Was Jesus a Communist?

I’ve heard a few times before that apparently Jesus was a communist. Why do people say this? Is there any evidence in scripture to support or deny this?

Attached: C1804D62-BB43-4CDF-9CCE-77A2CA6DD363.png (1136x640, 1.33M)

The idea of "communism" didn't exist when Jesus walked the earth.

Christianity accepts the concept of (private) propriety.
End of thread.

I think what people meant was socialism, or the concept of everyone sharing everything.

Jesus is the king of Israel, so that makes him a monarch. Communism is atheistic and jewish.

If the mods have any sense of moral consistency, they will delete OP's picture along with the one I am posting.

Attached: 85595806.jpg (320x220, 11.78K)

Yes, he totally was, remember when Jesus said that Religion was the Opium of People,then he ordered us to establish a State where the worker class would hold the means of production. Of Course he said more communist things just read the scriptures and if you aren't a commie you a hypocrite christian.

Mostly lefties larping as Christians and lefties trying to divide and conquer.

Lemme just say that I don’t really believe Christ was a commie. I just looked up “Jesus communist” and this picture was the first result on google images seeing as I needed a file.

These images are extremely sacrilegious

jeSus WuZ a CoMmIe

rEljUn oPiaTe of masSes

ShOot PriEsTs

NoO goDs BuT mAn

oNe PaRtY

wE caN bUiLd uTopIA

You do realize that the Soviet Union absolutely obliterated religious life in Russia, murdered millions of people, martyred thousands of priests, and permanently wrecked the Russian Orthodox Church for the simple fact that state communism requires people to love the state with the same fanaticism that a monk loves God for it to work, right?

Attached: 1516421247843.jpg (1701x1021, 1.99M)

Boi did you even read the comment you responded to? I swear people on this board try to roast other people but they just look retarded in the process

I did, I just have a burning desire for people to understand just how sacrilegious even entertaining such an idea is.

The Russian Communists were Jews. And communism is not Biblical.

Attached: communist_jews.jpg (602x356 74.81 KB, 155.01K)

LARPagans would love if He was. Too bad all LARPagans are flaming homosexuals.

Attached: 1540585929354.jpg (1116x1323 122.94 KB, 452.38K)

Here, fix’d.


Jesus is the King of Kings and our Great High Priest in heaven. People stupidly chose a "rebel" in favor of him (Barabbas).. and Satan is the ultimate rebel.

Attached: christ-kiing1.jpg.w300h435.jpg (300x435, 42.08K)

is there a name for this style of icons? I have one that's very similar but with some different details

The answer is obvious isn't it?
Delet the OP picture. It is blasphemous beyond belief.

gommunism is not just about abolishing private property
It makes war on
Essentially everything natural in order to make people slaves aka international proletariat.
Its ideals are inherently satanic. Limiting discussion to muh free property is what capitalists do to defend their materialist rotten worldview which is equally disgusting.
Pic related

Attached: aa106a1a45e9d4d45facab3b9f11a8723a14f7acb149fc00065dc394e5c192a3.png (445x466, 357.85K)

Hmm…. sounds like nature. The bears grab the salmon from the stream. The bears poop the remains unto the forest floor. Nutrients are scattered about the forest floor, causing the trees and plants to thrive and the birds and monkeys to have sustenance. A never ending cycle.

Why can't human cooperate the same instead of being absolute corrupt retards?

Sorry, I'm the same user, but I set my browser to clear cache and use a VPN, so the ID resets. Usually the title of that icon (done by many iconographers, but with the same motif) is called "King of Kings and Great High Priest" (or sometimes just one or the other). Here's another that is probably the most famous version.. is this what you have?

Attached: King_of_Kings_Great_High_Priest.jpg (312x397, 70.36K)

Original sin.

And this is where Communism and Christianity differ - whereas Communism explicitly rejects the ideas of metaphysics and faith, Christianity expounds them as intrinsic and fundamental in living a well-developed life, thus preventing a utopian project being co-opted by power-hungry nihilistic ideologues who have no qualms about murdering in order to realise this "vision."

Marx was a fool to ever undermine spirituality. Christian Communism is honestly severely underrated.

Attached: 220px-Christian_Socialism_Anarchism.svg.png (220x147, 1.54K)

notice how it says "all that believed were together" and then what they did
communism didn't ask if you believed in communism, it just enforced itself on everyone

No. The continuation and sharing of natural God supplying resources. Not:

If we followed after the principles of the beasts of the field, we would not suffer as humans "of original sin".

God Himself told you to care for nothing. The "natural resources supplied by other" would have been your natural sustenance.

I can't find a picture of the one I have online. It's more similar to the first one, with the throne and the symbols of the evangelists.

I disagree with the “war on Nation” part to a degree…but I do understand and agree with pretty much all you wrote
t. grandson of a very hardcore ol’ style Communist