Why are almost all bans permanent now? How come the mods never tell us anything anymore? Sorry I am just confused over how bans work now. Please don't ban me I am sorry if this goes against your sensibilities mods I am not trying to this is just a question so please show Christ loving mercy and just don't ban me for asking this. Please.
Why are almost all bans permanent now? How come the mods never tell us anything anymore...
Other urls found in this thread:
What has this board even come to?
Thank you for providing the best example of why people get banned. Not because of insulting Catholics, but because of being uncharitable to your fellow Christians. I know, I know … you don't recognize Catholics as Christians, but your personal fee-fees aren't involved. This board recognizes Catholics as Christians and, therefore, your rude insults will get you banned.
There's a difference. Here's an example:
1] I disagree with you.
One of these will get you banned.
No censorship at >>>/christianity/
all i ever see on this board is Catholics insulting Protestants and being greatly uncharitable, but of course since this board is under the control of the papists that's ok but when a protestant says anything in return then they instantly get banned forever. There is a clear double standard on here. A guy got banned a while back for posting a greek language post to help people learn the language of the new testament, but the only other language mods allow on here is latin because they are papists. We non-catholics are sick and tired of it. I have no problem with catholic bros but when you get to the point which the mods have gotten to then i am going to make fun of because they deserve it
I did read the pics. Do you not see the "papist faggot" in both pics? Do you not understand the difference between "I don't like thing" and "Everyone who likes thing is FAGGOT!!"? Are you literally 12?
and did you not see the op in that pic write how he hates protestants and nothing happened to him?
t. mod
The OP was asking for help on how to overcome his anger.
Yeah and the Catholic OP misused "affects" when he meant "effects", that should be jail not just a ban
If I were a mod, everyone would be banned and I'd have this board as my own blog. Fear the day they ever make me a mod.
Calling him a Papist Faggot is the surest way to help him overcome his anger, dontcha know!
you are a confirmed mod now.
Then why aren't you banned?
switch out the word protestant with catholic and that would've been an instant perma ban
because you know it would compromise you
No, because we've had threads where an OP is asking help with his anger issues against Catholics. There is a difference between someone asking for help and someone calling him a "X Faggot".
and usually that person ends up banned
Do you honestly believe there is any part of me that cares about being compromised? It's literally a board option to only allow the BO and Vols to make threads. Using that option is not a violation of the global rules for BOs. There would be no repercussions if it were used.
Oh, son … you know nothing.
It's an obvious misdirect to allow him to ramble about his hatred, he had no intent to reform and his later posts proved it
Is there any evidence that he wasn't banned?
There's actually a BUILT IN system for exactly this: public logs! For whatever reason, the mods refuse to enable them. hmmmmmmmmm……
The only choice now is to abandon this place.
This is our promised land
The mods have little to do with it. If the BO has turned off the log, not even the Vols can see it. Literally the only person who can see the board log is Tutor, the BO.
So why won't Tutor enable them?
You'll have to ask Tutor. He's always on Discord.
This thread takes me back just about exactly 2 years. This is a reoccurring them on this board. The long answer and the short answer is, “if you don’t like what the mods are doing start your own board and moderate it yourself.” That is the entire reason why this website was built. So you could start your own boards and have your own conversations. winnie the pooh I’m getting old, no one remembers the history of image boards.
And how is the mod team doing? It’s been a long time since I’ve paid attention to this place. I presume there’s been a bit of turnover and a few new faces?
Why are you taking screenshots that are easily faked instead of archiving the thread?
sadly this is the new normal
While we're all probably going to be banned for saying any of this, this post is the pinnacle of everything wrong:
>diabolical hatred of protties in that pic's OP
< No ban
< Eternal ban. No forgiveness. No parole. No return.
Second pic
>diabolical hatred of protties expressed without restraint but pretending it's a question about "how do i control it, lol, like I mean to"
< No ban
< Eternal ban. No forgiveness. No parole. No return.
