I am gay and I want to become Christian after a conversion experience. I want to get saved. But I know being gay is a sin so I want to change and become straight? How can I do this? Right now I am solely attracted physically, romantically, and sexually to men. In the past I have had many boyfriends and have had homosexual sex on many occasions. I just cannot bring myself to like females, I have never ever been attracted to one. But I really want to change this for God. I want to look at a woman and find her attractive. I want to have children in the natural way as God planned out. I just don't know how. Does anyone have advice?
How do I become straight?
Stop watching porn of any kind, many people develop homosexuality as a fetish. Also, you don't need to destroy your homosexual urges to get saved, you just need to not act out on these passions. AFAIK, being attracted to men is not a sin, being intimate with men, is. Of course being straight would help a lot, as you would be able to have a family and so on, so i will pray for you. Also, ignore anyone saying that you're a "reprobate" and cant get saved..if you truly repent and stop being effeminate you clearly can be saved. Remember that.
Like clockwork
Contact a guy named Dennis (or Denis) Jernigen, I first heard his interview on firefall talk radio. The guy was also in the same boat as you but found escape and now lives a normal life of joy and freedom.
also screencap this when you send to him so he knows where you're coming from.
Have you never read Romans 1:26-32?
Or let me guess, you have "read" it but you haven't actually. You probably picked up a fag infested version like the vile NIV or ESV. Those are heretical pieces of shit. The KJV has the word of God! But here is the KJV, and it says faggots & dykes are reprobate.
They cannot be saved. Stop being a heretic. I have a feeling you're not truly saved while promoting the degeneracy you are promoting.
Of course now the mods (who hate God) are censoring my posts.
Being "gay" is not a sin. Sodomy and (homosexual) fornication is a sin.
As long as you stay chaste and keep your mind out of sex you're good.
But if you truly want to change I'd recommand stop watching porn and subtly condition yourself to find women attractive.
Many people become gay through fetishes, you can do the reverse.
God bless you.
Pic related, a gay man who repented and became a monk
You accuse me of promoting degeneracy when you are the one promoting suicide and despair. I told them to stop commiting sodomy and watching porn, you tell them to break one of God's commandments:
The Orthodox are not Christians. Why are you on here? Your idols are worthless.
A reprobate is someone who is incapable of seeking salvation. OP is seeking salvation and, thus, is not reprobate.
how to be saved:
Believe on Jesus. John 3:16 says "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
Here's a longer presentation:
I recommend you also consider the possibility that you'll never have kids given your history and your impulses.
gay means sodomite
even being "effeminate" is a sin
Good zeal but you might be wrong, it's circumstantial
To be reprobated is to be disapproved with abhorrence; rejected; abandoned to wickedness or to destruction. If God had abandoned OP, then OP would be physically and mentally 100% incapable of making this thread to seek salvation. OP is not reprobate.
I agree that OP is probably not given the nature of his question but inquiring to salvation isn't the same as being rejected. Consider the rich young ruler. He earnestly asked how to be saved, but went away and grieved because it required him to give up his materialism. It is implied that he could not bring himself to follow the requirement. (I'm not saying we know that he was a reprobate)
I also don't affirm your phrasing. We are all totally rejected wretches before salvation because all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. A reprobate has been allowed by God to slip even further to do "those things which are not convenient", which I think means losing the sense of right and wrong of natural theology.
Sodomite bait thread.
You are assuming OP is speaking honestly, though. I have good reason to believe he is here to both sow discord and throw people off the path with lies. It won't be effective with me.
You have not proven, nor can you prove, that this is the real reason that the thread was made. I do not think for a moment that the OP is sincere. And I've seen this before.
Is there something specific you don't like OP. Also a reminder that mindset plays a lot into how we do/perceive things.
Do you speak to/know many females? As a counter measure perhaps you could start talking to women and slowly move on from there.
1. Stop watching porn
2. Don't identify as a gay, instead you say you suffer from Same Sex Attraction (SSA)
3. Ask your father how to like women
3a. You and your father don't talk because of your SSA, ask him for forgiveness, admit you were wrong, and than ask him how to act and think like a man.
4. Don't consume (((leftist))) media and instead read books and writings of the Church Fathers
5. Go to Church and ask your preist to help you overcome your SSA
5a. Go to confession and confess your sins
6. Hang out with straight men in your Church and ask them what it is like to be with a woman, to care for a woman, to embrace a woman.
