I had a Jew tell me a guy named Rebbe Menachem Mendel Schneerson was the Messiah. I told him Jesus is actually the Messiah but then he said Jesus is dead and not the Messiah because he fulfilled none of the prophecies about the Messiah. So I looked up this so called Rebbe and found that he is dead. So I got back to the Jewish guy but he told me this Rebbe isn't actually dead but in hiding until his second coming… He also told me he worships this Rebbe because he says he is a manifestation of God's hidden essence. So how do I respond to him? Why do Jews believe he is the Messiah and not Jesus?
Who is the Messiah?
Rebbe isn't the Messiah.
You were talking to a Lubavitcher. They're some really weird cult of Judaism and Jews take them about as seriously as we take Mormons. Any Jewish person who says the Messiah has come isn't Jewish, who believe in the "Messiah yet to come".
The Messiah is whoever among Jews gets credit for the final victory over the rest of mankind. It may very well become embodied by the whole state of Israel.
That's where the problems start.
It is ridiculous and by their logic 'Jews for Jesus' should be okay but Jesus is apparently the one Jew you can't believe is the messiah and still be considered a Jew. There are even Buddhist Jews, no one says they are not Jews, but call on the name Jesus and you're out of the club. I read some stuff by a kabbalist Jew once about how they consider Jesus to have had an 'Edomite' (European) soul even if he was ethnically Jewish. The thing about the rabbi never dying reminds me of Rastafarians. Some of them believe Haile Selassie never died and is the messiah. Madness.. But hey, at least he is openly discussing his beliefs with you which is better than them just pretending we all believe pretty much the same things.
But Lubavitchers are still considered Jews even if they see them as the wacky uncle or whatever. Big double standard between how they regard followers of this rebbe and followers of Jesus.
The same way you respond to an unrepentant person who continually blasphemes the Holy Spirit. God has given them over to their lusts and they will pay for it in eternity. Pray for them.
Not to mention you can be a raging homo in the fag capital of the world: Tel Aviv.. and get more love from Jews than someone believing in Jesus. And if you try to immigrate as a Jewish Christian, you're barred (although some have become Christian while they already lived there).
Their specialty; besides, Christians are of the Nations, and as a result they don't think Messianic prophecies include us, except as their worker drones. In short they are a miserable people, filled with horrific sin and prelest.
Maybe it's because European Christians persecuted Jews for centuries that they have such disdain for Jesus and Christianity? Yeah it's still a double standard but seriously, there is a logic behind this, it isn't some "MUH JEWISH CONSPIRACY" nonsense. Go back to Zig Forums if you believe that crap.
go back to >>leftypol
But if you believe the Bible, it predates any persecution. The Pharisees, who modern Judaism is an outgrowth of, persecuted the early Christians not to mention had Pilate put Christ himself to death.
Equating all Jews to Lubavitchers is like equating all Christians to snake-handling tongue speakers. Saying "this is what all Jews believe" because of what one Chabad says is ignorant. Ignorance doesn't help your cause.
I didn't do that. I just said they're still considered Jews even though they think the messiah already came.
don't take counsel from jews
I didn't mean you specifically, but OP clearly believes that one Chabad's opinion speaks for all Jewish people. And, yes, they're still considered Jewish because of maternal lineage. Even in Orthodox Jewish circles, one doesn't cease being Jewish for changing religions - including Christianity. If your mother is Jewish, then you are Jewish according to Jewish law. No exceptions.
Though I should point out that "Jews for Jesus" is a Baptist organization and not Jewish.
I've never heard a Jew refer to a Christian with a Jewish mother as a Jew. But okay. Jew can be both an ethnic and a religious category. But if I understand correctly, Lubavitchers are still considered to be practicing the Jewish religion, even if incorrectly. But if someone believes Jesus was the messiah they are never considered religious Jews - even if they believe in keeping Torah, etc., as some sects do. Seems inconsistent.
Solid evidence there, friend. I've never heard a Jew refer to Chabads as Jews, so I guess we even out.
I'm Asian. I don't care about whatever happened 1000 years ago in Europe. Considering how disastrous Europe is now that people are lax and welcome Jewish influence and power in their society, I can't blame the medieval era anyways. It seems they were on to something. Now the world is run by usury and gay Hollywood, both of which is completely dominated by Jews.
Besides, Christianity is from Israel and a branch of Judaism itself (real Judaism, when it had a temple. Not this pathetic excuse for Judaism in synagogues that rabbis try to convince people is authentic). So it isn't even European to begin with.
Look at literally almost any source online that mentions them and they will be referred to as a sect or branch of Judaism. Even if the source is non-Chabad Jews.