Is it possible God has created other universes? Like other dimensions where the laws of physics are different, where reality is completely different, a reality that doesn't exist in our reality and where we don't exist in that reality, and maybe there are different kinds of beings in these separate realities.
Is it possible God has created other universes? Like other dimensions where the laws of physics are different...
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Perhaps, but we'd have no means by which to know of them if they existed bar divine revelation and as God never told anyone about such things they either do not exist or are none of our business.
With God, all things are possible. However, just because something is possible doesn't mean we can comprehend it.
Well, God is infinite so it would be illogical to think He couldn't have made alternative universes/timelines/dimensions/etc. Yes God would be the God of those different universes as well. No, we have no way to confirm any of this aside from what theorists are thinking up.
Literally none of it matters as we are here on our Earth in our timeline best timeline. So fret not and worship God, my dude. Also have a verse from St. Paul that is probably related:
If we ever meet aliens, one of the first questions to ask is:
How did the Father reveal the Son to you?
Maybe. We have no way of knowing it either through the natural sciences or by Divine revelation.
I mean threw already two that we know.
The visible and the invisible world like the creed calls them. One is the physical universe where mankind lives, the other the world of the angels.
I really doubt that, could be theoretically possible, but very unlikely.
This theoretically impossible to prove.
All those crazy theories like the string meme theory are pseudoscience when trying to prove the "multiverse" as meme physicists call it.
Its impossible to prove on a rational basis.
Their answer: lol its all a fake goy… I mean earthling
Aliens seem to be the secular surrogate for God and angels, and other habitable worlds/alternate universes seem like their surrogate for Heaven.
It seems the surrogate for demons.
Some days ago I found this weird thing of alien encounters.
They have alreays psychotic like alucinations or visions.
Let's imagine humans went to visit another race.
We would land our ship and great them or nuke the winnie the pooh out of them.
But we wouldn't talk to them like in dreams or visions right? And what kind of technology can do that?
Demons also communitate with people by fear and allusionations and dreams.
I'm waiting for someone to meet an alien and have a normal relation between to physical beings.
It's their surrogate for God. Ever notice how they think aliens will fix everything?
For their image of God yeah it is.
Even if aliens weren't demons they would must likely vaporise us with iron fusion nuclear bombs or lock us up in space zoos.
I always enjoyed this idea someone had for a scifi story where the aliens show up, start wrecking the place and eventually people make contact with them and they're pissed about the Fall.
Uni = One
Verse = Word
Universe = One Word
There is only this universe but the universe encompasses much more than what is apparent to the physical senses. I also suspect there is also an infinite number of timelines as from god's perspective there is no time.
There are definitely other dimensions than just three btw.
When science named the atom, well, atomism goes back to the ancient greeks and the concept of atom is something indivisible. We split the atom so now we have "subatomic" and so on categories and we had to start using the word quantum to denote the smallest possible unit of something.
What SHOULD have happened is we should have renamed atoms to something else, and started calling the next smallest particle an atom. So probably we should be calling protons as "atoms".
So it would be with "multiverse". If we found more "universes" then we should just expand the definition of universe to encompass those as well.
Actually, when I was doing astral travel, and this was before even reading the Bible or identifying in any way with Christianity… I would come across Christians out there. I found it very annoying. I remember a group of Christians in the astral talking about Egypt and me not having a clue what they were going on about as I hadn't read the Bible.
I've had many encounters with what appear to be alien beings that just stare at me and never say a damned thing and then part ways. When trying to talk to them they don't understand me. This has been a reoccurring thing throughout my life. I haven't heard any vocalizations on their part at all either. Not much comes out of these encounters and I don't know what it means, it's just a weird thing that happens from time to time.
Maybe you don't read up about this because there isn't much to report in such cases?
Sounds fishy; Christians don’t practice astral travel so I don’t know how you would have found them “out there” (and I’m not convinced that “astral travel” is anything more than a movie in your head, potentially manipulated by demons). What were they saying?
They are not extraterrestrials. They’re pretending to be whatever they need to be to influence you.
That's satanism
Probably, but why would it matter?
Bro. They appear as extraterrestrials and I myself assume nothing more than that. You seem convinced though they are absolutely not.
Also astral travel is legit and gives you objectively verifiable information.
It's a natural ability inherent in everyone.
Astral projection and any other occult/new age magick is forbidden in Christianity. Repent.
Stop thinking thoughts then for every time you daydream you are slightly shifted out of your body. Repent of your natural functions, sinner.
Daydreams aren't Magick. Astral Projection is. We see right through your lies, satan.
Astral projection is nothing but shifting the awareness with a thought. The astral body is just some condensed thoughts (light… god is light btw) that are held together by concentration + desire for a time.
You are literally out of your body every single time you go sleep, every time you daydream and lose attention of your surroundings, etc.
