holds a grudge against some girl.
I can say so because I used to think like that.
Jason Nelson
It is, but it isn't all raw like that, given that women can have higher income than men, they could literally just artificially impregnate and live life on their own, but there are those women who just want a decent marriage and a good family.
So that isn't really the whole deal, men want a partner not only for sex, but feminine caring and the charms that go with it, I think women also want to connect and have a strong men that they can feel safe submitting to.
It just makes all the more harder with the current state of things, with a working wife making more than the husband for example, it brews more fights and they less likely to submit and commit.
The author of the book also makes from time to time a distinction between "sincere girls" from "dishonest ones", but I haven't been to see where to draw this thin line, but one can guess what those extremes are.
William Williams
Stopped reading right there
Juan Harris
I wouldn't look at a feminist icon as something praiseworthy.
Kevin Nelson
Go back to >>>Zig Forums with your heresy and PUA-tier garbage.
Ethan Campbell
But the point is exactly that all women have this nature, even if somewhat unconsciously, men need to be aware not to fall their prey, women need to be aware to not sway away from devotion.
Luke Williams
Robert King
Ironically, all the jobs these strong independent wymin are still about financial management, taking care of kids, the elderly, the sick, etc.
Except most of these career women(because let's be honest, there are some real ones that are good at running a big business) just put the same skills they would have done for their family and themselves, for some distant CEO's profits.
If it werent so tragic, it'd be bloody hilarious.
tigga, there are tons of female saints.
It's a miracle there are female saints, period.
Chase Peterson
Taking the bait made to stain the image of St. Joan.
Austin Clark
That describes most men perfectly too.
Jaxson Diaz
You should read more christian literature instead of your pseudo-spiritual literature.
You would have known feminism is and always have been shit. Women don't need power to be loved justly. No, women nowadays don't become masculine. They are the epitome of mad feminity : Hysteric, passionate (in the bad sense).
They are not strong emotionally. They are more shallow, which mean they are less affected by deep/spiritual matters. So, yes, they are stronger in the sense they are blind to what matters, but they are more affected by surface problems.
Unfortunatly her memory as been stained. And the memory of saint Hildegarde too since she was made doctor of the church and this move (adding female doctor) is a feminist move of the modern church started by Paul VI. In total contradiction with the Pauline teaching "women should not teach". But for Joan of Arc, know she killed no one, one led as inspired by God, and wore dress. She is not feminist I think.
Sorry but you are a modernist. If there is one thing right in Islam, it's their view on women.
Gregory the Great, in P.G. 59, 268.
Gave you only some examples.
Because are feminine nowadays. Only the saint is masculine. There will always be someone holier/more masculine than you. And men are more masculine than women. saint clement of Alexandria clearly say virtues are masculines.
Christian Phillips
This article is pure trash and you should know better. It says that Joan claimed to hear voices from angels and saint to get men to listen to her. For what purpose? When women lie in such a fashion it's usually to get away from something they did ("I was raped!" is the biggest example, it's always a "passive lie" )
Even the comments are burning the article down and rightfully so.
Anyone can become a feminist icon if you twist history enough. I've seen Mary praised as such in liberal christian circles.
Jonathan Scott
Mary is the Mother of God.
How can men even recover lol
Women 1 Men 0
Anthony Reed
Mary is an interesting case because many men who otherwise "talked down" women as we're doing now dearly respected her.
St Bernard of Clairvaux said quite a few "mysoginistic" things and yet he is the one who coined the term "Our Lady"
Zachary Hall
Most people are dumbass sheep, no matter the gender or age.
Easton Lewis
Bollocks. The world needs femininity. Christ himself was master of both the masculine and feminine. Without it, we die.
Jeremiah Morales
That's the key word.
The difference between femininity and masculinity is a difference of relation. The feminine part of us is the receptivity. That's why, in mysticism we say the saint must make himself a virgin women to receive God. And so on, the women must receive the teaching of men. The femininity is the passivity. The Church is in a passive position toward the Christ. And so the world :
The world will have a child from God : the cosmic Christ (human pleroma being made conform to Christ), like the virgin Mary had Christ as child and is now the mother of all the living.
Now, you see the feminine part is needed, as this part of relation is needed.
Masculinity refers to transcendance. The clergy transcend the nobility… In a way of climbing toward God.
In the same way, society must have women and feminine activities…
But in the end, humanity will be deified, and will become as God : masculine. That is why we call God the father or the son. There is femininity in the relativity, but there is none in the absolute. Will all gender be overcome in the eternity ? Of course there will be nor "man" nor "women". But there will only be the Lord, that will be in everyone. But men represent better God, that is by analogy we say God is masculine. He is over any determinism, but there is some symbolism more proper to picture this transcendence. This symbolism have been determined by the providence and interpreted by the Tradition and can't be changed. Men are masculine in the sense they are the image of God.
