I know lust is a sin, but however I don't understand why masturbating to porn is looked down by God

I know lust is a sin, but however I don't understand why masturbating to porn is looked down by God.

I'm looking for a serious explanation.

I'm just ignorant on the bible and would love a serious explanation on why lust and porn is a sin.

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Translating from my catechism…

So sex need love as a requisite for not being a sin?

can cohabitation work?

I think it's easier to understand if you see how porn makes victims out of it's participants as well.. and we should feel bad for partaking in that. Maybe some don't see themselves as victims, but they are nonetheless.

Sexual immorality is sinful because it means that you do not seek your sustenance from God, and you do not walk the path of repentance, but rather you seek your sustenance from your own fallen flesh and you do not complete yourself as a person by having a relationship of selfless love with another person (as it is in the Holy Trinity). By cutting yourself off from God and from other people, you cannot be truly human and a person.

Sex is holy and if you are not sacramentally married you necessarily live in sin. To have sex without being married is like to have communion without being baptized.

Masturbation is a form of sodomy. which is to say that it is a practice done by sodomites
Remember what Onan did. He spilled his seed on the ground, which was detestable in God's eye. Yes Onan didn't rub his junk with his hand, but he still masturbated with a woman's vagina. So it is still the same thing.

Even if you don't believe the bible, porn is more addicting that heroin and has many adverse effects on the brain including but not limited to:
-proclivity to keep watching more and more degenerate things
-get a bad impression on what sex is and how to treat women
-get an overall obsession that will torment you if you try to quit.

Link related explains more.

There is a reason why God wants sex to be only for procreation not recreation. Aside from the aweful things it does to your brain, it also adversely affects society. Because once a society sees sex as recreation it is only a matter of time until baby murder becomes a viable option to continue the cummies and destroy the family unit. kinda like what happened in Sodom, hence why fapping is a form of sodomy

I used to be a degenerate like you, OP. No matter how many times I tried to quit on my own, my urges would torment me until I found release. Than I started to pray the rosary. Ever since I started praying the rosary daily, I never had urges to fap or even had nocternal emissions. /ourLady/'s rosary cured me of that sin and others.

Pray the rosary, OP , if you want to be free from the shackles that bind you. Pray the rosary if you want to know God's love. Pray the rosary if you want to see the change you have always wanted to be.

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user, EVERYTHING needs love for it not to be a sin. Love is other focused only. Masturbation is especially bad because it is so completely antagonist to everything that love means and IS . Aside from that , think about what causes pornographers , and those women that you are looking now at , to go into that room and do that on camera. Do you think the people producing porn are the ones causing you to look at it? No, it’s the other way around. The demand for it causes it to be produced. Both parties are bad, but looking st which is worse the producers or the ones demanding the production… demand is worse. If you are looking at it, you are contributing to the demand for it, and causing people to do things that will destroy their lives. And you will also hate yourself. They will hate themselves. No love is produced. The girls are often the most innocent party involved. The producers are next most, and the people demanding it are worst by far. Les Miserables has a very excellent depiction of the guilty side. Read that book and reflect on where you yourself stand in relation to cosette. lust is truly a terrible and pernicious little demon.

What do you think the lives of those women are like?

This is not Catholic teaching. Stop falseflagging.

What do you think they feel like leaving a set?

How many abortions and STIs do you think porn is responsible for?

Except im not. Re-read the CCC if you don't believe me
Bracket emphasis mine

This doesn't mean a married couple can't enjoy the act of procreation, it just means they shouldn't be having sex only for their pleasure. For the above reasons I already stated.

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Sex isn't "only for procreation" with the unitive aspect being basically a secondary side effect.
If that is really what Catholics think…

Don't put words in my mouth. I never said it was secondary.

Who are you to be calling people degenerates when you pray the rosary?


The unitive aspect is itself a form of procreation. Procreation is the generation of life, not necessarily of children.

Jesus says that those who fornicate, sin against their own bodies.
As a masturbation addict, I can confirm how true that is.
I no longer enjoy sex. I no longer enjoy masturbation.
I just have this urge controlling me.
That, and if you give in to these urges they weaken you. Once you start masturbating you will start overeating and procrastrinating as well.

