Greek Orthodox bishop sentenced for inciting violence against gays…

Greek Orthodox bishop sentenced for inciting violence against gays…
Greek Bishop Amvrosios, whose name is Athanassios Lenis, labelled gay people the "dregs of society" and called on his followers to "spit on" and "blacken" them

A Greek Orthodox bishop has been sentenced on appeal to seven months in prison for inciting violence against homosexuals and abuse of his office, Greek media reported Monday. Bishop Amvrosios, whose name is Athanassios Lenis, labelled gay people the "dregs of society" and called on his followers to "spit on" and "blacken" them in a written address in 2015. The 79-year-old cleric had been charged with public incitement to violence and abuse of ecclesiastical duties, but was found not guilty and released by a court in the Peloponnesian town of Aigio in March last year.

The case was the first of its kind in Greece for a representative of the influential Orthodox church. Prosecutors appealed the original verdict to the criminal court in Aigio which handed down Monday's sentence of seven months in prison, with three months suspended. The bishop has been known to publicly appear alongside leaders of Greek neo-Nazi party Golden Dawn and his release sparked criticism from human rights groups who on Monday hailed the new verdict as a positive step in the fight against hate speech.

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God. Homophobia is wrong.


I don't see the issue here. If a little bit of tough love can spare homosexuals from going off and contracting AIDS/STDs (because they will) and injecting God knows how many drugs - then it's the lesser of many evils, and it's in fact merciful and spares them (the homosexuals) from a lifetime of torment and drug abuse should they take the hint and cease their self destructive lifestyle.

I mean really, what's more loving here? Watching someone go and destroy their life with drugs and fornication, or throwing a few harsh words and making them realize their erroneous ways?

The only demons that are real are the ones that you give power to.

If the world hates and sentences you you're a good Christian.

Bishop Amvrosios did nothing wrong.

Do they not do the same for the Imans that call for beheading infidels?

You're literally doing exactly that by tolerating this evil. sodomites are destroying society and abusing children. the longer the West keeps deluding themselves in to thinking it's okay the longer is their society will keep the degenerating.

tolerating evil is still evil.

Amvrosios is a huge, 80 years old, troll

If only that were true. Sucks to be you that you've never been harassed or tested. It means you're not even a threat.

If the gays are not at least trying to resist their desires, they deserve public humiliation (and I speak as someone who has that issue)


Funny how the world works.
Orthodox/Protestant priests get imprisoned for preaching the word of God.
Catholics priests get imprisoned for sexually abusing children.

t. butthurt aids ridden sodomite

"Homophobia" is a made up term invented to guilt normal people for disliking faggotry.

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I can't even wrap my head around how weak you have to be by being guilted by that.

And it happened nearly overnight, strangely. One minute, even mainstream entertainment was mocking them. Not even a lot of my generation (X) were afraid to voice their own opinions and mock some of it.. from multiple areas. Be it jocks when I was in highschool, to metalheads, gangsters.. to the gamer nerds throughout the 90s-2000s.

Then suddenly trannies are everywhere and people are supposed to feel bad. I could even say that maybe FIVE years ago, trannies were still relegated to the fringes and were just lolcows on tumblr.

Case in point.. this was early 2000s. Not very long ago (and still hilarious).

Bumping for Bishop Amvrosios, he literally did nothing wrong.

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He deserves it. Violence is not out way.
Unless it's an LGBT pride march.
Then all bets are off.

And not rather, (as we be slanderously reported, and as some affirm that we say,) Let us do evil, that good may come? whose damnation is just.

I mean hes totally right about them being the dregs of society, spitting on them and blackening them seems a bit to far though, shout at the rooftops that they are disgusting filth but I wouldn't touch them, for the unrighteous will destroy themselves.
Granted, this has probably been done so they can start clamping down on other wrong think, may the Lord be with Bishop Amvrosios

Okay, let me put it this way.

Your friend is drunk, and he intends to drive home. You can either;
A; sock him, rendering him unconscious until he's sober enough to safely drive
B; let him drive off into the night.

What's more loving? Surely the minor offense of giving him the left hook is more acceptable than letting him go off and harm (and possibly kill) himself.

Where does that stop, and who gets to say what's too dangerous?
Should a cop stop me because I'm not wearing my seatbelt?
Should my drinking water be fluoridated on the false premise that it prevents cavities, despite lowering IQ?
Should you slap a cigarette out out of someone's hand?

