Moses criticized Jews, was he an "anti-Semite" ? No
Jesus-Christ criticized Jews and called them the children of Satan…And Jesus-Christ couldn't commit any sin ever…So was he an Anti-Semite ?
If you want to follow Jesus Christ as you ought to as a Christian, then you have to criticize Jews and hold htem accountable for their bad behavior and their rejeciton of the Logos Incarnate (Jesus) and thus the rejection of God and the Order of the Universe.
It's Okay To Criticize Jews
Other urls found in this thread:
St. Justin Martyr's Dialogue with Trypho, St. Barnabus' Epistle, Tertullian's and St. John Chrysostom's 8 Homilies Against the Jews are the best Testaments we have on criticizing the Jews in my opinion.
What does EMJ thinks of Islam? I'm a bit curious
He believes that we can touch base on them because we share some of the same foundational Abrahamic texts, and that they are the pawns of the CIA and the Jews. However, he doesn't seem to be under the illusion that they are Christians, so he's pretty clear-headed about them.
He thinks that it's a christian heresy but isn't very critical of it. He also think that the Muslim God and the Christian God are the same God and so that we worship the same God but with a drastic difference in the understanding of God. So he does consider that they are not satanic like the Jews because they don't reject God.
I think he does want to start a christian-Muslim war but want instead to discuss with them, just like he did in Iran.
To be more clear, EMJ believes they worship the Father, but do not know the Father because they do not go through the Son.
all right, thanks.
What bad behaviour are you referring to?
Marxism,Communism,Feminism,Abortion,Usury, Banks, Corruption,Killing Christ, the Talmud, Neoconsevatism, Mass Immigration, Genocides of Christians, Gender Ideologies, Capitalism, the Democratic Party, the Republican Party, Gambling, Pornography, promotion of masturbation, diversity, multiculturalism, Hollywood propaganda films, mocking Christianity, "Hate Laws" liberticides legislation, Irsahell and the killing of the innocents, promotion of Sodomy, atheism, Islamisation of Europe, the Great Replacement of Europe, the slave trade, the religion of the Holocaust and "muh antisemitism", corruption of sexual morals and sexual modesty, corruption of the family unit, corruption of the purity of virginity and chastity, promotion of casual sex and hookup culture, drugs, divorce lawyers, crappy wages, ADL/SPLC and other bigots who destroy your reputation, mocking the traditional teaching of the Church, undermining the Moral Law, Kidnapping and bloodsucking Christians, the poisoning of the wells, false flag "hate symbols" swastikas, Organ Traffic and Human trafficking, satanic rituals, …
Too much to list man…
Modern day Jews are not responsible for them. As to the rest of the things you mentioned, can you give evidence that ALL Jews, and ONLY Jews, are responsible for them?
The big jews (influential and powerful) bully the little jews(avg schlomo), who are indoctrinated to hate christianity and all of it's legacy. So in a sense you are right, it's not all jews who do this, as not all jews are powerful, but they pratically are pathologically induced to hate us.
No, definitevely not. The goy is guilty of working with and enabling the jew, and we have to assume this guilt, because that is the only way to avoid comitting the same errors in the future.
"jewsforhitler" a youtube channel and website who got (((taken down))) redpilled me in various ways. About the fake jews, the jewish influence in world history, and the indoctrination that happens in the jewish people ( he was a jewish convert to christianity )
I hope that name is a joke. Have you asked Jews about their beliefs?
That username is personal. He used this username because he didn't believe in the holocaust. Nothing to do with anyone else besides him
They are, because their Jewish Identity is based on a negative identity, the explicit rejection of Christ and thus they are endorsing the killing of Christ and the Talmud. The Jewish People killed Christ, the Jewish Leader decided to kill him and the Jewish People supported them and bring about the said Crucifixion. Does that mean that every single Jew was on board with it ? No, the Virgin Mary wasn't for it, Jesus's Disciples weren't for it, but the overwelhming majority of the Jewish People were for it and bring the Killing of Jesus about, and now, this Jewish People has been excplitely rejecting Jesus Christ for more than 2000 years now and they are now as responsible and guilty for killing Jesus and rejecting him, because they explictely identitfy with this rejection. Same thing with the Talmud, which is the rejeciton of the Lord.
