Owen Benjamin

Anyone familiar with this guy? I had a vague awareness of him as a comedian but I didn't realize he had become a Christian or gotten redpilled so hard. He seems pretty cool.

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He isn't he's a Jew and defends Jewish power even at the expense of Christians.

I don't know, the way he reacts to certain things (like Jordan Peterson) makes him seem a bit mentally unstable. Not my cup of tea.

Watch the OP video, he's a devout Christian, 1/4 Jewish ethnically (which shouldn't bother anyone here), and quite critical of Jews.



This. I was really into him for awhile, but things have gone quite downhill imo.


Owen's a nice guy, and genuinely funny. But he, to me, absolutely suffers from bouts of bipolar mania and depression. It tends to go like this.

He has some childhood truama, but he isn't self aware enough as to see past it as an excuse, and see how mentally winnie the poohed up his thinking and logic is. It also doesn't help that lately other mentally ill and delusional people have become the majority of his audience, and so far have convinced him the moon landing is fake, and he's slowly been opening to the idea the earth is flat. It's blatantly obvious that they are grooming him, like a child.

When it comes to Christianity. He seems to only be knowledgeable of surface level scripture, and has no hint of having a personal relationship with Jesus (he only seems to have a conceptual understanding of who Jesus is). He goes to Church because he think's it's the right thing to do, but not because he sincerely believes in anything the bible says. IIRC when he was sucking Jordan Peterson's dick, he was starting to sip Jordan's gnostic koolaid. Owen's ready to compromise any of his beliefs if he feels the need to appease, or judge, his father figures.

Basically he's very impressionable, I honestly think he's only a christian because someone told him to be one, and to rebel against his father figures. Still he's a nice guy, and I hope he gets the treatment he needs.

Just when I though comedy was dead.

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Cool guy, don't agree with him on everything but he seems to have some decent values and he's pretty funny.

He's a good guy

Get learned, lad.

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Peterson is not someone I like, but calling him Pedostein, Juden, etc…doesn't sound very mature.
I agree he has some dangerous ideas, and he's a word salad master chef; yet, there are some interesting ideas here and there and we should filter them out whilst ditching all the non-useful or dangerous ones.

Peterson has brought more people into the church than anyone else in recent history, so who cares what some jealous author thinks? Judge a man by his fruits, not by what the Pharisees think of him.

Listening to Peterson's Bible lectures atm and love them.
Even if he doesn't go full blown believer, he still does his best to rationalize the text and doesn't smear it in any way, but puts it in good light.
You can't stop me.

winnie the pooh off, this is shilling, you may just as well say "Is he… dare I say it… /ourguy/?"

Amen. There was a poll on /pol about the opinion on Peterson and the majority had a positive view of him, surprising since by the kind of posting you see about him one would think otherwise.
The haters and shills are more vocal it seems.

What exactly are you upset about?


So what you're saying we should listen to nobody, unless he's a crazy fanatic like our boy Oven, right?

He's part of a new tactic to divide us. jewish MSM is targeting primarily the left, the so called "intellectual darkweb" is targeting the conservative right, the Alex Jones angle goes for the conspiracy crowds, and out of the latter emerged the group around Owen Benjamin, who are using the conspiracy angle, while also regurgitating Zig Forums 's red pill formula in a censored way.They are selling a truth, but not the real truth that is actively trying to destroy us all. Benjamin does this by gathering the masses with low key, jewish redpills. As he's the only one who does this, he generates massive profits and ever growing audiences. Nearly everything he says is right and honest, which is why people flock to him, but there is one distinct problem…he uses his reach to constantly sell the "not all jews" excuse and absolutely rejects to look into any accusation towards israel. Why is this bad? Because the jews are playing on time, and Owen Benjamin is imprisoning his audiences in front of the screen with redpills, everyone can get for free on Zig Forums.