The consistent answer is to never violate the NAP. Everything else is arbitrary. If there is a possibility that an inebriated driver could pose a danger to others, there ought to be a system to minimize that risk; but taking the liberty to injure him just as a bystander is not the answer.
This is all unless you're the parent or the drunk friend tasked you with physically restraining him from his car (but why are you friends with an alcoholic?)

What if a homosexual has renounced homosexuality, doesn't look at porn, masturbate, but still lusts for traps and wants to be a trap? Can such a person go to Heaven?

Local priests say I can be baptised and receive the sacrements.

>What if a homosexual has renounced homosexuality, doesn't look at porn, masturbate, but still lusts for traps and wants to be a trap ?
You are lying to yourself. You haven't renounced homosexuality if you unironically want to become a trap.

Until you realize that God made you the gender He gave you and conquer your sinful thoughts, no.

Define local preists. Catholics? Prots?
They sound like liberal preists that are lukewarm and care about: 1) your donations and 2) the soyboi points they can get with the rest of secular liberal society.

Repent and sin no more.

No way 1/4 gay men have had over 1000 partners. That's ridiculous

Next time attack the sin of sodomy, and back it up with all the horrendous facts of self destruction, corruption of others, and the lingering death it casts on society. Afterwards go out into the world and enforce morality in the name of Jesus Christ. Drive the sodomites away from children with an outstretched cross, back into the shadows where they belong.

To be more precise, I want to look more feminine, not necessarily fool people into thinking I'm a woman.

I accept that I'm a man, but I pray that God will give me a female or feminine body in Heaven.


The question is whether or not that kind of treatment would be effective in getting them to change, and I doubt it does. Maybe one or two can be shamed and strong armed into changing, but for every one, ten more will just descend further into drugs and sex in defiance and out of a sense of worthlessness.

I'm laughing.. and probably shouldn't :D

You are still perverting the body God gave you. It's literal vanity. Please, pic related.
The fruits of Vatican II strikes again. EVERY SINGLE TIME!
Flee from that place. They do not care about you or your salvation. Begome Orthodox and get the spiritual medicine you need.

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You again? Repent.

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Why did God make men with Aromatase excess syndrome;


All humans are made in God's image. All things happen by God's will, at least as far as biological/genetic diversity is concerned.

Why would God make men unequal on Earth, without making things right in Heaven? And which image is right? Will people born deformed appear in Heaven deformed, or as the Bible says - with glorious Heavenly bodies?

Why would God refuse to give me a body like other men have? Why do other men get this, but not me? Why wouldn't God fix this sense of unequalness by giving me a body like these men?

I'm a man. I told them that I consider myself such. I'm truthful to the representatives of God on Earth.

Jesus bled for the sins of all humanity. Every sinful thing we do, whether we repent or not, is another scourge on the back of our savior.

He gave his only son so I could ask him to remake me as a woman, or feminine man. I ask God this as his creation. God has asked us to love and serve him, and join his followers on Earth. As a servant of God - the only profession in the universe - I beg my Lord for a gift in Heaven.

The blood and flesh of Jesus *is* the salvation. Regardless of whether I repent, my sins are paid for by the sacrements. What can I repent for? A desire in my heart? HRT? These sins are paid for.

The church is the literal kingdom of Heaven on Earth. To be accepted by the church on Earth is to be accepted in by the church in Heaven. To eat Christ's flesh and drink his blood is to be saved. My sins have been paid for by Christ's suffering.

Heaven is given by God's grace, not because we deserve it. What's the limit of God's grace - the undeserved gifts he gives us? Why doesn't that grace include a female or feminine body in Heaven, if it already includes a Heavenly body, resurrection of the dead, and eternal life?

In whose image will the Heavenly body be made?

look up original sin

why do you think God would ever change the sex of your body? if He created you female, you would be female. Repent.

He gave you His son so you could repent.

Literal envy, repent sinner.

No matter how much mental gymnastics you perform, you are still a sinner and a faggot and vainly changing your body with hormone treatments and surgery won't get you into heaven. Your body is a temple, and perverting it won't get you into heaven. You talk about man being in the image of God, so why distort it to fullfill your sick delusions?

Seek mental help, user.

God grants gifts;



And yet, I ask him for a female body, was my point. I beg God to have mercy on me.

