Church Architecture Thread

Post some AESTHETIC looking churches and share idea on proper church construction and design.

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Anyone want to come with me and establish a byzantine colony in the Canadian Tundra on a valley warmed by geothermal vents?

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Only if i can be basileusand if you submit to rome

ofc but we just need the ark of the covenant buried in oak island and a properly maintain byzantine army to guard it.

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count me in


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Idaho's better, on account of the lack of leafs.

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Can't tell if this is sarcastic or not.. but The Ark of the Covenant was found in Israel, beneath the crucifixion site. When Jesus died, the earth quaked and the rocks rent. When His side was pierced, the blood and water that came out flowed through the cracks in the Earth. Just like in the OT when the blood of sin offerings was sprinkled upon the Mercy Seat, so came His blood literally upon the Mercy Seat.

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Yeah that was a hoax by a con man who accepted thousands in donations from people who wanted to see it, and then it conveniently disappeared. And no, the Ethiopians don’t have it either.


For anyone who would like to research this for himself, search for Ron Wyatt

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One of my personal favourites is the Mosque-Cathedral of Cordoba. Visiting it in Google Maps is a really cool experience, and I'd love to personally go there one day. Instead of destroying the old mosque, the Christians build upon it, and fused the cathedral with the pillar forest of the mosque. It has to be a truly incredible place (at least until the hordes of Chinese tourists arrive).

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When will they fall?

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this is based, but i'm in opposition of . We need to have an RCC and an Orthodox (non-EC) co-emperor to rule the realm

i've been there, it isn't as cool as it sounds. you can't go to half of the places that are cool and there are a lot of extraneous artifacts.

The Evangelistria's church in Mystras, Greece is simply beautiful. Settled in among so many ruins, I can't help but admire it.

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i can accept this compromise. Now, where's the army?

Isn't it thought by many that the ark is actually in heaven or something? I suppose only God knows for sure.


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where is that 2nd one?
the building seems to be designed around nature and conforms to the hill, it's pefect
these days they'd probably just knock the hill out of the ground or something

Every day the Turks live in Constantinople is an insult against God.

Las Lajas Cathedral, Colombia

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Sacred Heart basilica in Newark NJ.

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Debre Damo in Abyssinia, form the 6th century and the plateau it is on

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Dear GOD:

Please let me win the $7 MILLION POWERBALL JACKPOT on SATURDAY (JUNE 29). I will use the money to set up my own research lab and find the cure for CANCER and AGING.

I will release the cures into the public domain.

Everyone no matter how rich or poor will no longer need to suffer!

Childhood cancer will also be history!

Thank you!

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Check out images of the Cathedral of St. Paul/ Basilica of St. Mary in the Twin Cities. I visited those recently for the first time and it's really illustrative of the total failure of V2. The Cathedral was built by a bishop asking farmers for donations and was able to raise the equivalent of $46 million from ~100,000 people. Now there are brown tables in front of the high altars in all the incredible churches in the twin cities and all the churches are in disrepair because nobody believes anymore. Not even the regular people who originally funded the building of these magnificent feats are willing to contribute. The liberal Basilica has 8 *marble* confessionals that are being used as janitor closets and now they have two modern confessionals in the basement. What an utter embarrassment.

Some Maronite Churches

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I think this would look better with a second tower to complete the symmetry but still looks nice.

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