Why are homosexuals despised so much

Before replaying make sure to actually read and think before posting. By no mean I'm not defending their behavior but through all the time homosexuals were killed, tortured and despised despite not being their fault(in 99% of the situations). And no I don't mean the genetic lie but the fact that most of them have actually been abused and bullied when they were young and this rewires your brain to seek self destructing activities and pain. It helps them hope with the pain other people have not experienced. Hating on them instead of helping them is no different than saying lmao yr fault for getting molested lmao. Its why a lot of them go to even further lengths, being alienated and bullied all the time sure is really mind destroying, especially when you compare the live of these who despise you. Even though nowadays its becoming a trend just as well are kids getting even more molested and bullied in our supposed pacified civilization. If people tried to actually help them all of this would have never happened.

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We have ways to help them stop, but it's illegal to classify it as a mental illness today.

So you didn't even read it, what a brainlet.

Like I said, it all lead to this.

1: Blaspheming God my gojng against nature
2: Spreading every STD known to man
3: Comprising 30% o all pedophiles

Did I argue against that you winnie the pooh brainlet? Read the post you winnie the pooh retard.

No, you don't get it. Treatment of the soul is not easing up the pain like an opiod does. It's restoring our communion with God through Theosis, not being apathetic (which is misanthropy) to homosexuality because it has a morphine-like effect on their mind. As you said in:

I post an example of why they do it, can you even read. Maybe reading is new to you, take some time and read the post again.

Mistake us not. I do not hate them, but I do really hate what they carry and how they are proud of it. While I do sympathise that some of them were victims of those horrible things, the big question is: if they know it is horrible, then why they do that unto others? And spare me the psychological trauma speech, they have made their choice willfully. They are sick, yes, but it does not excuses them nor validates them, nor justify them.

And now they carry the flag proudly, slapping a kid with a white gel filled dildo during their parades, indoctrinating kids, and demonises everyone who try to stop them and promotes their sickness to be a norm through the power of satanic media backing. They have chosen to align themselves with the enemy, openly and proudly.

I remember a priest making a campaign trying to help them return to the right way years ago through peaceful way, and how he got socially murdered and called names and buzzwords and whatnot. People screeching at those who came to the priests defence saying that "our (Christians) 'love' (wish to help) is not wanted, winnie the pooh off".

The help is always there for them, but it is theirs alone to either accept or reject. And if they will not listen and continue sinning, we will dust the sands off our sandals and be on our way. And we will stand in their way so they will not sin further nor causes others to sin like them. If one of them came our way asking to be help then help they shall receive.

Totally against the Bible's teaching on sin
I suspect you're a crypto faggot trying to make excuses

Its the most important thing, are you really trying to say your brain doesn't matter?
This is the end result of being molested and humiliated, do you not even comprehend how for example single mothers can destroy someone childhood.
Because they are too far gone, of course if they are going to hate him when nobody really cared for them. Since you don't care about logic I will give you an example that may relate to you. Will you go and try to convert a powerful mobster, you wouldn't risk your life for that, right?
You alone are an example how they are treated, you think they somehow chose this.

Please, stop trying to blame others.Its a pathetic, disgusting line of thought. They choose this every day.

Rather worry about their abuse of morals, how they treat the world with their disgusting actions and how they perverse others. They ARE the abusers,so we care about their victims.

They are more protected, more enshrined than any other demographic. They are constantly lauded by the press, movies, every single celebrity, every single lawmaker, every single group.

People cared for them. People told them to not to be degenerates and live a decent life. But they didnt care about themselves nor others, so they choose to live in complete degeneracy.

They are well deserving of the Sodom and Gomorrah treatment, just like pedophiles do. Dont think we cant see thrpugh your jewish tricks, disgusting sodomite.

Damn, really makes you think…
Why are you so dishonest, its less than 10 years when you could call them faggots etc, and nobody would not only bat an eye, they would encourage it.
Having your brain rewired to a negative state would surely make you want to live a normal life.
Yeah trying to save their souls is a really subversive move, I mean we are not on the christian board after all.


Elaborate what you're trying to say, have the last two neurons you had died?

I need not even further elaborate.

You're a brainlet because you can't even read a short post. I will call you a brainlet again because that's what you're. I ask a question and everyone starts talking about things that have nothing to do with the topic.


