Today is MLK day

What is your honest opinion on Reverend Martin Luther King Jr? Was he a good role model for Baptists and other Christians as well?

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From what I heard, he did some dodgy stuff…like betraying his wife and stealing speeches. I haven’t made my mind on him yet.

Rabble-rouser, same as the rest.

He was the Steven Anderson of his era. Take that as you will.



- he was an adulterer
- he was funded by civil rights promoters (jews)

he was a glorified mouth-piece, and I'm not even a Zig Forumsack.

Like being a Zig Forumsack is a good thing in the first place…other than that I pretty much agree.

It's fun to believe in a revolution and it's leader but my intuition always tells me he is a phony.

Isn't that FBI disinfo?

For all of his faults (and I'm not sure which ones to believe), he paid with his life in a good cause. And if he's such a phony, or bad on doctrine, at the end of the day a lot of that doesn't matter compared to dying for something. I might be wrong, but that last series of speeches and rallies he was doing was to simply help get garbage men and city workers better wages or something. There's all kinds of people I disagree with on doctrine, but I can't help but admire things like this. I may not agree with a lot of Catholics either, but I admire those priests in Syria who gave their lives… or just the simple kid who was a Catholic who decided to not give in to ISIS's threats. What the hell am I doing in comparison to that?

I am not that aware of his case but he seems to have been a vanguard of civil rights movement back in days. In short jews used him to fuel racial tension in US.
I do not know if he was a fag/adulterer and I do not care really. He was definitely a part of the progressive wave that now shills for inclusion of transgenders and even pedophiles.
I will just point out that media adore him, there is even a mlk day. If you have not figured out that they nowadays make "heroes" out of the worst scum on this earth you should probably follow news more closely.

MLK day was started by Reagan, funnily. It's not some progressive only thing. It's kind of standard/generic American stuff.

Well those "conservatives" that conserve leftism few years back are not really conserving anything anyway.


Nope it's not

MLK was a good guy though, he lived and died when racism was prejudice, and before it was dishonestly re-invented as prejudice + power. Of course, that makes it impossible to judge where he'd stand on matters now.


According to his niece (who's a big Pro-Lifer), she says he was quite conservative and would probably oppose abortion (I would hope so for any minister however).

One funny thing I ran across makes me think he's extremely conservative by today's standards. He once had a Q and A column in the 50s, and a kid asked about rock music.

"I am a 17-year-old musician and I belong to the church. I play gospel music and I play rock ’n’ roll. Is it a sin to play rock ’n’ roll music for a living?

Answer: The question of whether playing rock and roll for a living is sinful or not sinful is really not the basic question confronting you. The real question is whether one can be consistent in playing gospel music and rock and roll music simultaneous. It seems to me that one must decide to either play gospel music or rock and roll. The two are totally incompatible. The profound sacred and spiritual meaning of the great music of the church must never be mixed with the transitory quality of rock and roll music. The former serves to lift men’s souls to higher levels of reality, and therefore to God; the latter so often plunges men’s minds into degrading and immoral depths. Therefore, I would say that you would be giving your life to a more noble purpose if you concentrated on the music of the church rather than rock and roll. Never seek to mix the two."

Hardly anyone thinks this way anymore.

It's unbiblical and satanic to be racist.

What about race realism?

He was NOT a Baptist and NOT a role model for anyone.

His dad was named Michael too, but loved Martin Luther so much he renamed himself and his son. AND MLK Jr. still liked going by Michael himself in private. Martin was more his dad's idea. But besides that, this is the pettiest reason to dislike the guy.

Biblically speaking, races are just people wh adapted to different climate. Scientifically speaking race doesn't exist and there are more variations within racial groups than between them.

Inherently naturalist argument, not supported by the Bible

It is superior to being a lefty in every way.
At least they have something in common with us.

No it isn't.
Acts 17:26
And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;

It's the other way around.
This is the scientific concept of race.

The Bible also calls out against mixing in Tobit 4:12

Not really a fan, but I really like the quote from pic related

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Sure, a broken bone is favourable to cancer, but still…much vikangz and muh Semitic religion an muh pure uwhite monolidigg guldure is still laughable.

That's not Zig Forums, that's CIA/NSA/JIDF. Notice the pagan larping only started in 2017.

Well we all have quirks and you'll just have to tolerate them.
Anyone who studies christianity understands that it's more hellenic than semetic, and for racial issues, I don't care what people want to believe. I stick with my own kind because it strikes me as the best option.

Christianity creates vast material wealth for it's followers which can lead them astray. Then we end up worshipping ourselves and inhabiting this goofy degenerate utopia

At best, when a person says that they are a "race realist", what they really mean is this: "I'm a racist, but I'm not one of THOSE racists!" ( I.e. stereotypical violent KKK/Neo-Nazi/Skinhead types.) At worst, said term is often utilized by real racists as a passive-aggressive way to get people to drop their guard and gradually become acclimated to real racism. In other words, if you're unironically using the term, there's a good chance that, to put it charitably, you're not being on the up and up.