The saint become viris (masculine), note this world have done the other word virtue. Virtues being masculine.
Those who talk about this masculinity of saints are (at least) : saint Augustin, saint clement of Alexandria, Origen, Meister eckhart,…
Tell me if I not clear.
"After being in Adam the mother of the dead, she will be in Christ the mother of all the living" Pierre Chrysologue, sermon 99
Also :
Cooper Hernandez
I liked the part where they're made out of man's rib.
Jason Ward
This is probably the best post in this thread. Thank you for writing this. The whole masculine/feminine deal refers to something that goes beyond the material gender.
Screencaped for future uses.
PS : En Français c'est vraiment avec un "A" mais je suppose qu'il faut traduire puisque je m'exprime en anglais.
Par rapport à ce que tu as dit sur la virilité/féminité, cette critique apparemment innocente d'un film pourrait t'intéresser :
Hudson Baker
This. Even in my edgy "winnie the pooh woman" times I always expressed my love for the Mother of God.
She is a woman always worth to fight for.
Joseph Powell
Ahah merci.
On écrit ça de la même manière en anglais :
Moi aussi je dois souvent vérifier pour les noms de saints.
Depuis ton lien :
L'exoterisme est vrai et a sa raison d'être. L'auteur semble parler comme un (une?) progressiste qui voudrais que déja le règne de Dieu soit réalisé sur terre, qu'il y ai pleine transparence. Malheureusement pour cette critique il semblerait qu'on soit face à quelqun qui ne comprenne pas assez bien le principe des mystères. Les mystères doivent être cachés. Les gens comme ça sont louches qui s'attaquent à l'Eglise ou a la tradition sous prétexte de spiritualité. ça ne m'étonnerais pas que ce soit une femme new-age. D'ailleurs, toi qui habites à Lyon tu dois savoir que Lyon a eu, et a encore affaire à des spiritualités foireuses.
Asher Nguyen
Je ne viens pas de Lyon, je connais juste Blandine. : )
Mais c'est vrai qu'il y a des affaires louches là-bas.
J'avais oublié cette phrase de la critique, cela dit, bien qu'il faille respecter l'exotérisme, dans notre époque qui s'approche de la fin et avec le matérialisme qui détruit de plus en plus les vérités symboliques de l'Eglise ; dévoiler certaines doctrines secrètes peut s'avérer salvateurs pour certains. C'est ce qui m'a sauvé d'ailleurs, moi qui trouvait le christianisme "niais" et "enfantin".
En tout cas, je suis content de voir qu'il y ait des gens instruit à propos de l'ésotérisme ici. Je fais en général profil bas car les gens ont ici une foi simple et c'est tout à leur honneur.
Que Dieu te bénisse!
Amen brother!
Eli Parker
Je sais pas. Le problème est le fait que l'ésotérisme soit devenu hétérodoxe et ne soit plus encadré par l'Eglise. D'ou les conflits fréquents entre éxotérisme et ésotérisme. Un dévoilement pour certains, oui, mais pour la masse ça donne la théosophie et le new age. (juste sur ce board par exemple, les discussion a propos de l'ésoterisme sont bannies car vues comme par nature hétérodoxe donc mieux vaudrait qu'on arrête là avant de se faire ban.)
Nathaniel Bailey
I’m gonna be honest…my last few experiences with women made me feel so bad, I am not coming back to them anymore.? I have no sympathy for the MGTOW movement, but I am so close to feel towards women the same way they do.
Eli Long
what happened?
Gavin Roberts
Good thread OP. I was hoping someone from the Relationships thread would make one.
Yep. There a ton of young single women in my church who always ask "Where have all the good men gone?", but cannot fathom the idea of submitting to their (future) husbands, as the Bible demands.
Feminism and weak/absent father figures are largely to blame. The increased percentage of emasculated men today doesn't help either.
A sad truth. I can tell many Christian men, both on here and ones I've met in person, are working to improve themselves. I wish more women had the same attitude.
I've been contemplating that very idea lately… that or some other clergy position.
I've been discontent with STEM in college, and I've felt a calling to the Orthodox Church over the months, but I want to be certain this is the right choice before "church hopping".
Liam Moore
Think of it this way.
If you were a girl, should some bad experiences with them(and, let's be honest, there are plenty of shitty, predatory men) make you turn into a hateful radfem that think men are scum?
