There is always a debate on how a christian should act. Of course, it there is a general rule that you should follow and there it stops(at least the general consensus). Some say you should be goodhearted and other say that you somehow show be both not meek and good. Like you're supposed to humble yourself yet you don't. It gets even worse today considered how many choices you have to make that actually do make a difference. If you're going to make a generic one worded post that is google tier don't even bother posting.
How should a christian and act and what is he supposed to do
Act how Jesus would act.
I don't know how would he act and its ridiculous to think I can do something even resembling to that.
Read the Bible.
Also you can watch Christian youtube channels like sensus fidelium or ascension presents.
But seriously, read the Bible.
Thanks man, you truly read the post and understood it.
Read Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Sirach, and maybe Wisdom. Read the Gospels, where the Lord pretty clearly tells us what He expects from us. Read the epistles of the apostles, as they give countless teachings on proper Christian behavior.
Sorry I don't give a more precise answer but your question is not very precise either. If you have questions about specific situations and behaviors, I might help.
Read the beatitudes and the 10 commandments, then pray on them a bit.
I have always understood it in general to be complete selflessness. Whenever you are faced with a decision where you can choose to benefit yourself or not benefit yourself, then you should choose the latter.
I know this sounds really vague but unironically do what other posters say and read the bible and i think itll be easier to understand. To me at least, the universal theme of Christian law/guidance is selflessness (charity, humility, temperance) versus selfishness (pride, greed, gluttony, etc.)
on that note, you can also study the seven heavenly virtues and cardinal virtues to get a general understanding of how Christians should and shouldnt behave
Hmmmm…. I speak with precaution. Because I'd hate to lead another astray. But here are my 2 cents.
Guard your thoughts. Guard your mind. Guard your heart. Do not let anger/bitterness/lust/greed/etc, manifest. If this stuff comes upon you, ask the Holy Spirit to help you tame them. Repent and ask God to forgive you and to help you to overcome. This is what self-control is all about. This is one of the key characteristics a believer of the faith is suppose to practice.
Be humble. There is nothing more important than humility. Do not brag and boast. Do not be arrogant. Do not be prideful. Do not gloat.
Be thankful. This is a little challenging. Because we may not always like what we have. But there is always someone who has it worse. Be thankful.
Stay away from crap that will influence you in a negative manner. Sexually themed music……. erotic sites and movies……. things and people who emit much anger…… things and people who emit any negative emotions. If you plant a tree next to toxic water, guess what happens to the tree?
Be compassionate. This is one that I have a hard time with sometimes. Because people…. ugh….. honestly, most of them are deplorable. But I think of Christ and how he went thru torment for the likes of these. I simply ask God for forgiveness whenever someone offends me. He knows I'm weak when it comes to compassion. I can only repent and ask to be strengthened in this field.
Nothing much to how to be a Christian besides following these statutes and following the examples of Christ. It's not much of a cakewalk. So prepare to be frustrated most of the time.
listen to sermons about different things on youtube. or on podcasts when at work on heading to work. it helps to get your mind right and focused. you usually feel good afterwards
Read your Bible, it's really easy to Act like Jesus. Just Love God with all your heart and all your soul, and love your neighbors like you would yourself.
It's so easy a child can do it.
Matthew 5:48
There's really a lot to say about how we should live, both in our walk with God and in our dealings with the world, but I think everything is summarized in these 3 things:
Do everything that you do..
- out of love (Matthew 22:37-40)
- out of faith (Romans 14:23)
- to the glory of God (Romans 12:1-2, 1 Corinthians 6:20, 10:31)
Though, here are a few more specific things which I think aren't getting enough attention:
- Be radical; obey God without compromise (Matthew 7:21-27, 18:8-9, 2 Corinthians 10:5, 1 John 2:3-6, Genesis 22:1-18)
- Get rid of all sin and strive for holiness (2 Corinthians 7:1, Hebrews 12:14, 1 Peter 1:13-16)
- Put on the whole armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-18)
- Fight evil with good, and live peaceably with everyone (Romans 12:17-21)
- Let your speech be seasoned with salt (Colossians 4:6)
- Forgive and ask forgiveness (Mark 11:25-26, Matthew 5:23-24)
For more specific things, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to give you the same advice as others have given you: read the Bible. Bury yourself in it; with what measure you mete, it shall be measured unto you. If you're born-again, then the Holy Spirit will teach you in due time all that you need to know. If you're not yet born-again, then it's your priority to acknowledge what Jesus Christ did for you, and to accept Him as your Lord and Savior in full surrender to Him. If there's something that you can't seem to find the answer to, then just keep searching and pray about it. God promised that if we truly seek Him and the truth about Him, that we will find them (Matthew 7:7-11, Proverbs 2:3-5, Psalms 145:18).
Yes, but even a lot of christians consider meekness bad and think you're a doormat or try to shift the definition of it. You can't be both a meek person who actually accepts suffering yet feel like you're above everyone else, can you? Isn't it the opposite of the teachings.
There should be a balance, don't be a sadistic but don't be a doormat either.
Read this, Jesus wasn't a nice, soft, pushover like everyone assumes.
Just read The Lives of the Saints, m8.
But I thought it was about extremism, in everything you do.
You clearly don't understand what is being nice. Of course he will tell them the absolute truth, that's why he was here. To me this is just refusal of suffering you clearly don't want to be humble.
I heard a certain word gets word filtered into a certain cartoon bear, so God please forgive me for what I am about to say, AHEM winnie the pooh!
You're supposed to do the opposite of this. Pride is one of the worst sins we can commit. Beyond that, biblical meekness isn't being a weak doormat, it's having strength but having that strength under control.
Hypothetical question: let's say Russians start war with your country and their soldiers are about to execute your family. Would it be justifiable to kill them to protect your family?
Generally, as others should say, perfection is the goal; following the Ten Commandments, Christ's instructions and the many exhortations in the Epistles are conducive to virtue. This much is obvious, however—the OP seems to want advice for particular circumstances. If he put in the effort to refine his questions it might help him.
Exactly, where did I said it isn't.
Hmm, you're not helping by not sourcing it, since its not true.
This is an oxymoron by itself.
The question is quite straightforward, sadly most people are ego driven even here.
Grow up mate.
Where did I claim to be better, I just want to better myself and so I asked this question. Though it seems to have hit some nerve.
How is it an oxymoron? I think your perception of what "strength" is is off base.