Knowing that the doctrine of the Trinity does not originate from Judaism...

Knowing that the doctrine of the Trinity does not originate from Judaism, how did it begin to be spread among the primitive Christians and how did it become doctrine?

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Because it is mentioned in the Scriptures and by Christ Himself, hence it could not merely be ignored or glossed over. There were various attempts to understand it or codify it to some extent by theologians and philosophers which led to the eventual term "Trinity" popping up in the late 2nd Century and its definition as we have it today.

Though, why you didn't bother to just read the Wiki article is beyond me.


There are stories that the verses mentioning the trinity (father, son and holy spirit) were later added by the Catholic translations. Is that true? Specifically, verses that put the Holy Spirit as a person of the Trinity.

Early christianity, we call it "primitive" in Brazil, at least.

According to what consensus? When did this happen? We have manuscripts from the 2nd and 3rd centuries speaking of the Trinity, not to mention the writings of all the Church Fathers from Polycarp (1st/2ndc) onwards.


The infallible proof that exists about the trinity is 1 John 5:7-8, but…

Besides in this text, there do not seem to be other mentions of the holy spirit as if it were a person of the trinity, detailing it more as the personified power of God or something like that.

I don't believe much in what I'm writing, so I came here asking for help.

Não, deixa de ser macaco e estude em vez de acreditar no que te dizem. The Nicene creed is of 320 AD, in the original Greek. There is no translation.
If you want the justification for it, you should study what's called "The Nicene Creed" or "Credo Nicênico". There is not a single line that is not a condemnation of a heresy, including yours which is called Arianism from the heretic bishop Arius. Arius got slapped by St. Nicholas, died on the toilet, and the Orthodox Church has a yearly feast over his death.

Wouldn't Arianism be not believing that Jesus is God? Because I don't question that, there are several other passages quoting God the Father and God the Son, my problem is with God the Holy Spirit.

Meua migo, eu vim aqui justamente para saber por onde começar. Tenho alguns livros (que me recomendaram) falando em contra a trindade católica, por isso precisava alguns que falassem a favor, para assim poder tirar minhas conclusões.

A pretty good explanation of the Trinity

What are you talking about? There's plenty of mention of God's Spirit and prophecies of Jesus in the OT. (((Judaism))) isn't the OT religion. Don't ever use it as your basis for understanding the OT.

Ya but they didn't think to differentiate it as another person within a triple entity.
which OT prophets were trinitarian? Trinity is really foundational to understanding God, but the OT never hints at this triunity like saying "and there are three that bear witness in heaven eternally, the father the son and the spirit, and these three are the one God," something like that would be very good to find.

Have you ever heard of the bible?

i'm afraid you're wrong

from the very start of the Bible we see God saying 'let us make man in our own image' – then immediately after The Fall we see the very first promise of the Messiah who would crush the serpent's head, and most every description of that Messiah is shown to be God Himself, or allusions toward the need for a mediator between God and men, as in Job

but remaining in Genesis for a moment, we see a very early Theophany where God Himself appears to Abraham just before He goes down to decree whether Sodom will be destroyed; and yet we also know that God is reigning in Heaven while God is walking on earth

but there's so much more, and it would take too long to elaborate on here; but the plurality of God can be seen in how God reveals himself as 'One', not using that term merely to indicate singularity, but more to express a wholeness and unity… just as it is said that man and woman become 'one' in marriage

but perhaps that's a little too opaque for your needs, so i'd point you to such visions as were had by prophets like David or Daniel or Isaiah – all found in the Old Testament or Tanakh as the Hebrews know it

David told of 'The Lord saying to my Lord, sit here while I make your enemies they footstool' – and who else could be the Lord over a king of Israel other than God?

Daniel saw 'one like a son of man' presenting Himself before the Ancient of Days, and taking a rightful throne of dominion and glory over every people and nation; this 'one like a son of man' having an everlasting dominion – and only God can be everlasting to everlasting

and lets not forget Christ's favourite name for Himself… 'the son of man'

tl;dr read the Messianic prophecies again and you will see the Tanakh describe the plurality of God from Job to Malachi

The trinity really isn't in scripture. Some kind of proto-trinitarian categories existed but the apostles certainly didn't believe anything much like what was developed later.

