Russia's Newest Law: No Evangelizing Outside of Church

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ortholarpers will defend this


does this mean prots can't evangelize or no one can? surely orthodox are still aloud to preach?

also lol

And I thought our government was slow!

>Protestants and religious minorities small enough to gather in homes fear they will be most affected. Last month, “the local police officer came to a home where a group of Pentecostals meet each Sunday," Konstantin Bendas, deputy bishop of the Pentecostal Union, told Forum 18. "With a contented expression he told them: ‘Now they're adopting the law I'll drive you all out of here.’ I reckon we should now fear such zealous enforcement.”

>“if that is interpreted as the Moscow Patriarchate is likely to, it will mean the Orthodox Church can go after ethnic Russians but that no other church will be allowed to,” according to Frank Goble, an expert on religious and ethnic issues in the region.
I see no problem.

I mean maybe if you were complaining about the Catholic Church being the Church deserving this treatment you'd be right, but you seem to disagree with the very idea of outlawing blasphemy, which is funny because a lot of Popes have supported the Inquisition.

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Prots need not apply in Russia. They should stick to the Sentinel islands or Saudi Arabia.

Isn’t there something in the rules about being disingenuous?

Finally they do something right, tho it's no surprise considering fairy fag Putin hates the church.

3rd Rome is best Rome!

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I like how you pussies don't have the balls to evangelize in Saudi Arabia like prots do

There are plenty muzzies in Russia to preach to

Russia was never 3rd Rome, but now that I think of it they must have LARPing in their blood.

Muslim detected


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That's because you're not a Christian

Protestants aren't wel-
Wait are you a Catholic that didn't read the news or a Protestant?
Or, dare I say it, a actual live CathoLARPer?


Yeah, pretty tired of this

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It appears our superiority has caused some controversy.

It's not first time this has happened. The west hates our "holocaust denial law" because it actually protects the government against historical revisionism. It was only used once regarding the Holocaust with some kid but he was dismissed.
Putin is not going to tap your home to keep you from talking about religion, that's ridiculous. It's to keep private NGOs from estabilishing cults like Scientology and Yoga AA meetings.

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I agree in a way, they just have have the wrong Church. The consecration of Russia will come.

"Freedom of religion" is a stale meme that's only good for subversives, it's evil if instituted in a Christian country.

This. Strict laws and harsh justice deters foreign predators, something that you need to go to a fancy school and get a Phd to not understand. Russia may be a corrupt dump, but at least it's faith is strengthening, and is still controlled more or less by the Rus. The west is a corrupt dump-in-making that's faith is declining and isn't controlled by westerners.

At least it forbids prots to spread their shit, but still a terrible decision maybe the Catholic Church has to go underground like it used to be in China.
But tbh this is just politics, Putin is only using the Russian Church for political reasons, but still he is better than most western politicians though.

Sounds like they don't have the balls to declare a state religion at the moment due to political costs. Nevertheless, the law is so arbitrarily worded on the face of it that it essentially relegates all non-Orthodox Russians to second-class status.

Well, somebody had to gulag the heresy, kek. Especially the virulent stuff like JW, Scientology and charismatics. And of course ISLAM, which should 100% be illegal.

If you support laws against evangelizing in the name of Jesus Christ, regardless of denomination, then you are a servant of the devil. Period.

There's no such thing as 3rd Rome as there was never anything like a 2nd Rome, only Rome and New Rome according to the canons (and history books)
The 3rd Rome concept is Russian neo-orthodox theology

It's a pretty based law, muslims and Catholics need to be forbidden to spread their heresy.

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Only 8% of the ROC population in that country actively practices their faith. The ROC is effectively an extension of the Russian government at this point, similar to the Church of England.

Catholics are more likely to practice their faith than the Orthodox in Eastern Europe.

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Sounds like a good law. Laity should be banned from teaching again like it was before. This will only stop Muslims and prots from corrupting people. Apostolics only evangelise in churches anyway

Revelation 2:6 But this thou hast, that thou hatest the deeds of the Nicolaites, which I also hate.

Blessed is whoever hates Unorthodox teaching, while wishing for the salvation of those who are outside of the Church.

good luck with that

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There are some orthodox in Saudi Arabia.
Besides, we've been in the Middle East for millenia, and the eastern apostolics are recognised as legit the by muslims, unlike some random wannabe evangelist that wants to make that unicorn of converting muslims en-mass to neo-protestantism.

Why would they?
Catholics are a recognised church in Russia.
And after Cuba, and with Francis silently supporting Kiril in Ukraine, i don't know why he would opress them.

Only 8% of Russians are practicing Orthodox Christianity. It's very sad.

I said this many times here.
Roman Catholics can't even begin to fathom anything but political power.

In Russia you go to prison if you disagree with the "great patriotic war" view. That tells me that the government is not based at all. That tells me they do not really care about truth. Stomping on heresy is important - a stomping on lies. But so is allowing people to make their own opinion, not sending them to jail for having one.
Up until that point this seems like larping about truth, not actually standing up for it.

Look at my Country, Italy…maybe 20% to 30% “practices”, but most of us are lukewarm. I am a lukewarm too.

Strengthen your faith. Being lukewarm is not a place you want to be in.

Revelation 3:15-16
I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

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these are just the beginnings of the persecution of the church smh

Correct, but also this is how christedom was for multiple years
Go be a Pentecostal elsewhere.

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