For example, not every bolshevik was a Jew, but the bolshevik idea was born in Jewish minds, the bolshevik movement was born thanks to Jews and the bolshevik movement successed thanks to Jewish Leadership and then, majority of communists leaders were Jews. And even for non-Jews, most of them had Jewish wifes…So yes, there are useful idiots goyim in the movements, but without the whole Jewish matrix behind it, none of those things would have succeeded.
Same thing with all the things I've mentioned pretty much.
And watch this on the Jews and Bolshevism too, you'll get a real education instead of the Jewish school propaganda.
here between 2:14:27-2:26:00
You can call out points of their beliefs that make no sense or call out Jewish supremacy, but bugging normal Jewish people about how they “made up the holocaust” while they try to live their life is sinful. I’m not saying your believe that, Op, I’m more of just hoping
Think about it this way, the literal American Nazi Party doesn't even blame all jews for the crimes of the globalist jews. There is a difference between Moshie the bagel pusher vs Schlomo Goldsteinberg the international financer/ Harvey Weinstein the Hollywood rapist.
Being a Jew is 100% antithetical to Christianity
They follow and worship their anti-Christ holy book to this very day. Are you some sort of demon apologist that tolerates evil?
Does not work that way bud. It is not ALL jews that wrote Talmud and not ALL jews killed Christ. Yet….let his blood be upon us you know.
You do not need all and only rule to see an established pattern. You're strawmanning
If Jesus can forgive the Jews and Gentiles for killing the Messiah, what makes you so special that you can't put your blind hatred for Jews away and forgive them as well?
Like the Roman pagans before Christianity, they are held captive by their idols. Same goes for the modern Jews. Yes, there are some impeccably evil Jews, but not all of them are evil. Some Jews really want to know God but have never been able to hear the Gospel because their minds are in chains.
Hating them blindly will only harden their hearts, but if we forgive them and show them love like Jesus tells us to it can soften their heart and make them more open to hearing the Gospel.
Yep, we are to love our enemies. That's what separates us from the Muslims and the Jews in the first place. If they refuse Christ, they will answer to Christ.
Criticizing their behavior is not hate. Actually saying what they do is wrong is a work of charity so they are less likely to burn in hell.
Just because they cry "hate" each time you merely suggest they might do something wrong that does not make it "blind hate"
And if you think you will convert 100% of them you are delusional. Never gonna happen.
What do you mean? they openly boast about killing Christ thinking it was the irght thing to do. They have access to gospel they just do not want to admit they were wrong and they do not wan tto lose their chosenite status.
They really don't want to know God. Thre are no magical chains or sorcery that taps their ears.
I recommend you read the Fathers of the Church, since you suffer from what John Chrysostom calls a terrible disease.
I see no love in you, just the destruction of faith and morals so that you can get tolerance points. Your heart is rotten, like theirs, so it is no surprise you defend their perversion so much.
Yep some are well meaning. But it does not matter since Judaism created bolshevism. You see….."not all" is kind of faggot excuse. You do not need all snakes to be poisonous to be poisoned by one.
Jesus forgives….if one repents.
You still do not understand that "hate" does not come down to them crucifying jesus,,,,rather their current behavior goes all the way back to them rejecting the Logos. And when they lie about history/create utopian ideologies/make pornography they basically crucify Him each day again. No repentance, no nothing.
Yeah…but sure maybe ignoring what they do and blind "love" will convert them and solve the problem. Sure this was not tried yet. You understand the problem poorly yet present it in a way that you have the solution. Look…I do no have the solution at all. I think that till Christ comes back there will be them who reject him. Of course we should try to convert as much as we can,…
spot on. John Chrysostom says we should go heal the sick…the sick needs a cure, not saying aeverything is all right. By "tolerance" you accept their wickedness
Ultimately it boils down to people adopting a jewish mentality "everything is against us - goyim, nature, even God" This is literally what they preach before they proclaim themselves their own god. God was no good for them because he did not send a warrior messiah. Gospel sent by God is not good enough because they refused it. Goyim are bad because they accepted it and thanks to it created western civilization. Then they come, destroy what was created with hatred that they did not create it.
The beauty of Europe is one of proofs that Christianity is the true way. Look at what was created. Then see what their "god" created. Not much. Mostly destruction.
You shall know them by their fruits.
My point is: this blaming anyone but jews attitude is enraging. God is not to be blamed they do not want to know him. They are. Stop adopting their victim mentality.
So how do you plan on converting them if your heart is full of hate? Also, again the Jews and the Gentiles never repented when Jesus forgave them while He was literally on the cross so your statement of
Is unchristian.