You sound like a liberal college professor. What do you mean by "real racism"?

What do you think NEET National Socialism is?

And then we got those wretched guitar masses anyway, because so many churches are scared of alienating the youth.

What about white separatism?

Why did he preach in the Ebenezer Baptist Church?

Because they're heretics who call themselves Baptist

meh, i'd say its alright as long as you aren't driven by your beliefs to hatred of others. Especially others who proclaim the same gospel as you. For example, just what do you plan to do with the extra minorities that would be in the borders of your white separatist state after it is proclaimed?

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Based and checked

Repatriation, just like Lincoln and everyone else said

He was apparently against sodomites as well


The name says it all.


That's because of COVENANT. Not race. Any actual race could join the people of Israel and convert. Because it's more about covenant. Even some of Jesus' own ancestors were these converts (Ruth).




Protestants bowing to their overlords everytime.

Its was for (You)

U mad bro?

Shut up, homo

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I guess who are already saved who the winnie the pooh needs to be charitable right?

Don't even get me started on faggotry in protestantism kek.


Pastor Anderson pays to to spread lies or is it your father?

Speak English, Paco

I can fully hold to the Deuterocanon and not follow the "papa" in Rome. Consider me a more neutral party (Orthodox).

Tobit's verse is still about covenant. In fact, everything in scripture is about covenant. Don't think with just the flesh, bros.


Didn't MLK deny the divinity of Christ? Heresy is the greatest crime a man can commit.

I can't find that on the Wikipedia but I'd not be surprised.
The faggot demanded reparations for slavery lol. This is the least. The worse is that he supported planned parenthood.
That's absolutely heresy and leads to murder, I don't see how could he call himself a Christian.
The guy that killed him, although it's a sinful action, made a favour to the world.

I think I read something once about how nowadays our "race" is fellow Christians. I don't remember where though, but maybe somebody knows what I'm talking about.

That is a good thing though.

Supporting sin does not make you a heretic. Denying the doctrines defined at the Ecumenical Councils (on the Trinity for the 1st and 2nd, on the Incarnation for the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th) makes you a heretic.

That's an oxymoron. Job 14:4:


I know that user. I was just mad that people worship this fag.
That is a good thing though.
Are you black?

What if I were? I'm not black, by the way. I'm not sure what my ethnicity has to do with what I said.

Sorry, I didn't notice you replied.
The cultural notions and ideals that have made sure slavery and racial discrimination would be instituted in America were not gone at that time. They are not completely gone today either.

very true. I still reject MLK as a CIA/FBI mouth-piece and social engineering proxy warrior.

Bullshit. The tribes couldn't even interbreed with EACH OTHER. This is laughable.

Why do you feel that blacks (african-americans) receiving reparations from europeans is a good thing?

This doesn't mean anything. This is a bullshit answer. What about white reparations for Muslim slavery? Or for Jewish slavery? And why is racial discrimination, or the acknowledgment of racial homogeneity amoral in your worldview?

ok, so all those mixed race saints in heaven are bad? this isn't some 20th century thing, miscegenation has occurred for centuries, God seems to hate the works of fornication and adultery more than mixed-race people marrying properly

Nope, you won't move the goalposts on me. The argument was about the Israelites; specifically that ANYONE could join them and that it wasn't about racial homogeneity but covenant. Which is wrong. Not only did God smite them for mixing with the Midianites, but later explicitly told them NOT to mix the tribes. So a Levite couldn't even breed with a Ruebanite.

I dont know much about MLK, so I dont have a real opinion on him. That being said, I do not like the current integrationalism in America.

I understand the need for blacks to have the same opportunities and treatment by the state. That is "equal".

But I consider my """race""" (more like ethnicity) to be very important to me and I dont want it to become mixed with all the others and lost

Puck unrelated.

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FBI put out some files on him, not much good to say, talk of him beating women and getting into homo orgies, wasn’t a good man according to the DOD. Talk of Marxism, debauchery, bad stuff. I asked my granddad about this, he said everyone back in the 60’s knew this about him, makes me wonder if it was disinformation, who knows? Rabbit holes left and right. Love him for dreams of equality but was most likely a civil tool and usually these social freedoms are satanic in this origin. Read it and think for yourself.

Overall MLK on the surface was a pretty cool guy, doesn’t afraid of nothing. Not Malcom X-Black panther-tier, but something was fishy fishy…

It looks like he was handled by Stanley Levison, who among other things, attended the re-incarnation of the Frankfurt School. This is a very good document by the way, user. I thank you for it.

Plus he denied the Trinity.

The DOD organizations are known for disinfo so just be careful with what you read

If there's one thing I trust the pre-2000's government with, it's their assessment of communist activity.

Ehhh social engineering is social engineering, the 60’s is a highlight of peak puppeteering, but take it for what you will

It's unbiblical and satanic to be a faggot.
Also screw your bait user.