Masturbation is bad because it hurts you. It really does. And it only feels good in the beginning, once you are hooked on it, it becomes a suffering that keeps tormenting you and when you give in to it it doesn't even satisfy you anymore.

It basically demands your submission without fulfilling you. What does that sound like? Something good or something bad? That is what the devil does too. Making all sorts of promises and then giving you nothing in the end. Masturbation and fornication are not fulfilling. Maybe you are young and didn't masturbate enough yet, and you don't understand what I am saying, but trust me if you keep doing it, it will enslave you and it will never give you enough pleasure, it will just string you along into deeper reaches of depravity and self-loathing.

Sex is a good thing, pleasure is a good thing. But you must be above them and master them in order to properly practice them. They key to good sex is discipline. Also, get married and keep it with a single woman.

You wouldn't know the power it has because you follow the traditions of man over Jesus' Church.
You have no right to call me a degenerate because your traditions made the world into what it is, turboprot.
A Godless Babylon that celebrates sodomy and encourages baby murder.


Lust is driven by fear, fear mainly that you are unlovable, fear is of evil. It means that you are still busy taking thought for the morrow (Matthew 6:34). The extent that it is all about fear is quite shocking; your reptile brain is basically urging you to steal while subtly reminding you that you aren't worthy of a woman.

Persist in avoiding it, and one day you will see

Research the porn industry, and you’ll become far to redpilled to use it.

Has the NoFap movement even made a dent in their revenue?

That was helpful, user, thank you for that. If you have made it out of this, I (and I think many others as well) would very much appreciate reading about how you did it. If you have the time, maybe you could write a bit about how you accomplished this and what worked for you in a journal / word doc / pdf or some such and post it in the thread stickies to the top of the catalog. This is a serious problem, and lust holds immense power over a lot of us. It’s wrecking many of us. Some success stories and encouragement , or tidbits (of bread?) you picked up in your own path upward and out would be very useful. The very fact that that thread has to be stickied is alone proof enough of how terrible and real the problem is. It’s destroying us and it’s ravaging the church, also. Your path out would be very useful to hear and to read and to learn from. Have mercy on us, brother, the multitudes of us have come a long way… and we are starving. If you got some of that bread, break some off for us, Jesus will surely multiply it! God speed, brother!

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Nothing is a sin that isn't bad for you. Masturbation to pornography is harmful, and this is backed up by data. Most people deny this data, but it's mostly out of a desire to continue on a hedonist lifestyle. The two most damning statistics are these: People born after the early 80s, those being the ones for whom internet pornography was available at a young age:
Have about a 1000% increase in incidence of precocious erectile dysfunction (erectile dysfunction before age 45). People who quit porn tend to see their erectile dysfunction completely cured within two to five years (much sooner if they completed puberty before beginning pornography use).
Have seen a sharp increase in intestinal injuries resulting from anal sex found in straight women. When asked why a straight couple would have anal sex, the most common response was that they just assumed that's what people did. When pressed, most women find it uncomfortable or even painful, while most men don't really enjoy it more than actual sex. They just pretend they do because it's 'normal.'

Don't do it, user. I made it all the way to the altar without masturbating, and as hard as it was, I don't regret it.

I wouldn't really include this, m8. Nocturnal emissions are a natural way for your body to release excess semen built up. Despite this, whenever I feel the "release" during my sleep, I try to stop it regardless. I too have been released from the shackles of pornography and masturbation, thank God. It's almost been a year, and I have never felt more happier. I have been afflicted with this disease of the mind since I discovered masturbation when I was a young lad.

Well, when you put it like that…
In all seriousness I have only been out of this frying pan for a week. It's Saturday, so it's been 6 days. The thing which made me understand though is giving up for lent. I fell after 5 days, and it only got worse from there, and I merely consoled myself that most of the time, I did not watch porn, for that is to indirectly abuse others, so I reasoned. Really I'm not worthy of praise for it, it comes on the heels of too much sin.