Let us also not forget what St. Peter wrote to us in his 1st epistle:
Or what is taught to us in the Gospel of Matthew:
Yes, Jews made Communism well technically a ethnic Jew that became a prot and Protestants made fascism among other things and I still forgive both for both had no idea what they were doing and were lied to by satan.
You underestimate how far a little kindness can go in a person's life. Don't let your anger turn to hatred for hatred is a capital vice and will only lead to more sin.
Is that why they're in hell?
Not for that specific act of murder but for other sins they have committed since they rejected Christ. You are missing the point of the entire post.
You will have an infinitely harder time converting a jew if all you do is accuse them of things their ancestors did. If you show them kindness and treat them like a brother than it will soften their hearts and make it much easier to convert them.
Do you hold all whites accountable for slavery of the past?
Jewish promotion of degeneracy: current or past?
Now answer my question, do you hold all whites accountable for slavery?
I fully agree; we have to expose the evil deeds of the evildoers, and pray for the conversion of both them and the Jews who are not "enemies" (I'd say anyone who is not Christian is in a way an "inactive enemy" if he does not wish harm to us).
What I do not like is the general attitude I saw too often here and on Zig Forums that Hitler's solution was good in any way: if we have to fight a war, we must do it against armed opponents, not sending civilians into isolation or killing them. I read a few books on the topic, and while I do agree we must never ever let down our guard, we should not actively hate them, but absolutely we must point out their wrongdoings and when they use positions of power or wealth to cause chaos, promote degeneracy or stir wars for the good of their own Country (I am not here to debate the validity of Israel) and so forth: we have the moral and religious duty to do that, but we should not hate them. Also because we are not pure and immaculate ourselves, so whilst not letting our guard down we should not see all Jews as the most evil entity on the face of the Earth.
Surely they are responsible for the death of Christ, but Christ also forgave them; and if they acknowledge Him as the Messiah, a Jew can convert and become one of the ones who belong to the Israel of the New Covenant. Even because, then, if we keep this grudge against them: it will turn into a series of vendettas or even worse would be admitting the modern Left holds some truth when they talk about how Europeans invaded other Countries, had slaves and so on (things I do not believe we should apologize, but should see as events which took place and to see through the lenses of history).
My opinion, of course. (Should I expect the usual picture of Steve Buscemi edited to look like a stereotype of a Jew for this post?)
I hope not, but Zig Forums gonna Zig Forums. They will do it for you speak the truth and they can't let go of their own pride.
Do modern whites have slave plantations?
What are you afraid of?
There were two people at the cruxifiction
The people that were saddened would become the Christians
The people that cheered would become the Talmudeans/Jews or whatever you want to call that branch of paganism, they are the pharisees that believe in the same oral laws and reject the same god and making the same shit up and denying God
God punished them by scattering them among all the people. God punished them by destroying the Temple he never asked for
This is why "judeo-christian values" is an extremely damaging expression. Talmudism is in direct opposition to Christianity
Silly little goy. Jews were the slave owners and traders. They owned most ships. The first synagogue in America was built next to a port in Rhode Island.
Kikes are the sons of Satan. Words directly from Jesus.
(((fellow white people)))
If anything, white people were the first to abolish slavery in the world. You can still buy a slave in Libya for $600. Blacks see no issue with selling their fellow blacks as slaves.
I doubt the person screeching "muh slavery" came here in good faith.
If anything, the slavery analogy doesn't make any sense. How many whites in the world own or owned slaves? How many advocate for it? How many Jews are promoting anti-Christian and anti-white messages in the media? Try and walk around with a cross necklace in Jerusalem, you'll be spit on by Talmudists.
Clearly nothing so scary as you having to admit your anti-white analogy is logically worthless
Heaven is a Kingdom, not a republic.
Most white people did not own slaves or benefit from slavery, that is a common canard.
OP so true. Also "anti-Semite" is total newspeak.
Jews can repent though but they have to rebuke Talmudism.
Weren't all the Bishoprics of the HRE kinda clerical fascist theocracies?
Monarchy or theocracy is definitely the meta.
Excpet it's not an anti-white analogy, it's proof that you are a hypocrite. You forgive whites for the slavery of the past but you can't forgive jews for the crimes of their ancestors and write a blank check to hate them blindly.