Maybe colder, maybe circumspect, but NEVER become that which is hateful.
Carson Jenkins
Not really, those that take feminine careers are actually pretty they manage to maintain their feminine aspect and a worthy living at the same.
But there are many, and I say many more entering some that used to be restrict male jobs, like leadership, management, engineering, even programing, driving, sole manual labor and security.
You misunderstand, feminism =!= femininity, in fact they oppose it each other.
You seem to grasp that better in this post, both sexes have masculine and feminine energy, women are becoming more masculine and men more feminine, and both end in deep unhappiness by reaching this state and trying for balanced relationship.
Its even the worse of both worlds now, since feminine women still have that strong charming side that attracts the males, but they also have a more developed masculine side and independence, and that's where it all falls apart because never learn how to really submit and commit to a corresponding male.
And as I've said before, they do have a stronger emotional side than men, not a moral or objective one, this is why women can leave men in shambles without giving two f*cks, this how they compete with each other and its how that can badly hurt a physically stronger male.
Austin Miller
This too, and its another women behave the way they do, as mentioned before they look for a quality male to protect and provide, and if you can't handle their moods swings and shit test, how the hell could you handle to protect and provider for them in this shitty world?
Them having standards to find a suitable male isn't really the problem, the bad side of this equation comes with the feminist wave of the world, where women instead can provide and be protected on their own, with laws and everything. But there aren't still laws in place to protect men from their nasty emotional side, this leads to the possibility of men having the literal lives ruined.
And the other downside to this, is that since they can't settle with a strong confident man, their feminine side still feels attraction to those unavailable men, eg, the bad boys who will never really care for them, leading to unfortunate cycle of self destruction.
But not all hope is lost, I'm seeing for one the fall of the wave of feminism, current generation probably is still pretty f*cked up, but there are tendencies of women identifying more with their feminine side, preferring to submission and whatnot. If anything is to set an example, the generation most affect by feminism, millennials alike, you can see the tendency of having a very small ratio of happily married couples, tons and tons of 30+ yo with no prospect of ever finding a suitable partner. (just remembered embed)
Jackson Mitchell
My priest once told a bride to read that passage from Paul. She got all triggered saying she didn't had to obey her husband lol.
Then the priest had to explain why she should and it was not slavery, it was the obedience of love etc. He also said that for example woman must ask permission form their husbands to go out at night, which I imagine triggered a lot of young women.
But who cares. Next day they probably forgot about it and will get divorced and remarried in less than an year.
Hunter Reed
that video really pissed me off. what a fricking boomer cuck
yeah, i'm thinking women are just a meme now. the only question is do you give up and become a monk, or hold on to whatever delusions you still hae left and wait for a unicorn
Zachary Clark
Michael Ward
A heart broken is the converse side to deep, intense love. It represents the loss side of the coin.
You cannot have one without the other.
Refer C.S.Lewis (pic related)
Also, watch out, because this guy is kinda right
Turning to hating them, to analysing them isn't the path to restoring your stability. Grieve, allow yourself to do so, and then move on to the next "cruelest enchantress".
Oliver Reed
Words of truth, I was aware of that in the past, but thanks for reminding me again, it did really touch me. I'll check out this book.
But the point of the thread was to bring more understanding to the subject, both for men and women, and most importantly learning from it.
My worry is specifically in the tendencies of the modern world, where women are seeking to strength their ever more masculine side and independence, leaving even the strongest of men behind.
He is not wrong though.
Its actually funny to see this recent video of him after viewing the old ones many years back, and you can even feel his frustration on the subject of how bad things got.
And I think it even shows the frustration on the female side, she sought to become strong and independent, but now she's sad and alone.
I just hope its an indication of a change in tendency.
Easton White
Hi, user from /relationship general/. Good to see you have created the thread you talked about. I am going to do my part here. I am going to longpost but I think the knowledge I have gathered so far from various sources (Sermons irl, podcasts by Bishop WIlliamson - highly recommended, Revolt against the modern world and other 'redpill books', Scriptures, even some gaming literature and my experience) is worth the time.
Fasten your seatbelts. Let's go.
Noah Wood
When you talk about the nature of women you cannot but talk first about the nature of men. One of the mistakes modern man makes is separating sexes and then claiming they're somehow "equal" - whatever meaning that is supposed to convey. More on that later.
