You're giving me synonyms here. Stop dodging the question with your high voybal eye-kyoo, Schlomo Olafsson.
What is the celestial palace? What's it made of? Who made it? Where'd it come from? What do people do there?
My mother and father created my body and at conception, God breathed life into me.
If you're trying to say that Adam and Eve were Jews, I have bad news for you. Jews means "Yehudim", which means descendants of the seed of Judah. They came *after* Adam and Eve.
I highly doubt Christ immigrated to Ellis island and signed papers using circles.
It's called Fides ET Ratio. Because reason ultimately comes to faith. Faith in a reality that makes sense. Faith in the permanent and objective truths. Faith in our logical axioms. All of which come from Faith in God, who is before and beyond and within all of our logic and reality. Existence comes from him. That is why his name is "I AM who I AM".
Of course, if you are a pagan, you most likely believe in the will-to-power and Platonic might-makes-right, in which case, you should bow down to the people who have power over you. They've won haven't they?
And if you were in there? Are you a cuck?
I want only data and evidence. Not your confirmation bias.
What do you then say to the Slavs east of the Urals with 10 to 15% Uralic and Mongolic admixture? Or the Sicilians or non-Asturian Iberians with some of the north african DNA?
Hell (Oh i'm sorry, I mean "Anaeon"), even the Icelandic have mtDNA haplogroup C. That's from f'ing *northeast america*. They mixed with *native americans*.
I need a citation of where He said that, and an explication as to why that *is* communism. Not why it can be *misconstrued* as communism, because God knows all too well how people can misconstrue scripture, but *exactly why* it is communism.
Yes, we buy your kind. Now kiss my feet.
Your roots are made of dead and dissolved bones. You can not ask them how they worshipped. They can not pass down anything to you. You have nothing.
The Latin speakers of the south were happy when the Christians opened hospitals while their corrupt and clinically insane government continued to tax gouge and slaughter them.
So one account (your belief) is weightier than many accounts? Seems about right to me /s
Is that true? Or is it only what *you understand* as religion to be only faith?
Arians are not christians. And what do you have to say of every other tribe?
Your faith is just "Hearsay and accounts", dude.
It's either "Ye-shua" or "Ye-ho-shua".
It's two lines intersecting. That's not substantial.
Show me that they were unified. Substantiate.
Prove it. When I bow before the Eucharist, is that Odin's body?
If your father said 2 + 2 = 5, would you go by jingo, jump? How does ancestry determine truth values?
Is it? Show me where there are Jewish lies. Also, if it were German lies, would it then be true? Are any lies true? If your "blood" "says" it's true, is it true?
Why doesn't it?