I ALWAYS felt that porn and masturbation were wrong ever since I touched it around my 12-13 years old with anime hentai at first.
As soon as I became 16 years old, it was very evident to me that masturbation was harmful and that it weakens you, and I even formulate the hypothesis that masturbation and porn were used has a weapon of mass psychological warfare, to control people just like that Matrix in the first movie. Yet, nobody was agreeing with me in the internet at the time, so I thought that maybe I was just pushing it a little too further? But now by discovering EMJ, I know that I was very right from the very beginning about my instinct, that masturbation and porn were very harmful.

Anyway, more than 8-10 years later, I yet still fap at least weekly but usually 3 times per week, and I also watch porn from time to time and it makes me crazy…And know that Porn is extremely evil, and now I know that it's actually for a fact that it's a mass psychological weapon and I know the real people behind it (The Jews), and I know that they do it to degenerate the moral, to degenerate the people, to weaken the people, to make people blind and energyless…
And yet, I can't help myself…When the "time" comes, my brain simply shut off and I can't recall any of my morals and any of my values against masturbation, I just feel like an animal without any rationality. It makes me sick seriously, I facking hate it, I facking hate to masturbate, I know it's evil, I always sensed that and I always knew that something was wrong, especially with the whole promotion of sexuality by school and the promotion of sexual liberation and pornography (already between 8-10 years ago). And thanks to EMJ, I know that for an absolute fact now.
So why do I still struggle so much? I'm getting sick of it, not being able to free myself from this dark prison.

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Every time you're about to do it: don't

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Pray the rosary friend. I swear on my mother that it straight up MURDERED my urge to watch porn and fap after just praying it one time. Now I pray it on a daily. It has worked for me and so many others it can work for you too.
also we already have a NoFap/Purity thread that is pinned at the top. Please use that mext time instead of making yet another thread about fapping.

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What is the rosary?
Sorry, I'm a Catholic who hasn't been to Church ever since he did his First Communion .

I'm glad you asked. The rosary is God's spiritual sword that kills heresy and crushes vice.
It has a rich history that spans all the back to 1214. Saint Dominic was in Southern Frace and tasked to combat the Albegensians that were gaining traction there and threatening civil society literally these Albegensians were gnostics that hated life and our material world so much they murdered babies as to spare them the sufferings of the world, among other garbage. So Saint Dominic prayed and /ourLady/ came down and gave him the rosary. He than used said rosary to form the Dominican Monastic Order and prayed with people and it converted people away from such a disgusting heresy. Ever since the Church has endorsed it and it implores people pray it on a daily.

Another great success story is 3rd pic related, Blessed Bartolo Longo. In his college days he fell out of the church and into the occult rabbit hole. Eventually he joined a literal satanic cult and became an ordained priest in said satanic cult. Eventually the occult caught up with his psyche and he fell into grave despair and was on the verge of suicide. He visited a Franciscan monk and the monk prayed the rosary with him and he felt a million times better. So much he renounced his satanic ways and dedicated his life to God and built the biggest cathedral to the Rosary that has helped millions of people to this day.

From my personal experience, I used to smoke lots of weed and fapped several times a day. I used to be lukewarm Catholic like you. No matter how hard I tried quitting, I would always relapse. Tired of being oppressed by (((satan))), I decided to pray the rosary after watching Dr. Taylor Marshall interview Fr. Don Calloway. After the very first time I prayed it, I noticed I didn't get any urge to watch porn, fap, or smoke weed. I've been praying it ever since and my overall mood has imporved dramatically. Lurk on some of the other threads here on Zig Forums and you will see other success stories from other christanons.

2nd pic related is a good formula to follow. The best part of the rosary is that you don't actually need a physical rosary in order to keep track of the Hail Marys. God gave you 10 fingers for these situations. Give it a try friend :) /ourLady/ will keep you in her prayers and Jesus will help you crush the vices in your life.

God love you, OP, and good luck crushing the demons in your life. I know you can do it :)

Is Fr. Don Calloway speaking at a conference going over the history and importance of the rosary

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I got so excited posting about the rosary I forgot 3rd pic related
Sage for double posting

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This. I prayed the rosary for the first time yesterday..such a great feeling of protection and faith. It kills any lust and any malicious thought.

based and blessed poster

You're too proud to the point of reprobation. Mortify your pride and stop it.

thats like telling an addict: Bro, just dont do drugs

change your diet, less greasy fatty oily food, less meat, less animal products, more starchy foods, drink more water and make sure to excersise and get some sunlight everyday. If you are not eating healthy and staying hydrated then your mind and body will be weakened and more suseptible to the wicked thoughts and impulses.

So much this. Also if dreams assail you, stop eating earlier and sleep a bit less. It works like a charm.

i really feel this. There's times where I'm not really even thinking about it but I'll go over to a porn site.

Here's something that helps me (I'm a sinner, so it doesn't always help):

Every time you visit those websites, you give them money and clicks. The more money and clicks they get, the more they can continue their operation. The more they can continue their operation, the longer they exist. By not visiting them, you ensure that you are not a part of their game. It's a simple calculus.

Pic is my captcha.

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This. Prayer has an awesome power. Ever since Lent started I've been praying the Rosary followed by Lectio Divina every day and not only have I had no serious urge to maturbate but I've also been becoming more and more aware of my sins in general.

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lel, rest in peace gunny

What's "funny" is that most catholics don't even know that masturbation (in itself, not talking of porn here) is a very grave soul and energy draining sin, that effeminate men and make God evaporate from their mind.

In general, most Catholic believers are Cat-in-name-only; I can speak as an Italian, at least.

So how do we turn people into practicing Cats ?

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Gotta get them to pray the rosary on the daily, tbh fam.

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