6a. Talk to the wives in the Church and ask them what they see in their men and why they love them.
7. Pray the Rosary every day and ask the Blessed Virgin to pray for you.
8. Pray to St. Joseph, the terror of demons, to terrorize your afflictions and cast out the sodomite demons in your mind.
9.Be patient, God's work to transform you from a sinner to a man will take time.
10. Sin no more
And if anyone, on the board or IRL, tries to lie to you and say that you cannot be straight, that you are born this way, let them be anethema for they call God a liar and want you to live in sin.
With Him all things are possible.
Give yourself to Him and He will set you straight pun intended
Judging by that image I'd say they're both certainly gay, but whatever. I've never seen a man who looked that gay and wasn't.
Anderson please leave.
What constitutes 'effeminate?'
There's also this verse;
What is an effeminate? Can a man have long hair?
He seems to be arguing that homosexual desires make you guilty of sodomy. All human cultures are descendents of Noah, and so at one time had a single culture and knew they were right - they all might inherit aspects of the truth.
Buddhists insist on getting rid of all lust - Jesus insists that even looking at a woman you aren't married to in sinful lust. A homosexual looks at other men with lust, and so commits adultery when he looks at men.
The Buddhists would not agree and teach the same thing as Jesus if Noah hadn't taught all his sons that lust was sin.
I would argue that the seed of his sins was vanity - love of what he had on Earth. If he's grieving over having to give up what he has on Earth, he isn't feeling good about what he owns - his sins have sown the sorrowful seed that could grow into the tree of salvation.
But, metaphorically, his refusal to give up his wealth is a refusal to plant his salvation seed. A reprobate is someone who refuses to plant the seed, or constantly digs up the sprout.
Someone who only repents in the face of death is truly repentant, but plants the seed at such a late time that no growth is possible before death - but, such a person is truly repentant.
Not for us to judge. If he's insincere, the LORD won't save him. He can't and doesn't have to prove his sincerity to us.
no, a man can't have long hair. It's related to femininity, but I would think that you can be an effeminate with short hair.
3. This is a board for Christian discussion and fellowship. For the intentions of the board, a Christian is one who believes in the Nicene Creed (Specifically the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed) and the Chalcedonian Definition.
Mmmhmm, and I'm the reincarnation of Mathardi Buddah. Only God knows whats in a man's heart not some user on an American Bible thumping forum.
This is damnable heresy, stop it
…how much of a sin is it?
Also, what about long, bleached hair?
What makes someone an effeminate if they have short hair?
Well i said "as far as i know". But thanks for telling and consequentely the OP as well.
it's a dishonor against God's design in nature
But is it a sin proper?
Women bleach their hair more often than men, and a woman commented to me 'guys can bleach their hair too,' as if to imply what I was doing was effeminate.
I'm 100% masculine in those senses.
Not the user you're replying to but what are your motivations for doing it? Is it purely for aesthetic reasons?
Yes. It's against God's instruction in the Bible.
It's a rule so obvious that Paul appeals to nature to prove it.
Bleaching hair is usually pretty effeminate in US culture. The way that a woman felt the need to say that to go against some unspoken taboo seems that it's effeminate where you are.
Good to hear
to clarify I said "what difference would that make?" because bleaching has nothing to do with the permissibility of long hair. It's wrong bleached or unbleached.
I don't know what's worse: Judaizers or Romanizers. A man's hair length has nothing to do with his masculinity. Samson had long hair and God took away his power when he let it be cut. Jesus had long hair. Was Jesus a faggot? Repent.
The Epistles are God's word
Samson took a nazarite vow from birth
Jesus didn't have long hair
Oh, yeah, I forgot about that Jesus crew-cut.
Look at that long, flowing hair. You need to learn to know Jesus and stop trying to mold him to your personal narrative.
I'm not the one calling God mistaken
The shroud is not inerrant scripture
God's not mistaken, you are mistaken. Paul told the Corinthians to cut their hair to be like the Romans so they wouldn't get arrested. Where do you think the phrase "When in Rome, act Roman" comes from? Well, guess what … we ain't Corinthians and the Romans are long dead. Having long hair is not a sin.
Ehhhh … maybe; but preening and coloring it is pretty damn femme.
Are you being disingenuous or are you just kind of dumb?
NATURE ITSELF teaches that if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him.
Where did you get roman persecution out of this?
