How would you try to set someone on the right path, given this bio; 1) Attends church because muh traditions 2) But in reality secular, no belief in God 3) Zig Forumslack 4) Vehement anti-Catholic
Bearing in mind that I can't spend exorbitant effort on this case, what kind of passing comment would rattle someone like this just enough that they might reconsider?
Too far gone. No different than being a homosexual transvestite furry. Shake the dust off and walk away.
Cooper Wilson
False, I used to be a Zig Forumsack but got away from it and haven't looked back. It's hard to do, but with Jesus anything is possible.
Grayson Rogers
Walk away and pray that God will show him the light.
Cooper Adams
Well, I want to slip in the following quip before I do; that "as my dad used to tell me, there's no such thing as serious politics…"
Agreed, but that's God, I'm just doing a little mercy
Nolan Richardson
Zig Forumsacks are like children, they don't understand anything yet want to pretend they're in the know. Just walk away and give it a couple years, either they accept Christ or they flounder in the water.
Wyatt Allen
Go back to Zig Forums Zig Forums are better people than you are
Joseph Jenkins
Both are evil trogs who pray to idols instead of Christ.
Nathaniel Ross
Well, there's lots of foundering in the world these days, I also just saw someone use Mark 16:18 to say Jesus was a charlatan who gets people killed because of poison drinking Pentecostals, meanwhile forgetting to mention that we are not to put God to the test.
This is actually a person in meat space, and I think Zig Forumslacks can make the best Christians, just as St. Paul went from a grievous sinner to a venerated saint ffs.
John Martinez
If able, bring an aggressive fight to the person and beat them at their own logic game. Find an example of someone of a similar nature that ended up a depressed failure.
Polacks are actual people who want degeneracy to end. I know what my choice would be.
Joseph Garcia
Zig Forumsacks worship a f*cking frog. How can you defend paganoids like that?
Adrian Jones
Smells like D&C But whatever. I will continue as a christian Zig Forumsack and leave you in your false beliefs about us.
Levi Taylor
The list is too long, and includes me, and requires empathy to understand it's implications. I appreciate the suggestions, but this is only a minor acquaintance and I don't think that would work, I will try to hack down the idols he has in his mind though when I can.
Evan Gonzalez
How's high school?
Gavin Garcia
It's not D&C, I was a Zig Forumslack too, and really this character is only half Zig Forums and half liberal, kind of a mess of various competing and not very thought out ideas.
Levi Wilson
Ask him why he attends, tell him there surely must be something else other than muh traditions if he keeps coming back Pic rel I guess, you can also make arguments on the basis that if physics were even slightly different nothing would work, i.e. electrons being too heavy, and that Christian civilisation built the entire world and it coincidentally started to fall apart as people stopped following Christ When I was a Zig Forumsack I noticed pretty quickly that literally every single evil organisation or people that were destroying the world hated Christ in one way or another, i.e. the Jews, gommies, Muslims, the satanic elite, the left and the right to some extent, point these things out Can't really give you advice on this one, although alot of problems that people have with Cathokekism are misunderstandings I feel, "Veneration" seems to be a really, really poor use of words to describe honouring the saints along with "Mother of God" being a technicality that many fail to understand Can't get over the "papal infallibility" though, not to mention the kiddie fiddlers, you'd have to figure those ones out on your own
If ever that person presses you first though, stand your ground as boldly as you can. Rather they see you as a fanatic and them as pooholes, but if you're a person of greater merit, at least those who judge you will do it in your favor.
Brody Sanchez
Continue to love him in kindness, live justly and honourably in daily life, and pray that God would soften his heart so he might receive grace. Just build a friendship.
Matthew Baker
Saved, very insightful image I was led to faith by that conclusion as well, in fact, although it is another story, I notice that of all the faiths, Catholics get the most hate for the least offense. Baptists though are a near runner up. I'm not sure this is a good enough argument to convert myself, but it is in my view a good enough argument to support the Roman Church and be understanding about it's dogmas
Jace Adams
Political revolution brings about the mass murder of 10s of millions of people being majority Christian but yet "no serious politics". Just serious consequences, right? All part of God plan. Are you blaming Jesus for Christian inaction? What good things does God say about the seven Churches in revelations? Since when is using the Word of God to excuse your failure to act, and the frailty of your faith acceptable?
Mark 13:14-18 “But when you see the abomination of desolation standing where he ought not to be (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let the one who is on the housetop not go down, nor enter his house, to take anything out, and let the one who is in the field not turn back to take his cloak. And alas for women who are pregnant and for those who are nursing infants in those days! Pray that it may not happen in winter."