So wanting my body to be like someon else's is a sin? Even if this desire never causes me to act without charity?

I beg God and Jesus for forgiveness. I am a sinner and a faggot.

All I want from God is one gift by his grace. He is right, and I am wrong. I can't argue with him. He establishes the rules for salvation.

I'm trying to go to church. What better help can I get?

You are acting without charity. You are purposefully wanting to distort and pervert the gift God gave you. It's like a spoiled child getting mad that his father gave him a PS4 instead of an XboxOne for christmas.

I'll continue to pray for you, but please consider going to gay conversion therapy. Remember, with God ALL things are possible.

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I'm not mad. I'm disappointed. I feel guilty and ashamed that I don't like the PS4, metaphorically. I'm also modifying the PS4, and trying to play Xbox games on it.

I'm asking God to give me an Xbox in Heaven.

Thank you so much. You've told me the truth, and you're a good person for it.

I used to have sex with men, look at porn and masturbate. I can conform to every single rule God has given me - except my desire to be female. I don't even want to dress like a woman.

You've told me a lot of truth, and I thank you. I beg God to be allowed into Heaven along with you.

I look forward seeing you up there as well, christanon. Never give up and always remember God loves you, even when you don't love you.

God bless you.

I should seek for this type of help…I’m not homosexual, but I have an unhealthy attraction to men. I love the female body, but there’s this dark desire to be with a man too.
Thanks for reminding me change is possible.

I'll have you know that Fr. Seraphim Rose (an admired writer and theologian to the Orthodox) was previously gay before he was a Christian. He died to the old man in himself and desired only for Christ later. It can happen.

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Sounds nice… I am just “prideful” of my despair, I cannot let go of the idea I’m doomed for Hell no matter what.
I lived my last years going from moments when I was praying each day one or two rosaries to times like this when I am hitting other men onliteith this burning lust to meet them.

Dude, you don't understand that what is going on here on Earth is a childhood?
You are being raised to be a masculine figure here on Earth. You're going to be a adult male in Heaven.

I don't mind the male role - I just want to be as cute as a woman. The ultimate pretty boy, to the point where people think I'm female from afar, and even up close unless they see my genitals.

My problem is almost not sexual - there's an aspect of asexual Body Dysmorphic Dysorder. I also want God to give my Heavenly body blue eyes and red hair. I've found blogs online where *women* struggle with the same issue, but not men.

The thing is, I can understand how obsession with my own body is un-Christian, and beg God for forgiveness and to take my perception away from my own body.

That never mattered and probably never will bro.
God's will is the one that matters.
God's will is the only thing that is right and good.

Pro-tip: align yourself to what God wants.

Genuine question. I notice a lot of "conservative" figureheads or talking head present no opposition to homosexuality, or anymore. This used to be a part of the traditional platform and norms, so why has the conversation shifted away or in favor of it? Mostly speaking about the US. I assume this was true with the UK conservatives long ago.

Because the devil never takes a break from corrupting people with lies of (((tolerance))) perpetuated by his (((children))) here on Earth.

You have a very ahem… *materialistic* way to look at heavenly matters, not that I can blame you, a lot of people do. Read your scripture, just like there will be no marriage in heaven you probably won't have a "body" in the material sense… Jesus said that we will "be like the angels in heavens"

*When the dead rise, they will neither marry nor be given in marriage. Instead, they will be like the angels in heaven. *

If that reassure you, angels are typically depicted as "pretty boys" in religious imagery… but again this is an image… which means they are are so beautiful artists use the best of both genders to depict them (or describe them as complex psychedelic beings in the Bible because they're too great for the human mind to understand)

TL;DR : Stop worrying so much about your body or your "self"
God will make his chosen ones beautiful in every sense of the word in the new earth even if we can't imagine what it will look like.
Have faith, love and charity. Even an ugly person has a hidden beauty if you know how to look

God bless you

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Because they're not conservative by the Church's standard. Their gospel is one of freedom in general. Nothing to do with God or freedom from sin. It's a losing game, since fallen humanity enjoys freedom more than they do and will always push the limits of culture. They're merely conservative in "pushing back the tide" until it becomes overwhelmingly inconvenient. Christians are already told from the getgo that the world hates them and hates Christ and the world must be renewed.

I can see how God's will excludes masturbation and looking at people with lust. I feel shame when I think about dressing like a woman, or think about hiding my male identity. I've done cybersex while pretending to be a girl - I can *feel* how this is wrong.

