Thoughts on the Rastafari movement?

Thoughts on the Rastafari movement?

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You get five guesses.

Wait, do they really believe that Emperor Selassie was the second coming of Christ? Didn't the Emperor himself disregard such claims?

A lot of the believe that, yes.

My thoughts? It's pretty silly some of what they believe. Their movement was founded by a bunch of Jamaican preachers in the 1920s and 30s who, having been fed up with racism, read into Bible prophecy under the influence of Ethiopian Christian culture and interpreted it that one day Jesus would come and bring them back to Ethiopia away from the evil h'white man. So when Haile Selassie was crowned emperor of Ethiopia in 1930 a lot of them believed he was the second coming of Jesus either as some kind of reincarnation or remanifestation. I guess one of the good things about their movement is that Rastafaris are generally Trinitarians, it's just that they believe Haile Selassie to be God the Son and many believe Jesus was black and they are very racist against white people, especially white Christians. Funny this is is a lot of them are KJV only. lol I'm not sure why but it's probably just because of how significant the KJV is in the North American Protestant tradition.

I'd expect so too based on their doctrines, but Rastafarians, at least in Jamaica are too high to busy themselves with being racist.


Jah mon!

So it's basically the equivalent of Zig Forums larpaganism but for blacks instead?

they should become eithiopian orthodox like Bob Marley and Haile Selassie himself since they revere eithiopia as some kind of zion.







Indeed. They may be schismatics, but they're not heretics. They're closer to traditional Orthodoxy than Catholics imho.

I knew some wannabe Rastas when I was younger at least. It was silly even then, but moreso when I found Christ.


They're not monophysites, they're miaphysites which is orthodox.

Did those preachers read the Bible and give up halfway through?
< Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.
Acts 1:11

How on earth do you interpret this as "Jesus will be born again as a mortal man and be crowned king of Ethiopia"?

This, and whats with their obsession with pharmakeia (GANJA) ?

The way he dealt with this is part of the reason I have quite a bit of respect for him. He told them he wasn't but it was clear they were going to keep believing it, so he didn't make a big deal out of denying it but used his influence with them to tell them not to leave Jamaica for Africa until they fixed their own issues there (Rasta kind of started in the Back to Africa movements), but he invited a hundred or so Rastas to live on his land in Ethiopia and sent Ethiopian Orthodox priests to Jamaica to convert. Unfortunately I don't believe they made a lot of progress. Apparently they converted Bob Marley not long before he died but I don't know if that's confirmed.

Very unfortunate he was deposed.


Cyril of Alexandria was miaphysite the fifth council affirmed miaphysitism as legitimate.

What is the actual difference between the two? How does mia not violate the Chalcedonian definition but mono does? If Cyril of Alexandria says it's acceptable I'm not going to dismiss that, but the nuance really does escape me.

So gay it's just gay I guess.

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St Cyril of Alexandria spoke of "the one incarnate nature of the Word of God". Early on, what he meant by this was that the divine nature of the Logos really took upon human flesh. He compares the relationship of Jesus's humanity and His divinity to the relationship between our body and our soul.
Later on, he would rather understand this "one nature" as being a nature that is 100% divine and 100% human, paradoxically, without separation or confusion. Because "one person" must have "one nature".
But elsewhere he defends dyophysitism, as long as it is understood in the sense he himself meant "one nature" - Jesus is 100% God and 100% man, without separation or confusion.

The Oriental Orthodox claim to follow the theology of Cyril of Alexandria, yet they refuse to accept the "two natures" expression, even though Cyril defended it. Therefore they fall into a kind of monophysitism that is closer to the heresy of Eutyches than to the doctrine of Cyril (even though they anathematize Eutyches). It's similar to how Filioquists, by going too far into trying to follow Augustine, fall into a kind of semi-Sabelliaism even though they anathematize Sabellius.

Bob Marley had an Ethiopean Orthodox funeral

start @ :41

So genuine, non-heretical miaphysitism is just another way of wording the hypostatic union?

