Since man is created both in the image and likeness, what race is God? Jesus Christ himself was of a Jewish kingly lineage, yet the Jews in the Talmud accuse him of being the bastard son of a Roman, which implies that he had a Roman (Southern European) appearance rather than a Jewish one. Christ's DNA was at least 50% God, maybe even a 100%, which would imply that God is Southern European, or at least Mediterranean too, no?
Regardless it is a fact that our current bodies will be resurrected and that therefore Christ, the apostles and the saints in heaven do have one fixed racial phenotype, ranging from Southern Europe to Middle East, and not an arbitrary one. Likewise depictions of these people must feature this phenotype or otherwise they are wrong and depict them neither how they were nor how they are in heaven. The Asian man familiar with Christian theology will have to chose between the Asian Jesus and real Jesus depiction.
Christianity has spread around the world, but in America, Africa and Asia only superficially. Northern Europe has fallen to iconoclasm thus avoiding this dilemma completely. Is racial pride the reason why the spread of Christianity looks the way it does, and why it never took hold in Eastern Asia?
Race and the Spread of Christianity
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And obviously I don't believe the racial phenotype of a man matters in his salvation, only in depictions and what the apostles and saints will look like when and if we meet them in heaven.
Why do you believe the Talmud over the bible?
Just stop.
Christ is God, his Earthly ethnicity is way too overhyped, it's a completely moot talking point that has almost no relevance on anything and the only reason why it's being discussed so much is because unbelievers and even Christians downplay his Godhood and instead focus on something as irrelevant as his temporary ethnicity.
He could've easily been Japanese, Somalian, Aztec what does it matter?
You realize that icon is, according to tradition, how he ROUGHLY looked, but in the eastern roman style?
Look at ethiopian or coptic or some eastern euro iconography, and Jesus is roughly in accordance to the local phenotype.
It doesn't matter is Jesus was tanner than me, he is God.
No, it's because of this.
Filipinos and koreans don't seem to have a problem with venerating our Lord.
Lol, sure thing…come over here to Europe, see how the "mustard race" is slowly abandoning Christianity. Easter Europeans are the only one who are still resisting, together with some Countries in the Balkans (based Greeks, Serbs and Bulgarians).
Most of the Christians in the future will be from Africa, Asia and South America; those Christians in the Middle East are truly ready to die for the faith: we Europeans have, for a large chunk, been so dumb that we threw in the garbage our roots (and before we go out on a "muh ebil Joos!" rant: yes, there are large fringes of powerful Jews who are feeding us all kind of filth and degenerate stuff, but we are gobbling it down without much of a fight outside LARP-tier "Hitler dindu nuffin, he was good boi!" or "Deuz Voltz!" cringe). Don't blame it only on others, look at South/West/North Europe, look at many place in the USA…we did it to ourselves.
You realize everyone on this board's denoms have african branches, right?
And yes, maybe in time they will grow to be the main centers of theology, just as it shifted before, once euros stopped being human sacrifice loving pagans, or arian heretics.
So just leave then?
As I said, just winnie the pooh stop and leave and go convert the tiggers.
Leave europeans the winnie the pooh alone because this nightmare has been going on for 2000 years already.
Take a hint that we don't need you, but you need our money to "decorate" your wretched hives.
Po mubba bi dat tum
No you leave
Why do the Syrian descendents of Muhammed have ginger hair?
You say;
All middle easterners used to be pale whites. See these vases from Greece that date to about 500BC (Pics related.)
The first European farmers came from the middle east;
There were no whites in Europe before about 2500BC. Before then, they all lived in the middle east;
Also, Jesus is described as 'white as white wool;'
If anything, he was albino.
That’s post-resurrection. You forgot to mention the eyes like flames and the bronze skin. It’s not usable for this argument.
You’re right about the ancient Middle East.
Anyways, nobody has flaming eyes and metallic skin. That is Jesus Christ in his Godly form.
Jesus shows up with the wounds from his crucifixion. His appearance in Revelation is either identical to his injured post-resurrection appearance when he appeared to his apostles, or you're saying that Jesus's body was changed after he appeared to his followers.
Red albino eyes?
Brass feet, not bronze skin;
Also, you know brass is a light golden color, not dark and brownish, right?
Fine, clean polished brass can actually look like white people skin in sunlight. It's pretty clear that Jesus's feet were more golden/yellow (Brass) than brown/red (Copper, bronze.)
And Jesus would have looked like an ancient middle easterners; white.
Those are metaphors to describe Jesus's appearance.
Doubled up the images.
You are really stretching it.
It says like a glowing flame of fire. Just like when angels appear.
Not just Hos feet, Hos arms look like “burnished bronze”, NOT brass. Different metal, different color.
