How do we stop modern, jewish degeneracy, Zig Forums?

How do we stop modern, jewish degeneracy, Zig Forums?

Offer holocausts to the Lord.

By not sinning nor encouraging others to sin.

Stay true to the Lord and offer yourself to him fully, be an example to others to bring them to Christ, this world is eating itself alive if you haven't noticed, we don't need to do much at all.

You don't stop it.
You stop doing it and encourage others to stop it as well.
You separate yourself from it.
The world doesn't deserve saving, it was always evil. Be separate from the world.

Gnostics get out!
God created the world and declared it good!

That was before the Fall. When Adam fell the entire world fell with him. All aspects of the world are distorted by Original Sin.

Jesus would like a word with you …

I said the world, not the people in the world.
Remember, there will be a NEW Earth.

by stopping the Jews and their pawns

So, wait, you accept that humans deserve saving, but not the world … because of the Fall? How did the dirt and rocks and trees become "evil" in the Fall, when it was humans who fell? Your theology is confusing.

I think you're confusing the "worldly" world and the "natural" world. The worldly world, of which Satan is the prince, is a product of human vanity and as such was always evil. But nature was not created evil.

The whole of creation was corrupted alongside man, as per Romans 8:20-23. Or so goes an interpretation of this passage.

What makes you think that that’s Jewish and not Atheist?

I don't believe the natural world changed at all when Adam and Eve sinned.
The "world" is man-made, it's not the "Earth."

Who is responsible for the spread of atheism? You know the answer.

Since Judaism is centered around God, then it ain't the Jews. Stop being so Zig Forums for once in your miserable, sinful life.

Most ethnic Jews don't believe in God.

Judaism is not centered around God, it's centered around a false god, and they promote atheism among non-Jews because they hate Christ.

Zig Forums has apparently gripped you so hard that you can't even bring yourself to love David's people. Sad.

Jews are our enemies, but we DO love them. We want them to repent and to stop promoting trash in our societies. We don't want to kill them.

If you were actually a Christian you would know that Christians are the new people of God and the Jews have been disinherited, hence all Christians are David's people, and conversely the Jews are NOT David's people.

We have one enemy and it is NOT human. Jews are human.

Yes, but politically and ideologically they are our enemies. Stop being desonhest.

So, you believe you're above Matthew 5:43-48 because you "just really hate Jews"? I will pray for God to unstiffen your neck.

Why are you so eager to defend people who hate Christ? And why do you think God has any special regard for any particular ethnic group?

dude i'm
I literally said i love my enemies
go back to Zig Forums

Why are you so eager to hate those who were made in the image of God and deserve dignity and your prayers?


Psalm 139:21-22

I'm just doing what the Bible tells us to do. Matthew 5 tells us to love /our/ enemies, not the enemies of God. The Jews are the enemies of God.

Oooooh … you're cherry picking! How's that cafeteria working out for ya?

Not an argument.

You know there's a whole Bible full of the word of God besides the gospels, right? And there's a LOT of stuff in there about hating the wicked and the enemies of God.

How deep up Zig Forums's ass are you?

Thing is, the Old Testament was far different times. When humanity was in it's infant stage. When it needed to be disciplined, but now that we are in the New Covenant humanity is more mature. Humanity has the means to forgive. Like the woman that was accused of adultery and was condemed to death. What did Jesus do?
don't be an unmerciful servent, user

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Why didn't just Jesus just forgive the pharisee instead of whipping them, hmm?

Before he absolved the prostitute, he wrote something in the sand, it is never mentioned exactly what he wrote, but without knowing we cannot say the death penalty is completely thrown out.

Jewish atheists

Beastly trips speak

Why specifically jews and not atheists in general?

Most atheists are just useful idiots. The real evil people are the ones that control the media, the banks, and academia. The majority of those people are Jewish atheists. vid related

You're wrong. We cannot take your writings on the position seriously, because it implies a sort of progressivism on the part of God, which is ridiculous.

What the Church teaches, is that the Old Testament rules for Israel, are still applicable rules for the True Israel, which is Christ's Heaven and New Earth after the Resurrection.

The unrepentant homosexual, thief, or whore, will not survive, they will die the second death.
Now is the time for mercy, because after death will be Christ's time for the sword.

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No. God did not abolish the Law, He fulfilled it through Christ. All the commandments of Israel of Earth, will be fulfilled in the New Israel of Christ.