Right. The mystery of Christ is far deeper than anything we can comprehend, it would be foolish to say that "two natures in one person" is the sole way to express the truth. One can speak of "one nature" in an orthodox way, as St Cyril did. And one can say the Holy Spirit proceeds "from the Father and the Son" as well, in an orthodox manner. We disagree where schismatics have taken those expressions to, though, and they have made themselves heretics as well - the Oriental Orthodox by rejecting the Council of Chalcedon, the Catholics by claiming their Council of Florence is ecumenical. I'm sorry for bringing up the Catholics but I think the comparison with the Oriental Orthodox situation is relevant.

Jesus is 100% man and 100% God. Not a man and a God cohabitating in Jesus (this is the heresy of Nestorius), and not a man-God hybrid thing (with the logical conclusion being that the divinity swallows up the humanity and so Jesus is not really human at all - this is the heresy of Eutyches), but 100% a man and 100% the Word of God. This is important because otherwise we cannot be saved: Jesus takes upon our humanity to give us His divinity and reconcile us to God the Father (see 2 Corinthians 8:9) but if His humanity and divinity are too separate, then He does not really reconcile both ends, and if His humanity and divinity are too mingled, then He is neither truly God or truly man (and when we are united to Him, we lose our humanity as well).
St Leo puts this paradox on the level of the person of Jesus: He is one person, with two natures, a divine and a human. St Cyril puts this paradox on the level of the nature of Jesus: He is one person, with one nature, but this nature is fully man and fully God. Both mean to express the same Biblical truth: Jesus becomes a man so that He can give us God. Two sayings the Fathers like are "God became man so that man may become god", and "What is not assumed is not redeemed".

Out of curiosity, I looked into Rita Marley (she converted, along with Bob's whole family). She appears to still be Ethiopian Orthodox (pic is from her Twitter). Don't know about his kids though (Ziggy and Stephen Marley are two of Bob's and Rita's sons).

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I actually read a lot about this religion back before I was Catholic and had a belief in God or higher power but not yet come to Christian understanding, more of a left-wing, liberal spirituality and a bit of weed.

Do understand Rastafariianism you have to understand black people, they were slaves once, stumbled on Christianity and then put themselves in Biblical prophecy, Westerners being the Babylon, which to be honest isn't far from the truth and then to them their African homeland was their Zion, their Promised Land.

tl;dr Rastafari is still a protestant version of Christianity and they need to be saved

So is there any reason why rastas have a weed obsession?

They believe it's the Tree of Life in Genesis and that it's sacred.. and literally think "thou shalt eat the herb of the field" was a command to smoke weed.

But it's easier to just say "because they're retarded".

they believe smoking cannabis is a sacrament, they tend to do it communally, since communalism (not communism) is a big part of their religion, they justify in Genesis

"God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed: to you it shall be for food."

i can't remember which but they think its the tree of knowledge or the tree of life, i should probably remember which one but i am sure you can research it yourself

If anything they fell into the same trap tge pagans of old fell into. They wanted to get to know God so much they will try ANYTHING to get to His consciousness. Unfortunately, demons can see this and take advantage and tell them lies tell them sweet little lies. Like most drug abusers, I pity them.

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Yeah makes sense as a lot of injustice must have come from colonial age. Their supremacist revisionism did lead me to considering all sorts of possibilities when I was younger which was bolstered by the popularity of Rasta culture.
They also appear to have some Caribbean Hindu influence with the ganja and the dreadlocks like the Saddhus.

I hear it has to do with the "calamus" and the burning bush.

Retard-tier pharmakeia cult, that, like all retard cults, also promotes sexual degeneracy. Fortunately now dead, children of rastas are better off as the atheists they grow up to be. When evangelizing, important to tell children of rastas how serious, ancient, authoritative, and non-degenerate real Christianity is.

They believe God is black and that when you die heaven is being reincarnated in Ethiopia.

It's retarded.

Let me add that it is on the same tier as Christian Identity or those black "Hebrew Israelite" people.