The following is taken from

Larry Hurtado is a historian of early Christian belief, particularly with regard to the worship of Jesus in early Christian societies.


The following is the important bit. . .

That's no a triunity, referring to himself as a vague "we" isn't not the trinity.

That's also not a trinity. At all. Grasping at straws. Look I wish the trinity was explained in the OT and then maybe clarified in the NT, but that isn't the case. How many trinitarian prophets were there prior to Christ?

God is infinite and transcendant, he fills all space and time and everything, so he can be in all places at all times. BUT that is not a trinity

That's not a trinity either. Since it doesn't explain tri-unity of anything, that verse doesn't help you at all.

Plurality isn't a trinity. What is so hard for you to understand that the trinity is not in the OT.
Vague uses of "we" is not a trinity.
Saying the messiah is somehow divine is not the trinity.

The idea came up with the coming of Christ.

What this historian gets wrong is that Christianity is assumed at the latest to have received all of its revelation from the apostles, most of it directly from the mouth of Jesus or from inspired exegesis of the Hebrew Scriptures. Thus, his assertion that Christianity “evolved” isn’t what the church itself says about itself, and as a Cathodox poster, that’s like calling Christ himself a lier about himself, since we are his body.
Also, the church teaches that Christ was always God in earth, but was also a human being. It’s a paradox, but it’s what the church believes. The author, despite claiming the doctrine of the incarnation is just “God in human drag”, has fallen into another heresy: Adoptionism, which states Jesus was not always God but rather put on his divinity at a later time.

Simplistic version: reconciling three seemingly trichotomous facts:
1. Jesus is God.
2. The Holy Spirit is God.
3. There is only one God, and we are NOT polytheists.
It's a limited human model of the incomprehensible Divine. Finite minds trying to grasp and grapple with the infinite.
correct me in what ways I'm wrong

Refer pic related for further detail.

Attached: trinity-in-bible.png (822x1857, 272.47K)

first you asserted that the Tanakh doesn't even 'hint' at the Trinity – so that's what i addressed; partial revelation of the plurality of God

now you're demanding absolute categorical definitions of the Trinity in that same collection of books

that's shifting the goal posts, friend – and disingenuous

Yeah, yeah, but what about the Holy Spirit? I saw in some books that the Holy Spirit was incorporated in the trinity to make the christianity become more closer to the paganism.

You didn't read the full sentence where I said "hint at"
I meant actually hint at a trinity, no need to develop it, but state the tri-unity, not simply a vague, unnamed plurality. I said: " but the OT never hints at this triunity like saying "and there are three that bear witness in heaven eternally, the father the son and the spirit, and these three are the one God," something like that would be very good to find."

That's what I meant because that's what I said. You snipped that sentence apart and just concentrated on the word "hint" without any qualification

>(((Judaism))) isn't the OT religion.
Oh, I forgot about that.

I read that the Holy Spirit is none other than the Spirit of Jesus sent to earth to guide the Christians. However, he is not a separate "person" in the trinity, he is basically the Son.

If memory serves, jehovah's witnesses believe in something similar, but for them Christ is not God.



Which books? What are your sources?
If English is not your first language, you shouldn't be debating complex things in English.

Your claims contradict the Scriptures, the God-guided ecumenical counsels of the Church and all authentic Tradition of the Christian religion.

Begone Satan.

The most popular Brazilian IBs are in chaos, and the only ones where I could try to debate this are completely empty. I can read English with some ease, but to write I'm a complete failure, so I'm translating everything on

I am not Catholic, ecumenical councils and catholic tradition in general is not a valid source for my beliefs. But, if I could know where, in the Bible, the belief that the Holy Spirit is another person of the Trinity originated, I leave quietly and happily, because that was a belief that I always had and that only now I began to question.

If you believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God then why would you doubt Matthew 28:19? Jesus distinguishes between the Father, the Son (Himself), and the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit was just Jesus' spirit then why didn't He just say so?

Now THAT'S what I was searching for. Do you know other texts in the Bible that are as clear as that one?


Why on Earth don't you do your own research? Why aren't you reading your own Bible?


Great find. I love their videos