Hello, friends. Without wanting to start another thirty years war, which denomination do you follow and why? Personally I am unsure, I went to a church of England school and have been many times to both a protestant and Methodist church. I am interested to hear any and all arguments for all denominations.
I follow the Catholic Church externally at least (and internally but it's complicated) as I intuited the location of Christ and salvation to be present there. It has not dissappointed me in the slightest, but has opened the door for things I never imagined.
What things have surprised you?
Too bad. That's probably what you're going to get. We don't have polite threads anymore. Every thread devolves to denominational shitflinging until the thread gets nuked now.
I would say I'm a southern Baptist. I was raised catholic, but have recently started to really look at what the Bible says and compare that with a lot of catholic doctrines and just didn't see a whole lot of connection between the two.
I guess we'll just have to wait and see
Why southern baptist as opposed to other denominations except catholic?
It was the first one that stuck out to me, and when I was reading through the Baptist Faith and Message I realized I was agreeing with everything in it.
I'm a Baptist because it's the most faithful theological tradition to the Bible
I have been surprised by both the strictness of having to adhere to certain dogmas, but the limited nature of them all at the same time, sort of paradoxically, allows for freedom in all things. There is also a freedom in the sense that you know you're spiritually protected of you do x, y, and z things, so the rest of your life is freed for prosperity in all you do (not necessarily material wealth which is suspect, but flourishing and excellence).
First, make sure that you have accepted Christ as God, and any denomination that essentially believes in the same basic ideas as the Bible should be good.
Catholic, because it is the original Church Christ founded, and western Christians would be united if it weren't for the Deformation.
Because when I was on my spiritual journey, I tried pretty much all of the denoms. Prot, Orthodox, Occult (Roseacrutian), and even Islam but none if them could ever fix me of my iniquity like the Catholic Church could.
There is just something about praying the rosary everyday that just saved me from being a bitter degenerate Zig Forumsack I once was to the patient and loving man it transformed me into. It was in Jesus' Church I found my fiancée.
Even though the smoke of satan is tormenting Holy Mother Church, I won't abandon her again because life seems hard and all hope seems lost.
Also this
Reformed because I can read the Bible and believe it when it says I'm saved by grace.
I am but a lowly catechuman in the Antiochean Orthodox Church, and have been only seriously going since December, but after so much confusion and spiritual decay in my life, it is the right place to be. I feel at home there, and calmly reside in the life and beauty of the liveliest congregation I have ever seen. It is the origin, has so many rites and symbols going back thousands of years, and yet is timeless. The whole experience, from the new saints on the icons to the brimming church library (hundreds if not thousands of books, many of them in English, but many others in Russian, Greek, and Arabic), is something I've summed up with "What, you did not seriously think it all ended in the 20th century, did you?"
It is the Christianity you can reach out and touch, and yet it is all the more mystical for it. The promise of a deeper connection to God as one purifies and gains greater contrition is fascinating to behold, and a fine builder of calm patience. Before I found this church, I had begun to despair, but through their teachings, I have realized that despair is the ultimate impatience.
It is a solid but joyful bulwark against the forces unleashed by the Reformation, and I am well pleased to join its ranks.
Oh, and that hymn? That's our church choir singing it.
church of Christ.
What came out of the Restoration movement of Alexander Campbell and Barton W. Stone.
What happened to Orthodox general thread?
KJV only Independent Fundamental Baptist. I have no desire to go to an enormous cathedral and speak in a language I don’t know
It's right here
This thread asked for the where and why, so I answered.
I am Catholic, was born one. When coming back to the faith to be more serious about it, I found that Protestanism didn't make any sense to me, neither did Orthodoxy. I also like being hated on so much. We've also had so much power and influence over the whole world. The whole world uses our Calendar. Even muzzies have to use a calendar made by a Pope hahaha.
Okay yes, the truth is out. I am Catholic because of the Gregorian Calendar.
Episcopalian. I like the via media doctrine. It's the only church that I can find that's fine with me practicing my faith in both Catholic and Protestant ways. I like that it's open communion to all baptized Christians because unless you deny the Trinity and Creeds, I don't believe in the whole "only our church is right and if you're not a part of our specific church, you aren't saved by Christ."