Adam was created first, then God made Eve his companion. Man is made in the image of God…but well there are two sexes. Ever since the fall and primal sin, the nature of each sex is damaged by some insufficiences and strengthened from other sides. You see neither man nor woman can become perfect as God because 1) sinful nature 2) nature of being man or a woman. Only God is perfect in every sense. The marriage is a sacrament where man and woman become one flesh. Nice way of putting it is that the married couple attempts to get as close to God as possible. A marriage is a way towards God that man and woman take together. They create an offspring and try to raise them as well as they can - by imitating God the father. Man is the strong, stable part. (in the song of songs a woman admires the strength of his arm). He is the one who makes decisions, does not break under pressure, protects her. She is the home maker, she completely devotes herself for the benefit of the family. Her way is the way of love - in a feminine sense. He admires her beauty, her eyes(Song of songs). In the song of songs we see that masculine nature is somewhat restless. A man seeks transcendence - "A gazelle" in the song of songs. I will write more in the next paragraph about nature of each gender as Evola puts it but here I want to point out that the man is stable when he settles down - he finds his purpose. Either priesthood or family. I think each one of us knows the restlessness when we look for a girlfriend or the purpose of our being in our everyday life. In the song of songs the woman sits in the window and then she wants the man to settle down with her. The man on the other hand admires her stability - in that sense that he feels a place beside her is his purpose, his way of reaching towards God. When I write about "stability" and restlessness next it will be in another context so please do not write I contradict myself - I do not. What I mean here is that a man finds stability in finding a purpose - and the woman too.
Sources: Genesis, Song of Songs
Jace Ward
"You are born to be what you are and you should celebrate what you were born to be." - J.Bowden (I know he's a pagan but this quote holds a lot of truth)
Look at men and women. Do they look the same? Obviously not. They are obviously different physically but also spiritually.
"The physical difference should be viewed as the equivalent of a spiritual difference" - J. Evola, Revolt against the modern world
The archetypes of a man are: The warrior(hero) and ascetic. This is pure virility. Physical strength combined with spiritual strength. That's why we admire brave soldiers, monks, knights and so on. In other words when woman seeks virility in her man she seeks strength, stability, love. The archetype of woman is different. It is of a lover and mother. The woman is embodied love. Women are capable of a great dedication - far greater than men are. Not to diminish the dedication of men who fought bravely against the muslim hordes. They were loyal to God and to their people up to the point of the death. But women have a different dimension of giving herselves. As Bishop Williamson puts it: "a woman needs two spoonfuls of love and she may run 2000 miles. But she does need those two spoonfuls" A woman is capable of great sacrifices for her family in everyday life. First she gives her body and her beauty to her husband completely…then becomes even more dedicated to protect their children. NOthing is more dangerous than a woman that defends her children. Germanic women(times of roman conquests) were able to slay warriors that routed from battle because they knew that when the battle was lost, they would all be killed/enslaved. Hungarian women were fighting muslim hordes with boiling oil and even weapons to protect their cities. They are depicted on paintings/city walls nowadays. I think even muslims noted this in their history of the conquests. So this is the unbeliveable ability of devotion of women. Of course there are some other vocations - nuns, etc. Well here again you find the devotion but their husband is Jesus Christ himself.
"As far as the woman is concerned, there is true greatness in her when she is capable of giving without asking for anything in return" - J.Evola, Revolt Against the Modern World
Therefore each sex seeks a way towards God in their way and those ways are often intertwined - as in marriage. While virile way is the way of heroism of action, the feminine way is the way of heroism of dedication. Both serve its purpose and complement each other.
Sources: B. Williamson, Revolt against the modern world
Evan Wilson
People are unequal. People are different and what is different cannot be equal. People are unequal, that is a fact, if you have an issue with that statement sort it out yourself. Modern man tries to claim everyone, even man and woman, is somehow equal. This magic word means everything and nothing at the same time. "gender roles" is another useless buzzword - each sex was created for some vocation by God. Using "roles" is as if you can change the nature you were born. Let's just talk about nature of man and woman while keeping out the annoying buzzwords of pozzed west.
"Feminism has not been able to devise a personality for women other than by imitating the male personality" J.Evola, revolt against the modern world
"Modern woman has considered her traditional role to be demeaning and has taken offence at being treated "only as woman"" - J.Evola, revolt against the modern world.
Since we know men and women are not equal and men are supposed to lead the family we can conclude that, sadly, men are responsible for feminism. If men did not allow it, it would not exist.
The bonus question is: Who was in the wrong for the primal sin? Well both Adam and Eve of course. But who was the "head of the family" the strong element that should have said "God forbidden us to eat fruit from this tree?" Well it was Adam. The point here is that women tend to follow the flock, they are more malleable than men - for better or for good. Men have to be man so women can be women.
