Pagan awakening thread

Thread deleted but the soul lives on.

Hear ye, hear ye, heretics and sinners, your ancestor gods are angry, they might not forgive you, but at least you will have the peace of mind that you do not betray them.

And no, following the jew god will lead you to Entropy, Hell is a pagan concept.

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I spit on your degeneracy and your false faith. [-]

I do not know who's the degenerate here.

Please do not fall further.

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Your ancestors will accuse you themselves in hell. Unlike them, you are blessed with the advent of Christ.. and still play the fool all the same.

"All authority has been given to me in heaven and earth."

It doesn't matter if you believe him or not. It's true either way.

Actually, my ancestors are in the heaven/celestial palace along with my ancestral gods.

They would actually get mad if someone claims that they didn't give birth to me, but some desert jews do.

Any jewish claim is not be trusted.

ur moms hairline look like the dam MCDOLANDS SYMBOL XDDD

Jokes aside, tell me how you know what you worship is real?
When's the last time you used psychedelics?
How is your relationship with your parents?
Do you enjoy jungle sexuality?

What I see here are sinners that need to repent. Instead of arguing who's more degenerate, why don't we talk about who's more virtuous? How many lasting pagan marriages per capita do you know?
You see, outside of a few Scandinavian worshippers, skull-masked skinhead Eastern Europeans, and LARPing Americans, there are simply not enough in the population for such effects to enter the threshold level of the public eye.

Why do people believe in a religion that dies 2000 years ago and has no evidence to it at all
Minus the multiple eyewitness accounts and vision of Christ Himeself

My worship is real because my faith in it is real.

Ritual is for the wicked, deeds are the only thing.

I think pagan community has the most lasting marriage.

Christianity destroys marriage by promoting/not banning race mixing.

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Hey mods can you keep this thread- I’m interested to see where this goes

Because religion is faith.
Eyewitness are not evidences, my cuck christian friend.

Mods can't.

They are too afraid of people going back to the roots.

They want people to argue on which jewish temple to pray in.



The only "gods" that were brought to heaven were pretenders. Angels who deceived your ancestors. Jesus dragged them back to heaven to await judgement. "When he ascended on high, he led captivity captive and gave gifts to men."

There's a reason why your so called "gods" lost their power and Christianity took over the world, you dummy.

Accept the gift before it's too late. But don't think any of us are affected. We say this for your own sake.

How do you know? What are the characteristics of this "Celestial Palace"?

We're not denying ancestry here.

Any jewish claim is not be trusted.

So if you believe in something, it just *is* true. That's not worship. That's schizophrenia.

Is it? Is the Wicker Man not a ritual? To me, it is. It is also wicked.

Do you have any data on that?

Not only are those two very different things, I'm also going to have to see who's "promoting" this. Nations are created by God.
Also, it's interesting you use a picture of Russian pagans. Remember, it was their own people who sold them as slav(e)s down the Black Sea to the Muslims.

And what roots are you going to go back to?
It's just like the Jews. They can build as shiny a building as they want, but there will *never* be a temple. There is only *one* Church, by which no one else comes to God.

I'm sure the Latin speakers of the South were very happy when the Goths were in their gates.

Actually, these gods control the heaven, the earth, the sea, the ground and what under it, as well as the stars, the moon and celestial objects.
The only thing dragged is Yoshua dragging himself to the cross (another pagan symbol).
Our gods have never lost power, christians are still praying to them and participating in their festivals which give them power. The christian/jewish god meanwhile is divided.
There is no gift, there is only duty, the question is when will you take your duty?

Yes they are- what else would be?
I agree with you there, but why wouldn’t you try and back up your beliefs? Like if an atheist were trying to debate you, and they said that there’s no evidence of any god(s), and you said that you just believed in them, then your rationale would make no sense. I’m proper English what I’m trying to say is yeah religion is faith, but to a certain extent it needs evidence to be plausible

The heaven, the cosmos.
You are denying your ancestry when you claim some jews create you.
Yes, and Joshua is a kike.
Faith tramples upon any reason.
Wicker Man is NOT wicked.
No, but it seems so.
There's no scripture that forbades it and Yoshua said all is the same under him, which is like communism.
Just like christians who keep slaves, hmm?
Your ancestral root, your ancestor.
There's no church to go back to, no temple, only the roots.
And the latin speakers of the South were not happy when christians and jews infect their empire.

Hearsay and accounts.
Because why should I? Religion is faith.

Faith tramples and destroys any reason.

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Also the goths and vandals were christian.

Arian christians actually.

Exactly, when you worship a foreign god and call a jew your father, you are heretic and sinner who denies your own ancestry.

Neo pagans are the best argument against neopaganism lol

Hello, were is de proofs :DD

1. You can't even get the transliteration correct.
2. A cross was first an execution device.

So somehow, having one God, which some heretics might argue as three gods, is somehow not as divided as the hugely divergent pantheons of the Celts, the Romans, the Greeks, the Slavs, the Balts, and the German tribes?
Furthermore, that statement presupposes their existence. And that Christians pray to them. I'm sorry, but in "Kyrie eleison, Christe eleison", I don't see any of your "gods" in that prayer. Furthermore, do you suggest that we still practise Bacchanalia and Saturnalia and all these things? Furthermore, are these festivals not ritual practises? Do you or do you not support ritual? Ritual is inherent to the human experience, user. Furthermore, I'd like for you to tell me how and why these festivals (which are not rituals?) give your gods power? Furthermore, what gods are these that rely on human actions, human feeding, and human festivals? Seems like pretty weak gods to me.

Perhaps your gods will lose to T-series, since some of your kind seem to hold that Krishna stuff is less corrupt.