Despite my disagreements with some of the leftist things the Church pushes, it truly is a welcoming church and has personally helped my faith grow tremendously over the years.
i used to be a independent fundamentalist baptist, i was born and raised one, however i became very disappointed in the people of the church and the way they became , eventually people started not caring or double crossed everyone in their path for positions. our pastor was caught stealing and slept with someone else's wife. he eventually was confronted by a leader and he ran saying it wasn't true, in the end the video of his actions came up and now a new pastor was elected. the members still don't see how blessed they were with nobody getting hurt or a big scene because of the problem. they still gossip, hurt, and ridicule each other. so i left never to look back.
i believe in God, Jesus, Salvation of my soul. however i also believe in demons, the occult, and Satan that we preached against. not all Christians are the same i understand that. however they take so much advantage of the church, its members, and the liberty they've been given. even yourself as you read this now. I've made a choice and i know who side im on.
Hail Satan,
Its a trollpost.
not really, this happened. i do what i want now. if i came up as a troll than sorry. maybe it the anger i hold. o well i'm done with that chapter in my life
Non denominational.
You may enjoy the material world now. You may be an unironic s*tanist.
But when your judgement day has come and you get sent to see your new "god" you will have no power.
Instead you will be miserable and only know regret as you are punished for all eternity.
Repent before it is too late.
I am my own God, i don’t reguard satan as one. it’s freedom.
Not worry though. I’ll make sure to enjoy all that i do and in the process, you better hold your faith.
I lean towards IFB. I was nondenom when I first got into the Bible. Then seeing that faith alone isn't truly taught among most denominations which includes nondemonationalism as it has denominational biases toward doctrine depending where they stem from, they pushed me farther IFB. Pretty much in the same way SJWs would push one farther right.
Jesus said you gotta strive to enter into the straight gate. You gotta strive because it's so easy to fall into the temptation of following satan's various brands of works salvation whether it be orthodox, Calvinist, catholic, Arminian, BHI, JW, SDA, sacred name, oneness, gnostic, Pentecostal, charismatic, free will Baptist, southern Baptist, Arminian, Islamic, Freemasonic, Jewish, Scientology etc., etc., etc., They all teach trusting in how good of a person you are, so you gotta strive for right doctrine, and that's the real easy believism. It's too easy to do something and then think yourself worthy for something you're not. It's too easy to be that prideful.
Jesus said there was a narrow path. I see the narrow path. That's why I fall in line with IFB.
For me? It's puritanism.
You don’t “enjoy” the passions. The passions enjoy you as they are turning you into a soulless slave.
Freedom is only possible in a society with a strict adherence to morality.
Atheism leads to a denial of mans dignity. We’re all just big computers right? We’re all just DNA according to this radical materialism. A computer does not have free will. A computer is just a machine to be used and broken without dignity. Mass shooters follow this to its rational conclusion. But fedoras can’t stomach that.
We all operate under the correct first premise that man has dignity. Theists have an argument explaining this: man is created in the image of God and therefore has dignity. Atheists don’t have one. It’s just muh feels. We feel like we have dignity. Blah blah blah.
I don't think it would be accurate for me to say that I follow a certain denomination. When I came to believe, I simply started studying the Bible and my convictions automatically caused me to fall under the umbrella of Protestantism. Tho I don't know exactly which sub-denom of Protestantism.
Non-denom, but I follow free-will Baptist theology. It's the most historically and scripturally valid perspective IMO.
Assemblies of God, mostly because of how I was raised and the work they do overseas.
I'm always open to the idea that I may be wrong, but my driving belief behind denominations is "Unity on key issues and grace on secondary issues." I disagree with some of the tenets of my own church, much less other denoms, but I consider anybody who places their faith in Christ and believes the Nicene Creed as a fellow brother in Christ. I may be a prot., but I'll take a Catholic who truly believes over some cultural "Christian" who tolerates Sodomy and infanticide any day of the week.
Lutheran because despite the memes hyper-conservative synods still exist, and the theology is sound.