Street Preachers Thread

Hey bros,
I’ve noticed more and more street preaching, and more violent reactions to it. I ended up finding this video cause I was told it was hateful by my profs. So today I dedicate this thread to talking about street preaching and Sharing the work of our brothers in the world today. God knows we need it.

Street preaching is bad. It's often handled by people who haven't studied missionary-ism (idk word) and they're often very hateful and make normies hate Christians more because they make them think Christianity is just a hateful religion with all of its followers saying Fags go to Hell etc

the truth hurts, but the truth is still the truth. Fags will go to hell. It is inevitable.

I'm pretty sure homosexuals who have never had homosexual intercourse etc and remain celibate or gets cured from her/his homosexuality and marry a man/woman can go to Heaven

True, because said person isn't a fag anymore
They still identify as fags ergo they are fags and destined for hell.

You seem very immature calling them fags.

I guess you are also immature for calling birds "birds" or dogs "dogs".


Don’t bother…I sinned and I am well aware I’ll be damaged forever; at times I believe pastor Anderson to be right. That I should simply commit suicide and go to the spot in Hell prepared for my soul.

The word you're looking for then is "homosexual". "fags" and the like is needlessly antagonistic.

They are destroyers of civilization. Fags is too kind a world for them.

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gay people are so stupid and gross.

They call themselves fags

You people are more obsessed with sex and penises than Zig Forums is.

yeah its weird, its almost like homosexuality is a huge problem in our society right now

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Being a problem is one thing. Completely derailing a thread to whine about homosex is something else. Also, obsession with penis is pretty gay.

I see this guy every day here in New Orleans. He's been preaching on the corners for years. He's a good man and does good things in the community. The trouble with a lot of street preachers is that they travel to other cities in other states that they know nothing about and aren't party of the local community. If you're gonna preach, great! Do something local and help your neighbors.

street preachers are the ones who started it, always yelling about how god hates fags, (he doesn't.) why do you care where one thread takes its topic of convo? what, are you pro-gay or something? and furthermore, this is an imageboard, not fricking reddit, no one cares about "staying on topic."

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god loves fags, which is why he doesn't want them to be fags. but that love won't be around forever if the fags don't repent and stop being fags

I agree with you. God loves us enough to not want us to be sodomites. To say He does love people even if they are sodomites is Fr. Martin tier which is beyond wrong

They need mental help more than anything, not an enabler.

fags = unrepentant sodomites

He hates their acts, and if they do not repent, they get rejected.

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Can we at least agree this part is correct? Most people aren't well learned so logically they're not going to spread good theology.

I like Jesse Morrell, but his preaching is very scripted. But his Bible knowledge is good; I particularly like watching him confront fake Christians.

The average person these days is given over to sin in such extremity, that your complaint about pristine theology sounds rings like not throwing water on a burning man because the water might be dirty.

The average person these days is given over to sin in such extremity, that your complaint about pristine theology rings like not throwing water on a burning man because the water might be dirty.

You really see the demons rattle when a sin-rebuking street preacher visits a modern orgy, what some people call a university campus.

Forgot the embed.

Quit being a brainlet, he’s an apostle of Satan. Anyone can repent and be saved.