There it is. An affirmation of your ability as a son of God, brother of Christ Jesus, a grafted branch on the tree of life. Why say this other than to inform you that the time at which the end comes is delayable by any given amount of time? You just have to fight, remain strong and not grow weak.
You're supposed to surrender to Christ Jesus, not Satan.
I'll restate this question: What good things does God say about the seven Churches in Revelations?
Let's be honest. A majority of you here are LARPing as Christians.
Ryder Barnes
I really have to doubt that. Unless you just count America and it's petty modern media and education. Orthodox have had their entire societies stomped on for decades, if not centuries (Ottoman rule, Bolshevik rule, then ostracization or outright murder in Syria and Iraq lately… although Eastern Catholics share here as well. Not to mention Catholics themselves have gone into their cities and literally raped their nuns, unseated their clerics, taken over their parishes, and generally made a mockery out of whatever Christian camraderie they supposedly had). As for Baptists, I don't even know what they go through. They're just a meme and get made fun of at worst.
Eli Martin
Parker Green
This 1000%
winnie the pooh off back to Zig Forums OP and other leftist shills. We all know you scum have been trying to subvert us since 2015. It hasn't worked then and it won't work now. Marx was a kike, Trotsky a mass murderer worse than Hitler, and Lenin was a NlGGER
We love our former Zig Forumsacks just like Jesus loved the former Pharisee St. Paul. We can never forget our roots.
Jayden Sanchez
I beg your pardon, first off, there are no serious politics because politics is a farce; it is both economic wishful thinking and religious idolatry in practice, even though what it should be in theory is nothing other than a job interview. Yep, I'm sticking to it.
And we can only do that through being understanding, I didn't say I was not going to produce good works on this occasion, I asked how you would broach it, stir up the argument, raise doubt, or to put it any other way find the argumentative means to draw the ire of his worldly habits.
My view is North America/West Europe centric, thus Orthodox are welcomed here just to play them against the Catholics, but I digress.
Aaron Mitchell
You know thats a lie. Literally a majority of bishops in Chile were forced to resign for advanceing the globo-homo's agenda of child and man rape not even mentioning the sick shit American Catholic clergy has done, pic related being one of them. The more you catholics downplay this tragedy, the more you push away people that can see through the lies.
Not at all, my approval extends to lay Catholics and good clergy. Really you insist on demeaning everyone Catholic because of your worldly factionalism, you approve of these crimes silently just because it justifies the grander canard that they are idolaters. Of course, naturally unclean before God, aren't they so turned aside, their path so darkened for their abominations?
Meanwhile, there are plenty of protestant abuses, plenty of protestant sex scandals, even perpetrated by openly gay clergy, but you'll never hear of that report spoken of openly.
Brandon Ramirez
Why would I pardon you? You don't take the threat of politics seriously.
Poltics are very serious. A political ideology determines wether you get murdered for being a Christian or not. What happens when it's against the law to be a Christian?
Gods very first commandment to his own:
“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”
It is through politics that Christians are being fought against and defeated.
Elijah Gomez
Ah, so I know, a good solution would be Christian politics right? Please fight fire with fire elsewhere, I prefer to at least try to fight it with faith, hope and charity. I vote right, but ultimately voting right isn't going to save us, my friend, for whom I started this thread, is also thoroughly right-wing, but it doesn't mean jack for us.
Although radical politics may be serious, they are again just serious consequences of the whole sham from the beginning.
Owen Bailey
They don't even know there is a fight, as far as American conflicts go. A lot of this is chalked up to "conspiracy" even from churches, and they don't know or care to examine who is behind this. It all ultimately starts with big money and donors though. This opens up other networks in the world to corruption (or corrupts the church from within). 501c3 churches are the most vulnerable, and end up becoming beholden to outside powers. But old families outside the churches are funding and actively destroying Christianity as well (i.e. Rockefellers, Rothschild, Soros… and just mentioning these names gets laughed at even from those in the church.. further opening up their own parishes to destruction). Not to mention the CIA.
So yeah, it all exists. But not enough people even know a war is even happening to begin with. They notice the destruction of their churches and schools over time, but don't put two and two together… until it's too late (if that).
Kevin Scott
Ugh, just typing that makes me realize how ridiculous it sounds. But it's real.
That said, I still hold that no one gets actively attack as much as Orthodox. I would say it's even happening now with Ukraine and the whole rebirth of the "Russia scare" from the 1950s, but tacked on in a new context with Trump. This is all CIA.