So yes, he's inspirational, entertaining, intelligent and honest, but the truths he is selling you are not the core of the problem, and won't help you in real life. Don't pay for it, don't get stuck on it, and don't make the mistake of putting any hope in this. In the end; it's all about the Benjamins, baby.

I'm saying that you shouldn't listen to just anyone. Jordan Peterson is not a Christian, he's a LARPer. LARPing doesn't save, and the blind leading the blind is incredibly dangerous.

So what you're saying we should listen to nobody, unless he's a crazy fanatic like our boy Oven, right for the second time?

Look user. You are literally saying that JP's a larper because pol says this, but if you'd listen to the man, you'd see that he has some profound thought provocation.
As for him being a Christian or not is completely irrelevant.
I'm willing to bet he brought more people to Christianity than any of your everyday pseudo pious Christians who condemn others before themselves.

So what you're saying is all jews are behind everything?

I already answered your question. I never said I was an Owen Benjamin fan, I think he's an idiot. People shouldn't take theological advice from internet dad, they should listen to actual theologians and actual Christians. I say Peterson is a LARPer because he IS a LARPer, probably the single best example of the word. He views the Bible entirely from a naturalistic point of view and Christianity from a utilitarian point of view. Check what his definition of God is. Leading people to this LARPy Christianity is as bad as leading people to Mormonism. Lukewarm Christianity will win you a stupid political fight, but it won't win any souls.

Then why don't you just say to take his words with a grain of salt instead of smearing him like an idiot?
What is wrong with you self righteous people?
It's like you guys have all the answers and posses ultimate truth, but God forbid someone who's not you would say anything.

I do possess ultimate truth, it's called Christ Jesus. It's why I call myself a Christian and why I'm here - what reward is there for lukewarmness? If you don't abide by that ultimate truth then why are you here? If you think the truth is so malleable that it can be equally valid presented in two opposing ways, then you are a relativist, and there's no point to this discussion. Why are you do upset that I'm calling out a heretic?

Whatever you say, hombre.
Don't fall off your high mountain tho.

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Statistically yes, because they're the oldest, uninterrupted group on this planet. A group that chose the way of crime and is historically known as the nation wreckers. They already killed billions of humans, destroyed races, civilizations, religions and nations. 7.5 billion human beings on this planet today are directly and indirectly threatened to be destroyed by the crimes the jews are committing. The moral question to put 20 million jews over the lives of 7.5 billion humans is not only disgusting, but it is based on the false perception of individuality. You think that every individual matters, but when you look into the history books you will only find a handful of humans that were worthwhile enough to even be mentioned. The rest is white noise when it comes to their individuality. What really counts is the collective, the race and bloodline that created the freedom and prosperity for individuals to emerge from, because a individual is the product of a healthy collective.

Please answer me one question honestly. How do you protect yourself from lies, as in, how do you spot them?

That's just nazi larp bull. Come on man.
I'm not even going to degrade myself again to beef this teen edgelord rambling of yours.

Just ask questions. What do you have to lose by questioning the narrative?

That's a derogatory term jews are using. The correct term is National Socialist, and the basic law of this movement are the 14 words "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children". How can anyone not agree with this line?

So you don't believe in the fundamental importance of blood and race in nature? Even when race-mixing animals showed us catastrophic consequences? If you don't believe in race, then you also decline to see differences between races? How does one not believe in blood, the liquid of life that connects your heart and brain? Or is it the collective you reject? Tell me where in history a civilization was created by an individual (not a already existing collective that was named a civilization by an individual).

All this has absolutely nothing to do with nazi-larping or any kind of hate message. As for the jews; just ask me anything and I can deconstruct nearly all of human misfortunes until you see the jew that caused it.

Peterson doesn't even admit to believing in God. Why are you taking your religious advice from a man that may or not believe in God when there are countless works by genuine Christians you could be reading instead?

Luke 14:25-35:

There's no bing bing wahoo in hell.

