I've committed bestiality, homosexuality, financial fraud, hit my grandmother and my father, stolen, lied, slept with prostitues, witnessed a friend rape a girl and did nothing, dabbled in the occult, worn women's clothing, betrayed friend's trust, used drugs, and who knows what else. How am I supposed to confess this? How will my priest ever be able to look at me again?
I'm afraid to confess to my priest
Normally since he isn't supposed to see how you look like during the confession. DEPENDING ON WHERE YOU LIVE, APPARENTLY, but you'll be able to figure it out when you go to confession. If they don't make it private in there, you should receive the sacrament anyways, though.
Then repent to God directly or a priest from a church (building) that you don't plan to attend.
Even if confession to a catholic fellow fag priest did anything, why bother? You're a reprobate.
inb4 mods censor this basic application on reprobate doctrine
Go to a church that uses the screen of anonymity like it's supposed to.
I'm not Catholic guys, should have clarified that. I'm catechizing at an Orthodox Church. There is no screen of anonymity.
Get lost baptist heretic.
Jesus Christ man.
Go to a church were the confesional booths have some kind of anonymity window and let it be a parish that you don't plan to attend.
Don't worry the priest won't kill you nor he call tell anything to the cops. If he is a city priest with more than 50 years of experience I'm sure someone beat you already.
The priest can't tell shit to nobody or even hint it. Even if it was the confession of a child.
Be strong brother. Christ gives you a second chance if you ask him. Go grab it.
Like St. John Chrysostom said: "be ashamed when you sin, not when you ask for forgiveness".
Go to a monastery, brother.
Then become Catholic then or confess to the orthodox priest since its still valid, but you need extra balls for that.
I mean, as near as I can tell, if a person can even conceive of the possibility of repentance and contrition before God, if a person can even consider the possibility of seeking God and living a Godly life, they are by definition not a reprobate. A reprobate will never repent, will never desire to repent, does not want God and will never want God.
Btw don't convert to Catholicism just because you are afraid of confronting a priest.
Go out of town and confess there. The important part of confession is that you confess your sins fully and completely, and if you're uncomfortable doing that in front of your own priest then it's better to go to another.
If that's an acceptable thing to do in Orthodoxy I'll definitely do it.
Why did God give them over to a reprobate mind?
to do those things which are not convenient
What are those things which are not convenient?
homosexual intercourse (men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet)
Next question is for you:
Can you do those things which are not convenient if you are not a reprobate?
that seems like a pretty crucial point tho. I do want to retain God.
then why did you commit homosexuality?
Didn't you ever sin?
Everyone sins some more than others. What's important is that they repent.
I don't get the Baptists. What is they're church? A club of the elect? A club of the superior human beings? The Church is an hospital for the souls. Sometimes terminal cases show up and still we need to save the souls of those patients.
I had been raised on a false conception of God, and rebelled against it. It took me a long time to find the true God, the Christian one. I don't offer that as an excuse though. I was almost diabolically prideful (still am to a large extent). Even if I am a "reprobate", I still ought to do what's right now that I know better, even if I'm still damned. Surely you wouldn't disagree with that?
I have sinned, but I'm not a reprobate.
Yes the church is a club of the elect, sharing the gospel to make more of the elect. You are superior as a result of your being saved. You cannot become a member of a Biblical church without indication of faith by baptism.
As far as I can tell, one of the following possibilities needs to be true for you to become saved
-repbrobate isn't a permanent status
-you're not a reprobate because your act didn't qualify as one of "those things which are not convenient"
-you're not a reprobate because this passage isn't prescriptive of all homosexuals
obviously, a man raped in prison by nigggers is an unwilling participant and is not a reprobate
additionally there is a clear progression of romantic contact (hug, kiss, etc)
personally I can't say that romantic kissing between men sounds like Romans 1:27
Yeah, but my question is: even if I am a reprobate, shouldn't I do the right thing anyway, repent, accept Christ, and live a Christian life, even if I will be damned?
Who needs a doctor? The healthy one or the sick?
And besides there are no sins that deny your salvation if you repent. It's completely anti biblical and anti Christian the baptist view of the "reprobate"
But thanks for proving my point that those cults are just expressions of people's pride. The Jehovah witness also believe that they are saved.
"You are superior" compared to your former self
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Know you not that the unjust shall not possess the kingdom of God? Do not err: Neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers: Nor the effeminate nor liers with mankind nor thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor railers nor extortioners shall possess the kingdom of God.