So what? I think you should stop, you're just embarrassing yourself.

You cpuld as well complain about the treatment of pedophiles. You should encourage the use of appropiate bames to refer to filth.


And by the way, while I try to save souls you try to give excuses for perversion.

Hey OP, I'm a homosexual.

So just for your information is pretty much why I hate gay people. Okay, this isn't fair, I don't neccessarily hate every single one of them, but I despise their culture, I despise the gay scene, I hate their "morality", and I ultimately and utterly despise how base and beastial they are.

These people are literally animals, whose sole drive in life is to cum.

Read the first post.
These people think about having sex to the point that they spend 4-5 hours a day on hookup sites. They have sex with hundreds of partners a year (at the minimum and it's even worse in big cities).

There is a saying in the gay world:
-"all dicks touched"
This basically means that if you had sex with a gay guy you also had sex with someone he had sex with. Gays change their sexual partners so frequently, that it boggles the mind. They built their culture around the pursuit of pleasure, and they chase sexual release like children collect pokemon, except children actually stick to their pokemon, while gays just dump their partner and move on to find the next lay.

I have lived amongst gays for 8 painful, heartbreaking years. My main motivation was always to find true love, and I always wanted to have a relationship with a man, because that is what has always called to me, but the truth is, that by chasing this calling, I got destroyed spiritually.

My heart was broken several times, my ability to trust is damaged beyond belief, and I don't know if I will ever be able to love another human being ever again.

Over that 8 years I had 52 sex partners. That is a fraction of what the average gay man has, but it is still a HUGE number compared to a heterosexual.

I often wondered why am I so unhappy? Why does nobody love me? Why can't I get ahead in the world? Why do I not find my place? And I gave myself the wrong answer: "it's because I didn't get with the program, I have to become like everyone else, that will help me fit in and find my own happiness".
And then I turned into a slut for a while. I had sex with married men, fathers, older guys, whoever was willing to pay me a compliment was ok for sex in my book.
And that is what broke me. I realized that no matter how much I try to fill that emptiness, that hunger for love in my soul, sex is simply unable to fill it. I realized that not only did I hurt myself by being carelessly selfish in my pursuit of sex, I also damaged other people's lives, and I had absolutely nothing to show for it at all.

Everybody carry scars and traumas. The difference is whether they let those influence their actions in a bad way or learn from those and become a better person than their perpetrator. Being a victim of anything never justifies committing it upon other.

Nope. It is theirs and theirs alone. Again, being a victim does not justify being the sexual deviant/predator yourself. I never seen a Jew wanting to be a Nazi after WW2 (holocausts and other Zig Forums related things aside for now please)

No one is far too gone. And why they hate the priest who offered succor instead of those who hated them. If I were kidnapped, I would not lash out at the police who came for me.

Because they have chose this of their own volition. Nobody pushes a gun against them telling them to become sodomites or die.

tl;dr. Being a victim of something does not justify any bad things you do. By your line of thoughts; I can also sue that by people not loving me, nobody showered me with money, and having no gf through the adolescent allows me to lash out instead like those in /r9k/ and other unsavoury places. It is stupid.

(Part 2)

So I gave up on that lifestyle and decided that I will only look for someone who is willing to settle down. I had 3 relationships. I deliberately was looking for older men because I wanted someone who is mature enough for a stable relationship.

All three of those guys were in their thirties, were utterly shallow, were living for the moment and had inane and quite frankly childish interests (video games, fancy restaurants, instagram and other crap). All three of them wanted an open relationship, so that they can still have full access to a wide spectrum of sexpartners beside me, and all three of them flipped their shit whenever I told them it's either me, or their degenerate lifestyle.
And you are lucky if they are honest about it. My last boyfriend literally lied into my face and went back to hookup sites, dating apps and instagram to pick up other guys while we were together, and when I confronted him, I shit you not, he acted as if I was the offending party by "stalking him".