The thousands of years worth of wisdom we have available and logic. By logic I mean things like taking things to their logical conclusion - for example, Peterson theology is lukewarm and built for utilitarianism (because Peterson understands that no moral foundation = immoral society), and does not cultivate real belief, which is like building a house on sand, where it neither serves its utilitarian purpose nor does it provide eternal life; it's shallow and meaningless and might as well not exist.

Great answer. Now tell me, if Christianity and Islam are based on Judaism, and if the jews are widely known for crimes that evolve around lies and deception (usury for example), which is all based on wisdom, then where is the logic in not assuming and that both religions are based on a jewish lie to take control over it's followers?

Your premise is false. Christianity is not based on "Judaism". Judaism corrallates with extrabiblical sources that contradict scripture. Judaism comes from Babylon, Christianity is the fulfillment of the law and the prophets. I don't know why you're conflating Islam with it as well apart from the "Abrahamic" meme.

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It isn't. """Judaism""" as it exists today has almost nothing to do with the religion practiced by the ancient Hebrews.

Go back to Zig Forums

The practices are irrelevant, what matters is the time of inception. Judaism predates Christianity and Islam, and one does not create a new religion without being influenced by the predominating predecessor.

You're making blanket statement that are not true and also conflating things based on secular categorization. You clearly haven't read anything related to this. You're more than likely just regurgutating Zig Forums spam. I used to do the same thing. Looked like an idiot when people started asking for specifics because all I did was regurgitate stupid claims that anonymous morons at Zig Forums said. All I can say you should actually read what you're talking about instead of believing strangers.

What kind of heresy is this?

Just don't bother man.
People like user are like talking to a raging edgelord paganist.
Let him keep to his mental basement and believe his incoherent bull is a pathway to whatever he imagines salvation to be.

And a note for you, people who usually quote scripture in arguments, they don't understand neither scripture, nor their own argument even.
You're a clear demonstration of it.

Okay, teach me where I am wrong then rather than just stating things as if they were true.

No, the Second Temple was destroyed in 70 A.D. with Titus. One of the survivors, a rabbi, begged a roman governor permission to exist, and set up a school. Of these schools all the left-over intellectual remnants of the Old Torah Jews gathered, and over time the Talmud was produced, which is a collection of teachings that is essentially considered a cipher of interpretation for the Torah post-70 A.D.

this is important, because without the Temple, OT Judaism literally cannot function. so it all became talmudic teachers based around decentralized synagogues

obviously, talmudic jews came after Christianity by a few hundred years, or at least 40 years, if you're being really persnickety


he has some good jokes and he seems pretty wholesome but he has irrational outbursts of anger. watch his Joe Rogan rant, it's pretty painful.


The Nazis called themselves that. you are just a larper.

There is no Jewish conspiracy. what you should really be against is the socialism that you think you stand for. You won't understand that until you hit puberty though.

Corruption of terms over time, which is why the jews made it derogatory later on. They did the same thing with anti-Semitic, which originally means a subfamily of the Afro-Asiatic language family that includes Hebrew, Aramaic, Arabic, and Amharic. The jews hijacked it for themselves to use as a shield of course now the original meaning makes absolutely no sense, since you can't be against a group of languages, but jews never cared for optics anyway. BOOM…conspiracy back on.

That's where you are wrong. Religion is indoctrination of values that are altering our genetic makeup/behavioral patterns over a long period of time aka thought control (don't get hang up on that goofy term). The best way to see how powerful of brainwashing religions are you only have to look at atheists. they claim to be unbelievers, yet thousands of years of religious indoctrination to their forefathers made them susceptible to symbolism and the worshiping of gods just as much as religious believers. Subconsciously they start worshiping false idols, and put too much emphasis on symbols they perceive as powerful. this is why modern day atheists are sucking the jewish tit of capitalism like the most radical believers.