It’s His glorified body, so it bears the same physical scars, but He’s also glowing like lightning.
Yes I agree about the white part, I’m just pointing out a bit of theooogy.
Same here.
I trust the first century accounts of Jesus, which day he had chestnut hair that was often sun bleached.
Like an albino's eyes lit up by light?
Maybe they're albino too?
The Douay-Rheims Bible says brass, not bronze. So does the KJV;
What version are you using?
Again, an allegory for skin reflectance. White skin reflects light while black skin absorbs it - if you take a picture of a white person and a black person side-by-side, and do a long exposure to capture enough light for the black person to not be a black abyss, the white person looks like they're glowing.
these albino posts are schizo-tier. Christ probably looked very similar to his depiction in the Christ Pantocrator icon. ancient israelites looked like levantine people. levantine people are not dark-skinned arabs or whatever, but they don't look like swedes either. the only DNA he has is Mary's. the talmud is a bunch of anti-Christ satanic lies.
Well not anymore, but you’re essentially right
ISIS fighters crave blue-eyed Yazidi;
Pic related.
But, they *do* look like Swedes.
Sure, just ignore the genealogy presented in the book of Luke if you want to be a heretic I guess.
Christ is both fully God and fully man, which means he also has man DNA just like us. We know that DNA decides phenotype, and at least 50% of his DNA must come from God.
No. F*cking stop with your autism.
Humans are incapable of asexual reproduction, and the Bible clearly says Christ was conceived of the Holy Spirit.
Through a miracle. You just played yourself, Mormon.
Your insults don't refute my arguments friend. Remember our Christian kindness and rule 2.
YOU remember the rules. You’re the one shilling for Mormon heresy.
You must be a Nicene Creed Trinitarian, who believes the Chalcedonian definition of Christ, otherwise you are not Christian.
Jesus existed before he came out of Mary’s womb. In fact, he existed infinitely before Mary ever existed
I do, I am Orthodox, but tell me how Christ having man DNA from God contradicts either.
But if Jesus doesn't have Mary's DNA than Jesus isn't a human. He isn't connected to humanity and it would literally not fullfill the prophecies of the Old Testament. God tells the prophets that the future messiah will literally be apart of the line of David. Mary is that line to David.
Reference: 2 Samuel 7:12–16; Isaiah 11:1; Jeremiah 23:5–6;
Fulfillment: Matthew 1:1; Luke 1:32–33; Acts 15:15–16; Hebrews 1:5
Jesus is connected to humanity through the Blessed Virgin Mary. Get over it.
Because he Holy Spirit is a spirit, not physical, and cannot have DNA. There’s no way you’re orthodox.
100% Man, 100% God.
Then how did Mary conceive a child from him?
That’s why it’s called a miracle.
God is not bound by physical laws. He created the universe from nothing simply by speaking, and you have a problem with the conception? Get out of here.
The only DNA Christ would have would be purely human, s DNA pertains only to the terrestrial realm. For God to have separate divine DNA would imply that God was created outside of Himself by something else, which is blasphemy.
I have no problem with divine conception, but you do because you imply Mary reproduced asexually, in which case it wouldn't even be conception. The divine part is that Mary was impregnated by God without losing her virginity. I don't even see why you would insist that Christ has 100% Mary's DNA (which isn't even possible because Mary had no X Chromosome, so where is that from?), unless you're some Mary-crazed Catholic who prays to nobody else besides her.
Stop bearing false witness. That user never implied Mary reproduced asexually. Just because you have an anti-Catholic bias doesn't make you right in any way shape or form.
The fact that you are getting upset that Jesus has Mary's DNA in him just shows what a filthy heretic you are. If Jesus doesn't have some of Mary's DNA than Jesus isn't from the line of David. If Jesus isn't from the line of David than Jesus isn't the Messiah.
I'm not implying that God has a DNA, but that he could create a DNA which is special and most closely resembles him, for the human nature aspect of his son.
I fine with Jesus having 50% Mary's DNA, which seems the most sensible to me as stated in the OP. You're a Catholic who doesn't believe the Bible.
Obviously I meant Y Chromosome. You can't make a man from woman DNA.
Then Christ would not be fully God and fully man, because having "special DNA" entails that He would actually be more divine than human.
No, I don't think so. Adam also had special DNA (created, not inherited) and he was fully man.
It was created, but only human.
Besides, the best possible created man DNA is still man DNA, it can't exceed the category, or it (=what you're saying) would imply we could gene-engineer ourselves into Gods.
Christ is the perfect man, so his DNA must be perfectly human (closest to God) and not just randomly human.
I am not the one implying anything. You're insisting that you can rationalise God's mystery. It isn't going happen, except lead to heresy.