1 Corinthians 6:11
And such some of you were. But you are washed: but you are sanctified: but you are justified: in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of our God.
Even Saint Paul says that the liers with making also know as faggots, will not go to heaven. But he says that some of them used to be faggots but can still be saved by Christ.
Then why can't faggots who repent be saved?
if we're operating on the same definition of a reprobate, it would be impossible for you to accept Christ. I'm tempted to say based on your testimony this evening that you are not a reprobate. Did your actions match romans 1:27?
it isn't a baptist distinctive
why is everyone giving such horrible advice?
first of all, at baptism you are cleansed of past sins. period. since you are still catechizing this is good. but even so,,,
if you are to have your priest be your spiritual father, which is what you're supposed to do, eventually you will have to give a lifetime confession as he needs to know what he's working with. once you become more acquainted with the church you should worry about this. right now, just know that all that is needful is that you are ashamed of this stuff and seek forgiveness.
Lutherans and Anglican derivates don't believe in that.
Calvinists maybe?
Cool pharisaism, bro.
Of course they can.
It's like this isn't even a Christian forum. Feels more like Autistic Pharisees Club.
Yeah, let's the stoke the fires of rivalry between the different branches of Christendom. Let's act like violent sports fans about the whole thing.
That's what I was arguing.
Some protestants apparently believe than once a faggot who can never go to heaven, repentance will not save you which is completely against the bible
I think we're talking low-church Evangelicals from the American South here, like that pastor Anderson guy.
They're imbeciles. They derive their indentity and morality from action movies and Fox News.
maybe it's like this
if you are reprobate you will never be saved, but not everyone who committed homosexual acts is a reprobate
There's an obvious cultural sway in the West today to romanticize homosexuality, and I would imagine many boys get caught in the culture of it without really being those who were "burning with lust one toward another"
great strawman building my guy
But isn't pastor Anderson a baptist?
What's your definition of reprobate then?
A true reprobate is someone who is a faggot, fornicator, [insert random mortal sin], that dies without repenting. Those are the reprobate since their faith is sealed and they go on a eternal vacation to hell.
you can not simultaneously have salvation and be a reprobate
You can die and go to hell without being a reprobate in my understanding
My criterion for judging whether one is is based on the description in Romans 1
Haha yeah man for sure. It has totally been the position among all branches of Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism in the last centuries and millenia that "Once a faggot, forever hellbound."
Honestly I can't conceive of this kind of idiocy originating anywhere else but in America.
I'd be happy to read church fathers on your side of the reprobate doctrine
There is no sin that turns you into a reprobate. The reprobates are the ones who denied God and/or didn't repent before death.
What I mean is that God is always open for forgiveness otherwise Paul wouldn't forgive those corinthians he mentions in 1 cor 6 9-11.
If you or I die in our sin then we are reprobates like the devil and those who follow his footsteps.
Yes Jesus will judge everyone that's the test.
Everyone who is in hell is a reprobate in God's eyes per definition.
He who sins is a reprobate. Committing homosexual acts is a sin - but there are many other sins, and they all condemn one to hell.
Focusing on homosexuality as if it were the "reprobate" sin par excellence is a strange mixture of pharisaism and tacky machismo.
Right it goes the other way
In order to do certain sins, you must be given over to a reprobate mind
I had to wear some 12yo girl's panties in the morning after I got so drunk that I went to the toilet without dropping my pants so the shit fell out on the hallways and I also pissed through my pants.
We've all been there user.
You could go on a pilgrimage and confess your sins to some hieromonk.
Who knew that sometimes people do stupid shit and then regret their actions?
Hell even Adam and Eve regret the shit they did and God to forgive us from that sin came in flesh to save us. And their sin was worse then faggotry, it completely changed the human nature.
And God didn't created them with a reprobate mind. God only created good things. What men does wrong is entirely up to him, since he is free to do wtv he wants.
The inordinate focus on the word "reprobate" and on Paul's association of it with homosexuality does come across to me as an "orthodox" justification for not extending to homosexuals the Christian love we are enjoined to extend to all.
Reminds me of Calvinists saying we should not love Arminians because there's this Psalm where God says he hates sinners. Which according to them makes it okay for us to hate sinners.
Redneck exegesis, basically.
A-user why were you drunk in a 12 yo girl's house?
Your name isn't Muhammad right?