This process of indoctrinating people over a long period of time to acknowledge worshiping and symbolism, is the most powerful tool to control human life and it's why religions were created after violence failed to keep large groups of humans under control. This method works because it exploits three natural human traits…superstition (God), faith (crucifix) and morality (scriptures).

No, the Torah is focused around sacrifices in the Temple. Your personal and anthropological definition of religion doesn't make much of a difference in theological (and practical) terms, hence why they rebuilt Judaism towards the synagogue and the Talmud.

quite a lot of double-think to justify illicit passions! never fails.

That is just symbolism, it doesn't refute that thousands of years of religion is such a powerful control mechanism that it even effects people who are not religious. How do you explain the survival of the jewish "race" after so much persecution (for the crimes they've committed), that they are now the oldest existing group/believe system around, and that they somehow managed to get enough illegitimate power to make an attempt to rule a one world, one race, one religion government, ruled from the cradle of God, Jerusalem? Don't you think that requires a long term system to control humans by thought?

It's not shilling, I had just watched his videos for the first time yesterday. Well, maybe I had also seen something by him back when he was more normie, because he certainly looked familiar. I was just impressed that a somewhat well-known guy was not only Christian but willing to talk about controversial things, so I thought I'd see what you all thought of him. Being more alert to certain things because of posts like I now agree that he's a bit unstable. I still like him, but he does seem to burn a lot of bridges and overreact to some things.

I do believe in conspiracies, but I can never understand posts like this that assume the most likely situation is that a guy like this is a product of some large disinformation operation. He's not even THAT popular. Just because he has a Hebrew last name?

No…it wasn't. The Mosaic Jews had a real, physical Temple to perform sacrifices to God with.

No, I'm not an anthropological relativist.

He might not even know it. This kind of mass manipulation is going on for thousands of years. The easiest way to spot a crack in the narrative is to ask yourself how does this help the jews, and does it damaged me. If both come up with positive answers you stumbled right into another one of their schemes. In Owens case the jews are benefiting from it by getting israel out of the line of fire, by gathering sympathy with the "not all jews" excuse, by him pushing the world wide jew hate onto individuals, like some easily expendable Hollywood pedos, and by having a hate filled audience addicted to the screen while their time is running out in real life. The latter is also what hurts you the most, because you waste time listening to redpills you already knew about. then we have people who waste their money on Owen instead on their defenses, then we have false hopes for the leader the kikes don't allow us to have, then the false sense of bear community, because when the lights go out the bears stop existing. Owen is also not super hard on riling up his audience into grouping up and networking with each other, while he himself goes all out with his group of money making buddies. Just be aware that jews are always deceptive, and extremely good at it.

And they did and still do it to virtual signal. It's a symbol of power. jews use sacrificing rituals to blackmail their enforcers (politicians, royalty, entertainer) into compliance, which is mostly accompanied by sexual degeneracy blackmail and bribes. The religious aspect of the sacrificing routine is mostly show.

I had to look that up. Jesus Christ…next time use pic related.

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I had to do it.

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He's not targeting any actual christians you dolt. It's the atheists, new agers, and fake secular "christians" that he's been bringing into the church left and right. Why would a bunch of secular heathens bother reading works by "genuine Christians" when they're literally allergic to anything with that label?

Jesus didn't come for the righteous, but rather the sinners. Likewise, Peterson doesn't focus on christians that already know his message. Despite what your pride may have you believe, not everything is about you.

If his teachings sound like a bunch of gnostic/pagan heresies, it's because that's how pervasively gnostic/pagan beliefs have infiltrated our secular western culture. The fact that describing the bible in such terms is more effective and palatable to your average secular heathen than the raw words found in the scripture, is more of a testament to the degeneracy of our society than a reflection of anything Peterson is doing.

but that's what you're doing

Owen's doing a great job telling people that our issue is a moral problem that's already caused an unavoidable war in the future so to leave the cities which are winnie the poohed, have babies and arm your communities and love God.