Anyway, I do have a trick or two by grace. So when I was younger, my parents moved us around a lot; we were fairly poor, of course when I was little I never knew it, but we had to sell up and move every so often. House flipping was what it was. This was painful and my brother always hated it; because with every move there were memories attached to the things we had accumulated, and some of them had to go (the same occasionally happened at spring cleanings, and so forth). At first, it was hard to look at the old toy you remember, but never play with, and throw it in the garbage or give it to the poor, but when I had stuffed it in the black garbage bag, suddenly I felt better; released from bondage to the past as it were.

This attitude was with me this lent; you see, I began to treat habits this way as I was building up to lent 2 weeks beforehand. I wanted to take lent seriously, and I felt that I needed to spend time beforehand fighting myself if I wanted to keep my vows. Also I got ashed for the first time too. So at any rate, I ditched drinking before lent, then I threw out the one cigar I had kept without smoking it, I also uninstalled all my video games. All of this I treated like I used to treat the old toys that my parents said "had to go" except in this case it was another Parent, who had told me that these habits "had to go." And just like I did not grumble about the lost toy, but felt freed from the past, I took this same grace and did likewise with my habits.

god hates everything that makes you happy

At any rate, when I found that lust was more resistant to such persuasion, I set about figuring out why. Why is this sin harder to throw in the trash than the others?

Well, it's because Darwin of course sexual desire is by nature demanding, but Darwin is for animals, God is for humans. But this brings us to another point; nature might be about sex, but God is love, notice by this how closely nature mirrors God, yet how different He is from it. A higher and more intimate reality is revealed through Him. Therefore succumbing to lust begs one to ask why you find it necessary to take the low road over the high road?

The answer I think you'll find is fear based on a primal desire to steal and rape (all sex in nature seems to be rape by a human standard). Clearly your lower brain is still thinking of a world in which taking more than 2 minutes doing the deed is liable to get you eaten by something bigger and badder than you, or a world in which betas have to skulk around waiting for opportunistic sex, when the alpha of the pack is out hunting. These are fears which should only be shared nowadays by adulterers, lel.

Tbh, I'm still in the fence about NE.
Before I started praying the rosary and I tried just plain ol' No Fap, the NEs would get p*rn on my mind and make me relapse later in the day. After I started praying the rosary, I don't get urges or NE.

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I used to stay away from all sexual sin, when I was in the phase of natural contemplation. Sadly I've fallen off pretty bad in recent months.
Either way, I had no nocturnal emissions. Those would only happen when I would feel aroused in my sleep, but thanks to the prayers of the saints I ceased to have any sorts of lustful thoughts, and therefore I ceased to have nocturnal emissions. I didn't have nocturnal emissions for about a year before I feel into sin again. Don't listen to those who say that nocturnal emissions are normal or not sinful.

Fapping doesn't make you happy. It makes you apathetic, tired, uninspired and depressed. It also makes you feel condemned of course.

This. The rosary kills everything in me too. It doenst make me "sterile" or lose my libido and natural attraction of course, but it keeps me away from sin.

I heard them trying to defame nofap like crazy

Lmao, I remember that. (((They))) were all like:

Aquinas says wet dreams are not sinful, even if they are brought on by erotic dreams, as they happen when a man is robbed of reason. However, they may be caused by sinful actions. If you're having wet dreams because you're looking at porn and having sexual fantasies, that is bad, but it will occasionally happen, regardless.
If you're trying to go on nofap, consider it progress. You consciously refrained from fapping for so long that your body had to sneak one in on you while you slept.

Considering how porn is produced, what is done to you when you watch it, how our youth is destroyed, manhood vanished….how can you even ask such a question?
because sex is for marriage, to create an offspring
because sex is for marriage and procreation
I am sorry but you should not even ask such questions…..your disgust with porn should be in your instinct. It is perverted, unnatural and ugly.
Ask yourself: How do you feel in the moment when the orgasm falls off and you realize you are in front of a screen naked as Adam in Eden, you have to close that filth in your computer and clean up the mess you've made? Do you feel good? I hope not because this is the time one feels the worst regret, realizing how pathetic one is.

fapping makes you a loser