Oh, so you're doing the whole pagan mother nature thing, huh? Well, I got news for you. In nature, it's the MALE of the species that always has the long hair, brighter plumage, and stuff like that. So, don't pull the "muh nature" card if you want to claim men shouldn't have long hair.
lol do you think i wrote that???
The "nature itself" thing is straight from the Bible my guy
Is that your King James (a known sodomite pagan) translation?
pick your poison
Aesthetic/Racialism reasons. I think true white people have light hair and eyes, and I have black hair and brown eyes.
Well shit. I guess I have to get a haircut to go to Heaven, than?
My only defense is that, without even trying, a guy at work called me John Wayne.
Yeah, I was asking basically if the two compounded, and I wanted to tell the entire story.
Τbh user I find that sad. I think the larger issue you have here is not being satisfied with how God made you.
there is nothing wrong with being nonwhite
Pretty much. I can love and accept any part of God's creation - except myself.
I'm kind of in the same boat as OP, but my homosex days are behind me. I was never really homosexual though - I just had sex with men out of desperation.
I wish everyone the best, and would never be impolite to anyone - I used to be a weeaboo, and copypasted my weeabooism onto western society. So, I became obsessed with what I believe to be the 'True Europeans.'
Also, God gave my black haired ancestors blue eyes, and my brown haired ancestors light hair. Some of them had light hair and light eyes. He gave me neither.
I won't curse God, but I will bleach his creation. I'm not sure why he gave me hair that could grow long then told me I couldn't have long hair - but he did.
God, be merciful to me a sinner.
If you seriously think long hair is a sin, then you are claiming Jesus sinned.
It's not being gay that is the sin but the practice of sex or kissing of another with the same sex that is the sin.
You are called to carry your own cross. Yes, it's heavy but try your best to eliminate the gay stuff from your life (porn, over sexualised friends, etc.). It doesn't have to be all at once. Take your time. In 2 years you will see an improvement. Start thinking of kids. Start working something, get busy, you'll find that activities make you think less about sex.
I think i wrote enough tips.
Great you finally joined us user!
Maybe it's time to step away from whatever's influencing you. I know you mentioned in the same post that it was your weeabooism that led you here but take note of any other factors and remove yourself from them. Let your natural hair colour grow out and if you're still not happy try finding a new way of styling it. You've conditioned yourself to think that light hair/eyes = true European and I have no doubt you can go back to appreciating your natural God given attributes. Your dark hair and eyes aren't an affliction. You're fine just the way you are.
I'm really sorry you had to go through that user. It must not have been an easy road at all. Has the desperation passed/been resolved or is it still a struggle?
Do I really need to explain that paintings from centuries after the resurrection were not made by eyewitnesses?
Even beyond the hair, Jesus was not beautiful like most paintings depict him. Isaiah 52.
If God's word says to have long hair is shameful, then Jesus didn't have long hair. It does, so he didn't.
Oy vey, shut it down, amiright?
not an argument
Jesus did not have a Roman crew-cut whether you want to believe it or not. He had long hair and there's nothing you can do about it. But, I guess you know better than all of the centuries of people who sketched/painted images of him, right? After all, they must all be wrong and the Shroud must be wrong and all of his contemporaries - who also had long hair - must be wrong. It's only you who can be correct.
still looking for an argument
But doesn't that go against what Jesus taught? He said to love your enemy and submit to those who hate you which are feminine values.
good question
how do you think we can reconcile the two?
you're misunderstanding what love means. if you truly love someone you would set them straight and rebuked them of their errors, not tolerate and encourage them.
if you see your son snorting cocaine do you just tolerate and let him do it or or do you punish him for snorting cocaine? if your brother has fallen into the occult do you just tolerated or do you try to correct them and bring them back into the fold?
Lmao, the way you put things it sounds like I would be a better Christian by rebelling against everything I was raised to believe was Christian.
Let me guess, you grew up in an Episcopalian church?
OP, interesting comment about the conversion experience. If it just recently happened, I would recommend first of all to start immediately journaling / voice recording yourself , get what happened written down or described somewhere and you will have it to reference in the future for ever. Don’t lose the memory and the experience , you need to go forward and not backward , as I am sure you are now very aware ( I experienced a very serious moment my own self in the recent past — very new myself , less than 6 months).
