Can women be priests/pastors?
Women ministers?
No. Women are in a state of ontological subjugation to men, and therefore cannot serve the role of shepherd. Christ didn't choose male apostles by accident.
1577 "Only a baptized man (vir) validly receives sacred ordination." The Lord Jesus chose men (viri) to form the college of the twelve apostles, and the apostles did the same when they chose collaborators to succeed them in their ministry. The college of bishops, with whom the priests are united in the priesthood, makes the college of the twelve an ever-present and ever-active reality until Christ's return. The Church recognizes herself to be bound by this choice made by the Lord himself. For this reason the ordination of women is not possible.
Jesus spoke to women in public when in that time it was tabboo. Jesus also had female disciples like Mary Magdalene, Joanna, etc. They even discovered the empty tomb at a time when women being witnesses were not valid. 1 Corinthians 14:34 is most likely an interpoltation not originally written by Paul, the Pastorals are not authentic Pauline letters but forgeries by the later Patriarchal church. Paul actually praises women and calls one of them an apostle in Romans 16:7. Paul says there is neither male nor female in Galatians 3:28. Your bigotry against women will not stand. Certainly Jesus nor Paul would agree with it.
that doesn't mean women can be priests/pastors
that doesn't mean women can be priests/pastors
that doesn't mean women can be priests/pastors and source ?
source ? that's something big you're saying here
that doesn't mean women can be priests/pastors
No point in marking an argument with people who try to say that St. Paul was wrong, or actually a forgery, except when what he said can be bent to agree with what they're pushing.
that doesn't mean women can be priests/pastors
i meant to respond to this message*
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.
P.S. to be quite honest, I wouldnt have serious problem with that (we had deaconesses in old times though they arent technically part of Orthodox priesthood) if it werent for an elaborate plan by backers of SJWs to ruin the church from the inside. Women priests are kind of a small pebble in cartoons that fall from the cliff and start moving larger and larger boulders that would crush the spectators.
1 Timothy 2:11-15
Let a woman learn quietly with all submissiveness. I do not permit a woman to teach or to exercise authority over a man; rather, she is to remain quiet. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet she will be saved through childbearing—if they continue in faith and love and holiness, with self-control.
What are you even doing on 8ch? Unironically using that word.
No,this is for men.
None of this implies that women and men are ontologically equal as you assert. For if this were so, there would be no distinction between them and the very terms "man" and "woman" would be absurd. One cannot distinguish between two things if they are essentially equal, for two equal things are ultimately one.
Priesthood is a masculine role, as said. It is unique and particular to men, mirroring Christ's relation to His Church. Women are not men, therefore they cannot mirror Christ in this capacity. What you are ultimately asking is for women to become men, to adopt a male nature, and then, when this is impossible (which it is), crying "bigotry" like some child throwing a tantrum.
Firstly, it is bigotry only insofar as the claim that men are not woman is bigoted. This is the truth, therefore there is no bigotry. Secondly, it obviously will stand since it is only extremely minor, modern and unimportant sects which take your point of view.
I'd like to reinforce since your "rebuttal" is irrelevant. The Sacred Scriptures are inspired by the Holy Spirit, meaning that everything contained within them is chosen by God. It doesn't make any difference whether or not the Pauline Epistles are all authentic; the fact alone that God decided to include them vouchsafes them regarding their contained teachings.
You clearly have an agenda which is offensive to the true faith. How you can stand alone, against history, against all the saints and martyrs, against Holy Mother Church, and cling to your own opinion, is truly shocking. You should humble yourself instead of puffing yourself up like this.
Many Protestant denominations have female pastors, but others don't. The mainline ones usually have a schism in which one sect accepts them and another one doesn't.
Putting the bait at the end of the hook.
Galatians 3:28 says there is no distinction. Men and women are completely equal in every single way. Maybe you should enter 2019, your medieval morality is silly.
I grew up with men and women priests in my church and it was fine. Regardless of the gender, the priest would make great homilies to help lead us as to become great Christians both in the Christian community and outside of it.
So yeah, I don't see why not.
You’re illiterate. The same passage goes on to explain that, despite being spiritually equal, men and women are meant to fulfill different spiritual roles.
Ah man, good bait
0/10 troll
Why do you all keep using "woman priest" instead of "priestess"? You'd never say "man priest"
priestess i guess has the connotation of 'non-abrahamic religious official'
Please stop.
the absolute state
-man priest
But he did. Apostle just means "one who is sent". He told Mary Magdalene to tell of his Resurrection. She's been called the Apostle to the Apostles since the earliest times because of this.
And Paul counted Junia (not "Junias" the modern rendering in some evangelical versions) as one of the apostles who accompanied him. Basically, an Apostle is a missionary, but with the highest spiritual gifts. Anyone who was "sent" to foreign lands was called "Apostle" to that territory for the first few hundred years of the church. For example, St. Patrick is called the Apostle to Ireland, and had the Spirit of God working with him to prove it. The Georgian/Caucasus area had St. Nino (St. Nina), also accompanied by great power that converted the whole territory.
What Paul forbids is ministerial roles. That's not an Apostle. But something specific to congregational work, such as officiating the Lord's Supper. They are to be like Christ on Earth, as he is High Priest in heaven. So naturally, it's wrong that a woman would depict Christ himself.
The reason why Evangelicals are falling apart in this field though is because they've destroyed all distinctions of office and gifts in the church and put pastors on a pedestal. You have no saints, no role models other than pastors, and no gifts for everyone in the church.. so it's only natural that women revolt and try to take the only place that's allowed in these pretend churches. They reap what they sow. I don't pity or weep for this at all, because it isn't even the Church to begin with.
