Is wearing a cross tacky? I have a simple cross I ordered and planned on buying a simple chain for it. Is it stupid to wear them? If not - under or over shirt?
Is wearing a cross tacky? I have a simple cross I ordered and planned on buying a simple chain for it...
Why would it be stupid to wear the symbol of our God? As long as you're actually a practicing Christian, it's certainly a good thing to do. We aren't called upon to hide our faith, you know.
Don't feel ashamed by society if you are a devout Christian. There is nothing wrong with wearing a cross.
It's only a problem if you're wearing it just for fashion.
I would argue against it, personally. I think it adds an unnecessary layer of complication. If you have a symbol explicitly stating that you are a Christian to strangers, your actions are therefore representative of Christ in their eyes. I personally am too concerned with screwing something up and having someone think less of Christ or the gospel because of it. Second, it also creates a prejudice against you as a Christian, which could potentially shut someone away from the gospel. For example, if you encounter someone who actively rejects Christ because of bad experiences with professed Christians, then they'll likely automatically shrug you off in their minds. However, if instead you let your light shine through your actions, then I believe the person may become more open t to the gospel. I think letting someone's first impression of your devotion to Jesus should be associated with the manner you carry yourself rather than jewelry.
If Christ died on an electric chair, would you wear that around your neck? Or was perhaps thrown in the Nile to the alligators. Would you wear the Lacoste logo around your neck?
I wear 2 crossed and one prayer rope on my neck and another prayer rope on my wrist.
i enjoy wearing mine user. it is not too big, just the right size for my body type. Nothing flashy. I have found it comforting to reach up and hold it when I need to user.
Look up the torture methods of early Christians. Being placed inside of a bronze or gold bull and roasted alive. Search 'brazen bull'. Your screams are made to sound like squeals of a bull as they are heard thru the orifices of the device.
Getting my hands and feet hammered to wood may not be as bad as being roasted alive against hard metal. There were more torture devices more brutal than this used. But being burned/roasted alive? God is quite cunning with His waste to seperate the strong from the weak.
winnie the pooh blessed are those who died at old age as a a believer compared to those who died in a horrible terrible way by human hands. But I image the reward is GREAT for those who did suffer. I cant even imagine it.
His ways
I’m sure a simple yet elegant cross, if not too big or flashy, is a good thing; as long as you keep it as a reminder and a sign of your faith to ward off temptation from within and outside, I would wear it.
Why would it be tacky? It's been our practice from the earliest ages of the church. Although I don't recommend getting a "lead" one like some Crusade era Christians had.
Even by the time the NT was written, the cross was held up to purposely turn this on everyone's head and turn defeat into the greatest symbol of victory. It's one of the elements and stumbling blocks of the Gospel in the world's eyes… that this instrument of death became an instrument of Life.
Even by Jewish standards, it was a curse.. "cursed is a man who hangs on a tree." (Deut 21:22), and both Peter and Paul reference it in different Epistles as a statement of mystery.. or even irony if you will.
It's no wonder that even by the 2nd century, it went beyond NT words and preaching, and we had Roman catacombs with crosses painted in them and Christians already making the sign of the cross in blessing. It became a symbol of love and victory.
So yes, he would use an electric chair, if he had come in a different time. Or anything else. "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." Sometimes, it was incognito, yes.. we shouldn't be suicidal (and so fish or shepards were used for Christ in more blatant ways and the world is none the wiser), but eventually all became used in tandem.
Sometimes I feel like hanging a symbol around your neck is more befitting of cattle.
I get that clerics wear it but some seem a bit like a display of flashiness and grandeur, in part to show off the splendor of Christ's temple.
One has to ask themselves if every such display is seemly in all instances and if abstention from certain of those displays by less distinguished adherents might not be more prudent.
It seems more fitting for blessing and altar crosses to be decoratively embellished but other uses might be better displayed more humbly.
The cross has use in Christian tradition since the earliest periods and according to it is alluded to precursively in OT scripture (the defeat of the Amalekites, Exod. 7:8-13)
Epistle to Barnabas 9:7
For the scripture saith; And Abraham circumcised of his household eighteen males and three hundred. What then was the knowledge given unto him? Understand ye that He saith the eighteen first, and then after an interval three hundred In the eighteen 'I' stands for ten, 'H' for eight. Here thou hast JESUS (IHSOYS). And because the cross in the 'T' was to have grace, He saith also three
hundred. So He revealeth Jesus in the two letters, and in the remaining one the cross.