Sources: Genesis,Revolt against the modern world
Tyler Nguyen
This quote is again from Revolt against the modern world. The chapter about the sexes was interesting and truly enlightening for me. Think about it for a second - it summarizes everything I wrote so far into a one sentence.
I have managed to explain where I am coming from, point out the strongpoints of my views and now we're ready to get into the meat and the potatoes of my longpost.
Nicholas Martinez
So far we've discussed that men and women are not equal. Each has his way towards God, each has something that the other "lacks".
Bishop Williamson says "the man is the stick while the woman is the flower. Together they may grow upwards towards God. The man supports the beautiful flower that may reach upwards. If they are both flowers or both sticks, it does not work. They both stay in the mud." Here is what I mean by virile stability: It is men taking charge of situation: making the first move to know the woman, holding strong moral principles, not going for sex before marriage, having an opinion, making the difficult decisions even if it means the outcome is not clear yet, protecting the family, loving the woman, securing the material aspect. Then the woman uses her dedication and love to create a home for her husband and for their kids. She finds stable ground in him but to be honest everything he does is for her. They have a common way towards God.
Bishop williamson points out: " Men run on ego, women run on love". This is true. Men need confidence, they need a certain amount of self esteem to be masculine. We all know we have insecurities, we all know the trouble asking a gorgeous girl out, we all seek female approval to some extent. Well we do need some ego to be who we are. Some men are more hard,some less…but all of us are fragile. When we reach our fracture point, we break. When a woman dominates a man - that is she breaks his ego for good,he will never truly love her. He may not leave her, but he will always feel some resentment because she did not let him be the man. What this means practically: We should seek feminine women. They tend to be submissive - not always, not in everything but a good woman knows when not to contradict her man even if she thinks otherwise. She instinctively knows that if she broke him, she would not be able to rely on him the way she does. It's the same as you not wanting to destroy your car. Women run on love - we discussed the dedication enough but let's talk about this from a different direction. Women want to be loved, they seek male approval. This is their "restlessness". This is why they rend to follow the flock - it increases their chances of finding a suitable husband. This is why they are more malleable than men are. Ever notice the women who post almost naked on IG/FB. Well them getting the likes is them getting an approval they seek. Also roasties sleeping with X men is their way of getting the feeling they're "loved". It is a sad state of things because they damage themselves enough so good men no longer want them to be their wives. Men on the other hand seek affirmation ini sexual pleasure. That;s why nofap is even a thing. That's why porn is destroying our lives. It is the lowest effort to get the affirmation. In a sense men masturbate and sleep around for a similar reasons why women attention whore online and sleep around. Of course the images they seek are just an illusions created by Satan himself to stray them from the true way towards God.
Sources: Bishop Williamson podcasts
Carter Moore
If you endured to read it all, congrats. I put a lot of effort into putting this together so I hope at least somebody will find it useful. I highly recommend the sources I used.
The rest I'd write would be summarized in /relationship general/ and /purity/, which is related to the essence of this thread. The way I see it men should lead. The best way to impress a woman is not trying to impress her. If you're confident about who you are, you're a cool guy to be around then people, especially women, will want to be around you.
Nice thread.
God bless.
Noah Lewis
God bless you.
Juan Johnson
Feminism don't oppose femininity.
Feminism oppose traditional women role.
But feminism don't oppose the madness of women (which makes them feminine). So feminism just oppose the submission of this madness.
Well, your video clearly gives the key to everything you say : You are a feminist who listen to a feminist non religious guy. inb4 "I'm not feminist, I believe women should be submitted", but you are if you think they are better, stronger,… than men.
Landon Anderson
Becoming a monk is giving up the world, and giving up the world is the real fight. Become a monk if you can.
Chase Jackson
I don't want to appear harsh. But I have some things to discuss in what you were saying.
No, women are not capable of greater dedication. But women are capable of more dedication on a specific field in a a blinded way, like fools. That is to say, men are more detached from this world. Women can easily become more obsessed by it. That's why their role must be limited, so that their blinding from the spiritual (symbolized in their veil as meister eckhart say) don't detach the human disciplines from the spiritual perspective, that their husband submit them to the spiritual perspective (Being their Lord as saint Paul and Peter say). Love for people (microcomos) is the only way their obsession can gain some range, in a cosmic perspective, thus maternity.
So, greater obsession for the world, that's all (this can explain you why there is feminism in this period of time, and why it's encouraged).
That is disputable, women is responsible for feminism/the fall. Men is responsible for hearing it.