Hmm let;s see who disagrees with you:

If race does not even exist you cannot be racist. Lol mate you are either retarded leftist or you are severely misguided in your beliefs. Wish you the best though.

Is this for real? Then what kind of "Christian" was he? Even the real Martin Luther would cut his balls for that.

ok, so what tribe are you in? judah? are you even racially pure? I demand to see your genetic tests! if you stray even a drop, I proclaim your entire blood-line damned!

or something

Not him, but…

Now use proper biological or theological terminology.

Muslims do need to make reparation for slavery. People forget that the slave trade (of many ethnicities, not just white people) has been pioneered by the Arabs, and justified by their religion.
Sadly no one wants to hear that today because white people want to put Islam on a pedestal if it allows them to shit on Christianity, while black people are being fed propaganda that Islam is the traditional religion of black people and Christianity is from the white devil.

Is this a serious question? Because I am a Christian.
God created us male and female, but He did not create us with several races. Adam and Eve were the same race, racial divisions are only a later consequence. This is, for instance, why bishops and priests acting "in persona Christi" during the Liturgy means they have to be male but their ethnicity does not matter.
Furthermore the division of nations that happened at the Tower of Babel was undone at Pentecost. The commandment on not marrying non-Jews that Moses gave is carried on in the Church, as we cannot marry non-Christians. You might say there are only two races - the race of Adam and the race of Christ.

And of course, our hierarchy has condemned racism and racialism several times, even in the context of ecclesiological heresy (ethnophyletism). For instance, the first result I can pull up:

But how is giving money to people that have never been slaves, from people that never owned slaves, going to solve anything?

Also, should the descendants of African slavers (i.e. the modern population of coastal West African countries) pay reparations to New World blacks as well?

Apparently one who liked group sex.

ok, so what tribe are you in?
The Germanic one. Or Pan-Europe if you will. There was once a dream that was America…

That's my point. More whites were enslaved by Arabs then blacks by whites. And Israel is STILL enslaving whites. But let's talk more about white guilt and owing blacks reparations for slavery. Pay no attention to the fact that 40% of Jews in America owned slaves compared to 1.4% of the overall population! Gimme dat gibs whyte boi!
Didn't he? And do you really want to use the church to back you up here? Let's be clear. The Pope doesn't care who you are so long as you keep those coffers full. Why tax only Europe and America when you can potentially tax the whole world? Pic related is your boy. Notice anything? His hand is cold!

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I'm not sure what you are talking about. Who cares about the Pope? I'm not a Catholic.

No, He did not. Do you have a better response? I brought up scriptures and what our hierarchs teach. What do you bring up?

Observable reality. Between 40,000-60,000 years of evolution in wildly different climates. Differences in skin color, brain size, muscle tissue, knee architecture, body type, bone marrow, DNA, eye color, hair color, voice, speech patterns, IQ, crime rate, propensity to have many or fewer offspring, et cetera.

I do not deny that different races exist, biologically. However, that is not how God created mankind. One can use your argument to also claim that homosexuality, mental illness, etc. are natural, you know.
What I meant by "what do you bring up" was "what other scriptures and teachings from the Church and the Church Fathers do you bring up". I have no interest with debating this on secular grounds, because I am a Christian, and you are a Christian.

Try 400,000-600,000 bub. Try and compare racial differences of today to Neanderthals, and I don't mean use that one cherrypicked Aboriginal skull that ethnocentrists love to use either.

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True. Bolsheviks and Trokstyites came here. Bill Kristol. Ben Shapiro. etc. Kikes should be deported or executed. You don't have to be a natsoc to accept this. Natsocs are race worshipers and a philosophical offshoot from the Enlightenment, same as communism, so spiritually bankrupt.

Faggiest and most incorrect post in the thread.


Can't believe no one posted the Marxist Lucifer King documentary yet
embed isnt working for me

Malcolm X was much more honest and realistic man (republic of new africa or whatever segregatism was probably better for both whites and black), while king was just unrealistic sexual deviant


can you explain this?

Secular humanism. Total worship of the human and the material. There are obvious occult dealings within the groups, but the explicit philosophy is the promotion of the "volk," the race. Communism is the same, just a different aspect- the worker, the Proletariat. Both of them have historically had a worship of a man in leadership, der Fuhrer, Chairman, Great Leader, Comrade. Liberal democracy is no different. All of them are Enlightenment trash and were created to replace the worship of God, and devote it to the State and the People.

i see, essentially nietzschean philosophy with different cloak. whats the issue with the continentals? seems like (with exception of hume, i guess. but english experimentalism is different i guess) their pursuit of "uber-being", and their obsession with it. my theory was that as continental peopple are perpetually embroiled in war, turmoil, etc, they crave for "uber-god", not "weak, meak christian god" i guess.

I can track your exact genetic lineage and places of origin through genetic cluster analysis, and literally all I would need is your spit.

Opinions on this?

Typical hippie platitudes of the cucky "new calvinists" that doesn't address the best theological arguments against them

Like kinism, with its inconsistency?