Otherwise, you fall into the traditional Jewish claim that Christ couldn't have been the Messiah because He was "violating" or "overthrowing" the Law.

I never said that. The unrepentant will not inherit Heaven, this was said in Scripture by Christ Himself.

If you believe that Judaism is centered around "God" - the capital letter being very important here - it is hard to say if you are christian at all because this religion is built upon denying Christ his divinity. So straighten this aspect up in your conscience. Nobody says you have to go around hammering the jews in every conversation you have. Nobody says you have to agree with that user politically. But theologically if you balieve in one God, that God being the same in Christianity and Judaism, I dare say you are no longer christian then.
Pro tip: Instead of whining about Zig Forums in every thread, read the book pic related to open your eyes.
Why do you always need to insult everyone.

Also as user said. there are "non religious" jews who push atheism because of their hatred towards Christ or because they want to dissolute the faith of some country.

wew this is next level virtue signaling.
We should love our enemies. Saying they are in the wrong is the act of love…You realize that unless they accept Christ they will not get to heaven right?

Strawman. You know very well that this verse is about people because it is ridiculous to say this verse applies to devil and demons.
nice shilling though

Do you have some Zig Forums issues or something? You always seem to bring them up.

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By standing as straight up as we can in this time of general decay.

By stopping indulging in degeneracy and encouraging others to stop indulging in degeneracy. Don't indulge in adultery, masturbation and alcoholism.

What if people mock you for doing that?

Rejoice because Jesus told us they’ll try to do that and worse. Just…don’t be too much of a “weirdo”, acting like a lunatic: be a simple and humble Christian.

Just point out you dislike degeneracy. Seriously there are two kinds of poeople: that will respect you for having morals even though they do not live up to it/do not care to live up to them and then there are people without any morals, any decency…the latter may mock you for that.
Their opinion does not really matter though.

Like…the mockery is the easiest thing that can happen to person.
With my opinions I am cornered into them being ridiculed in MSM daily, sometimes overhearing people ridiculing nationalism/faith/traditions. I am used to people laughing at my values. Fools always laugh at what they do not understand. We should be ready for such minor challenges as ridicule.

From my experience most people will not dare to continue ridiculing it if you show disdain for their approach and show confidence over them mocking you anyway. It works only if it touches you. If not, you will project strength which will gain respect from opponents and will encourage the less confident to come out of their shell, thus increasing our ranks. That is the goal. We have higher numbers people are just afraid because "muh mockery"

Do not wait for others to take charge of the situation. Be the first to step into the battlefield, others will follow.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.

I think "board elitism" is cringe. But try to think about it this way: We got on 8ch christian. Most people do not even know about this board, let alone 8ch pol. Most people know 4chan at most.
That itself does not mean we're "better" but it implies we are somewhat in the rabbit hole and have the potential to get the information hardly accessible by most people on "normal web".

What it means is that by default we should hold ourselves to the highest standard possible. Not because muh 8ch or muh Zig Forums but because it is what we're supposed to do anyway and because we're likely to realize the full extent of seriousness of people falling away from faith. We have the full internet at our disposal to get information. Books, means of memes to propagate our vision, podcasts, interviews….there's a lot. The goal should be to set oneself firm for the real life.

What is essentially needed: create an immovable island in the sea of degeneracy. The waves will not eclipse such an island. When there are people in the sea who want to come to land, they will seek your company.
Like…people, especially on Zig Forums, like to cry about how everything is screwed, about the jews…and then they go on to smear Christianity, shill for paganism and even defend forms of degeneracy. This is just misdirection. Better…be hip, be smart and well read, redpill people irl, if you wish. But hold yourself to the highest virtue you can cultivate. Even if it means discomfort to you, even if it takes months.

Start by dropping jewish porn and masturbation. Go out socialize, start working out, go to church. Read valuable books and learn some hobby. The rest will fall into place and you will change your life for better.
Seriously. The God gave you the information you received here/somewhere else. Those are tokens and you should not hide them in the ground, rather multiply them. I unironically think that being "woke" is more demanding than being ignorant because somehow one is more responsible. What will one say before the almighty? "I knew porn was bad but I did not want to stop". "I knew sodomy is a sin but I did not say anything when it was discussed so people would not mock me".
I did not admit I am Christian because it is not hip right now.
Well as Chrysostom puts it: Think what Christ will say in heaven if you do not succumb: "this son did not do X simply because he was afraid he would offend me, even though people mocked him"

Living for humane approval is base. We should live for Christ approval.