Internet Atheist

Why are atheist on the internet so aggressive and have a hive mentality? Every creationist video on Youtube is excessively down voted regardless of how good the arguments are, and in the comment section ad hominems and the same shitty atheist mantras are repeated over and over again like
and these awful comments are up voted to oblivion, they rarely make a good argument, or any argument at all.

When someone say they'll be praying for someone, or when someone who might even be a secular person says "thank god" it triggers them into making a snarky reply. They're in every Youtube video ready to down vote and make an autistic comment, on every Youtube reply they don't like like the one I just mentioned, every post on Twitter by a Christian account that doesn't involve them, everywhere online. Even music videos of Christmas music isn't safe.

I'd say atheist are to Christians on the internet as Pharisees were to Jesus (minus the crucifixion), just following him around in his life and just scoffing at him and making edgy remarks.

Why do they act like this, seriously? I'm just so tired of seeing the same case over and over again. I just can't understand their behavior as to why they're like this whatsoever. And it's surprising because of atheist specifically (and not just non-religious or unaffiliated people) make up such a small percent of the population, they make is seem like they're much larger than they really are. Does anyone have a possible explanation as to why they're like this?

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I was never an atheist, but when I was younger and stupid, I also had an inexplicable hostility to many mentions of Christianity… unfortunately. All I really had in my head were TV preachers and Robert Tilton though.

As a Christian now (for decades btw.. I really did convert), I'm convinced some of those bad influences (like the TV preachers) are put there by Satan for precisely that reason: To keep people AWAY from knowing who God actually is.

I know what you mean, it's rather awful that people treat each other like that, but this world is only a vanishing speck and we will all reap our own judgement in the end.

I keked.
But conveniently he left out that science nukes people and religion preaches peace to all man of good will (except Islam, Judaism and pagans)

To release their inner anger because their parents made them go to church at a young age.

It's largely the adolescent urge to individuate, i.e., become a person independent of one's parents, mixed with philosophical ignorance, pride and—almost always—poor religious instruction. When children are raised in the faith with discipline, attentiveness and love, these edgy atheist phases never occur, or, if they do, they are brief.

Sadly, there are Christians who are not much better, they get angry themselves and can't control their emotions and make a rude reply back. Still, you don't see flocks of them down voting atheist videos or going into their comment sections, even though Christians are the majority in the west.

It most likely is philosophical ignorance, I also think atheist channels target creationist with terrible, easily debunked arguments and so all they know about creationist arguments are these terrible ones. But this still doesn't explain their aggressiveness much and the hive mentality.

Downvotes and upvotes
Its reddit mentality that if other people do it and gets popular, I should do it to. Its really funny to debate them because they get super triggered and said I don't believe in God therefore he doesn't exist

The aggression is a symptom of hubris; these kinds of people genuinely believe they are superior to others based upon their apparent intellectual power, and that their superior wisdom authorises them to dominate those beneath themselves.

It is of the devil.

It's the Dunning-Kruger effect in action, and on the other side it could be why hillbilly Christian apologist who are philosophically and scientifically illiterate and blot out better apologist like say, Bill Craig, giving atheist the only knowledge of Christian apologist from a handful of southern preachers.

However none of this explains why Christians who aren't very bright themselves but can't see it aren't flooding atheist videos and comments themselves and doing the same things I mentioned, despite Christians making up much more of the population.

I just am trying to understand why atheist act this way specifically on social media, and not Christians.

It makes them feel intellectually superior. It doesn't help that some of those videos genuinely have very bad arguments, making it easy to feel superiority by watching them floundering at making a case.

Because Christians are called foremost in life to live and act according to love.

Atheists consider love an illusory byproduct of chemical phenomena which encourages sexual intercourse. For Christians, by contrast, love is what moves the stars.

Fedoraism BTFO, how will (((they))) ever recover?