Now this was my personal experience, but let me talk about how these people treat each other.
Homosexuals don't see other people(or themselves, really) as human beings. They see them as a means to get what they crave (ejaculation). Combine this with hookup culture and you have a world where people literally use each other for cummies and then dump each other whenever they feel comfortable doing so.
This is portrayed in media and porn as glamorous, but let me tell you, nothing cuts deeper into the human soul, than falling in love, being used and then being discarded. Most gays learn to adapt to this reality by becoming just like their abusers, because their sex drive is strong enough to block out any natural instinct at self-reflection. There is nothing in my opinion, that would be more debasing than being treated in such a manner and accepting it as right. And yet most gays roll with it.

I didn't even talk about STDs yet, but homosexuals are responsible for 80% of syphillis infections even though they are like what, 3% of the population?
And we have antibiotics immune syphillis now.
I'm not kidding, look it up. And we don't have an alternative cure for it so far either, and this is just one STD out of hundreds that thrive thanks to gay people and gay culture especially.

So to answer your question, yes we should help homosexuals. There are so many ways we could do that, you have no idea. They are basically closer to animals than humans because their impulses rule them to such an extent that they are not entirely self-aware, even though they do have the capacity to develop into something better.
However you can't help people who don't want to be helped. Not under a democratic regime anyways. And it is in the interest of our current political establishment for the gay community to exist, because they are an excellent political tool. That being said, under an authoritarian regime, gays could be helped in several ways, depending on what you would consider to be a solution.

So let me just list my ideas:
a, Have good morality be enforced on gays.
This should be number one. These people have a condition that under the current circumstances pushes them towards literal transformation into beasts and demonic beings who only care about themselves. This solution requires that gay culture be destroyed, banned, and rooted out, gay people must be integrated into society so they can't segregate into their own little cliques where they can live out their toxic, corrosive lifestyles. This is literally impossible to do in a democratic society based on free association, liberalism, and nominalism.
b,Research a gay cure
This is why liberals will probably burn in everlasting hellfire. It's one thing to let gay people roam free, but it's quite another thing to indoctrinate the world into believing that it's just fine being gay, while denying all the baggage that comes with the condition.
c,Integrate gays into societies in a way that they can have no political power, but maintain a useful function
This is probably the hardest but most useful thing. I have no particular idea how to achieve this but as long as gay people can call themselves the victims of "evil christian fascism" we can't really win against them. We must save these people by offering them a place amongst our ranks, but with them being unable to make decisions on where society should go.

Inverting the miracle lf birth into a prayer to the devil.

So what that you're running around calling people dumb while making such simple mistakes. I think you're a hypocrite for some reason.
I assume I'm supposed to trust you on that.

Being self-righteous can't be good. So you're trying to say that people with mental illness should just stop having them. Maybe you should have been in their place to experience their life but you got it bad enough already, being a turbo brainlet.

By hating them and alienating them, I mean is this how you got into Christianity. By people telling you how you're an evil person
Where did I said that, are you going to prove it finally or just continue being a fag(how ironic)?

You should get paid for having a reading disability.

So everybody has problems but also genetic difference but they should still be the same even though they aren't. This makes sense to your pea brain? And maybe there is a difference from being molested and not reading a book(you).
Did I justify it, please tell me where I did you dumby dumb.
So you don't even know basic history. You're trying to deny the very reason of most of the degeneracy and what they financing to make sure there are no other pure races and beliefs than theirs?
So every single time you sin you do it absolutely intentionally, completely realizing how you're destroying your soul and not only? Are you perfect, if not why are you not, then? See fallacious this can be.

Well I'm sorry I wasted my long long post on you OP, you are a really bad person.

Do I even have to say that quality is better than quantity? Your post was saying how they are doing sinful things which is pretty much obvious, you didn't address how most of them happen first because they were abused.

I am going to just dust off the sands and be elsewhere if you will continue to insult others like a child would. They came to gave you answers, anecdotals, opinions; and you have repaid them with insults.

Like I said, being self-righteous can't be good, can it be? I will say it even more simplified for your tiny brain, maybe it can pick something. How can you prevent something from which you were determined to, can you prevent a mental illness with just bare thinking?