What I ask God is to be allowed to have my cake without eating it. I want to look like a woman, but I don't want to engage in homosexuality or pretend to be a woman.

Moreover, only God can give me what I want. I've done a lot of research about cosmetic surgery, laser eye color change, etc - man can't actually change my body. Science is closer to making men into reproductive females than it is to turning a man into a cute girl.

I have no choice. I'm backed into a corner. Earth can't give me what I want - only God can grant me the gift I desire. Yet, I know and admit that I'm a sinner for my desires. If God won't give this to me, than I can never have it.

I can come before God and submit to his judgement, but if he won't let me have this, than I accept that he rejects me. I guess he made some people like me reprobates to act as examples - if this is God's will, then I submit to it.

I am the lowest of the low, and beg God for the lowest position in Heaven. I beg God to let me clean toilets in Heaven. Anything for this one gift.

I can. It's like I can get 98% on board with God, then we get to the Tranny checkpoint and I want to get off because I can't stop wanting to look like a woman.

I'm at that checkpoint, begging God to let me through.

Firstly, I want to say that I affirm that you know more than me about God's will.

Second - the Bible says we'll build houses and tend vineyards, and that there will be no infants in Heaven;


So I would argue that that there's no sex or reproduction in Heaven, but that we'll have bodies, nice houses built with our own hands, and gardens full of grapes at least - probably many other fruits.

What if I told you that what led me to becoming a Christian was the story of Enoch, who became an Angel?

But as I became more educated, I learned that Enoch's transformation was special, and all Christians became Saints. I couldn't really become an Angel.

The Angels in Christian art are pretty much exactly what I want to be - maybe a tad more effeminate. If God could grant me beauty like an Angel, that would be exactly what I want.

The thing is, I've done psychedellics, and they were in fact why I became a Christian - I did drugs, and planned on turning myself into an Angel with science. God became real to me as a distant 'prime mover,' who was in fact myself in the future;


Slowly, as I came to understand Christianity, I realized that believing yourself to be God was sin. So, I moved to a new theology where I was basically a divine son of God, myself a god with all the associated executive powers.

When I finally made the decision to become Christian and started contacting churches, suddenly I imagined defending my theology to a parish, and slowly but surely I realized that everything I was saying you be rejected. I was also researching Catholicism specifically at this time, and came to learn that Catholics in particular, and Christians in general believe in Patriarchial interpretation of the Bible - and the men who composed the clergy were chosen from men who had read the Bible well, and been Christians long enough to learn tradition.

In this way, the church becomes a direct reflection of Heaven - entry to the Christian community is literally entrance to Heaven. If the church rejects you, it's because you're a sinner.

God will make his chosen ones beautiful in every sense of the word in the new earth even if we can't imagine what it will look like

That makes me feel a lot better. Thank you.

My problem is that I can accept other people, but I can't accept myself on those same terms. I have to be polite to others - I can tell myself any painful truth. I sit around, psychologically self-harming - savoring the pain of negative self-judgement.

I don't deserve cake because I'm ugly, and I give my cake to others' because I don't deserve if. I stopped masturbating mainly because my ugly body took the pleasure out of it - my body is so ugly, I don't even want to sin with it. And porn is hollow because I can't get aroused, because all I think about is how ugly I am to the actors - which are drawn most of the time, because I like anime and hentai. (I don't look at the hentai anymore, and I feel like I should delete it.)

I've given up everything on Earth - not because I love it and think giving it up with get me something, but because it was black, painful poison. The Earth feels like a rip off - a total disappointment. Unless I get to Heaven, my entire existance will have been agony.

And God bless you.

My parents have forced me out of cars and driven off because I talk about Christianity, but never once have they done this to me for being a tranny. This hurt me, because they'd always been so liberal and permissive.

Liberalism and acceptance in that sense are false. Liberals still bully people - they just want blacks, Atheists and trannys bullying whites, Christians and cis-people. Liberals want the lowest common social denominator for everyone. They want to destroy good people because they have an inferiority complex.

The other reason I became a Christian was when I began to see all my liberal and tranny friends beating each other up and pulling hair out like savages. Then they complained about being ugly. They were also spending all their money on drugs, then complaining when they couldn't pay rent.

