Is the Shack a good Christian movie or is it heresy?
Is the Shack a good Christian movie or is it heresy?
Heretical trash
Not only heretical, but Steven Anderson of all people was able to explain (explain well, no usual stupidity) how bad it was
Heresy of the highest order.
Should not only be avoided, but all copies available should be destroyed.
Never seen it, but anything with Tim McGraw in it can't be good. The most sell out, backstabbing "country" star of all time, well besides his wife of course. I feel ashamed for ever having liked any of either of their songs.
I'll pass
The black woman is not married to him…she’s God the Father.
Also, discarding a movie just because of a possible interracial couple (and not because of false representation of a people seems a bit too much.
That’s not the best argument tbh…
If we're talking about shitposts with female God, is it she or She?
Referring to God as a 'she' should be a bannable offense
What are some actually good Zig Forums-approved Christian kinos?
Besides Andrei Rublev, of course.
Say what you will, I liked The Book of Eli.
Even worse than interracial crap
Good movie. Watch it. Why is literally everything heresy to people on here?
The Mission and The Passion of the Christ are terrific films.
That was all right… I enjoyed the underlying message. I'm guessing normies would've hated it if not for the over-the-top violence and diverse cast.
The Father and Holy Spirit being portrayed as female is heresy, though. What's your denomination, out of curiosity? Polite sage for doublepost.
I’m a Protestant. I imagine you’re not suprised, are you.
Wait I thought the point of making Him a woman was to show how He can shape shift into someone who can help the protagonist. Like He changes forms many different times throughout the movie. Idk if it’s this movie or another but I honestly not gonna debate about it so believe what you want
God the Father has no form, thus He cannot "shape shift".
I will believe what the Church has affirmed, and part of that is that God the Father isn't a black woman in some shed.
Can't say I am; I was expecting that or "agnostic"… no offense intended.
God the Father could lead a black woman into the protagonist's life, however the Father Himself cannot shape shift into a human. I take it you're very new to the faith?
I believe what the Bible says, which isn't "the Father and Holy Spirit are women", "God doesn't judge you", and other heresies promoted by The Shack. Don't allow modernist churches or secular culture to lead you astray, friend.
Will need source.
Based because it's not racist. You should marry a negress or a monkey so you're not a speciest.
I refuse to believe that you're a real person.
Tell us the denomination
Do we REALLY have to go through this again? Can't we just pin a bunch of these threads and get it over with? No offense, m8, just pic related
This. It was written by a nonny, then Denzel took his sharpened pencil to the script (uncredited) and reshaped it to glorify God. (A little, at least.) Seriously based film. Not the best we could have had, sure, but for standard Hollywood stuff it was seriously based.
The Mission endorsed for equal basedness. A film which poses the age-old question of whether violence in defense of the name of God (so to speak) is justified. Really makes the late medieval "Christian" kingdoms of Portugal and Spain out to be notorious and ungodly new world rapists, but is accurately historical (in the high-level, not the character-level). Spain and Portugal really did strong-arm the church into doing this.
I know people who felt the same way. user + is no troll.
Don't do this. Not even a little bit is this heresy. If you're so locked into the idea that God must be male and cannot meet us where we are, you'll hate this film/book from the git go. And you have a narrow view of who God is. God is God. He is not male. His gender is God. Male and female are too limiting as categories for God. (Except in Christ, but then that was when He took on human flesh. His divine nature is still the gender of God.) At no time in all of recorded interactions with Him, did the Lord ever insist He was exclusively male.
Be uncomfortable with His portrayal as a woman, by all means, given his self-portrayal as our "Father", but don't run around declaring it "haram" like some muslim.
That said, it is still a book/film I have avoided. I've read enough critiques of it to be wary.
God is Father because he is Our Father. It is the role we are meant to know Him by. We are meant to know Christ as Our Husband, us being the Bridegroom. It's not wrong to recognize the Godly in all men, but to say that God the Father is God the Mother is misguided heresy.
Sorry, I meant to type "Bridegroom" instead of "Husband" and "Bride" instead of "Bridegroom. It should read; We are meant to know Christ as Our Bridegroom, us being the Bride.
God is the supremely Masculine. He's more masculine than any mere male could ever be, by virtue of being the Lord and Father of everything. The notion of gender without sex is somewhat lost on an English-speaker, where most things without a sex are referred to in the neuter, but anyone who's ever studied a romance language should understand what I'm on about: everything has masculine or feminine qualities. For example, the sky is masculine and the sea is feminine.
In any relationship between God and humans, God will take on the masculine role and humans must take on the feminine role. This is to say that humans must always submit to God's mastery and lordship over us, and that we must never ever presume to try and reverse this relationship. To propose that God could ever be feminine is to propose that God has something to submit to, which is a grave error. In reality, God is so masculine that everything else in all of Creation is feminine in comparison to Him. This is why God always refers to Himself in the masculine, this is why every Old Testament apparition of Him portrays Him as looking like a male, and this is why He was incarnate as a male when God the Son became man.
From what you said about Book of Eli, it would be nice to have a pinned thread for this nice tid bit of info.
Not once in the entire Bible does God take a feminine form. He is called He for a reason.
Well it all depends, doesn't it?
Since heresy is defined as going against a doctrine of a given denomination, whether it is heretical depends on what denomination you are.
All of the heresies that "The Shack" is accused of are perfectly valid in at least one Christian denomination.
Universal reconciliation is a valid belief for modern Christian Universalists.
Denying free will is a valid belief for Calvinists.
Sola Fide is a valid belief for many Protestant denominations.
Many denomination reject the Penal Substitution theory of Atonement
The Shack has all these "heresies", but no one denomonation believes all these things. Which is why a Christian from any given denomination is going to find something wrong with the book.
Any follower of Christ would be outraged at this watered down, blasphemous, feel-good the-Bible-means-whatever-you-want-it-mean false gospel.
T. Baptist
I know, I'm more just poking fun at Catholics having a monopoly on calling things Heresy. His definition of heresy is correct though and the movie is probably garbage.