This board is for Christians, Satan. Radical individualism nor having murals of Lenin in your house are not Christian.

gotta love that accidental double negative

Surely you don't actually think he's a Leninist. If he was, he couldn't be an individualist as the two are contrary.

I knew Protestants threw out large chunks of the Bible, but I didn't think they threw out the gospels as well!

Why do idiots(you) love saying how much they are idiots and then tell others they should be idiots too?

The gospels don't teach enlightenment era individualism, retard.

Who said individualism is exclusive to the enlightenment? Your beef is with secularism and hellenistic philosophy, not individualism. But I guess that's to be expected from all the heretic sects that ignore theosis. What the gospel objectively doesn't teach, is typical right-wing "collectivist" fantasies.

Worth a watch:

Jordan Peterson is a Jewish shill coward.

Just had to get that off my chest.

Christ is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords.

The proper Christian political stance has always been monarchy, or something resembling it.

After watching him for a while, I've decided not to take him too seriously.
He speaks truth to power, but his thoughts are half-baked and his behavior is erratic and unstable.

Here's what I find interesting about him:

His streams document redpill shock/overdose in real time. He comes off like someone who spent too much time on Zig Forums and is trying to synthesize the new information, only he's doing it on camera instead of by himself.

He talks about "wizardry" all the time, yet uses some of the same tactics on the audience. Because he's so good at it, it took me a while to notice. Some may feel this as a betrayal, but the discerning realize that he's providing a concrete example of the tactics and showing how effective they are, whether is conscious or unconscious.

There’s always been a 1:1 ratio of good to awful kinds in the Bible. God gave us a judicial republic with a constitution (see:Exodus and Leviticus)

wrong, tyrannical

less wrong

The ultimate application of Biblical principles in politics is Christian reconstructionism

Into the trash it goes

Are you talking about the USA, founded by Freemasons and a Satanist?

The Bible condemns monarchs that embrace paganism like Solomon. Monarchy as long as it is Christian is the way to go.

A “republic” generally is just rule by merchants. Throne and altar were allied until republicanism overthrew them.

I am not. I am talking about a more perfect version of it.
The Levitical government was a true republic: rule of law, the laws not subject to change with justice dispensed through courts.
Christian monarchs, while less terrible than Pagan ones, still manage to screw over their subjects quite regularly. Prime example: Henry VIII.

Monarchy is not tyrannical, republicanism is.
God is not a democrat.

I know lol. Benjamin Franklin was a satanist. Americanism is all about worshipping mammon.

He wasn’t a satanist, he was just a pragmatist. Chaotic neutral really.

What is your cause for opposition to Rushdoony?

the very premise of a republic is to guard against the in-built predeliction of the centralization of power turning tyrannical, as nearly all monarchies in human history evidence.

Judicial shenanigans is one of the reasons the American republic is a farce.

The king acted as a judge in a way since you would seek redress with him.

Henry was led by lust into sin like Herod was when he killed John the Baptist.

Rushdoony is a literal Judaizer.

The levitical republic had no democracy that would interfere with the Law.

No he wasn't. How did you conclude that?

You give us the ideal of a republic and contrast it to an untrue generalisation about monarchies.

In comparative politics you can’t contrast an ideal for one system with what you deem a reality for another system. It’s just not an accurate way to compare systems. You have to compare the reality of democracy with the reality of monarchy. And I think monarchy fares well in comparison all things considered.

Just look at the state of American morality today.

The American regime today is highly tyrannical. Read the news brother. God bless.

I agree with your impulse, that's exactly what Hoppe writes in "Democracy, the God that failed". Your mistake is conflating republicanism with democracy, but these are two different things. Nobody si advocating democracy.

The king Id say is a better judge than any of these political appointee US judges today because the king doesn’t have to play politics. He didn’t come to power as part of some faction (unless there was some kind of pretender king war). He doesn’t answer to anyone generally.

Definitely republic is more tolerable but monarchy has a more proven track record imo.