The fact that you repeatedly ignore the question to segway into something unrelated is proof enough you need spiritual help and need to de/pol/erize yourself
So I guess all American Southern plantation owners were jews than? I guess Europeans that bought slaves were also jews than.
This is your problem, you are quick to blame others for evil but can't even see the evil within yourselves. Did jews own slaves? Yes, but only because there were buyers of it. Did jews use usury to create the banking system? Yes, but only because we use their services. Did jews degenerate germany in the WR days? Yes, but only because germans abandoned God for their worldly desires and traditions of man. Do jews degenerate the word today through Hollywood? Yes, but only because we as a society have abandoned God and allowed them to do so. We as a society have allowed them to take power by abandoning God and His church Jesus set up thousands of years ago.
The "solution" of blind hatred has only given them more and more power and yet your proposed solution is to continue to hate them? Do you know the definition of insanity? Do you even pray the ''Our Father?
Abandon your hatred, friends, and repent to God.
Not only that, the Jewish People who bring the Crucifixion of Jesus have their blood in their hands and all their descendant.
" 27:21 The governor answered and said unto them, Whether of the twain will ye that I release unto you?
They said, Barabbas.
27:22 Pilate saith unto them, What shall I do then with Jesus which is called Christ?
They all say unto him, Let him be crucified."
27:23 And the governor said, Why, what evil hath he done?
But they cried out the more, saying, Let him be crucified.
27:24 When Pilate saw that he could prevail nothing, but that rather a tumult was made, he took water, and washed his hands before the multitude, saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it.
27:25 Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us, and on our children.
27:26 Then released he Barabbas unto them: and when he had scourged Jesus, he delivered him to be crucified." (Matthew 27:11-26 KJV)
Knowing that the Jewish identity is an explicitly negative identity, the explicit heinous rejection of Jesus Christ with his crucifixion and the creation of the following of the Talmud, all Jews in the world who are Jews and refuse to get baptized and convert are thus still responsible for the killing and rejection of the Lord and son of God and the Logos Incarnate.
They still can be saved, if they get baptized and join the Catholic Church and thus exterminating their Jewish Spirit.
Moreover, see this video of EMJ, it has been censored by Jewgle.
They want us to deny by tyranny and "antisemetism/hate speech laws" that Jews didn't kill Jesus-Christ.
No, I am not.
Huh? The cause of this whole argument between you guys was that he said they worship their anti-christ book to this very day. They still promote the talmud. That's who we're talking about here, don't get confused.
As for forgiveness, we are only entitled to forgive those who have done us a personal wrong, i.e. our enemies. It's not the same with God's enemies.
Psalm 139:19-24
Surely thou wilt slay the wicked, O God: depart from me therefore, ye bloody men.
For they speak against thee wickedly, and thine enemies take thy name in vain.
Do not I hate them, O LORD, that hate thee? and am not I grieved with those that rise up against thee?
I hate them with perfect hatred: I count them mine enemies.
Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.
2 Chronicles 19:2
And Jehu the son of Hanani the seer went out to meet him, and said to king Jehoshaphat, Shouldest thou help the ungodly, and love them that hate the LORD? therefore is wrath upon thee from before the LORD.
So you see my enemies are different than God's enemies. And as we've just said, they are still promoting talmudic values as we speak through their broadcasts to millions of people all over the world right now.
Yet you think we have the right to trample on the lost souls being misled and act like nothing is going on, to virtue signal how tolerant and accepting we are of this. To act humble while exalting in pride.
Pic related.
Also it's spelled segue, not segway. A segway is a two-wheeled motorized vehicle.
at least say "New World Slavery" or "Chattel" slavery
When you say "slavery" you are generalizing thousands of years of history based upon a leftist political notion.
Are whites accountable for slavery, or Christians? The people who did the slave trade were Christian and white. But unlike the Jews, The scripture supposedly followed by the traders forbade the slavery that they were taking part in, because it was cruel.
I can't forgive Jews for the crimes they commit today, you shifty kike
Do you pray the "Our Father" prayer?
Marx was a jew. Just tells me how dishonest you are. Communism is jewish not german.
Are you a jew yourself?your debating style would fit
You talk a lot about hate. I do not hate them blindly. I believe that we should uncover deeds of darkness as is written in ephesians. Straightening sinners up is a work of charity not hate
Wew lad. Cool down your antisemitism. It's off putting to everyone. You will not convert them with this hateful attitude. After all they're chosenites amirite.