Do you guys have Christian friends to encourage and edify you in your walk with Christ?

Do you guys have Christian friends to encourage and edify you in your walk with Christ?

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no, all my friends are heathens

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No one likes to hear my thoughts on religion.

My cousin is muslim so we talk a lot about the OT but thats about it.

I have no friends, although my priest says I should get some.

My pastor, my journal, you guys, and that's it…

I'm pretty good friends with a lot of people at church but we don't hang out during the week. It's a good way to motivate me to get up every Sunday though.

You guys here on Zig Forums and my catholic fiancée

It's for the best though.
If your free speech to post one blasphemous image is worth more than our long-time friendship I do really wonder if we were friends at all these times or just LARPing.

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Same situation, although i have one friend who is a christian who i regularly talk to. But my closest friends are all non-believers..and it's reaching the breaking point where i'm realizing that the difference in thought is hurting my relationship with them. I'm considering stop talking to them if things get worse.

I got a good friend who's atheist/agnostic and he's True Neutral in it all.
Others, like my best friend and his brother, are too prideful to say "Well, user is a friend and he wouldn't like us posting blasphemous stuff so if we do it let him delete it, make a joke and then move on".
They created their own, new server sending me invites.
Won't be joining anytime soon.

Not anymore. I made quite a few Protestant friends at my old church, but some of them were former addicts who fell back into old habits and stopped contacting me, while the rest I've distanced myself from since pursuing Catholicism. The next year or so is going to be very lonely before I finally become Catholic and get involved at my diocese, but that's okay - I've spent most of my life not having any friends.

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No, I have no one. And at this point I'm not even interested in making friends who aren't hardline tradcath because what's the point if you'll just have to hide your power level around them? Everyone at my parish looks at me like I'm a scumbag anyway, old ladies always clutching their purses like a lone guy goes to mass every week just so he can snag your tampons and pocket change lol. Screw those lukewarms. Probably gonna try to find a better parish soon. No one here gives a winnie the pooh about me or anyone

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My only christian friends are friends ive met here, who i talk to every day.

However my autism encouraged an existing friend to start taking his faith seriously again. Sadly he moved away last year so i only see him a couple times a year.

I don't actually have friends period since even the secular ones moved away for better opportunities. I hope to follow suit but i have stuff i need to take care of first.

Tried churches (raised catholic, was lutheran for a year but left since all the churches closed, now am unchurched)
No young people.
Dont fit in with the people at unis generic protestant groups. They dont even feel christian just like vauge fun "get togethers" or whatever.

Idk what im going to even do about it. I've accepted my lot as a spiritual n*gger

My very dear friend and I joined the Orthodox church together. He is sitting next to me at this very moment. I love him dearly and don't think I would have converted without him.

he is sitting here next to me reading The Mystical Theology of the Orthodox Church while I play OSRS and funpost on Zig Forums

Just come home to Rome friend. We miss you. I used to be in your situation cradle Catholic that abandoned the Holy Mother Church out of spite for Vat II but I tried out Orthodoxy before I came back. I learned alot in the East and they helped me get find spirituality again, but I still felt the weight of sin and eventually relapsed into smoking the devil's lettuce again and left because I didn't want to being shame to them. After a couple months of wandering from occult practices to even giving Islam a try, I decided that I had nothing to lose and decided to pray the rosary. I noticed alot of my vices porn and weed were numb and never even crossed my mind after I started praying the rosary. It was from then on I knew in my heart Rome was were I should have called home from the beginning. I sincerely believe now that our Lady of Fatima and Akita will save our Holy Mother Church from the satanists and communists that infect her. It has already started with McCarrick and Pell. After a while I met my fiancée during volunteer work and we have been married since.

So my advice to you, from one cradle Catholic to another, don't forsake Peter because (((Judas))) was a filthy kike traitor. Pray /ourLady/'s rosary and I have a feeling you will feel the same feel I felt.
Come Home to Rome, user. It just isn't the same without you.

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It's not that you're alone, it's the leather jacket and mohawk :^)

Sounds comfy.

Everything this guy says. The holy rosary does wonders, I thought I had to deal with a lot of temptations even in my sleep that I couldn't resist, but with the help of Mary everything is possible. I love her.

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What are these benefits of the Rosary, anons? I haven't gotten around to praying it on a regular basis.

I am in 2 small groups and 1 bible study. So, yeah. I don't make friends that easily and the only really consistent outside work activity in my life is church, so I only really have Christian friends at the moment. Sometimes I hang out with work friends who are all heathens and are sick of me talking about Christ or politics so it is usually pretty basic.

Here are the 15 promises of the Rosary I pulled from my Laudate app: pt (1)


I am opposite, i don't want friends but i can't tell mine to winne the pooh off, they're not even that bad.

I have no friends.

I have a couple. There's a few in my fraternity, a few from church, and my gf is incredibly strong in her faith. A lot of my friends aren't Christian though, or at the very least they're those people that say they're Christian but it's just kind of a title to them and it doesn't look like they're living their life for Him. It's not my job to jusge those friends, but I try to bring up the gospel whenever it's relevant in hopes I'll help one of them.

I don't have friends. It would be nice having prayer buddy though(don't say it's cringy). Bump for all the friendless Christanons

No, my friends are always mocking me for not pursuing premarital sex and other degenerate stuff.

We christians truly live in a degenerate society and should all rise up.

Who /west-europe/ here?

I don't have any friends lol

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Also, if your "friends" give you crap for pursuing your faith, they aren't your friends. All of my good friends are agnostic (sadly) but they've mocked or derided me for my faith.

I have a few people who I know from my Newman center who I get along with, but they aren't really my "friends". More like a study group Even though I'm far more educated on the faith than they are. Not to brag, it just makes most meetings kind of dull since I already know 80% of what we talk about

Honestly, I'm kind of content not having too many Christian friends because it helps me focus on my inward spirituality. Isolation can be good for the soul, so long as it doesn't lead to sloth or gluttony. Also, I barely fit in with most secular people, let alone most Christians, which is fine to me.

As long as God knows the man I am behind my hash looks and cold demeanor, I have all I need.

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>*but they've NEVER mocked or derided me for my faith.
Don't know how I screwed that up. My dyslexia is seeping into my typing abilities.

Literally gtfo Normie scum

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Cry more /r9k/

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I gotta say, I used to feel pretty lonely, specially even depressed, my old school friends were only good to keep drinking and in non productive activities.
But since joining a church one of the best sides is getting to be part of the community, never felt more welcome, but you have to take part, join the choir, study or whatever groups, aim to go frequently and ask when they have something to do.

The depression still comes and goes but I think it has more to do with my past sinful ways and still letting my self down every once in a while.
Hopefully, if God wills it, I'll soon find a proper girlfriend and future wife as well.

No but God blessed me with my Grandmother

Thanks, Michael.

I only have 2-3 acquaintances left that don't know I'm a Christian and I'm scared of losing them too.