The KJV is perfect and infallible. All other "Bibles" are from Satan...

The KJV is perfect and infallible. All other "Bibles" are from Satan. Just saying that if you read non-KJV stuff you are not saved and going to burn in hell for all eternity. Repent!

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KJV is shit tier. I only listen to the new oxford annotated bible on audio book.

While I do prefer KJV because of its prose, language, and structure; this KJV meme is getting outta hand. You can not absolutely, nor wholeheartedly damn someone to hell because they read a different version.

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Tired: Autographa
Wired: KJ🅱

Superior in every way.

KJV says that women are to be silent in the church, says that a woman is to reverence her husband. Every modern version seems to change one or both of these to say something different

lol u a fag now bring the ban

It's funny because "KJV only" is kinda like the logical conclusion of Sola Scriptura.

If the KJV is so perfect why isn't there a KJV 2? :p why did they leave The Prayer of Azariah and the accompanying Song of the Three Young Men out of the Book of Daniel?

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Why would Jesus sanction a King's version of the New Testament if he literally said that it would be easier for a camel to pass through the head of a needle, than for a rich man to get into heaven?

Kings are the exact opposite of what Christ wanted people to be.

The why doesn't it perfectly mirror the original Greek?

Nah I'm good thx, nice bait tho.

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Do you know how much of a sorry excuse for a study Bible that book is? Actually, I doubt you care since your reasons for using that study Bible is because it's from your church and not out of actual studying.

I get it, I'd be jealous too if I were a prot or papist. Cure yourself of your sin and begome, user.

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I'm ok with my ESV study Bible

Do you know how much of a sorry excuse for an argument that comment is? Actually, I doubt you care since you're just dismissing the book after reading the title.

Lmao, you're dissing others for using OBS because it appeals to their views while you're reading the ESV yourself.

At least the OBS doesn't use the Masoretic text as opposed to the ESV mate, just by that alone it's clear the OBS is way more concerned with actual studying and exploring the truth than the ESV ever was.


Tsk tsk

I don't even care if it has differing opinions as I. All the commentaries I read are from scholars who are in a different denomination than myself. But I still respect the amount of effort put into it. The OSB is just so simple and not as thorough as other Bible commentaries. The ESV is by far the most exhaustive study Bible there is.

Some of the interpretation of the OSB are do low iq and is clearly out of date. A lot of the interpretation it presents have already been refuted or we've moved on since then and know more about the Bible and it's background.

No bias at all naturally.