De Cultu Feminarium (On the Apparel of Women), Chapter 1
Now, are men more responsible than women ? Saint Clement of Rome goes in your sense, saying the men is more responsible since he is the strongest sex (and thus, he say, he is condemned to public careers). But saint John Chrysostom goes the other way.
>"But how was Adam not deceived? If he was not deceived, he did not then transgress? Attend carefully. The woman said, "The serpent beguiled me." But the man did not say, The woman deceived me, but, "she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." Now it is not the same thing to be deceived by a fellow-creature, one of the same kind, as by an inferior and subordinate animal. This is truly to be deceived. Compared therefore with the woman, he is spoken of as "not deceived." For she was beguiled by an inferior and subject, he by an equal. Again, it is not said of the man, that he "saw the tree was good for food," but of the woman, and that she "did eat, and gave it to her husband": so that he transgressed, not captivated by appetite, but merely from the persuasion of his wife. The woman taught once, and ruined all. On this account therefore he (saint Paul) says, let her not teach. But what is it to other women, that she suffered this? It certainly concerns them; for the sex is weak and fickle, and he is speaking of the sex collectively." saint John Chrysostom homely on 1 timothy 9
So, I don't think we can say the fall, or feminism is the fault of men. Instead, the fall is the testimony of the weakness of the other sex and it call us to caution when we are affected/when we love women. It's an important nuance : same responsibility but not the same danger.
Aaron Mitchell
No, everything he does is for God. The body (women) do everything for the spirit (man) but the spirit doesn't do everything for the body. The body will be saved in the process of salvation but it's secondary. And before salvation, women (the body) must be denied.
The ego must be denied to achieve salvation, Pride is the greatest sin. The greatest saints see themself as the greatest sinners. Instead, it would be more accurate to say men run on knowledge and women on love. Women don't run on agape (it would be a foolish feminist lie to say so), but run on affect (lower types of love). And knowledge is superior to love since humans seek gnosis in God, not love. Humans don't seek knowledge of God as he makes himself appear through it's doing of goodness (what love seek ) but we seek the knowledge of God as what he IS. If you seek the God of Love you don't seek God, pure from anything, even from it's good doing. A way to see it is seeing women as the psyche (lower part of the soul) attached to manifestations of God, and Man as the spirit, or the superior part of the soul, that goes beyond.
Freudian slip ? ^^
That is the real problem. Men nowadays seek affirmation. But a real men don't seek any affirmation. A real saint don't seek any. It's satanical to seek affirmation. And that's the real problem of the consumption society, seeking affirmation in partial/lower beings, terrestrial being. Seeking affirmation is what makes men feminine.
Also, you must take Evola with caution. René Guénon, who Evola is the debtor of, clearly said he is in the error (notably on the supremacy of the spiritual over the secular Evola deny, thus proving his all construction is flawed).
Jason Campbell
wut? and it doesn't even mention that they're stronger than men in the strict sense
It clearly does, feminism is the ideal to women to become more independent, take roles usually best for males, become logical and more objective.
Its plain right becoming more masculine and letting go of femininity, taking sex more casually and in some instances directly abstaining from men.
A plain example of this are feminazis.
I agree with you in the sense their feminine madness is what makes them unique.
But my point, which I've tried to say many times already, is that it all goes haywire when you combine the two.
You the woman who likes being feminine, but tends to be masculine for the majority of time, either because of society or conditioning (that she must be a independent women, will likely be more successful professionally than the average men, feminist and etc), and this results in sadness and confusion in relationships, where they fail to submit to their partners and let feminine side shine through.
There are of course those women who have much more strong masculine side, either from personality or whatever, but these tend to be the minority, and they're usually the ones that do the most screeching.
Jackson Martin
Isaiah Peterson
Lol, literal jew face.
Sebastian Hill
Obviously. That's like the most cliche thing you can write… but that was not the point of what I wrote. This just tells you misunderstood what I wrote there. It is not pride to have a healthy self esteem. I did not talk about men being prideful.
Clearly this was meant in a way that he does everything for a family - which is in this case his way of going to God. Of course God is the main driving force behind it, well no shit - read the first paragraph I wrote.
It is. I dispute what I wrote. Like it or not.
You do not have to agree with what I wrote. Honestly I do not care. I laid my point of view that was similarly grounded before I read Evola and I used quotes to make it easily flowing. Just because you dislike the guy that does not make some of his points invalid.
lol mate. It clearly does. You seem to have a twisted view of what feminity and feminism is. But again….we disagree on few points when women are concerned so that's it..
Also I do not want to be the "you made a typo" guy but seriously the grammar is terrible in most posts.
Jordan Allen
Thanks user, I'm sorry I didn't read it through yet.
