
Any Catholics on here feel there's a lack of emphasis on Theosis in our Church? I feel like *union with God* (Theosis) is our true purpose and something we must grow into our whole lives. But Theosis only seems to be emphasised in the Orthodox Church and we Catholics don't really have it. Thoughts?

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It’s present in The Church, as well as taught in the writings of the saints, however there’s much more of a focus on entry level theology because of the fallen nature of our culture and society. Also The Church actually has fully developed doctrine and other things it can and does teach which often unfairly supersedes theosis.

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How can anything supercede union with God?

Do you think communion is a means of theosis?


Yes, well the further you go along your spiritual path the more powerful and profound communion and adoration is. If you're seriously trying to progress on the spiritual path then I believe daily communion is useful and beneficial. I mean at the least it means you sort of have to stay out of mortal sin which is good in itself, but there is a lot more to it. I remember a homily a priest gave and he said there was some French King or other European country and he was very successful and he would go to Mass twice a day.

I'm not a Catholic but I don't see why you say this. Going to Mass sometimes, talking with Catholic priests, and reading about Catholicism online, you guys seem to have a concept of theosis as much as we do. There certainly seems to be a lack of recognition that we have communion with Christ outside of the 7 sacraments though, but theosis by itself is a central and prominent doctrine of Catholicism.

Honestly one of the reasons Orthodox speaks to me more than the other sects.

its called the pursuit of the beatific vision. Your average parish is full of the lay which for them just taking communion is sufficient in their spiritual life.

I don't think Theosis is anywhere near as prominent. Maybe that's just my experiences though.

I agree about it speaking more to me too. Out of curiosity, what are the other reasons you speak of?

theosis is a theological term sprung from Orthodoxy within the last 1,000 years of schism, expecting the Church to have this eastern orthodox conception is silly

we could ask why the Orthodox do not respect the "beatific vision", and it's really the same situation

I mean in terms of what is more often taught, not in terms of actual precedence. That’s why I used the conditioned the statements with “unfairly”

Catholicism is the true Church but is covered in filth and fluff because the masses can not appreciate the fine things of God, and need spiritual milk. As soon as you get past ti by knowing the faith well, you find that we not only have it, but we have the same beliefs and more about it. Begin your mystic journey with mental prayer and recitation of the Divine Names, and you'll see. Read the Saints about it too.

We will get a Vatican III and it will blow out the smoke of satan and make Holy Mother Church pure once more.

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we have theosis (sometimes called Divinization) but we didn't have a big controversy about it in the west like what happened with barlaam and palamas so it never came became as prominent.

You seem very pompous. No offense.
but "mystic mental prayer" journeys are not for everyone at the beginning. They can do you harm if your heart is not prepared yet.

Compare that to "masses cannot appreciate the fine things in God". So you do, only "elect" are called to appreciate it, everyone else needs "milk"?
Nice pride you got there.

Hope and pray the rosary every day to shoo the modernism away.

How do I get the Catholic perspective on it? Like how important do you guys see Theosis?

Well he's a Catholic.


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Placing intellectualism above spirituality is the opposite of religion.

it's faith and reason not pride and prelest ok


What do you guys think of Asceticism as a means of achieving Theosis?

This notion comes from the church fathers, and saint augustine is one of those who taught deification. This concept is better and the loss of it is severe while orthobros still have the notion of participation or the patristic theology of image to conceive the beatific vision.

What is it ? clues if you don't want to give pearls to pigs ?
What is this ?

The same as the Tradition and monks.