No, only modernist heretics think this.
I don't understand this question it's a winnie the pooh job that anyone can become.
Of course. Just make sure you aren't perceived as creepy / unattractive by her or she'll have you kicked out of the church.
Wrong, go read 1 Corinthians.
stop saying this, it has been dis-proven on more than one occasion. Repeating it over and over again won't make people beleive you.
Just a personal opinion: I'd feel more comfortable with the idea of a female priestess than the idea of male priest/pastor that's not celibate.
Why? There is nothing weird about being married. Although it is tradition in the church that our priests be celibate, some Catholic churches allow priests to be married. I don't see how it's weird since it isn't unnatural.
My guess
He has a fetish and wants to fornicate with a priestess.
I just think a priest should fully dedicate his live to God, and life it in a different manner than the lay people. It's not that I don't think a non-celibate person can't be close to God, but someone who's a priest should fully dedicate his life to serving Him. Raising a family can be a beautiful thing and a way to get close to God, but it's more of an indirect way.
No, I don't have a priestess fetish. Nuns, on the other hand…
Monks are already doing that. The equivalent of a nun would really be a monk, both have to be celibate.
Imo a “priestess” reeks of the absurdities of paganism. My Orthodox priest is celibate but a priest is just a teacher. He could in theory have a wife. You could make that argument.
A Christian priestess… now that’s just absurd vanity.
Historical criticism is always wrong. You need to take the bible at its word. Only atheists and jews believe in historical criticism.
Romans 3:4
2 Corinthians 10:5
Colossians 2:8
2 peter 3:15-16
If medieval morality means at leats attempting to follow the word of the bible count me in
This. I can’t believe any Christian would allow some atheist literary critic to tell them what to believe about the Bible. It’s just absurd.
Are you referring to the fire that was ruled as an accident before the fire was even put out, or the thread where people were getting banned for posting tweets of Jews celebrating and quotes from Church fathers?
how do you people even manage to find this website? google blocks it for me, I had to look it up.
Every mod of this board is a Normie Ordo Catholic who unironically thinks Jews are God’s chosen people. Normie Ordos defend Jews as rabidly as any evangelical.
why is it that the mods of every board are so out of touch with the users
The reason clergy can only be men actually stems from Judaic law. In judaic law, only men over 30 years of age could teach (be rabbis). That's why Jesus did not go out to preach until he was 30. Also, only men could teach with authority: women should be subservient to their husbands and listen to them, not teach them (as a general rule). Some parts of the judaic law go even further: you couldn't be a member of the Synedrion (jewish supreme court) unless you had a family. The logic behind that was that if you can't maintain and fairly administer a family, how could you judge strangers?
Normal users of a board are usually content to just use the board. It’s the outcasts who don’t fit in with the rest of the board who try to become moderators in order to get power and attention.
This thread made my morning lmao.
He also spoke to and stood up for prostitutes, that doesn't mean it's a good life choice for women to get into.
It's not meant to be Prejudice if it's a simple matter of neutral Transmogrify between Jesus and the church.
whoops, i mean transmogrification.
Ummm, sweetie, it's 2019, like, duhh…
Behold, the eternal prot baits again.
I'm Protestant and I'm entirely against this shit, you tool.
You bigots aren't real protestants. You support the patriarchy that oppresses people of all shapes, sizes, genders, and creeds. Jesus will turn you away when you approach the pearly gates.
I can’t tell if this is bait, a joke, or if their actually serious
I'm as serious as the orange cheeto's fraudulent election. You people are bigots and bring shame to St. Martin Luther's legacy.
No for safety reason. My opinion is the barren women can be preachers to the orphaned children as long as the church is commanded by the men only. Women should not have tiniest power over the church unless it is authorised by the men to do. The barren people need to be forbidden from marrying the fertile people to prevent the loss of procreations.
probably a catholic whos trolling, that said prots do have a pretty bad liberal identity.
Nope, 100% christian unlike you bigots. You are no better than papists.
Sure, in hell.
the eternal bible idolater cries in pain as he strikes you
oh you want an argument? here, the church forbids it and will never allow it. Done.
FFS this is why protestantism doesn't work
What denomination are you so I can know what to avoid? What you're teaching is so bad that every catholic, orthodox, and protestant here firmly rejects it. Why do you claim to be Christian? You clearly hate the doctrine of Christianity. Why lie to yourself?
Absolute Heresy
how are people falling for this bait
Zig Forums has a biological imperative to respond to bait.
To say you are a retard is an insult to retards
Yeah, and so can transgender people, furries and internet celebrities.
i think i was baptized by a women (was born into a progressive lutheran church), was it legitimate or should i look into getting baptized by a man?
Women can’t even be trusted to run a business or nations. You trust them with a Church?
Probably not legitimate, doubt she knew how to baptize. She probably said in the name of the Momma, the daughter and the girl power. If your church allows for women to do stuff like that they're mega mega heretics. I think you have more than enough reason to doubt they did anything right. You can get conditionally baptized again to make sure that you were baptized. (This means you acknowledge if you were indeed baptized you are doing nothing, as to not commit sacrilege, but if it was invalid you want to get baptized).
Women cannot be the head of a home, much less anything else.
According to the Buy Bull no, absolutely not.
Yet you Christians could care less what your cult textbook says when its lessons become inconvenient or problematic for you in the political realities of current year, so you cuck and capitulate and women are now disgracing your cult further by taking on a role of leader they are strictly forbidden to.