So, which is worst in the eyes of God: submitting oneself to Satan with blind and abiding hatred disguised as "muh church first" or the calling out that hatred with one single insult?
Frankly I think Cathmod gets a special little thrill banning people so he can gloat at the thick-text red message about excommunicating someone at the bottom. It's Papal envy.
>No censorship body at >>>/christianity/
wrong. I remember. Takes me back four years. I've seen all this before. But, frankly, what of it? Poor moderation is why /christ/ exists. Poor moderation is why /christianity/ exists. Heck, poor moderation is even why 8ch and Zig Forums exists.
Let's just summarise it like this: Poor moderation is the bedrock of *chans and the genesis of all new *chans.
I get it now. You're a mod and you're trying to false flag.
I was permabanned for no reason, and apparently the ban is too far back to lift so Tutor outright told me to just evade. I don’t get why they don’t just temp ban
Banned and deleted from this thread
Bold given that it took the post 20 minutes to disappear after it had been "deleted."
Bold given that it took the post 20 minutes to disappear after it had been "deleted."
Wait no, reloads are a thing, blech. Please, forgive the condescension.
if all the protestants feel persecuted, why not leave and make your own board?
They did, multiple times, and each board is essentially dead. Zig Forums is already slow as it is, and each of the communities tends to center around their own discord, at least that's what I'm told regarding non-caths.
oh ok, so they intend to just whine about catholics and papists until the end of time?
Seems like it. Tbh I have no idea what they expect; the mods keep the slander, blasphemy, and general insults in line because God is going to render an account of whatever sin they tolerate under their watch. This board is, on paper, in the spirit of ecumenism, but most of us understand that God does not want the defense of the true and the sacred to be compromised for any reason. An orthodox or a protestant moderation team, if they took their faith seriously, would do the same, at least as their conscience saw fit.
I got banned for stating my beliefs on salvation/damnation.
Like, wtf? I didn't even act hostile at all.
And then I was banned because I compared christianity to white supremacism, and it was just a comparison anyway.
The mods are a bit triggerhappy tbh…
I’m just posting to see if I got banned too! I made a post last night saying that people of always been bitching about the mods for the last two years, but I don’t hang out here very much anymore so I don’t know much about it. I also said that if people didn’t like with the mods were doing that they could easily start their own board on 8ch. 8ch is designed to allow that. My comments were deleted, let’s see if I’m banned!
I guess, “thanks for not banning me? I won’t be back.
Why even care about bans like just lean over and turn your internet off and on or if youre on your phone just turn off data and turn it back on like just do that and it resets your IP. Who even cares if you get banned lmao you can literally just bypass is in a few seconds.
It's so autistic watching mods use the ban as some kind of prison thing like "you said mean things here's two weeks" like lmfao who is gonna not post for two weeks retarded niqqas
That might be true but I'd prefer my food having been not shat in in the first place.
Then you should probably make your own food.
is this why you won't leave us alone? some grudge against the mods? nothing even vaguely Christian about circumventing bans to harass Christians, begone satan.
I'm a billionaire so breaking the laws is just pocket change, I'm not morally obligated to follow the rules in place. I'm above the law!
Damn, son.
No, YOU'RE the mod false-flagging or a cathbro so buried deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep inside your own self-delusion that somehow that OP is not hatred.
You get points for putting so much effort into being so many false-flag IDs in one thread, though. 2/10
You'd prefer your own personal hugbox devoid of different opinions, like any typical SJW or Zig Forumslack, than a place of lively debate, it's frankly sickening
then go make your own board if you don't like the mods.
if nobody likes your board, then you're stuck with this board and its mod team.
ergo, if you don't like the mod team, you just simply leave the board. is this so hard?
Because they don't replace Christ with big hat man
That's good advice, I think we should all take it to heart. How lucky we are, that we should have so wise a BO ;^)
So your answer is to sperg out even harder than the one attacking you? If you guys really are being singled out then provide an example by bearing this internet injustice with joy.
This subject goes in the meta thread no need to make a new thread for it