I was the only one who, first secretly, then openly, embraced Christianity. As they fell fo lower and lower depths, I at least stayed afloat and never ripped anyone's hair out or locked people out of cars and houses.

Most conservatives are alcoholic drug abusers too. They beat their wifes and their kids, just like liberals. But some authentically understand a higher moral level, and these are the only decent people on Earth.

My Dad condemns Christians for child abuse - but he pulled my hair as a child, neglected me, and as an adult he's given me black eyes. Liberals can't win, because in the end their base will all wind up homeless, beating each other in the streets (Venezuela.)

I'd rather be on the winning side, to be honest.

Because ultimately "conservative leadership" doesn't actively resist currents of modern culture, they just want slightly different policies in place. "Conservatives" talk a big talk about standing their ground and being principled, but ultimately conservatives just want to defend the latest progressive victory. Before conservatives were defending sodomites they were defending the civil rights movement, before the civil rights movement they were defending women's emancipation, etc. etc.

"Conservatism" won't fix our culture because it is founded on the same premises as Liberalism.

You seem like an interesting person. I wish I could help you. I'll try to answer your post the best I can.

First off. We must keep in mind that the Bible's language is primarily *symbolic* By that, I don't mean that God uses metaphors to talk about nebulous things… By that I mean that He takes images we're all familiar with to express things that are beyond our comprehension BUT STILL RELATE TO THE THING WE KNOW.
That's like trying to explain what the Sun looks like to a guy who's never left his underground cave… You're just gonna tell him "it's like the lamp you have there… but bigger! And it's in the air and illuminated EVERYTHING"
You, who know what the sun is like feel no problem, but imagine the poor dude imagining his lamp up in the air (and he doesn't even know what the sky look like)

It is not a "gnostic" thesis and many important christians said things like this, from the church father to Dante (in Paradise he explicitely says this) and even St Aquinas… Before his death had a vision and said that everything he'd written so far looked like nothing in comparison to what he'd just saw.

SO REMEMBER THAT WHEN YOU'RE IMAGINING "THE NEW EARTH. Perhaps marriage is a foreign concept because the angels are all "one" in their love for one another and God. We don't know.

Sounds like a cheap sci-fi plot but you said something interesting here. You saw God as a "prime mover" who was also "yourself in the future".
I think St Augustine had a vision like that… Where God was closer to him than his deepest part of his Soul… While also being transcendant to everything… It's easy to imagine yourself to be God after that… Your second interpretation is the correct one. Just wanted to humor you on that nice trivia.

As for the catholic church (and orthodox one too) while they can be stubborn, it is a necessity. They stick to dogma because if everyone could interpret scripture as they wished, the whole thing could fall appart. It is very good but can lead them to reject more subtle interpretations or things that deviate from the norm (Maester Eckart or Joan of Arc)
The most important isn't the clergy, the temporal physical church, but the eternal spiritual one. I don't like the current catholic church but I stick with it because of that.

Maybe you're ugly user. Maybe not. Maybe you're the ugliest person on this planet. I have qualities but many flaws so I wouldn't consider myself "beautiful". However as ugly as you are, I can say you're one thing:
You're a catterpillar.
I love catterpillar because they gross out people. They're harmless but I've yet to meet one who want to touch them… And yet, that insect many despise eats and eats and eats… Until he hides into his cocoon and becomes the most beautiful insect known to man.
If you don't love your hearthly self, at least take pity and love your heavenly one, who's virtually contained inside you.
Catterpillar = fallen man
Cocoon = Death/heaven
Butterfly = Body of resurrection

You might not be an angel, but you'll be "as one" and I think that's pretty good all things considered.
So love God, love others and take care of your catterpillar self even if it's ugly, until you get inside the cocoon. We will meet on resurrection day

I'll be waiting for you.

God bless you again

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Hah… I'm starting to like Aquinas suddenly. It was his habit of dissecting and "science-ing" the mysteries of God that annoyed me.. But I didn't know he said that.

Yep. In fact this is why he stopped writting altogether :

I think this is very humbling about our own theological certitudes.

I mentioned before that I've done psychedelics, and while under their influence I had visions.

There was a pink, spiral staircase, and I thought of my brother, who's been a Christian for decades. He also did drugs, and my Mom has said his Christianity was kicked off by a particularly strong trip.