Basically, you're not addressing the argument or the relevant scripture.
Romans 1 is the topic of our exegesis. If you accuse me of committing eisegesis the onus is on you to provide the correct reading
All I'm saying is that if one repents for his homosexual acts, God will forgive him. Do you deny this?
I don't know what you mean by that. I said in OP I commited a homosexual act.
Are you challenging the statement "In order to do certain sins, you must be given over to a reprobate mind"?
I think his point is that putting Homosexuality as literally worse than the Fall of Man is a bit of an Overkill.
Regarding this, I'm pretty sure most priests have heard a lot of messed up confessions. If you confess this stuff to a priest, he will probably not be shocked. And it is their job to hear confessions. The church is a hospital for sinners.
I was raised Evangelical. There was this one retreat when I was a teen where at one point we were supposed to pray and, if willing, confess our sins to one another. I was embarrassed about my sins (stuff like jacking off to hentai). I was talking about this with a pastor. He told me he had done way worse stuff than that. He was raised in a farm. He had sexually penetrated some animals as a teen.
My sins were light in comparison. This brother in Christ had the generosity of telling me about the gross sins of his youth to make me feel better. We're all wretched sinners and God is eager to forgive us all.
I'm in agreement, I'm only trying to square what I read in Romans 1
The idea that God allowing a person to fall into sin is somehow him giving up on them is absurd. By that logic, the jews who were made blind and drifted into heresy would be unsaveable either. I genuinely have no idea how people were able to extrapolate reprobation doctrine from Romans 1, and I'm particularly confused as to why it seems confined to the subjects of Romans 1.
< #trollsWhoveNeverHeardOfRepentance
I'm a fellow Ortho catechumen and I have a lot to confess too. I've committed homosexual acts with anons before over skype, and done indecent things with girls. And I tried to summon a succubus a few times. And I've ignored people on the street who were literally crying and in need. But remember the lives of saints who were once great sinners. St. Mary of Egypt had sex with countless men, lived as a prostitute but didn't charge them because she enjoyed the sin, and would go out of her way to corrupt holy men. St. Augustine believed in heresy and paganism, and had an illegitimate child. St. Paul actually persecuted and murdered Christians. St. Peter denied Christ 3 times in a night. St. Moses the black was a bandit and stole, raped, drank, fornicated, murdered, and committed every other carnal sin. St. Silouan lived a life of partying as a young man and almost killed someone. Even the greatest saints of our Church were once sinners, so there's no need to be afraid of confession
and see
They both give good advice. Your priest is supposed to be your spiritual Father, it's good for him to know you background. And unless your priest is a new priest I'm sure he's heard all sorts of awful things. It's good to view yourself as chief among sinners, but you're not the only sinner.
God can always forgive you; He and the priest have probably heard worse in their time. You’ll be alright :)
You can confess at a different church you never attend to. Either way, I think the real issue will be having the priest overlook some of your sins and not call the police over it.
If orthodoxs have the same rules as catholics not even under torture the priest can reveal the confession of a 5yo kid.
Just do it. You likely confess in church before the Lord and the priest sits to your side. I've done it. Make a list. Remember, the awful thing is what you did, not the confessing of it. Come out clean.
Yeah, i know that. It's just a possibility, I have heard stories about some priests gossiping about certain confessions they have received, which seeing as how priests aren't exactly immune to sins, I would say it remains a possibility.
There's also the possibility that I might report this thread to the FBI. I mean, I'm not bound by confession …
If you can post it here without fear, then you can confess it without fear.
Yeah, there's really no excuse to it, better to confess openly about your sins than suffering eternal damnation because of it.
If y'all are getting baptized, you shouldn't need to confess those sins because the mystery of baptism washes away all guilt of sin. Any sins you commit post-baptism will need to be repented for and confessed.
NK you winnie the pooh boong
In the Catholic Church at least one can count with his finders the number of times that happened since the very beginning.
Confess to Christ, not to a priest.
Oh yeah, forgot the context.
It was at a camp of my (former) youth group.
I was in a safe environment surrounded by pretty responsible people and I was never big on alcohol so this was ideal to see how it feels to be drunk.
First and last time I ever got drunk, but a nice experience in a sense that I can now safely say it's for degenerates.
This was also before I converted by the way.
I know the normal way to do it is private but the fact is real Catholics have become a small minority even within the clergy.
