Thoughts on redditors using this verse to push an anti-borders message?

Thoughts on redditors using this verse to push an anti-borders message?

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Immigrants=/= foreign visitor

It's about welcoming the immigrant among them, not the illegal alien, the criminal, who broke their laws to be there.

The correct translation is sojourner and even some English Bibles use that word. He’s a visitor not an invader.

I think they should go back to reddit

Tell them the Tower of Babel is more applicable for their anti-border/globalist message

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Peaceful visitors don't try to extort money from the place they are supposedly fleeing to. These illegals are not only endangering their lives and the lives of their children, they are disrespecting the sovereignty of that state.

It's like me comming to (your) house to live there without your permission. If you don't let me in, i'll stay there on your lawn, make a big scene, and throw rocks and molotovs at your walls unless you pay me with your hard earned cash money.

We are called to treat them with love, yes, but if they are acting like criminals the most loving thing to do is to correct them. With either words or the justice of the law.


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You can point out all the other places in Leviticus where it says those foreigners have to follow your religious laws, up to and including stoning them to death for blaspheming the name of the Lord. Then you point out the other parts like killing gays and ask if we should follow Leviticus or not.

I've always speculated the "wall" has been a red herring or Trojan horse or something of that nature to box people in.

Lol no

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I don't know if I should be too trusting of the government. It seems to me at this point that people just want to see it built to have something be salvageable from this turbulent administration. 42℅ according to latest polls (for what they're worth) and I'd be inclined to believe it's a generous figure at that.

Those who emigrate to Israel must be treated as if they were Hebrews. That means they are subjected to the same laws though. It doesn't give them a free pass to commit crime or blasphemy.

Who's saying it does?

Many left-wing people think that foreigners should be allowed to do illegal things, chief among which is illegal immigration (but also stealing, molesting, imposing religious law on others, etc).

To say that the wall is to “box people in” is ludicrous.

You think liberals want immigrants to rape and steal things? I know that the leftists can be quite naive but I wouldn't impose any ill will on their part. If they think further about what they believe in they'll realise that in fact they're doing more harm than good.

I've never been to egypt

I do not think left-wingers (I will not say "liberals" as the left-wingers in my country are not liberals) "want" immigrants to rape and steal. I think, however, that they want immigrants to be given more wiggling room than the native-born, with the false excuse of "multiculturalism" and "tolerance". Chief among which is, again, wanting to remove illegality from illegal immigration.
They want those who immigrate to be treated like native-born when it's convenient (when they are given the benefits of being native-born) and like strangers when it's convenient (when the legal consequences of committing crime cease to concern them because "they're not from within our culture").

What about Pentecost, which undid the scattering of humanity at the Tower of Babel?

these are leftists were talking about here. they value their feels over the reals. they feel whatever the TV tells them to feel. I bet you when Obama and Chuck Schumer were for the wall the same leftists would agree blindly what's the Praises that the media would be giving the two.
I pray for these leftist open their eyes and learn the truth about their destructive policy everyday, but boy is it hard sometimes to stay patient and not angry

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Too many people were receptive to all the government clamp downs on security loop holes after 9/11. I say he also rose to power on such an outrageous concept. But the movement has lost steam in large part to some of his petty shenanigans which served to alienate potential support.
Most people would like freedoms, social benefits, and end to unskilled migrant labor but instead we're continually forced between two bad options.
It appears the current administration will be used to either polarize America further or bury the prospects for a cohesive nationalist policy.
I hope the 15% represented in this graph from the slanted media grows into it's own force.

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We’re going to win the next election too, be cause the proggies have only doubled down on the same BS that caused them to lose in the first place.

Doesn't look like it.
3rd party is the future.

Using the word of Scripture to push your own agenda, twisting and abbreviating it to suit your desires is literally the oldest trick in the book. So old, that it's even depicted in the Bible itself several times.

Well if they're gonna go down that route, then they should be more concerned with spreading the Gospel under the name of Jesus Christ. Shouldn't they?

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I'm pretty sure that says "resides among you" not "crosses your border".


I'm not a levite, idiot.

best answers tbh


If you think about it, a 3rd party can skew an election because it splits a party, basically giving votes to the opposite party. Which I'm all for!

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