Non-Zig Forums here, and you're a faggot (the "not being their fault being the thing that gave you up).
Disease carriers and traitorous due to self-destructive nature.
It just happen that religions being, for all intent and purpose, a self-coherent cultural compact of various social tropes and mores, the religions who manage to establish and maintain themselves are the ones who carry a large number of winning strategies.
Liquidating individual carrying hosts of diseases and with a high risk of treasonous behavior are BOTH, on their own merit, winning points.
So that's why litterally every non pozzed ideology liquidate fags, and why you see them getting "tolerated" during the end days of every civilisation (before they then get mass murdered amidst the anarchy occuring with societal collapse).
Fags are not an abomination because muh holy book, but because they are an intrisic social and biological aberration.
No, but gasoline helps a bunch.

no need for that, it's allways the same old shit.
your next attempt will probably in the lines of trying to pretend it's "genetic" (despite that it would break basic fundamental dogma of biology), like if ANYTHING could give you an excuse for your depravations.
Of course now, that i mentionned it, you will pretend that "nuuhuh, nut troo", because faggots are antagonistic contrarian little shits.
EVERYONE hate fags, and they desserve it.
Why the hell do you believe they have protected class status and aside from high corruption periods, they get destroyed?

wrong, it's WAY worse than that.
30-35% only accounts for acts done on boys *specifically*.
You need to understand that a large number of "bisexuals" (which let's face it, ARE faggots) also take it on girls.
That's the reality that is not being talked about and being discreetly obfuscated by not thinking in details about the data.

Where did I said tolerate them you winnie the pooh retarded subhuman. You seems to be a bigger faggot than those that go on the rallies.
once again you talk out of your ass. I simply said that most of the homosexuals are such because of their traumas, which is also considered a mental illness but was later removed from the gays themselves.

And now we see this new breed of Zig Forumsack, making a post. It is rather odd how quickly Religion went form being super important to not even important.

In any case refer to my image, but if you're interested in actual politics it might be interesting to listen to a few lectures form people like Yuri Bezemov. youtube.com/watch?v=5gnpCqsXE8g
I will not put any timestamps because you really should listen to the whole thing regardless.

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There is no mental illness, just people who give in to perverse fantasies. It would be easy to be as retarded as you and blame every single one of my sins on some fictional mental illness or whatever.

And by the way, it is you who hates them by not rebuking and acknowledge their freely accepted sin. I dont care if they are alienated, just like you will alienate pedophiles by telling them thet are evil. Unlime you I worry about good and the truth, while you worry about public relations, you scoundrel.

By saying "it doesnt justify it" we mean that they are still fully guilty, that they arent programmed, that there is nobody forcing them to be filthy sodomites, that they arent "rewired" more than I am when I trip. They dont deserve any more respect than pedophiles in this regard.

thank you for your post user

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I don't know how to simplify it anymore, is it even possible. Ptsd isn't real then?
What, wanting gay people to be helped and stop their ways is vain?
How dumb can you be, if you experience some seriously traumatic experience, ESPECIALLY when you're a kid your brain will rewire really hard.

But shouldn't then I claim unspeakable things like being gay is ok? You're just a braindead tard who can't read.

Its time to stop making excuses for your sin.


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Anything traumatic does not, in any way, cause the free choice of sodomy. A certain illness can cause ypu to cough or sneeze. A trauma doesnt cause you to indulge in homosexuañity any more than in causes pedophiles to rape children.

That is the entire basis of ypur argument: it is not their fault, they are just poor victims. No, they freely choose their degeneracy. Many do not. They are not victims, they are the culptrists and abusers. They are the ones that cause thraumas. There is no brain rewiring, that is just some pseudoscience ypu made up. Brains dont get rewired, that is a made up term from travestites.

Saying that its not their fault is disgusting, and you are as much as a cause of the current state of the world as those who proudly wave sodomite flags in parade. And it wouldnt surprise me if you did that, too, to protest against the evil christiand who rebuke the sin of the poor victims that are just a result of the circumstances.

What they do is against the nature. Putting life giving seed literally into shit just to satisfy own ego while destroying rectum of their partner.
There is also a good reason why the STDs are rampant among sodomites.
Not to even speak of the link between child molesters and sodomites
Next item on the list would definitely be imposing their degeneracy on whole society, claiming "rights", claiming it is not sodomy…it is their "identity"
And not the least: Shilling a christian imageboards with "hey why do you despise fags???"