Mason Davis
I will fight fire with fire on the battlefield. Which fire is righteous and which is not? Can you tell the difference? There is the fires of hell and the fires of the Holy Spirit. Christianity is an uncomfortable life supplemented by the comfort of Christ Jesus and his Chruch.
Do so. But don't abandon those who are on the frontlines by retreating from fighting in the political realm. How comfortable do you think Jesus was, or rather, is on the cross? Crucifixation is not an image of comfort to anyone.
We need a reformation of the political right to adhere solely to Christian values. That cannot be done without direct contact, influence, interaction, and conflict.
The Jew and their influence must be irradicated from the Christian Church. We can no longer stand by as the Bride of Christ is seduced by their lies. Satan and his devils have no place within the walls and borders of Heaven.
We fight unrighteous fire with righteous fire, annon.
Christopher Hughes
Absolutely but politics I fear pushes Christians out of the boundaries of the tabernacle and into the world, and in the world we are cut off and cut down. We need to be salt and light, meanwhile the best thing for politics is to fall flat so we can pave the path for a new king.
Lincoln Perry
I heard that even Poland, where Christ is quite literally king by law now, the Church is adrift, because, as a Polish acquaintance said to me "being an atheist = communism, meanwhile Christianity just means being a good Pole."
I mean it's a start, but Christianity is cheapened immensely by being a part of political rhetoric
Isaiah White
Read some Plato and Aristotle in order to understand the fact that God exists, and then read some Guénon in order to understand what is tradition about. Reading a bit of the Bible and understanding christianity won't hurt too.
Evan Adams
Also, that, I guess, is the state of the "pagans" that Zig Forums is full of.
You're not going to have any "reformation" as long as most American churches are part of 501c3. They're not independent entities, but bought off, and pawns in powerful hands. Especially Evangelicals/Protestants who are tools of the government more than anyone. On one end, the mainline Protestants and their universities are completely compromised and infiltrated by queers and other forms of subversion. On the other end, they use the conservatives as golems for Israel's wars (or any war really). Ra ra ra. Cue Lee Greenwood song.
How do you fight with politics when the churches you're in on like clay, being molded by the political powers?
Kayden Russell
Matthew 13:32 “The kingdom of heaven is like a grain of mustard seed that a man took and sowed in his field. It is the smallest of all seeds, but when it has grown it is larger than all the garden plants and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and make nests in its branches.”
The birds referred to here are not Christians. Christians are the branches. And if there is a branch that is found to not produce fruit it is pruned. Trees grow, they are not built. Have faith in Christ by tending to his tree. Our call is to manage, care for, maintain and preserve his creation according to his will. Bringing the kingdom of God to earth, our countries, our homes so that all may see and experience the love and being of Jesus Christ. Casting out those who threaten its health. The benefits of the kingdom of God are evidence enough for conviction we don't need to force it upon anyone.
Samuel Smith
Idol worship leads to devilhands
Jacob Green
Forgiveness is not a simple thing. Christian or not forgivness is something that requires alot of work and is a diffcult thing to understand and to come to terms with. Christians who do understand may be better edcuacted on it and more familiar with it but that doesn't detract from it's complexity and the struggle that comes with it. Forgiveness demands change, for example. That change depends on the context. When no change can be found, that forgiveness becomes a really difficult thing to do because there is no return. There's no resolution. It can feel like your sacrificing yourself in those cases. Christ absolves us of our sin through our forgivness of others; a very painful and often frustrating act as it requires faith that justice will be served and things made right even if the outcome is not what you desire or expect. Coming to that point of understanding is really difficult and must be pursued furciously. You really have to fight against yourself (you are the only one who has mastered deceiving yourself by lieing to yourself to justify yourself) and the influence of the world around you that encourages revenge and an immediate return. I'm not defending his ignorance, but he's not lying when he says it is a hard question.
You can't plant seeds while your laying on the ground. You can't pave the way when your face is in the dirt. Get up and move.
Ryder Gonzalez
Get up and get to work.
Jack Morris
Nothing wrong with hating the RCC, especially nowadays: both mass media and our own clergy and hierarchy is doing its best to feed that sentiment. T. Gadolig
Dominic Sullivan
Ok, thanks guys, I'll think about it
Henry Ross
Ehhh…. there is much evil and violence in the world why do people turn to that? If there is evil and violence - then there has to be an opposite, right? If there is darkness. There is also light. Right? There is no in between. That is the first point.
