Do American Evangelicals support Israel because they think Palestinian Christians aren't Christians because they're mostly Catholic or Orthodox? Many Evangelicals tend to think Apostolics aren't Christians.
Do American Evangelicals support Israel because they think Palestinian Christians aren't Christians because they're...
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They are dumb, and interpret the Bible in a way that only through having good relations with jews is it possible to go to heaven.
To be fair, the entire world pretty much fell for this interpretation.
Do you want the real answer?
The reason why American Evangelicals lust after Israel is because of these three facts; A) Dispensationalism became really popular during the 1800's as a counteraction to the growing liberalism and unbelief within the American populace. B)After WWII with the introduction of Jews in America, there was a sharp rise of Zionism among the churches, even to the point it impacted the publishing of bibles. C) For many followers of the restoration movement, they just want the end times become dealt with, and (in their limited understanding) they believe things like the rebuilding of the last temple. Which cannot really happen until the Jews are in Israel
It isn't just limited to Palestine either. They just so happen to play cheerleader for all of the surrounding Middle East conflicts, which end up torturing or murdering Christians in these regions as well (Syria, Egypt, Iraq).
I don't care what they think or what their "doctrinal" issues are. I just want them to stop.
They support Israel because they are easily influenced.
(((judeo-christian))) values is a concept that is literally packaged and branded together and sold to boomer protestants in north america.
Its never explained in any detail, its just repeated ad nauseam through advertising to Christian target markets. The fact that jews define themselves by their rejection of Jesus as Christ never even crosses the prots minds (not all of them,but most). It's infuriating.
It's largely an American right/republicanism association, and evangelicals are the base of the Republican party. The narrative is all zogged and most conservatives dont go down the rabbit hole.
Why does there have to be so many separate threads for this? Is this the new "Baptists are Arians" posting?
Ftfy. The average Evangelical doesn't care about Catholics or Orthodox Christians. Boomers tune into Fox News or CBN, watch brown people get blown up, and then are told by the reporters how to feel about it.
You don't want the end times become?
American Evangelicals support Israel because "Conservative" leadership is philosemitic, low church Protestantism is easy for (((them))) to manipulate into whatever end they want, and as others have said, judeo-christian values meme and so on.
There is nothing more pathetic tbh. also this and this and this
Everyone but Orthodox, Tradcats, and…. independent fundamentalist Baptists for some reason. If there ever happens (God forbid) a great persecution, it will be against these.
True. But to be fair the "trad squad" is probably much smaller than it seems. Even some "tradcats" fall for it, even some Orthodox and fundamental Baptists.
The issue is that many people across denoms do not take their faith seriously, sadly even if their representatives clearly say what the true doctrine is.
Such is the living in the end times I guess.
They believe ethnic Jews are God's special Holy people, even in light of the gospel of Jesus as the Messiah and initiator of the New Covenant, which Jews explicitly reject and blaspheme. It really is that simple. I live in an evangelical Baptist area and if you ask someone about Jews / Israel they just say they're God's special people thus we have to support them, or that if we don't support them God won't support us. Idk where they got it from tbh. They don't know either.
They got it from God's blessing to Abraham in Genesis… except they don't read their own bibles and realize Paul illuminated the text in light of Christ.
"And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed." - Gen 12:3
"Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ." - Gal 3:16
Very rarely does the Apostle (or any scripture) become so precise on the difference between plural and singular.. but he made a point of it just to get it through their thick skulls. The whole Epistle he's pretty incensed, because they were being Judaized.
"O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you? This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith? Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?"
Its change everything but apocalypse still talks about jews and i think it must happen this way or another. You know show must go on
The American ""Evangelical"" in power push an ideology that supports Israel for almost certainly political reasons. I'm sure there are many good political reasons to support Israel. However the average lay-Evangelical gets fed this stuff from Fox news and psudo-mainstream media about how Israel is full of Jews, and Jews are a continuation of sorts of the OT Israelites (they aren't, the Church is). Throw in some dispensationalism and patriotism, and now you have a group of people that want to support Israel
A) for political reasons
B) Because they were told to
C) Because muh dispensationalism
D) G-d's chosen people
A) Could be a legit reason, B) is an unfortunate reality, but C) and D) are just bad theology. Some, like Dr. John MacArthur who I greatly respect, claim that God is not finished with the Jewish people, as there are some prophecies that have not yet been fulfilled and only make sense if God will in some way deal with even a small portion of modern Jews. I couldn't be bothered to watch the 6 part, over 1hr each, (((Youtube))) video series he made defending the position, so I have no idea if it has any merit or not.
