Why do people on this board like this Anderson?

Why do people on this board like this Anderson?


Here he attacks a monk of the Orthodox Faith simply because he's an Orthodox member of the body of Christ.
I seriously don't understand how any man can attack a person of living Faith.

Those who like this man, how do you reason for these actions?

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It's not just people on this board, there are many so-called Christians who love Pastor Anderson and absolutely think he is a Saint while he bashes all other Christian denominations and sects like Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodox.

I think for the layman Christian who has never read the Bible, Pastor Anderson and his "hard preaching style" is a breath of fresh air in this world of lukewarm back-slidden Christians. Unfortunately, his OSAS heresy is also very soothing to the ears of many baby/immature Christians since they are content in wallowing in their own sin while indulging in Pastor Anderson's judgmental mockery on others during his so-called sermons. It's really a reflection of the childish nature of his congregation as well.

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Yes, I agree from what I've seen as well.
Honestly feel like this extends to all hyper-zealist practitioners (any denomination) when I see the name calling on this board it always comes from people who are so rigid in their Faith, they have no room for the entire Universal Body, which extends to all alleys of traditions - baptist, catholic, calvinists, orthodox…etc

there is no universal body consisting of many Churches, there is only One Church. Even the Orthodox believe in Extra Ecclessiam nulla salus.

I don't mean to be needlessly quarrelsome, but not all denominations believe that all denominations contain members of the "Universal Body". As an example, the Orthodox believe that the Orthodox Church is the visible Church, and those who are outside it are, well, outside it.

Catholics believed the same thing about the Catholic church, until they didn't. Although some of them still do. It really isn't clear to me what the actual teaching is any more.

All of this is just to make the point that being a Christian doesn't require one to believe that all "Christian" churches are united in belief and we should all just get along and sing kumbayah. Better to sing kumbayah than to murder each other, obviously, but there are real disagreements that matter and shouldn't be swept under the rug.

The teaching is still Extra Ecclesiam nullas salus.

I can come up with the same sticking point as you, and point out that USA orthoprots don't believe in EENS either (which is also disingenuous)

I don't mean everything is merry inbetween the differences, if there are toes on the pathway then they will be trod on and feeling will get hurt.
I sincerely believe we are all united in Christ. The different denominational practices come to down the fullness of our Faith that we wish to embrace. I believe the sanctimony of the Universal Church is through our profession of Jesus Christ.

I really didn't mean to offend or to be uncharitable. My time inquiring at a Catholic church was so full of ecumenical feel-goodery, and given Vatican II I just wasn't clear.

Vatican II states the obvious: that being outside of the Church during life does not necessarily mean anyone is damned, but they need to be in the Church for salvation by the end.

Had they been de-facto damned from the beginning, conversion would be impossible and pointless.

He's a cult leader, cult leaders need enemies to fanatize their following against and promote themselves as a savior from them. Brother Nathanael is an easy victim because he's neither a monk and have some personal problems as far as i know.

Those people are as Christians as Jim Jones and his followers

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100% this.

He's not a true christian. He may be saved but he shouldnt be in the pulpit regardless of his afilliacions or background.

Any group that claims exclusive access to Christ is a cult, that goes for you people and your extra-biblical Latin mumbo jumbo.


By that reason, you'd cast out the Apostles too.

But Christ actually built A church. You should ask yourself where it is. Not whether it exists.. because it does, else you make Christ a liar.

I'm not saying it's Rome though.

Have you considered that the church of Matthew 16 is eschatological?

I'm talking about modern day groups which call themselves "Christian", yet they add a bunch of crap to the gospel and also claim exclusivity to grace.

All sects and deonominations have their heresies and ungodly aspects, as humans what can we do. No single man is perfect in what he preaches or how he preaches lining up 1:1 to the word, we are imperfect people. Personally, I'd say that Anderson himself is close enough. His faults are different than other sects for the most part, but condemning other Christians as hell-bound for example comes from all sides. The man is certainly accurate enough when it comes to most topics, he's a good fairly biblical preacher; adhering much better to the word than 95% of them out there. Please don't cherry-pick, but if I'm wrong please point out why.

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Then the apostles wee retards in the Acts and St Paul was dumb to in making Timothy a Bishop and talking about an hierarchy, and all the people that followed were retarded too until some hundred years later an heretic excuse me a pius Christian came up with that novelty, although no one before him understood Mathew that way not even the apostles themselves.

anderson sucks but i'm pretty sure "brother" nathaniel isn't an actual monk and that his bishop came out and said so. not like he used to be a monk but got kicked out for controversial views, but like he never took actual vows with a monastery. he's larping even if his views are correct on some things.

lol, btfo

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A beautiful sight indeed

That doesn't follow at all
Other churches still exist and need bishops even if none of them are the one being referred to in mat 16:18

for satan

I don't like Anderson. I find his videos spiritually harmful because he speaks with such unabashed hatred and lack of charity toward his Christian brothers. But, I think that draws some people in. Particularly those of us weak to pride.

I should point out that "Brother" Nathanael is not an Orthodox monk. To my understanding, he was rejected from the monastery and just dresses up like a monk and runs around street corners saying he is.

Nope, he's ROCOR.

Frankly, I can't stand the guy; but he's become the meme pastor. All I ever hear from his mouth is hateful chicken squawks and his face is endlessly punchable.

He's just a fun meme like all Fundamentalist Baptists.

He's not a monk, to become a monk is a very specific procedure in the Orthodox tradition part of which is living as a novice in a monastery for at least 2 years. Also monks have their own canons to follow and way of living. Brother Nathanael is more like a protestant street preacher than a monk.

It's pretty sad, because he immediately came across off as a goofball and drove me away from Orthodoxy. Honestly, he gives Orthodox in America a bad name, like they're all a bunch of incel contrarian dweebs who think Roman Catholicism is too mainstream. You guys should do more to disassociate yourselves from him.

Also, I found Pastor Anderson's argument against Orthodoxy to be terrible. Is it really his thing to take Bible verses out of context and continually push for his OSAS heresy? His argument against the outfit because of what Jesus' said about the Pharisaical outfits is also taken out of context, and strikes me as something only a simpleton would accept. I agree with you that he is spiritually dangerous.

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Christians don't have to be persuasive. They have to speak the truth.
Now if you don't reject your Judaism I'm afraid you'll be the one being disassociated form.

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