So I think it goes without saying that modern day Talmudic Judaism is almost all but unrelated to the Judaism Biblical Jews have practiced pre-Christ.
But is there an ethnic relation between the Jews of today (thinking of the modern day Jews of "Israel" especially) and the Biblical Jews or is there no connection for most of them and it's just part of their adopted identity of larping as the Biblical Jews?
Read it again, there are no doubts regarding the faith of modern day Jews and it's relation to the faith of the Biblical Jews.
The question is in the second part, I'm curious whether or not most modern day Jews can even claim ethnic relation to Biblical Jews or not.
Mason Lewis
I actually don't think they really care anymore. It's more about some vague relation to things like the holocoaster and being cut up in infancy. Rare few Jews actually care about their religion anymore and I think their numbers will start dropping radically in the near future.
Blake Miller
There is some ethnic relation, which has been determined by comparisons of modern Jews’ DNA to that of 1st century Jews. However, modern Jews regard their Jewishness as matrilineal, whereas in the Bible it was always patrilineal, making most (if not all) modern “Jews” not really Jews.
Ryan Clark
Fascinating with the matrilineal and patrilineal comment there.
Wyatt Brown
Partially. They are def mixed with the locals from where they settled after the diaspora, but to claim absolutely no relation is stupid, and makes no sense theologically for our prophecies(returning to Israel, or converting to Christianity before the End Times)
Brayden Cruz
Yeah, the switch was made sometime from 10 to 70 AD, apparently. No real explanation given.
Science supports the belief that 'white and ruddy' people existed in the near east and along the Nile during Biblical times.
Except there's secular evidence to back up his interpretation of the verses.
Science says that no white people lived in Europe before the first European Farmers. The earlier people were 'Western Hunter Gatherers,' and had brown skin and dark hair.
If white people didn't live in Europe, and we find millions of blond and redheaded mummies in Egypt - where were they? The only explaination is that whites lived in the near east.
Archaeologically, the boundries between Hebrew, Egyptian and Phoenician civilization become blurred together sometime before 1000BC. The Ahiram sarcophagus is an Egyptian burial practice, covered in Phoenician characters - which are the basis of the Hebrew alphabet;
This is essentially what's called, 'British Israelism.'
Caleb Wood
Josiah Gomez
Ah yes. Every time.
Add some naratives about how the arab invasion melanized everyone in the complete opposite way, and the raciocentrist bingo is complete.
No. The Bible describes the group that fled Egypt as a mixed crowd(not in the racial sense), and some later incidents of gaining some foreign converts. Yes, there were lighter skinned jews, but in short, the whole group was like the copts and maronites today, or what >>764062 is saying. Good old meds.
British Israelism is just 19th century we wuz kangsery that gets resurrected among racialists from time to time..
Joshua Brown
I think we might be able to get an idea of what ancient Israelites and Jesus may have looked like by looking at Assyrian and Lebanese people. They certainly didn't look like Arabs as some people claim, but they probably didn't look like Teutons either. I don't think our common ideas of what Christ looked like are that far off, Christ Pantocrator for example. Modern Jews probably retain some of that blood, but are basically a bastardized people at this point, both ethnically and spiritually.
This is so stupid. Why do people always assume native middle easterners can’t be pale? Jews are obviously related to ancient levantines but some are heavily mixed with Europeans. But that doesn’t mean all ‘pure’ levantines are dark brown bedouins. I’m Levantine, I have pale olive skin and dark eyes and curly hair. If I shave my beard, I get mistaken as Jewish or Greek often. There are a lot of levantines ahd even North Africans that are pale. So yes some biblical people were pale, but that doesn’t make them magically a completely different race of mysterious aryans that got replaced by the “invading Arabs” of today. It’s an insult to levantines that we’re all invasive foreigners and that the “true” Hebrews are extinct. It’s also not giving any credit to jews who, despite their disgraceful religion, are ethnically very similar to ancient Near Easterners.
Jordan White
Ahirom was a Phoenician king, the Phoenicians copied a lot of neighboring customs in the med. Hebrews and Phoenicians were so genetically similar the Greeks referred to all of us as Canaanites and saw almost no distinction. Today the Jews are mixed with Europeans, and we Lebanese are mixed with Arabs and Meds. And a recent study proved that the modern Lebanese (at least in Saida) are extremely similar to the ancient Canaanites.
Funnily, even the Egyptians depicted the Mesopotamians ("Asiatics" to the Egyptians) as distinct from their own selves. For example (see pic), the Asiatics were almost always drawn with light skin and sometimes even light hair. This could be merely symbolic (just to point out a trend.. not that they all had light skin), but it shows a distinction.
Don't call it "Biblical Judaism". Call it "Old Testament Christianity". Don't call them "Biblical Jews". Call them either "Hebrews" or "Israelites".
Lucas Nelson
No habibi. We aren't mixed with Arabs. The Muslims are closer genetically to the Arabs, but that's for obvious reasons. The Christians on the other hand, especially the Maronites, have remained ethnically homogeneous ever since they set foot in Lebanon.
Joseph Cooper
no, the genealogies were destroyed. no jew today can claim descent from any of the 12 tribes
Jacob Kelly
You probably don’t understand who the modern descendants of certain tribes in the Bible are and you certainly don’t see all references in Revelation to the other parts of the Bible.
Connor Morgan
The jews have a little Judahite admixture but they’re mostly edomite.