Felt another heartbreak just by looking at her FB and seeing how she's trying to erase all our memories.
I've guess this is just another way (and reason) to destroy my ego, and not fall or become attached to these falsehoods.
I'm not in a good mood so better stop talking. Hope for the best, hope I can grief and recover, hope there's bound to be something better at the end of this tunnel.
Lincoln Carter
There is an end to it. You should focus on your spiritual life now and try to drop your ex. If you check her fb/ig you will always find something to worry about. Better drop it.
Robert Anderson
Thanks brother, the more I think about the hard it is to not see her as a cruel mistress and feel resentment.
I want to let go, I want to accept it, pray to give me strength to get over this.
I'll read stuff soon enough, I've guess there is an upside to this, if I'm able to overcome this (and I've had my fair share of heartbreaks in this life), I should be able to overcome anything else.
Time to destroy my ego and attachment once again.
Adam Morris
sometimes swallowing our own pride is the worst part of breaking up with somebody. There are many women in the world. You will find better one for sure. It'salways dark before the dawn.
Ayden Hughes
The more I think about it, the more I hate women. How can you not? I mean that as a genuine question, how can anyone apart from oxytocin tolerate a woman's presence as anything but the highest offense?
This is especially true in the Churches I have visited. Enter into any parish or body or whatever, denomination matters not, and any woman who dwells within under the age of 40 is only present because of one reason, her sexual marketplace value has caught up to her or is soon to catch up so she acts with wise self interest to find herself a husband. It is disgusting to gleam and hear what these women are capable of as they come in and seek to poach young men of their youth and vigor after having taken every degenerate twist and turn in the godless world outside.
I have not met one woman who is not worthy of vicious scorn as she lives her unrepentant lifestyle up until the point of it being inconvenient to her long term economic status. Young men come to an understanding of God through various circumstances, but ultimately many fear their Maker and understand their sins as an affront to Him and find personal salvation in Christ. I have not seen one woman seek Christ for any reason beyond her expiring value. She goes into the church to find shelter from her sins as we all do, but there is no love of God in her heart, none that I have seen anyways. No woman I have seen has decided to bear the sacrifice of not having a marriage, as so many, even in this very thread consider for themselves, it is not even a thought in their head, they will receive a husband and will be secure under him so long as she dances the dance up until she is able to take from him everything!
So I ask again, who would, given the choice, willfully take in these accursed vipers when even the most gracious thing offered to them is taken with manipulative, plotting hands?
Angel White
i hate women, so i avoid them. then i start to feel bad for hating them, and open myself up to interacting with them. then, they just end up giving me more reason to hate them. i try to not hate them, but they just force me to do it, which makes me hate them even more for filling me with hate. its a vicious cycle.
women should have zero rights and arranged marriages should become the norm for the express purpose of breeding. women should essentially be breeding slaves. if given the slightest freedoms, they wind up getting dicked down by every other dude within a 30 mile radius. sane men realize this and don't bother with them, then you have a situation where only retarded cuck men are breeding (as far as whites go, we all know the shitskins just breed indiscriminately, like wild animals). its a disaster
Cooper Bennett
Female saints?
Don't get me wrong, your text accurately describes most women but history proved us enough times that they are indeed humans and are capable of asthouning spiritual devotion.
I like arranged marriage but you sound like Eliott Rodger it's not even funny. Yes I have read his book.
Stop being bitter losers and go monk, focus on God
Ian Brooks
Jeremiah Ramirez
Nothing he said was wrong
Connor Anderson
Someone who thinks that badly of women is either a faggot or just a coward who can't take proper vows and dedicate himself to be a monk. Being in a state of "I want, but I hate/can't have" is no way to go through life.
Ayden Morales
Okay managed to read, excellent information brother, really vital for anyone who wishes to better himself and is failing to understand women.
Another great dissertation there, I couldn't help but remind of a quote from the book I was reading:
Of course this isn't noted in your text, but it draws an unfortunate parallel. Maybe its true for the women who are dishonest about submitting.
Again agree with the great text here, it is a factual true that men themselves pushed for the feminist agenda, because of the times where they were put to work and required to become more independent due to war.
I remember actually seeing this, that it was only small minority of women fighting for feminism and that there were even "pro femininity" movements from women themselves.
And as I said before its true that "feminism" in itself has pushed to develop their more masculine and independent side, in turn making men more feminine, messing up their roles in relationships and leading to a lot of confusion.
Looking into the real world I can barely ever see a real stable couple that doesn't have its roles reversed.
And yet a great conclusion.