I will say this speaking of sodomites(those who act upon their sodomite impulses): If you are not disgusted by the thought of this act there is something wrong with you. Most people have a inherent disgust because this is literally inverting nature, openly standing against God because "muh sexual desires"

Mhm, ye I guess I agree with you.
Kissing their arses and telling them to go kill themselves both cause the person to go from bad to worse.
The correct answer is always sitting down to talk with them and trying to help them, as they're often unable to help themselves.

I would argue that this is the main problem.
If you really want to help them change their craving to something more productive, because if they get to this point they're as spiritually disconnected as drug addicts.

Here are the reasons why people hate homosexuals. They are:
1. Disease carriers
2. Selfish narcissists
3. Blasphemers
4. Antagonizes of straight cis people and coerce them into becoming gay/trannies.
5. Vindictive

And I say this as a homosexual. Yes they were treated like shit like I was, but it's no excuse for them to treat others like shit. When Jesus was getting executed for crimes he didn't commit, he didn't say, "winnie the pooh these fascist bigots, dox them!! #BASHTHEFASH". Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing".

People hate LGBT types because they're the antithesis of Christian behavior. They're not forgiving and understanding, they're vindictive and manipulative.

I know why they do it, and I'm able to read. I'm saying it gives no better fruits than an opioid, as it does not cure only relieves.
The purpose of the Christian life is to cure Sin, our lack of communion with God, not to minimize perceived suffering by dulling oneself to it.

Also you've responded everyone with passive-agressiveness. That's not healthy.

This is a Christian board so basic Christian concepts are assumed here. With all due respect, I don't have the time to argue to what constitutes proof or not.
I think you need to question your assumptions of what constitutes proof by yourself. Start with coherence theory of numbers. It's a topic that usually avoids prelest, no one is prideful about the number 7.

Pic related is why I hate faggots and faggotry.

They are the worst type of narcissist. Unrepentant ones are absolutely reprobates, but the few that can see their deathstyle and attempt to cure themselves I pray for everyday.

Before any sodomite apologists get uppity, yes one can pray the gay away. With God, alll things are possible.

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I'm glad that the Christians here know it is aberrant. It's at odds with everything natural.
t. "bisexual" that was cured by quitting porn filth/onanation. I thank God everyday I never attempted to lay with another man.

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So just to give in my two cents here, and say ahead I'm sorry to see Zig Forums spilling up even on this consecrated ground.

As someone who has lived a lot among the gay community, accept them, had friends with them, and even tried to partake in their degeneracy. They are in the end absolutely disgusting, and this is coming from someone who just worked at gay party in new year's eve.
While there are a few unfortunate souls that were born with opposite sex corresponding to their innate polarity (being masculine/feminine while being girl/boy), the grand majority of them are drawn by bad reasons, one to being simply part of a community, another is to embrace fully their degeneracy, and some other really bad reasons you mentioned yourself, because of trauma or abuse.
The problem though is, again the majority of them, embrace the worsts aspects of both polarities, like being aggressive and degenerate for the masculine, and being crazy emotional and vindictive for the feminine. What is even more f*cked up, they never cease to be man, because girls don't see them as a sexual threat they will often left their barriers down and get "friendly" with them, dancing, letting them rub all their bodies, they will let themselves go and often get aroused and fall in degeneracy even further. Its not at all uncommon for those who been among them, to see them rubbing their titties in plain public, to be rubbing their crotches, for them have straight sex, or even worse, having full blown orgies with several "gay" men.

This makes me sick to my stomach, and so should make you. I'm not against trying to help them, but one needs to be aware of their degenerative ways, shemales are the personification of self hate. And as such I don't exactly hate the gays themselves, but the LGBT community and "friendliness" for encouraging that sort of behavior and making it a normalcy.

Stop being overly dramatic.
This is not a holy place, it's the internet.

Also, I welcome Zig Forums with open arms and I hope they keep coming to Christ. I personally went from hating the jews with all my heart to feeling a great deal of pity for them. The jews are grave and evil sinners, and they need Jesus very very much, and yet they reject him and hurt everyone around them, and for that we could hate them, but Jesus would prefer that we pity and convert them instead. Of course, self-defense is entirely justified in case they try to destroy something precious (the white race).

So stop being abusive to prospective converts. You are not helping anyone by spewing your hatred, and it's not nice to act like the people you accuse of spewing hatred.

God says faggotry is wrong and unnatural.
Most of the pedophiles are just faggots
And pic related.

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