This is exactly why people need to go to church and be apart of the apostolic community.
Solid lead won't do any thing to you unless you ingest it. i cast my own out of a lead heavy (50/50ish) pewter alloy when i was a kid.
No. I've posted this before. There is literally nothing wrong with being a Christian unafraid.
What Christ did to the cross as a symbol is a reflection of what He literally did to death itself. By entering into it, he triumphed over it and transformed its meaning.
Not if you're a cathbro priest
I think this guy is right
It's a useful way of just making the statement of who you are.
But know that you're now representing all of us, so all your bad moods will now be attributable to every Christian that ever lived. So, y'know, live as Christ did if you're gonna wear it.
I don't know, I am deeply conflicted about these things
So, Catholic AND Baptist? That's new
It depends on the purpose you are wearing it for and how comfortable you are representing and answering questions on christian doctrine.
My anecdotal experience is that people with flashy or prominent crosses tend to be the same kind of people who have tattoos saying loyalty, family or some religious motiff - a harmful overcompensation for what they lack. Of course this is probably less of a problem outside of major 1st world cities
It’s almost as if you notice the guy with “only god can judge me” tattooed on his forehead, but you don’t notice the girl with a cross necklace under several layers of clothing.
I was gifted some kind of Ethiopian pendant cross by my choirmaster today. I normally would not buy/wear jewelry for fear of pride but it does look nice.
A good way to make a statement.
But the cross also helps you fight demons. Remember that the symbol is not just "something imaginary" the symbols convey a meaning. If you wear a pentagram expect it to have a bad influence on your soul.
Other than that it is stupid to succumb to the strategy of our enemies - being ashamed for who you are. First the cross has the power to protect you in a way (demons, also bad people might be discouraged in wanting to screw you over once they see who you are) Second, you do make a statement. Nowadays more than ever we need to be as loud about our faith as possible.
That being said there are larpy approaches to be avoided:
It is essential that you do express who you are, that you are not obnoxious about it, do not larp about it. You do not wear it to show how righteous you are/to impress anyone. You wear it primarily because of your soul.
I'm not sure that's hipster. Maybe Hippy? Seems like they've been doing things like that for awhile. Definitely American and has the hallmarks of "branding" type of design, whatever it is.
There's absolutely nothing wrong with wearing a cross under your shirt. Over your shirt may as well just be ornamentation though - I've seen the most brazen whores proudly touting a Christian cross.
you dont know what you are talking about
I'm going to wear my cross outside my of shirt today. A simple steel one. I usually wear it under my shirt but I think I'll be more open about my faith now.
If you wore that in the west literally no one will know it's a Christian cross
Thats what makes it a good conversation starter and a good way to get people to begome
Right on. I have a simple steel cross too (although it's Latin, I'm still Orthodox in belief).
"And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of Almighty God."
That's a crucifix and scapular.
I found some beads at work, so I took a pen and pieces of plastic and wrapped them in electrical tape.
I don't wear it, but I keep it on my person 24/7 and sometimes hold it during prayer.
Is it wrong if I get an Iron Cross, as long as it looks more like a regular Crucifix? To answer OP, crosses are cool. Tony Iommi wears them so enough said.
As you might have already realized for laity it's a matter of personal opinion.
So I'll give you my personal opinion on it too.
I would say it is definitely not stupid to wear them and for a lot of people it can certainly save them from sin since among many other things, it is a reminder that you're a part of Christ's flock and thus you should act like it.
Ultimately I decided against getting one myself since I feel that I don't know enough to be a proper representative of Christ simply.
Your call.
looks pretty aesthetic tbh
Juast remove "our" from your statement and you are good.
blessed and bread pilled
As long as it's in good faith then sure.
I wear mine under the shirt. It's not tacky, it keeps me from sin lol.
I noticed that a lot of people actually wear a cross around their neck, but it kinda annoys me because it's just a fashion accessory at this point. I'm pretty sure only 1 out of 10 people who wear a cross actually goes to the mass.