Taking from this I am fearful, for what it means for a men to give himself in love and commit, when in it is at that point that women may fail to see a strong man in himself and lose interest. Again with the ever more scarcity of women who are willing to submit with their feminine side.
Now looking back at my relationship I can't help but feel resentment.
She was indeed very feminine, I my masculine helped to bring out more of that side of hers. But I can't help but feel tricked, that she would push and insist for me to commit and open my self to her, only to dump me like that afterwards. Because it seems deep down that this wasn't her real motive, but instead she was one of these venomous girls while pretending to be devote. eg, seeking approval and love, but not really willing to submit.
Also, part of me can't help but blame myself, I was complacent and maybe she failed to see me as a long term provider (her main complaint). And this was mostly because I wavered in intent this last semester, even though I was pursuing my focus but I didn't push enough.
I know I shouldn't be meddling so deep in this, but its a question that I thought had figured out. And at the very least I want to understand so to become stronger.
Nicholas Watson
Sensible information succinctly presented. Well done and thank you.
Landon Hughes
Is it Christ-like to be filled with that much hatred towards the opposite sex? I'd think God would consider it a sin.
Austin Moore
Checked, and I don't think its christ-like to be filled with hate towards anything.
They have their flaws and puzzles use, but its their nature and we have to accept it.
I think I can see this, just a small glimpse at (((christian dating apps))) and I could see the majority to be over 30, pure normalfags whose appearance didn't treat them well.
I can imagine most of them are like that in actual active churches as well, with the exception of protestants that tend to be more feverous with their families. Catholic churches are basically seniority meetings.
Asher Gomez
jesus rebuked the thots
Wyatt Scott
Did you unironically quote Evola ?
Kevin Jackson
Asher Murphy
Gavin Myers
inaccurate strawman, i haven't jerked of to anime porn in a very long time
Nicholas Cox
Don't take me wrong bro, but why fapping to cartons and not to real women?
Jordan Bailey
because sometimes a man just wants to nut to some big titty anime pokemon girls and the cosplays are just terrible 9 times out of 10
Kevin Perez
The sexually impure shall not inherit the Kingdom of Heaven, repent.
James Reed
It more or less depends on who you like and personal taste.
Blake Flores
i have. like i said before, i haven't jacked it to anime tiddies in probably over a year. last time i jerked off at all in general was like 3 weeks ago and it was probably to something pretty vanilla compared to hentai. i have fapped to incest porn recently tho, probably within a couple months ago. bestiality hasn't happened in a long time either.
most of the cosplay stuff is too vanilla for me, or for how i used to be at least. lewd cosplay is usually shit, but yeah, there are some hidden gems if you look hard enough
man, i wish porn was illegal
Elijah Reed
you cannot "tone down" mortal sin, you have to stop completely. Beg God for Grace.
Jose Russell
Again, having knowledge of women's flaws is not thinking badly of them. You sound like a white knight.
Aaron Murphy
Thanks guys. Good to see my effort was not in vain.
Yes, quite unironically. Got any talking point against the quote or you're just one of those "muh evolafags" guys?
lol this quote. Always makes me laugh. I do not know any basement evolafags irl but I doubt people who take time to read him jerk off to anime. It's a good one though.
I am almost one year nofap going strong. Nice try anyway.
Yes. Women sometimes women love their offspring while omitting the love for man. I think that scripture demands that man loves his wife but not the other way around - not really sure here but I think it is so. Well judging from my family this doesnot have to be a case. However every time there is an offspring the man will be quite shadowed by it because the woman now pours her love to care for kids. I think it's natural state of things to some extent. Unless the woman despises the man and cares only for kids of course.
I really like the quote that feminism turns women into inferior men. Not sure who said it. Basically it has nothing to do with feminity it is just women swallowing the equality pill and then larping as men - while men allow it by silence.
I do non think the woman will take the commitment as a sign of weakness - quite the contrary. She will see it as a sign of stability. Well it depends - if the man is "I am about to settle because I want to and i can manage it" or fi the man is "I want to settle because I do not know what to do with myself, perhaps this will save me from misery". The latter approach would probably be a sign of weakness.
lol that's like the last relationship I have been in, that I have described on /relationship general/ Some girls are like that. The experience will make you stronger, with time you will sort out what was your fault and what was hers. Your analysis of the situation may shift with time and new experiences.
Cooper Sanchez
I'm a celibate. And happy. And in my 40s. That's about as much as I'll say. I'll point this much out just to show I want nothing from anyone.
Take vows or find a woman you can love. But don't fester in this other area.
Dylan Phillips
Luis Morris