As to your question, you might instead try to think of it as sexuality as a whole , of any kind , as fundamentally unproductive to your forward progress. Including sexual thoughts , of any kind. This is a route many ascetics have taken for thousands of years … and he’s tdoes it matter if you are attracted to one or the other sexual parts…it’s better for everyone to be able to conquer those urges anyhow. Also remember that God does not make mistakes and God is love. You might begin praying for wisdom to understand the purpose or plan for your urges . Perhaps for instance it is /meant/ to encourage you to become a monk, etc. (just an example—but God is love, and you are exactly made correctly, and you were called when you were called).
But imo, if what you are describing as a conversion experience was anything like my own, there is no way that sec of any kind can be productive or helpful to you right now. Why do you want to get close to ANY humans? Just get close to God! Once you get closer to Him, he can help you to figure all this stuff out. Don’t immediatley start stepping away from him by trying to pursue some new more sexual relationship or something. How could that possibly be what he wants you to be doing? Why would he next want you to go out and have a bunch more sex? Saints don’t do that , none of the holiest people in the New Testament Bible really even had sex at all…
If you are wanting more in the line of practical advice or more sort of … step by step instructions on pulling off monk mode while still living in a modern society, I highly recommend this book:
It is VERY hard and very serious. Written by monks for monks. Still making my way through it. But I really have taken a lot out of it so far.
Also, in case no one else has told you this yet— read your Bible!! (Thst is the most important step!)
Also, talk to older people (in the spiritual sense) about these questions. If you bring them to someone in leadership / doh filing position at the church … I promise you that you are not the only male , and very likely not even the only male in your exact church , who is dealing with the issues you face. You are definitely not alone , OP, make sure to plug into a community that can help you recover from it , many have done so before you. A lot more (and a lot more easily) than the media will make you believe.
No, Catholic.
The thing is, I'm a very hyper-focused person. Christianity has been a constant for me since 2015, but my focus on it has waxed and waned. Currently, I'm 100% focused on Jesus 24/7.
The thing is, I started out a Satanist, became a Buddhist, added Paganism to my Buddhism, then bits of the Bible - and finally, I started reading the entire Bible, and found everything that my prior religious associations gave me.
Eventually, I read Luther's Small Catechism and The Catechism of the Catholic Church, specifically to purify my mind of any non-Christian ideas.
I actually can appriciate dark hair and eyes - but I consider them to be lesser. Pic related.
I don't even masturbate anymore. It really was teenage hormones, and I think teenagers should get married to prevent what I experienced.
I'm a pure example of original sin - I was innately willing to commit sodomy. Nothing could stop me - I would have sex, no matter who I had fo have sex with.
I guess now my sin is being a long-hair, but I think Jesus will forgive me if he can forgive my sodomy.
Thats odd, must be a modernist parish. I'll keep yall in my prayers tonight.
It's not a sin to be gay. Being gay and being straight are equally sinful if they cause fornication and lustful desires. Instead of wasting your time looking for ways to become straight, you should learn to live celibate and chaste and ask God for strength to fight your sexual temptations. Try to fill your life with positive things and meditate a lot.
Everyone has their own demons, everyone carries their own heavy cross. It's impossible to be holy without self denial. Don't feel small and unsalvageable. We're all trying to overcome ourselves here.
Go to Orthodox Divine Liturgy and regular services for a year or more. Exposure to this will change you. I speak from experience.
King James was not a sodomite. Stop pushing (((satanic leftist lies))).
Its Adam & Eve, not Adam & Steve! Unironic faggots chaste or not will not be in the kingdom of heaven. Homosex is completely unnatural and not what God had in mind with His creation. Repent!
Effeminate != feminine.
Effeminate is a word typically used for a man lacking in masculine virtue. Possessing feminine virtue is orthogonal to possessing masculine virtue, it's possible to have both. C.S. Lewis says something like this in his essay The Necessity of Chivalry:
There's no virtue in not resisting an enemy out of cowardice, because you're too afraid to fight back. That is effeminacy. What Jesus calls us to do is to show mercy coming from love, not submission coming from fear.
There’s no difference in practice and God is more concerned with action than thoughts.
Yes, there is.
God is concerned with both, Matthew 5:28.
There's the first problem. Stop identifying with your sin. Repent and go to confession. Be truly sorry and never commit homosexual acts again.
Simple, stop being a faggot and be a man.
This is a solid advice also.
You cannot pray and be a faggot. So do the praying part.