Also the media has fed the idea that to not support Israel means you are anti-semetic. That is stupid, and reject even by a lot of alt-right/nu-conservatives and obviously the leftists, but the boomers bought it, and they hate authoritarianism, which means they hate Nazis and the associated anti-semetism.
The sad part is there are probably cultural "christians" who actually think like that. May the Lord be gracious to them and open their eyes to their idolatry.
Isn't that true though? Don't Jews reject him?
The apostles, first martyrs, and some of the greatest saints through the centuries have been Jews. The calling is always there. What Dispensational Evangelicals specifically teach is damaging.. that Jews are somehow seperate or don't need the gospel. It's another meme that needs to be destroyed.
And Jesus first said during his earthly ministry: "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." -Matt 15:24
And the Apostles as well. "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek." -Romans 1:16
And it was so rooted in Jewish hopes that Peter was first surprised that the Roman centurion Cornelius wanted to be baptized..along with his whole household. But he when saw the Holy Spirit came upon them, it fully settled on him that the Gospel was much bigger than Jew or Gentile.
Not to bring racism into the discussion, but I think it's a white guilt phenomenon. It's a way for """""rightwingers""""" to virtue signal how not racist they are and to distance themselves from anti-semitism while also maintaining a """""christian""""" image of themselves by supporting Christ-murdering apostates.
You may be on to something.
Intentional or not, they actually being even more anti-Semitic by not recognizing the curse that Jews placed themselves under. And to top it off, they think they're already chosen and don't need the gospel. So they not only refuse to see the curse - but they withhold the cure as well. Which is Christ.
Explain why you hate jews so much then. I'm pretty sure half the reason Catholicism is so popular on here is that half the edgelords from Zig Forums ran to find whatever would let them justify their hatred. As a protestant, I don't love Jews more than any other people, but I do recognize Israel as being better nation than Palestine or any surrounding Middle Eastern country.
Stop bearing false witness. All nations are trash as well.
That's a self-fulfilling prophecy. A lot of Palestine were simple people for centuries (many were and still are Christians btw.. unlike your Jew buddies). But how do you expect a society to develop under Apartheid like conditions? It drives many of them nuts… both Christians and Muslims (however, it's the Muslims driven to extreme actions). Then when they act up, Israel can point and go "Look! They're animals! It's so much better with us in charge, don't you agree?" Self-fulfilling prophecy. They weren't doing any of this crap until the state of Israel.
You know Tel - Aviv is the sodomite capital of the world, right? How can they claim to be children of Abraham when they do the works of their father, the devil?
What child of Abraham hijacks three Palestinian tv stations to broadcast porn as a weapon?
Sauce related:
I don't like muslims as much as the next guy, but at least they know the evils of sodomites and usury.
Pics also very related
Whoa there! Watch out with quoting Jesus. You'll offend Evangelicals and their real gods.
On a related note: Jews demand warnings and notes be put in all New Testaments.
"Jewish leaders are calling for new editions of the Bible and Koran to carry warning messages which highlight anti-Semitic passages in the holy texts.
The recommendations have been made in a new document called ‘An End to Antisemitism! A Catalogue of Policies to Combat Antisemitism’."
Evangelicals will be the first to cave (luckily, I don't read the "New Standard Revised Modern EXTREME Student Annotated Edition".
Scratch that. Mainline Protestants will be the first to cave.. since they're actually revising the NRSV as we speak, done by the Society of Biblical Literature, which is full of atheists and Jews.
So expect a "Christ edited" bible at a store near you (seriously though… God help us).
I'll stop you right there
They want the rapture …
… and they'll fug over anyone in this lifetime to force Jesus to return and then HE can fix all the intractable sh!7 like Israel, and gays, and abortions, and atheists, and that kid who beat me in the creationism debate at college, and worldwide rejection of Jesus … that we puny Christians are incapable of fixing or living with "for a time"
Plus, and if you're Hagee … God promised Israel … and blood moons …
That's frankly repugnant
He was arguing all through the thread capably, and then this. Why do faggots do this?