Astral projection is something you do in some degree all the time. Just it can be developed to such a degree that you can fully step out of the body.
You are kidding me right?
That's playing with the occult man.
You're playing with something you don't even know about.
If those were really aliens the only real way to communicate with them would be by the use of technology.
But since they only appear during those sessions it only shows they are not what they appear.
Stay away from that shit man.
From the catechism of you are Catholic:
Why do you think they are good pls do tell me?
And you really think they would admit they were demons?
Of course not.
You're not playing with light. You're playing with the darkness.
God is the only Light we need, not those new age occultist crap. That's why they are called occult.
As St. Paul rightly says Satan sometimes appears as an angel of light.
Btw this happens 100% in your brain.
Your consciousness doesn't step out of your body at all. Why do you even say it
Because in his search for knowledge he fell into the occult. A common pitfall (see link related)
OP, you will find nothing but suffering if you continue down this path and disobey God. Please Repent, I beg of you.
The multiverse theory is the skeptic's way of saying everything in this universe can seemingly point to design and seem purposeful, but it's mere coincidence.. that it's just one random, probable universe out of many, and we don't really have to pay attention to this one. They accuse religious people of making a copout by referring to God, but that's ultimately what the multiverse theory was created for.. to be a copout and move the goalposts.
Still doesn't answer the question why the multiverse exists.
If they say its eternal they are calling God by another name, although in a pantheistic heretical way, but still recognising God exists.
Because it doesn't exist.
Watch this movie.. it'll explain everything about both mentalities (it has some big names like Michio Kaku, Max Tegmark, and Lawrence Krauss on the multiverse end.. so it isn't fringe or onesided.. and you'll see them dumbfounded and how pathetic their reliance on the multiverse is).
Man I am on my last year of my physics degree. Didn't take too long to see that those pop physicists I liked during high school are full of shit.
They completely violate the true scientific spirit and since they don't know philosophy (they claim its dead although its because of philosophy that we should accept some experimental results but wtv) they get into the realm of pseudoscience. It's basically a religion. Scientism or wtv you want to call it.
They should actually follow the scientifical method (which by declarations I assume they don't know it).
If something cannot be tested in a laboratory that is by experiment then it's not science/doesn't exist.
Even if the memeverse existed, since its impossible to prove in a scientific way by the very nature of the theory (no matter how much technology we would have in the next 99999999999999 years).
They are just talking shit out of their asses and disguising it under the name science to lure people into their crap.
My professors, real physicists, call that shit "ridiculous metaphysics".
As far as I know string theory doesn't even imply the memeverse. The memeverse is just a way to imagine the extra dimensions the theory requires not to fall apart. Some they they are microscopic (wtv that is) others say its the multiverse. The first can be proved, the second never in their life.
Its kinda the interpretations of quantum mechanics.
At a point the math gets so detached from reality that one cannot give it a physical meaning. That's why there are several interpretations of the same things. And even from a philosophical point of view neither one of them needs to be right or that there should even be an interpretation at all. It just help us when we deal with some problems irl.
Also one must never that those scientists (except Kaku) is an academical failure. They have never done anything good nor do they write scientifical articles.
They are a complete joke and the people that fall for their memes just want a meaning in their life's and they prefere "Science" to Christ.
That's why I shit my pants laughing when people say that scientists are gonna make us immortal, I just think of John 6:55
He that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath everlasting life: and I will raise him up in the last day.
I'm the same user to whom you were replying btw.
God bless you for keeping the faith (along with that sharp mind).
Although in that movie I showed, it seemed like Tegmark was actually taken aback and reassessed some of his views. I can respect him for that. I hope he keeps reassessing.
T-thanks I guess.
Tbh isn't really hard. It's non sensical to think science implies that there's no supernatural world. Natural sciences shouldn't have anything to say about the supernatural and in no way we must accept the results of "science" when it contradicts the Sacred Sciences. For example evolution applied to human beings (not to mention the problems with the interpretation of the facts).
My field has lots of people who fall for the memes because they went there looking for some meaning of life in cosmology or wtv instead of being Christians.
That's the worse reason for being a scientist and it explains well the state of science today.
God bless you too user.
Perhaps, but I would like to see how an experiment could validate this hypothesis. I don't buy it until then.
i'm telling you now brother.
there is indeed 2D one as well.
and not just one.
and how would i know?
oh well.
let's just say that i was passing by.
Yes, this has been covered many times on this board
This thread is cringe. There is only one earth and one Jesus. He is a man, but also god. He didn't turn into an alien, because his man body is part of him fundamentally, Jesus isn't just god in an avatar, he is a man as well. Man is the height of god's creation. Maybe there's another class of being kinda like angels or something, but different dimensions with cube people worshipping god or ayy lmaos with cross shaped spaceships? Ridiculous and insulting to even suggest