Most confession booths are gone, the ones that are still there aren't even in use anymore let alone regular confession hours where you could just slip in in private.
Wut. You just made that up
Orthotards suddenly realise the benefits of anonymous, frequent confession: the thread
Are you kidding me
You've misunderstood gravely and your little idea could easily put more souls in hell than it has saved. That is, unless you want to tell me that new confession standards, that were adopted entirely because of lack of care and with no orders form a council or papal bull, are being done at a benefit, and that 1500+ years of fully Christian people are in the wrong.
No, i'm not. Which would get you to second guess committing a sin more:
Huddling away with a priest to confess your sins, or confessing to Jesus and the congregation?
I can assure you, all the Christanons on the board struggling with fapping would stop immediately if they knew they had to confess their sins to the grandmas and the qt3.14s in the congregation as well as Jesus.
all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
Yet God instituted it to be private.
Yet, early church fathers instituted public confession in accordance with Acts 19.
Citation needed on first argument and people can agree to voluntarily make their confession public.
Actually I just realized
Children also go to mass mate.
Even more of a reason to bring back public confession.
Are you STILL so focused on "the shame people will have", that you can't see the secondary problems that will arise, and those that might arise, if you banned private confession?
Did I say "ban private confession"? No, I didn't. I said bring back public confession.
Repent loud and clear
Proverbs 28:13 - He that covereth his sins shall not prosper: but whoso confesseth and forsaketh [them] shall have mercy.
Besides your argument falls apart then because if private confession is still allowed, then Christanons would just move to private confession and nothing you said would happen.
In which case,
I did all of that except hit gramma, because that would be the most winnie the poohed-up thing to my grammas, they were sweet and I loved them.
I'm appalled. More so than I was at OPs post.
< I'm more scared of a priest knowing I've done all these sins than I am of God knowing I've done all these sins
srsly, m8?
I thought he wasn't supposed to know who you were to begin with?
Wasn't that thew whole point of anonymous booths?
What church is that?
My priest had me confess face to face, with the rest of the congregation maybe 10 feet behind me.
Ortho priests don't give a hoot.
That pic should be our banner, tbqh
What the hell? Reported.
confess with confidence. you will be forgiven. you speak of your struggles with pride, and how you are scared to confess to your own priest, but I cannot think of any better means of destroying your pride than confessing. if your priest judges you rather than helps you to heal, then he will face judgement for that. dont be afraid.
Just tell him you're a liberal, he'll figure out all the shit you've done without needing to say it.
Uh… Are you baptized?
I had sex with my brother. I've masturbated to CP. I've advocated for legal CP. I've smoked spice. I took advantage of my half-brother who let me live with him when I was homeless by drinking his alcohol without asking first. I've called the police on my family to get them arrested. I've beaten my brother and father. I've let my dog mount me sexually. I've taken female hormones. I've vandalized myspace pages.
I've also committed petty theft, crossdressed, written my own Pagan religious texts, practiced magic, lied so I could masturbate or write Pagan religious texts or practice magic or crossdress, etc.
I have a more detailed version, but it has identifying details. I'm kind of nervous they'll throw me out and call the police. The CP makes me feel especially bad because I never saved it, and only did it once, and only to be a troll. The fact that I advocated for legal CP makes me seem like pedo-filth, but I only advocated it to be a troll.
I've also never been baptised, so I don't know if I even need to confess. But I just did anyway, so it's not like I'm hiding from the LORD. May God give me mercy.
Dios mio!
Lord have Mercy.
Well, you are a brave person for confessing this to us here. God truly wants holiness out of you. It seems you like the Orthodoxy. I got some good news for you. If you go to your nearest parish and tell the preist that you want to begome. He will make you a catechumen. Stick with it, absorb the church life and before you know it he will give you an actual confession before you get baptised, thus washing away all your abhorrent sins.
I hope you are sincere in your conversion and I will pray for you.
I seem to have misrepresented myself - I just like Orthodox iconography because of a similarity to my own visions.
I'm trying to become Catholic.
I've discussed certain issues already with priests, so I've already confessed to everything significant except the CP. They even said they'll baptise me.
I talked with them over email, but I used my real name and told them where I live.
Thank you. I'm getting an odd sense of deja vu.
Praise Jesus!
Im confused, did you confess over email or in person?
I know it'll be tough mustering up the courage to confess that, but you gotta power through it. It's the only way to be washed of all your sins. I believe in you, friend. You can do it.