Owen Benjamin interviews E. Michael Jones

I know we talked about Owen Benjamin before here. He just interviewed E. Michael Jones, who is popular here, so I thought this deserved it's own thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


Jones is such an out-of-touch, cringey boomer.

t. zoomer

t. Never read libido dominandi

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I’ve never watched Owen before, but this was a really good interview, he did a good job of bringing new stuff out of EMJ.

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EMJ is just the latest in a long line of father figures Benjamin has zealously adhered himself to. He'll probably be talking shit about EMJ in a couple months like all the others.

He definitely has daddy issues, but also a good head on his shoulders. The people he has called out are degenerates and deserving of it.

I kinda had the impression he was just repeating EMJ arguments almost verbatim, >>788180's explanation makes sense

He did strawman Peterson really hard in that interview, you can criticize him on how he evades being honest about he jews but Owen's interpretation of Peterson's Caos and Order was really shallow, it's not good and evil, Peterson isnt saying you need evil, his chaos is the unknown, the uncomfortable, you grow as a person when you subject yourself to stimuli that takes you off the comfort zone thus evade stagnation.

If you defend Pedostein in any way, you should be castrated and made a eunuch tbqh. I bet you're only two rogans tall.

Educate yourself.

I know about that event, i even mentioned the jew thing on my post.
And again, disagreeing with someone on a subject doesnt grant me the right to strawman their opinions like Owen did. If he wants to be a Paladin of Logos, do it right.

He's done previous videos on Peterson that articulate more clearly what he means.

Peterson is a whore for the Jews who makes 30 grand a month to divert away from the JQ.

Seeing the way he refused to answer that question about the Holomodor really exposed Peterstein

Bearing false witness is a serious sin. If you don't have evidence he is a pedophile you should repent.







I did and actually the book is not that great.
The book uses the phrase "judeo-christian values a lot"
Also using Wilhelm Reich and "the pink swastika" as a serious reference to the german reich history is ridiculous at best. You do not need to be a Zig Forumsack to cringe when you read the chapters about german reich or 60s america and the "wasp"
The first half of the book is good, the second not so much.
I suspect he's being dishonest about certain topics on purpose. But I have no proof of course.

That being said he is good at ambushing atheists/pagan larpers etc..

I think Bishop Williamson talks better than EMJ. Just my opinion though

No, you must not be aware of the 60's and 70's culture programming that was going on behind the scenes. People like Timothy Leary and Robert Anton Wilson were definitely propagating Reich's garbage in a new-age package.

I do not recall Jones using the phrase.

Jones doesn't spend much time at all talking about WW2 Germany, he talks about the subversion of the 60's in both America and post-war Germany, which is absolutely palpable. I've never actually seen a Zig Forumsack bad-mouth this one either.

Why does this guy have his first name as E.? That's just weird. Someone please explain.

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eugene michael jones doesn't roll off the tongue like "e michael jones"

It was used like 3 times in the book.In the videos I have not seen him use it.
Yeah. sure. I am not shilling against him. I am just saying I am more skeptical towards him after reading Libido Dominandi because if I consider the accuracy and detail with which he cut through the french rev and subsequent eras up to the modern it is strange he kind of mistreated the whole ww2 business. And in few interviews he purposely avoided answering questions about iron guard, falange, etc.

All I am warning against is making the guy a cult and taking everything he says as 100% accurate. The book is actually kind of average. It is good but I have read better pieces, so to say. People should read it however to form their own opinion though.

t. catholic who read libido.

He’s a man, after all…we all make mistakes, and despite how good and great his work is, one can still find gripes and points of weakness or disagreement with it. I’m just glad we have a person like him: even where I completely disagree with him, at least there’s some earnest food for thought in there.

But Eugene Jones is pretty cool, has a lot of 'j' sounds, why not skip the middle name like everyone does?

I thought it was a common thing for authors to acronomise their first initial and use their middle and last name as a way of providing a degree of separation between the 'author' in public life and the person behind the author with a private life. See also N.T Wright (aka Tom Wright) for a similar, if not even exactly the same, example.