Second. Other people's accounts and experiences. Why are so many people describing the same exact experiences when it comes to either dying, going to Hell, then coming back to life. Or, dying, going to Heaven, then coming back? Hell - "I seen dark underground tunnels and passages". "There were weird monsters that emitted such an intense negativity". "It was completely dark… I couldn't see anything, not even my hands in front of me"……………. Heaven - "I seen family members who passed away long ago". "I seen a precious garden". "There were colors that were absolutely indescribable". "I felt a presence of complete and absolute love".
It is always the same thing. Thousands of people who do not know each other or have experienced one another. Yet they share the same experience as each other and were able to come back to life to tell about it. God gives nonbelievers a chance.
He mostly gives them an experience to Hell first just so the person can SEE for HIMSELF what happens to souls like him or her. Surprise surprise, the person comes back and ends up going to a church to be saved and baptized and giving their testimony about what they experienced so they can try to reach the masses of other nonbelievers.
God will make Himself known to you. He will orchestrate a crisis or accident in your life just to try and reach you before it is too late. It is better to come to Him in humility and ask Him to prove Himself to you…. rather than be foolish and get it the hard way.
This is a good bible verse for unbelievers. Simply ask God to prove Himself to you in any weird ass, non-sexual, non-idiotic, non-demonic, non-full-retard way…. and He will.
Judges 6: 36-40
Jonathan Gonzalez
> Other than that get him to understand how cringe and wrong whignats are and get him watching something like America First with Nicholas J Fuentes. These will be your best hope and if that doesn't do it you may just have to pray.
Noah Cooper
The first mistake the US made was letting Catholics in. How many generations must we suffer for this sin. Once a great Christian nation, and now is just as rotten as Rome itself!
Catholicism and the Bible aren't mutually compatible
Juan Wood
problem is that martin luther's reformation literally just made way for the ultimate judaizing of christianity. take the ortho pill bro
Cameron Williams
you mean a secular masonic nation? are you implying that it was catholicism that let the us in it's rotten state and not secularism and liberalism? get a clue
Justin Taylor
A Catholic, Charles Carroll, is one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Who do you think the original colonialists were? Catholics have ALWAYS been in the US. Learn some history.
Jackson Stewart
How so? Give examples if you want to persuade people.
Joseph Peterson
I'm not even American. The people I replied to triggered me and I couldn't help myself. In all seriousness regarding what op asked I would say that Zig Forums is not one person and it depends how anti Catholic this guy is. Going to church out of respect for its tradition is certainly much better than not going at all. My tip for op is that to minimize such disagreements he needs to minimize speculation and give us better info or he is effectively baiting us into a conflict.
The only reason Eastern Orthodoxy is not as corrupted as Western institutions is because the demon of atheistic communism is gone and nothing has replaced it yet. I believe each schism in the church has been cultural: Greek vs Latin vs Germanic. As such each Church worships God and organizes itself as it instinctively knows how to. I will respect and love your church, but I can never be one of you for I was born Lutheran and will stay Lutheran till death.
i was raised protestant myself and there are just too many flaws with its theology. the whole sola scriptura thing is just…. lol
Elijah Martin
I would give better info, but this is online and I'm a bit paranoid, so I do think I'll just ask the mods to take this down so it doesn't become a thing we have to return to.
Cooper Russell
Well, people get hung up on what Luther actually meant. He didn't say that everything in the Bible is true as there are issues with Luke and Jude. He believed that certain modern Catholic doctrines didn't follow the teachings of the Bible and of the early father's and their justification of the changes being, "I'm the Pope! I'm infallible!" Was unacceptable. So he called for church doctrine to be supported biblically; and in practice used the argument of tradition of the early fathers (perhaps just the ones he liked, he also liked counsels). This, the indulgences, and changes to church services to make them more engaging is pretty much all he wanted. Hanging the 95 thesis was an invitation for discussion with local monks and priests, but instead he was made into an arch heretic by authorities that brought his concern to the highest level which only established him as the celebrity leader of the Reformation and sparked the controversy. Then they talked about killing him but never did.
For me being a Lutheran allows you to be free to take whatever you like about the history of the Catholic Church and adopt it, then call the rest garbage and be free from dealing with some holier than thow Italians from Rome that tax the shit out of you and lament about how important their dogma is. People don't like being told what to do by foreigners essentially.
I personally love the banter until I feel bad about taking it to far. I understand your reasoning though and for advice: just trust in the Lord and be thankful! Amen.