Our duty is to take up our cross and follow the Lord. Not to give doggy kibble to a dead fiction.

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My faith.
I did.
A cross was also an ancient pagan symbol.
They don't, because these pantheon submit to their alfather god, meanwhile, christians cannot even submit to their patriarch.
You bow down to them, and offer them your faith and belief. The jewish god is getting none of that.
Maybe so, as heretic and sinner, maybe your duty is indeed to be cruxificed like Yoshua? So when will you?

I disagree.

But jews are the best argument against any jewish religion, Christianity included.

If the pagan gods are real, why then did even the "pagan" philosophers reject their deity and instead follow the monotheistic Monad?

A lie, not all pagan philosophers reject their gods, and Aristotle and Plato used rationality to believe in a Creator god, which has nothing to do with the jewish god.

So you have no evidence to back up your beliefs- so what makes paganism true and Christianity false?

This is more pathetic than New Agers tbh. At least they try to be shifty and latch on to Christianity somewhat, albeit in heretical ways. And even Wiccans may be less pathetic. At least they try to unobtrusive and say they serve "nature" or some form of pantheism.

But it takes a real idiot to actually go after Zeus or Odin. Completely impotent… and barely worth being called evil. Just retarded.

Paganism is based on the blood, which is a true and real thing.

Christianity is formed by jewish lies, thus it is a false.

Stopped reading right there.

Also, neither Aristotle and Plato are monotheist.

Monotheism makes no sense.

The Jews of 2000 years ago denounced Jesus and His teachings; by no means did they support what He did. When Christ came, it completely separated from Judaism
What do you mean by this?

No they don't. The apostles were jews, Yoshua is a jew.
You share the blood with your ancestors.

I wouldn't tell you to be a Wiccan either. I'm just saying you're an even bigger idiot. They at least try to hide behind abstractions and metaphysics. You don't. You rely on more overt "gods", and like I said, they are impotent. You don't even have the excuse of abstractions to hide behind.

Multiple people suffering until their deaths for something they all claimed to saw, may not be evidence, but it's a huge indicator that what they were saying just might be true.

As said, stopped reading there.

Wiccan is the same as Christianity, new age cult that wants people to separate people from their root.

They were, but after Christ died that forever changed they way the world and forgiveness worked- after that they were Christian seeing as how they no longer followed the law

They saw the light in heaven, which is Zeus/Odin/Amaterasu.

So a denial?

Apostles are jews and Yoshua is a jew.

There's no magic on Earth that can change a jew into a non-jew.

You're giving me synonyms here. Stop dodging the question with your high voybal eye-kyoo, Schlomo Olafsson.
What is the celestial palace? What's it made of? Who made it? Where'd it come from? What do people do there?

My mother and father created my body and at conception, God breathed life into me.
If you're trying to say that Adam and Eve were Jews, I have bad news for you. Jews means "Yehudim", which means descendants of the seed of Judah. They came *after* Adam and Eve.

I highly doubt Christ immigrated to Ellis island and signed papers using circles.

It's called Fides ET Ratio. Because reason ultimately comes to faith. Faith in a reality that makes sense. Faith in the permanent and objective truths. Faith in our logical axioms. All of which come from Faith in God, who is before and beyond and within all of our logic and reality. Existence comes from him. That is why his name is "I AM who I AM".

Of course, if you are a pagan, you most likely believe in the will-to-power and Platonic might-makes-right, in which case, you should bow down to the people who have power over you. They've won haven't they?

And if you were in there? Are you a cuck?

I want only data and evidence. Not your confirmation bias.

What do you then say to the Slavs east of the Urals with 10 to 15% Uralic and Mongolic admixture? Or the Sicilians or non-Asturian Iberians with some of the north african DNA?

Hell (Oh i'm sorry, I mean "Anaeon"), even the Icelandic have mtDNA haplogroup C. That's from f'ing *northeast america*. They mixed with *native americans*.

I need a citation of where He said that, and an explication as to why that *is* communism. Not why it can be *misconstrued* as communism, because God knows all too well how people can misconstrue scripture, but *exactly why* it is communism.

Yes, we buy your kind. Now kiss my feet.

Your roots are made of dead and dissolved bones. You can not ask them how they worshipped. They can not pass down anything to you. You have nothing.

The Latin speakers of the south were happy when the Christians opened hospitals while their corrupt and clinically insane government continued to tax gouge and slaughter them.

So one account (your belief) is weightier than many accounts? Seems about right to me /s

Is that true? Or is it only what *you understand* as religion to be only faith?

Arians are not christians. And what do you have to say of every other tribe?

Your faith is just "Hearsay and accounts", dude.

It's either "Ye-shua" or "Ye-ho-shua".

It's two lines intersecting. That's not substantial.

Show me that they were unified. Substantiate.

Prove it. When I bow before the Eucharist, is that Odin's body?

If your father said 2 + 2 = 5, would you go by jingo, jump? How does ancestry determine truth values?

Is it? Show me where there are Jewish lies. Also, if it were German lies, would it then be true? Are any lies true? If your "blood" "says" it's true, is it true?

Why doesn't it?

Wiccan is contempory, you fool.

You're not even being consistent now. You accuse us of being Jews. You can't be contemporary and Jewish at the same time. The Jewish religion is older than existing ones. It broke from Sumer starting with Abraham. It predates even Hinduism, which was later influenced by Sumer (as was Greece, via the Hittites).

Or perhaps Baldur instead of Odin.

Odin is a wanderer, he would spend most times on Midgard, not Asgard.

Idk why you kikes are flooding over here, but we already have a thread for this

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>Odin is a (((wanderer)))

Also, why aren't you sage'ing

My bad.

No, the witnesses I mentioned were the 12 apostles who saw Christ rise from the dead.

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