I can't stop thinking about Catholicism

This entire year has been me going back and fourth between Orthodoxy and Catholicism, and it's getting tiring. I'm attending divine liturgy right now, I'm not a catachumen yet but I've made friends with people at the parish and have been trying to get more involved. However lately my mind has been consumed by thoughts of Catholicism, and doubt for Orthodox claims. Catholicism even seems to be more pragmatic in it's claims to truth. I don't want to be a church hopper, and I'm starting to feel really ashamed of myself.

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Every week we have this thread.

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What kind of thoughts are you having about Catholicism?


The churches claims to authority, what that authority means, and the grand scheme of things. I kind of miss praying the rosary as well, and there's something too Roman Catholicism that feels instinctually right. I got that same instinctual feeling of truth when I first started attending divine liturgy, but I don't know how to make sense of the schism, or if it's even justifiable.

Read the latter-schism Saints and decide for yourself. For Catholicism, I recommend St. Francis De Sales and St. Alphonsus Maria De Ligouri. Orthodox have Seraphim Rose and Kallisto Ware.

Its a actual question that neither Catholics or Orthodox can answer. Well, nobody can answer for all I can see.

At the same time, since the schism is going to end as prophesied by multiple saints, I suppose it doesn't matter.

You mean the Pope's authority?
Don't get carried away with your feelings, that's how the Enemy tempts us.
What don't you understand about it?

which is?

if you mean this

Yes, it has everything to do with what Christ proclaims is His Church, which has the ability to loose and bind on Heaven and Earth, and against which Hell shall not prevail.

There are several things you get out of this:

1. The need for the true Church to have true authority to "loose and bind" things, which pertains to teachings on Faith and Morals. Elsewhere in the scriptures, the Mosaic Jewish Rabbi's had the authority to "loose and bind", and Christ rebuked them for not following what they "binded".

2. "Hell will not prevail" - So, this True Church with always exist.

3. Now, what is this authority?

For 3., this has everything to do with the Apostle's, and in case for Catholics, Christ's pronouncement of St. Peter as the "block" that Christ's Church shall be built upon.

Both Churches claim apostolic succession, but only one claims that St. Peter had primacy, and an eternal seat of the Church that had to be filled.

Obviously I'm biased, but we have both a formidable theological tradition and expansive spiritual traditions.


Faith isn't a feeling.
We've got literal mountains of patristics but I can't make you read them, just like I can't make you listen to our apologists either.

Do your friends at church know you're starting gay ass threads like this?


That instinctual feeling you speak of is your intuition which presides in the soul with the holy spirit which knows truth and can't be influenced by demons like feelings and reason can.

Follow your intuition, it is guided by the holy spirit.

**Wehave the liturgy of St. John Chrysostom :)==

Faith is rational. Put down your fedora please.

one is infested with pedophiles and homosexuals, one has no church in my city. help

One is so thoroughly hated by Satan that he attacks it at every chance he gets, one he leaves mostly alone.

Can this dumb meme die, please?

I know that feel… the closest one to me is a 20 minute drive away, in another city. Russian Orthodox.
While most of the clergy do speak English according to their Web site, I've just started learning Russian out of both interest in the language and respect for the Church.

Orthodox do give primacy to St. Peter. It what that primacy entails that Catholics and Orthodox disagree on.

Again this thread. yawn.

There is no question in your post for all I can see. You do not know which church to pick, which means you search what way to take. Catholics and Orthodox do have this question settled already.They either choose the authority of one church or the other. Nobody can make the decision for you. There are like 8 gorillion of those threads that go the same every time. Orthos and caths arguing, using strawman and memes.
I understand your feelings as a catholic that was at some point in doubt. You should dig deeper into theology, attend church and then pick what you consider to be right church. You will not find the answer in endless threads ortho vs cath.
Good luck