I felt with him a sense of fellowship I'd never felt with anyone before. Going up the staircase, without any perception of my body - as quick and easy as lightening - I saw Heaven. A long description can be given, but long story short, the people of Heaven were incredible. Everything I wanted to be.

I'd been an informal Buddhist for many years, and I thought that if I tried to grab Heaven, it would slip through my hands. So, desiring Heaven prevented me from getting it.

So, I instantly fell from Heaven, but I could perceive things via 'Heaven sight.' The Earth seemed like Heaven itself - I realized that Heaven had come, and only my own ignorance had prevented me from seeing it. I felt wealthy and elite, and began to have fantasies of my Heavenly family. They were beautiful.

But, there was not just a mirror of Heaven on Earth, but a literal Heaven. Having seen Heaven, I started watching my every thought, word and action. The drugs had destroyed my sex drive, so I was just looking at porn, not masturbating.

I had visions of Sadhus in India, living what I saw was the ideal life. What horrified me was that these visions involved a degree of identification with these Sadhus, and it was an insult to my imaginary female body image. The spirtiual aspect of gender became apparent to me, and since (February 2015,) I've no longer thought I had a female soul.

These Sadhus were accompanied by their faithful wives, and it hit me like a ton of bricks that I couldn't take the role of one of the wifes. I clung to the notion of reincarnation, because it was the only way I could imagine to become female. Despite this, I never once had an authentic female past-life memory.

What I did have was 'pre-memories' of my future life. I saw the slow technological ascent to godhood, and everything on Earth became a sign of the incredible world to come. I would go into space, and find a new planet. There, I'd create a new human race.

I was also told how to make godly flesh - and I saw how this flesh was used to make Angels. I saw my future as a guru, remaking people into Angels with godly flesh which was excreted from my ovipositor. Few would accept the psychosis of being remade into Angels, and so I became one of an elite few who had been chosen by Gaia to colonize new worlds.

I still wasn't a Christian, but I *believed*, and I was by this time reading the Bible to find evidence for this. I can authentically say that this experience made me believe in a higher power.

Wait… I am going to become God in the future?

Because, how I perceived it to work was; God has a time machine in the form of a tipler cylinder. I, as God, used this machine to control everything, and thus produce a perfect, charmed life.

God was sexually pure - which was astonishing to me, because I was a very sexual person, and to no longer want sex was dehumanizing. I wanted to be like God - who took the form of a woman - and became obsessive about NoFap.

But God was also truthful and self-sacrificing. I felt like even if a body died, a new one could be made. So why be concerned with the mortality of a particular body? As long as beautiful female bodies existed, what I wanted was there. God became equated with women in general to me, and I was delighted to find any woman beautiful on some level.

As the feelings of godhood slowly subsided, I was left with nothing but religious mania, a belief in the afterlife, and a hope that I would be a woman there. My faith in many ways revolves around a desire for more visions.

It's the only thing I have hope in. I live for the promise it contains.

I fear God and respect him, and want to love him. I can give to others, and stand with the weak against the strong. But little stirs in my heart.

I hope. You certainly deserve it.

I'm new to prayer, but I'm getting into the habit - prayer has been the hardest thing for me to get into.

But I'll pray for your success - I'll insist to God that you deserve it for helping me.

Why do you even want to be a woman?

I want to look like a woman. Other men look fine as men, but when I consider myself I see ugliness because I don't see a woman.

At one point, fetishism was a big motivator, but by age 25 that had mostly died off, and once I started HRT it died completely.

I don't mind acting like a man and fulling male gender roles - as long as I get to be feminine while I do it.

Why do you want to look like a woman? There's a reason there and you're avoiding it for fear of what you'll find out about yourself. God doesn't make mistakes. He made you a man. If you're committed to following Him, you need to figure out the reason as to why you want to look like a woman and not surface level stuff like "I want to be pretty". It will take some introspection and prayer.

I think it might have been because I was raised by my mother, with zero influence outside of her, and neglected by my father. She became my role model, and not looking like her makes me feel like I'm not a part of womanhood, which feels like where all the coolest people are.

I've thought about how it would feel to have a wife. If I had one, I'd watch her as often as she let me, and pretend to be her vicariously. I'd try to block out any self-consciousness, and be conscious of her at all times. I'd try to pretend I didn't even exist, except as a disembodied pair of hands to serve her.

My Mom told me that this wasn't normal either, so maybe I don't even know what a man is supposed to see in his wife.