There's a war out there!!
We at /r/athiesm will not stop fighting you God fearing plebs!!
*slurps mountain dew*

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The vast majority of them are former Christians who were indoctrinated in school and have since come to resent their upbringing. They also lack morals.
Atheism is a religion with gods of its own (celebrities, career, wealth, etc.). They don't come to their own conclusions through independent thought, but instead based on what TV celebs and scientific theory (which always changes) say.
Kek, I noticed that too. It can be anything from Orthodox chants to Skillet, and most of the comments are:
So on and so forth… it's funny (but mostly annoying) how much they want validation. I wouldn't mind seeing a Christian video streaming service that prohibits atheism, porn, etc..

Are there any consistently used atheist boards left on Zig Forums?

>>>/b/ is still pretty popular

>>>Zig Forums as well (modern heathenry is but a half-baked, contrarian form of psychology-based ethics, not religion).

What do they have to gain with this. Why as you said rightfully they think it's a war?
It seems like atheism is a religion and they need to convert people to it. It's the only possible explanation.
Otherwise if we are all going to die and life is meaningless and all that mumbo jambo, what's the point of convincing people to say God doesn't exist? I just don't get it. Will they get to atheist hell if they die believing in God?

And all the atheists are atheists because either they are teens, don't want to change their lives as the knowledge of God's existance requires and/or never read Aquinas to which no one ever was able to prove his arguments wrong.
They just pretend the only argument for God's existance is the shitty one proposed by Descartes. Its funny that in high-school one never learn who was St. Thomas Aquinas. When discussing religion who only gets presented with the most fallacious arguments supporting Christianity, we don't learn the problem of evil was already solved centuries ago and the best argument they present in favor of religion is that reason doesn't matter only blind faith, unknowingly that in Christianity the faith is supported by reason and by reason one realises he must accept the revealed truths and really require faith and are above the intellect.
But of course this would destroy the atheist religion.

Because atheism is a fundamentalist religious cult.

Yeah, its like a cult

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To free yourself from the slave mentality of obeying an imaginary sky daddy's arbitrary rules. I mean, think about all the extramariatal pussy could could (but won't) get and all the porn you could watch.

(sorry for samefagging)
Also just thing about it, if it wasn't for religion we could all be exploring the stars right now. Religion has been holding science back for centuries. Once we have broken the chains of superstition, reason will set us free. I mean sure, I am not going to study STEM and be an actual scientist, but I will provide intellectual artillery.

They are children mostly, I hope at least, I remember being an edgy atheist and filling youtube comment sections with snarky and poorly thought out arguments when I was 12, alot of (((((((((((((secular))))))))))))) apologists don't offer good arguments for religion either, not to mention media outright lies about Christianity and continually paints it as "crusade bad, freedom good, you want feel good yes!" which leads them to a false sense of superiority from picking on strawmen and old boomers
Oh and secular Christianity not being strict enough and not teaching the Gospel of Jesus and morals properly

Being a slave of my own passions?
No thanks
I'm free in the Lord.

Lmao didn't get that you were joking lad.

It isn't religion that did that. It's Rationalism (as opposed to Empiriicism. They are NOT the same).

Sadly, the church (especially in the West, but sometimes the East with it's Gnostic heretics) attached itself to rationalism too strongly, via a fascination with Plato and Aristotle.. but it was a mistake. They have nothing to do with Christian thinking on it's own. Take it from Carl Sagan himself. Even he is fair about it, and doesn't churn out the usual highschool meme that it's "religion's fault".

That's a false reading, there has been plenty of philosophical pruning of pagan aspects of Aristotle. You could at least READ St. Aquinas' commentary on it before you pretend to be an authority.

Aquinas himself disavowed his own writings. And if you're willing to believe it, I experienced something probably similar to what he did. Perhaps just a dose. But even that changes and humbles you. Just like it did St. Paul, who, "was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter."

Sadly, you Thomists strangely hang on every word that the author himself didn't want you to. And then tell others to submit to them to boot. I think not. It is all but "straw", as he said. Learn now or the hard way that you shouldn't dissect the Mystery of God.

Complete nonsense, Aquinas saying that all of his writings are "like straw" compared to even a momentary glimpse of the Beatitude isn't a refutation of his own work, and nobody has ever considered it as such.

No, I'm not.

Is that you, Planetar?